#!/bin/bash # Create directory for APM use cd /data mkdir -p APM chown system:system APM # Make sure the run scripts are executable cd /usr/bin chmod a+x voxl-ardupilot # Check to see if a DSP test signature exists if /bin/ls /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/testsig-*.so &> /dev/null; then /bin/echo "Found DSP signature file" else /bin/echo "Could not find DSP signature file" # Look for the DSP signature generation script if [ -f /share/modalai/qrb5165-slpi-test-sig/generate-test-sig.sh ]; then /bin/echo "Attempting to generate the DSP signature file" # Automatically generate the test signature so that px4 can run on SLPI DSP /share/modalai/qrb5165-slpi-test-sig/generate-test-sig.sh else /bin/echo "Could not find the DSP signature file generation script" fi fi # Always flush all changes to disk /bin/sync cd - # try to reload services, but don't fail if it can't set +e if [ -f /bin/systemctl ]; then systemctl daemon-reload fi # exit 0 even if systemctl failed exit 0