Stabilization: Angular Rate Control: How much throttle is applied to rotate the copter at the desired speed. Adjust P by motor size Small: P = 0.145 Med: P = 0.110 Large: P = 0.090 P RATE_RLL_P RATE_PIT_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I RATE_RLL_I RATE_PIT_I 0 5 0.0001 D RATE_RLL_D RATE_PIT_D 0 5 0.0001 IMAX RATE_RLL_IMAX RATE_PIT_IMAX 0 40 0.1 Dampening: Resistance to angular acceleration A dynamic gain is applied so that the dampening only occurs at 100% when the control sticks are centered. When the sticks are fully deflected: 1.0 = 0% 0.5 = 50% 0.0 = 100% Dampen STAB_D 0 5 0.0001 Dynamic STAB_D_S 0 1 0.0001 Stabilize Control: How fast the copter reacts to user or autopilot input. Higher = more aggressive control. Too high = slow wobbles P STB_RLL_P STB_PIT_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I STB_RLL_I STB_PIT_I 0 5 0.0001 IMAX STB_RLL_IMAX STB_PIT_IMAX 0 50 0.0001 Yaw Angular Rate Control: How much throttle is applied to rotate the copter at the desired speed. P RATE_YAW_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I RATE_YAW_I 0 5 0.0001 D RATE_YAW_D 0 5 0.0001 IMAX RATE_YAW_IMAX 0 50 1 Yaw Stabilize Control: How fast the copter reacts to user or autopilot input. Higher = more aggressive control. Too high = slow wobbles P STB_YAW_P 0.001 10 0.0001 I STB_YAW_I 0 5 0.0001 IMAX STB_YAW_IMAX 0 50 1 Loiter: Angular Rate Control: How much angle is applied to make the copter accelerate to the desired speed. P LOITER_LAT_P LOITER_LON_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I LOITER_LAT_I LOITER_LON_I 0 5 0.0001 D LOITER_LAT_D LOITER_LON_D 0 5 0.0001 IMAX LOITER_LAT_IMAX LOITER_LON_IMAX 0 50 1 Loiter Speed: How fast the copter should move towards the target. A larger value means a faster return to center, but can cause the copter to oscillate around the target. A distance error of 100cm * P of .25 = 25 cm/s P HLD_LAT_P HLD_LON_P 0.001 5 0.0001 WP Navigation: Nav Rate Control: How much angle is applied to make the copter accelerate to the desired speed. P NAV_LAT_P NAV_LON_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I NAV_LAT_I NAV_LON_I 0 5 0.0001 D NAV_LAT_D NAV_LON_D 0 5 0.0001 IMAX NAV_LAT_IMAX NAV_LON_IMAX 0 50 0.1 WP Speed: How fast the copter should move towards the target. A larger value means a faster return to center, but can cause the copter to oscillate around the target. in m/s Speed WP_SPEED_MAX 1 30 1 Altitude Hold: Altitude Error: How fast the copter should go to reach the correct altitude. P THR_ALT_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I THR_ALT_I 0 5 0.0001 IMAX THR_ALT_IMAX 0 50 0.1 Thrust Rate: How much thrust to give us the desired rate. This will change depending on the weight and thrust of your copter. P THR_RATE_P 0.001 5 0.0001 I THR_RATE_I 0 5 0.0001 D THR_RATE_D 0 5 0.0001 IMAX THR_RATE_IMAX 0 50 0.1