# ArduPilot ROS 2 packages This directory contains ROS 2 packages and configuration files for running ROS 2 processes and nodes that communicate with the ArduPilot DDS client library using the microROS agent. It contains the following packages: #### `ardupilot_sitl` A `colcon` package for building and running ArduPilot SITL using the ROS 2 CLI. For example `ardurover` SITL may be launched with: ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl.launch.py command:=ardurover model:=rover ``` #### `ardupilot_dds_test` A `colcon` package for testing communication between `micro_ros_agent` and the ArduPilot `AP_DDS` client library. ## Prerequisites The packages depend on: - [ROS 2 Humble](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html) ## Install Ubuntu #### 1. Create a workspace folder ```bash mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src && cd ~/ros_ws/src ``` The ROS 2 tutorials contain more details regarding [ROS 2 workspaces](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Workspace/Creating-A-Workspace.html). #### 2. Get the `ros2.repos` file ```bash cd ~/ros2_ws/src wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srmainwaring/ardupilot/pr/pr-dds-launch-tests/Tools/ros2/ros2.repos vcs import --recursive < ros2.repos ``` #### 3. Update dependencies ```bash cd ~/ros_ws source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash sudo apt update rosdep update rosdep install --rosdistro humble --from-paths src ``` #### 4. Build ```bash cd ~/ros_ws colcon build --packages-select micro_ros_agent colcon build --packages-select ardupilot_sitl colcon build --packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests ``` #### 5. Test ```bash source ./install/setup.bash colcon test --pytest-args -s -v --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests colcon test-result --all --verbose ``` ## Install macOS The install procedure on macOS is similar, except that all dependencies must be built from source and additional compiler flags are needed. #### 1. Create a workspace folder ```bash mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src && cd ~/ros_ws/src ``` #### 2. Get the `ros2.repos` file The `ros2_macos.repos` includes additional dependencies to build: ```bash cd ~/ros2_ws/src wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/srmainwaring/ardupilot/pr/pr-dds-launch-tests/Tools/ros2/ros2_macos.repos vcs import --recursive < ros2_macos.repos ``` #### 3. Update dependencies ```bash cd ~/ros_ws source //install/setup.zsh ``` #### 4.1. Build microxrcedds_gen: ```bash cd ~/ros2_ws/src/microxrcedds_gen ./gradlew assemble export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/scripts ``` #### 4.2. Build colcon projects ```bash colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args \ -DBUILD_TESTING=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=FALSE \ -DUAGENT_SOCKETCAN_PROFILE=OFF \ -DUAGENT_LOGGER_PROFILE=OFF \ -DUAGENT_USE_SYSTEM_LOGGER=OFF \ -DUAGENT_USE_SYSTEM_FASTDDS=ON \ -DUAGENT_USE_SYSTEM_FASTCDR=ON \ --event-handlers=desktop_notification- \ --packages-select \ micro_ros_msgs \ micro_ros_agent \ ardupilot_sitl \ ardupilot_dds_tests ``` #### 5. Test ```bash colcon test \ --pytest-args -s -v \ --event-handlers console_cohesion+ desktop_notification- \ --packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests ``` ## Install Docker #### 0. Build the image and run the container Clone the ArduPilot docker project: ```bash git clone https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot_dev_docker.git ``` Build the container: ```bash cd ~/ardupilot_dev_docker/docker docker build -t ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-ros -f Dockerfile_dev-ros . ``` Start the container in interactive mode: ```bash docker run -it --name ardupilot-dds ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-ros ``` Connect another bash process to the running container: ```bash docker container exec -it ardupilot-dds /bin/bash ``` The remaining steps 1 - 5 are the same as for Ubuntu. You may need to install MAVProxy if it is not available on the container. ```bash pip install -U MAVProxy ``` ## Test details The launch file replicates the following commands: ```bash socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0,link=./dev/ttyROS0 pty,raw,echo=0,link=./dev/ttyROS1 ``` ```bash ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --baudrate 115200 --dev ./dev/ttyROS0 --refs $(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/dds_xrce_profile.xml ``` ```bash arducopter --synthetic-clock --wipe --model quad --speedup 1 --slave 0 --instance 0 --uartC uart:./dev/ttyROS1 --defaults $(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds.parm --sim-address ``` ```bash mavproxy.py --out --out --master tcp: --sitl ``` Using individual launch files ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl virtual_ports.launch.py tty0:=./dev/ttyROS0 tty1:=./dev/ttyROS1 ``` ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl micro_ros_agent.launch.py refs:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/dds_xrce_profile.xml baudrate:=115200 device:=./dev/ttyROS0 ``` ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl.launch.py synthetic_clock:=True wipe:=True model:=quad speedup:=1 slave:=0 instance:=0 uartC:=uart:./dev/ttyROS1 defaults:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds.parm sim_address:= ``` ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl mavproxy.launch.py master:=tcp: sitl:= ``` Using combined launch file ```bash ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl_dds.launch.py \ \ tty0:=./dev/ttyROS0 \ tty1:=./dev/ttyROS1 \ \ refs:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/dds_xrce_profile.xml \ baudrate:=115200 \ device:=./dev/ttyROS0 \ \ synthetic_clock:=True \ wipe:=True \ model:=quad \ speedup:=1 \ slave:=0 \ instance:=0 \ uartC:=uart:./dev/ttyROS1 \ defaults:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds.parm \ sim_address:= \ \ master:=tcp: \ sitl:= ``` ## References ### Configuring linters and formatters for ROS 2 projects - [ROS 2 Code style and language versions](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/The-ROS2-Project/Contributing/Code-Style-Language-Versions.html). - [Configuring Flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html). - [ament_lint_auto](https://github.com/ament/ament_lint/blob/humble/ament_lint_auto/doc/index.rst). - [How to configure ament python linters in CMakeLists?](https://answers.ros.org/question/351012/how-to-configure-ament-python-linters-in-cmakelists/). - [Using black and flake8 in tandem](https://sbarnea.com/lint/black/).