  support checking board ID and firmware CRC in the bootloader
#include "AP_CheckFirmware.h"
#include <AP_HAL/HAL.h>
#include <AP_Math/crc.h>



#include "../../Tools/AP_Bootloader/support.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "monocypher.h"

const struct ap_secure_data public_keys __attribute__((section(".apsec_data")));

  return true if all public keys are zero. We allow boot of an
  unsigned firmware in that case
static bool all_zero_public_keys(void)
      look over all public keys, if one matches then we are OK
    const uint8_t zero_key[AP_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN] {};
    for (const auto &public_key : public_keys.public_key) {
        if (memcmp(public_key.key, zero_key, AP_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN) != 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

  check a signature against bootloader keys
static check_fw_result_t check_firmware_signature(const app_descriptor_signed *ad,
                                                  const uint8_t *flash1, uint32_t len1,
                                                  const uint8_t *flash2, uint32_t len2)
    if (all_zero_public_keys()) {
        return check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;

    // 8 byte signature version
    static const uint64_t sig_version = 30437LLU;
    if (ad->signature_length != 72) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE;
    if (memcmp((const uint8_t*)&sig_version, ad->signature, sizeof(sig_version)) != 0) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE;

      look over all public keys, if one matches then we are OK
    for (const auto &public_key : public_keys.public_key) {
        crypto_check_ctx ctx {};
        crypto_check_ctx_abstract *actx = (crypto_check_ctx_abstract*)&ctx;
        crypto_check_init(actx, &ad->signature[sizeof(sig_version)], public_key.key);

        crypto_check_update(actx, flash1, len1);
        crypto_check_update(actx, flash2, len2);
        if (crypto_check_final(actx) == 0) {
            // good signature
            return check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;

    // none of the public keys matched
    return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_VERIFICATION;

  check firmware CRC and board ID to see if it matches
static check_fw_result_t check_good_firmware_signed(void)
    const uint8_t sig[8] = AP_APP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE_SIGNED;
    const uint8_t *flash1 = (const uint8_t *)(FLASH_LOAD_ADDRESS + (FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB + APP_START_OFFSET_KB)*1024);
    const uint32_t flash_size = (BOARD_FLASH_SIZE - (FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB + APP_START_OFFSET_KB))*1024;
    const app_descriptor_signed *ad = (const app_descriptor_signed *)memmem(flash1, flash_size-sizeof(app_descriptor_signed), sig, sizeof(sig));
    if (ad == nullptr) {
        // no application signature
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_NO_APP_SIG;
    // check length
    if (ad->image_size > flash_size) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_LENGTH_APP;

    bool id_ok = (ad->board_id == APJ_BOARD_ID);
    id_ok |= (ad->board_id == ALT_BOARD_ID);

    if (!id_ok) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_BOARD_ID;

    const uint8_t *flash2 = (const uint8_t *)&ad->version_major;
    const uint8_t desc_len = offsetof(app_descriptor_signed, version_major) - offsetof(app_descriptor_signed, image_crc1);
    const uint32_t len1 = ((const uint8_t *)&ad->image_crc1) - flash1;

    if ((len1 + desc_len) > ad->image_size) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_LENGTH_DESCRIPTOR;

    const uint32_t len2 = ad->image_size - (len1 + desc_len);
    uint32_t crc1 = crc32_small(0, flash1, len1);
    uint32_t crc2 = crc32_small(0, flash2, len2);
    if (crc1 != ad->image_crc1 || crc2 != ad->image_crc2) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_CRC;

    check_fw_result_t ret = check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;

    ret = check_firmware_signature(ad, flash1, len1, flash2, len2);

    return ret;

  check firmware CRC and board ID to see if it matches, using unsigned
static check_fw_result_t check_good_firmware_unsigned(void)
    const uint8_t sig[8] = AP_APP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE_UNSIGNED;
    const uint8_t *flash1 = (const uint8_t *)(FLASH_LOAD_ADDRESS + (FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB + APP_START_OFFSET_KB)*1024);
    const uint32_t flash_size = (BOARD_FLASH_SIZE - (FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB + APP_START_OFFSET_KB))*1024;
    const app_descriptor_unsigned *ad = (const app_descriptor_unsigned *)memmem(flash1, flash_size-sizeof(app_descriptor_unsigned), sig, sizeof(sig));
    if (ad == nullptr) {
        // no application signature
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_NO_APP_SIG;
    // check length
    if (ad->image_size > flash_size) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_LENGTH_APP;

    bool id_ok = (ad->board_id == APJ_BOARD_ID);
    id_ok |= (ad->board_id == ALT_BOARD_ID);

    if (!id_ok) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_BOARD_ID;

    const uint8_t *flash2 = (const uint8_t *)&ad->version_major;
    const uint8_t desc_len = offsetof(app_descriptor_unsigned, version_major) - offsetof(app_descriptor_unsigned, image_crc1);
    const uint32_t len1 = ((const uint8_t *)&ad->image_crc1) - flash1;

    if ((len1 + desc_len) > ad->image_size) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_LENGTH_DESCRIPTOR;

    const uint32_t len2 = ad->image_size - (len1 + desc_len);
    uint32_t crc1 = crc32_small(0, flash1, len1);
    uint32_t crc2 = crc32_small(0, flash2, len2);
    if (crc1 != ad->image_crc1 || crc2 != ad->image_crc2) {
        return check_fw_result_t::FAIL_REASON_BAD_CRC;

    return check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;

check_fw_result_t check_good_firmware(void)
    // allow unsigned format if we have no public keys. This allows
    // for use of SECURE_COMMAND to remove all public keys and then
    // load of unsigned firmware
    const auto ret = check_good_firmware_signed();
    if (ret != check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK &&
        all_zero_public_keys() &&
        check_good_firmware_unsigned() == check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK) {
        return check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;
    return ret;
    const auto ret = check_good_firmware_unsigned();
    if (ret != check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK) {
        // allow for signed format, not checking public keys. This
        // allows for booting of a signed firmware with an unsigned
        // bootloader, which allows for bootstrapping a system up from
        // unsigned to signed
        const auto ret2 = check_good_firmware_signed();
        if (ret2 == check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK) {
            return check_fw_result_t::CHECK_FW_OK;
    return ret;


extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal;

  declare constant app_descriptor in flash
extern const app_descriptor_t app_descriptor;
const app_descriptor_t app_descriptor __attribute__((section(".app_descriptor")));
const app_descriptor_t app_descriptor;

  this is needed to ensure we don't elide the app_descriptor
void check_firmware_print(void)
    hal.console->printf("Booting %u/%u\n",