#include "Copter.h"
#include <AP_Mount/AP_Mount.h>


 * Init and run calls for circle flight mode

// circle_init - initialise circle controller flight mode
bool ModeCircle::init(bool ignore_checks)
    speed_changing = false;

    // set speed and acceleration limits
    pos_control->set_max_speed_accel_xy(wp_nav->get_default_speed_xy(), wp_nav->get_wp_acceleration());
    pos_control->set_correction_speed_accel_xy(wp_nav->get_default_speed_xy(), wp_nav->get_wp_acceleration());
    pos_control->set_max_speed_accel_z(-get_pilot_speed_dn(), g.pilot_speed_up, g.pilot_accel_z);
    pos_control->set_correction_speed_accel_z(-get_pilot_speed_dn(), g.pilot_speed_up, g.pilot_accel_z);

    // initialise circle controller including setting the circle center based on vehicle speed

    AP_Mount *s = AP_Mount::get_singleton();

    // Check if the CIRCLE_OPTIONS parameter have roi_at_center
    if (copter.circle_nav->roi_at_center()) {
        const Vector3p &pos { copter.circle_nav->get_center() };
        Location circle_center;
        if (!AP::ahrs().get_location_from_origin_offset(circle_center, pos * 0.01)) {
            return false;
        // point at the ground:
        circle_center.set_alt_cm(0, Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_TERRAIN);

    // set auto yaw circle mode

    return true;

// circle_run - runs the circle flight mode
// should be called at 100hz or more
void ModeCircle::run()
    // set speed and acceleration limits
    pos_control->set_max_speed_accel_xy(wp_nav->get_default_speed_xy(), wp_nav->get_wp_acceleration());
    pos_control->set_max_speed_accel_z(-get_pilot_speed_dn(), g.pilot_speed_up, g.pilot_accel_z);

    // Check for any change in params and update in real time

    // pilot changes to circle rate and radius
    // skip if in radio failsafe
    if (!copter.failsafe.radio && copter.circle_nav->pilot_control_enabled()) {
        // update the circle controller's radius target based on pilot pitch stick inputs
        const float radius_current = copter.circle_nav->get_radius();           // circle controller's radius target, which begins as the circle_radius parameter
        const float pitch_stick = channel_pitch->norm_input_dz();               // pitch stick normalized -1 to 1
        const float nav_speed = copter.wp_nav->get_default_speed_xy();          // copter WP_NAV parameter speed
        const float radius_pilot_change = (pitch_stick * nav_speed) * G_Dt;     // rate of change (pitch stick up reduces the radius, as in moving forward)
        const float radius_new = MAX(radius_current + radius_pilot_change,0);   // new radius target

        if (!is_equal(radius_current, radius_new)) {

        // update the orbicular rate target based on pilot roll stick inputs
        // skip if using CH6 tuning knob for circle rate
        if (g.radio_tuning != TUNING_CIRCLE_RATE) {
            const float roll_stick = channel_roll->norm_input_dz();         // roll stick normalized -1 to 1

            if (is_zero(roll_stick)) {
                // no speed change, so reset speed changing flag
                speed_changing = false;
            } else {
                const float rate = copter.circle_nav->get_rate();           // circle controller's rate target, which begins as the circle_rate parameter
                const float rate_current = copter.circle_nav->get_rate_current(); // current adjusted rate target, which is probably different from _rate
                const float rate_pilot_change = (roll_stick * G_Dt);        // rate of change from 0 to 1 degrees per second
                float rate_new = rate_current;                              // new rate target
                if (is_positive(rate)) {
                    // currently moving clockwise, constrain 0 to 90
                    rate_new = constrain_float(rate_current + rate_pilot_change, 0, 90);

                } else if (is_negative(rate)) {
                    // currently moving counterclockwise, constrain -90 to 0
                    rate_new = constrain_float(rate_current + rate_pilot_change, -90, 0);

                } else if (is_zero(rate) && !speed_changing) {
                    // Stopped, pilot has released the roll stick, and pilot now wants to begin moving with the roll stick
                    rate_new = rate_pilot_change;

                speed_changing = true;

    // get pilot desired climb rate (or zero if in radio failsafe)
    float target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(channel_throttle->get_control_in());

    // get avoidance adjusted climb rate
    target_climb_rate = get_avoidance_adjusted_climbrate(target_climb_rate);

    // if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately
    if (is_disarmed_or_landed()) {

    // set motors to full range

    // update the vertical offset based on the surface measurement


    // call attitude controller with auto yaw
    attitude_control->input_thrust_vector_heading(pos_control->get_thrust_vector(), auto_yaw.get_heading());

uint32_t ModeCircle::wp_distance() const
    return copter.circle_nav->get_distance_to_target();

int32_t ModeCircle::wp_bearing() const
    return copter.circle_nav->get_bearing_to_target();
