 * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  FRSky FPort implementation, with thanks to BetaFlight for
  specification and code reference

#include "AP_RCProtocol_FPort.h"
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>
#include <AP_Frsky_Telem/AP_Frsky_Telem.h>
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>
#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>

extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;

#define FRAME_HEAD 0x7E
#define FRAME_DLE  0x7D
#define FRAME_XOR  0x20
#define FRAME_LEN_CONTROL 0x19
#define MIN_FRAME_SIZE 12
#define MAX_CHANNELS 16


#define CHAN_SCALE_FACTOR ((2000.0 - 1000.0) / (1800.0 - 200.0))
#define CHAN_SCALE_OFFSET (int)(1000.0 - (CHAN_SCALE_FACTOR * 200.0 + 0.5f))

#define FPORT_PRIM_NULL 0x00
#define FPORT_PRIM_DATA 0x10
#define FPORT_PRIM_READ 0x30
#define FPORT_PRIM_WRITE 0x31


struct PACKED FPort_Frame {
    uint8_t header; // 0x7E
    uint8_t len;    // 0x19 for control, 0x08 for downlink
    uint8_t type;
    union {
        struct PACKED {
            uint16_t chan0 : 11;
            uint16_t chan1 : 11;
            uint16_t chan2 : 11;
            uint16_t chan3 : 11;
            uint16_t chan4 : 11;
            uint16_t chan5 : 11;
            uint16_t chan6 : 11;
            uint16_t chan7 : 11;
            uint16_t chan8 : 11;
            uint16_t chan9 : 11;
            uint16_t chan10 : 11;
            uint16_t chan11 : 11;
            uint16_t chan12 : 11;
            uint16_t chan13 : 11;
            uint16_t chan14 : 11;
            uint16_t chan15 : 11;
            uint8_t flags;
            uint8_t rssi;
            uint8_t crc;
            uint8_t end;
        } control;
        struct PACKED {
            uint8_t prim;
            uint16_t appid;
            uint8_t data[4];
            uint8_t crc;
            uint8_t end;
        } downlink;

static_assert(sizeof(FPort_Frame) == FPORT_CONTROL_FRAME_SIZE, "FPort_Frame incorrect size");

// constructor
AP_RCProtocol_FPort::AP_RCProtocol_FPort(AP_RCProtocol &_frontend, bool _inverted) :

// decode a full FPort control frame
void AP_RCProtocol_FPort::decode_control(const FPort_Frame &frame)
    uint16_t values[MAX_CHANNELS];

    // pull out of bitfields
    values[0] = frame.control.chan0;
    values[1] = frame.control.chan1;
    values[2] = frame.control.chan2;
    values[3] = frame.control.chan3;
    values[4] = frame.control.chan4;
    values[5] = frame.control.chan5;
    values[6] = frame.control.chan6;
    values[7] = frame.control.chan7;
    values[8] = frame.control.chan8;
    values[9] = frame.control.chan9;
    values[10] = frame.control.chan10;
    values[11] = frame.control.chan11;
    values[12] = frame.control.chan12;
    values[13] = frame.control.chan13;
    values[14] = frame.control.chan14;
    values[15] = frame.control.chan15;

    // scale values
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
        values[i] = (uint16_t)(values[i] * CHAN_SCALE_FACTOR + 0.5f) + CHAN_SCALE_OFFSET;

    bool failsafe = ((frame.control.flags & (1 << FLAGS_FAILSAFE_BIT)) != 0);

    // we scale rssi by 2x to make it match the value displayed in OpenTX
    const uint8_t scaled_rssi = MIN(frame.control.rssi*2, 255);

    add_input(MAX_CHANNELS, values, failsafe, scaled_rssi);

  decode a full FPort downlink frame
void AP_RCProtocol_FPort::decode_downlink(const FPort_Frame &frame)
#if !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_iofirmware)
    switch (frame.downlink.prim) {
        case FPORT_PRIM_DATA:
            // we've seen at least one 0x10 frame
            rx_driven_frame_rate = true;
        case FPORT_PRIM_NULL:
            if (rx_driven_frame_rate) {
            // with 0x00 and no rx control we have a constraint
            // on max consecutive frames
            if (consecutive_telemetry_frame_count >= MAX_FPORT_CONSECUTIVE_FRAMES) {
                consecutive_telemetry_frame_count = 0;
            } else {
        case FPORT_PRIM_READ:
        case FPORT_PRIM_WRITE:
            // do not respond to 0x30 and 0x31

      if we are getting FPORT over a UART then we can ask the FrSky
      telem library for some passthrough data to send back, enabling
      telemetry on the receiver via the same uart pin as we use for
      incoming RC frames

    AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart = get_UART();
    if (!uart) {

      get SPort data from FRSky_Telem or send a null frame.
      We save the data to a variable so in case we're late we'll
      send it in the next call, this prevents corruption of
      status text messages
    if (!telem_data.available) {
        if (!AP_Frsky_Telem::get_telem_data(telem_data.frame, telem_data.appid, telem_data.data)) {
            // nothing to send, send a null frame
            telem_data.frame = 0x00; 
            telem_data.appid = 0x00; 
            telem_data.data = 0x00;
        telem_data.available = true;
      check that we haven't been too slow in responding to the new
      UART data. If we respond too late then we will corrupt the next
      incoming control frame
    uint64_t tend = uart->receive_time_constraint_us(1);
    uint64_t now = AP_HAL::micros64();
    uint64_t tdelay = now - tend;
    if (tdelay > 2500) {
        // we've been too slow in responding
    uint8_t buf[10];

    buf[0] = 0x08;
    buf[1] = 0x81;
    buf[2] = telem_data.frame;
    buf[3] = telem_data.appid & 0xFF;
    buf[4] = telem_data.appid >> 8;
    memcpy(&buf[5], &telem_data.data, 4);

    uint16_t sum = 0;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(buf)-1; i++) {
        sum += buf[i];
        sum += sum >> 8;
        sum &= 0xFF;              
    sum = 0xff - ((sum & 0xff) + (sum >> 8));
    buf[9] = (uint8_t)sum;

    // perform byte stuffing per FPort spec
    uint8_t len = 0;
    uint8_t buf2[sizeof(buf)*2+1];

    if (rc().fport_pad()) {
        // this padding helps on some uarts that have hw pullups
        buf2[len++] = 0xff;

    for (uint8_t i=0; i<sizeof(buf); i++) {
        uint8_t c = buf[i];
        if (c == FRAME_DLE || buf[i] == FRAME_HEAD) {
            buf2[len++] = FRAME_DLE;
            buf2[len++] = c ^ FRAME_XOR;
        } else {
            buf2[len++] = c;
    uart->write(buf2, len);
    // get fresh telem_data in the next call
    telem_data.available = false;

  process a FPort input pulse of the given width
void AP_RCProtocol_FPort::process_pulse(uint32_t width_s0, uint32_t width_s1)
    if (have_UART()) {
        // if we can use a UART we would much prefer to, as it allows
        // us to send SPORT data out
    uint32_t w0 = width_s0;
    uint32_t w1 = width_s1;
    if (inverted) {
        w0 = saved_width;
        w1 = width_s0;
        saved_width = width_s1;
    uint8_t b;
    if (ss.process_pulse(w0, w1, b)) {
        _process_byte(ss.get_byte_timestamp_us(), b);

// support byte input
void AP_RCProtocol_FPort::_process_byte(uint32_t timestamp_us, uint8_t b)
    const bool have_frame_gap = (timestamp_us - byte_input.last_byte_us >= 2000U);

    byte_input.last_byte_us = timestamp_us;

    if (have_frame_gap) {
        // if we have a frame gap then this must be the start of a new
        // frame
        byte_input.ofs = 0;
        byte_input.got_DLE = false;
    if (b != FRAME_HEAD && byte_input.ofs == 0) {
        // definately not FPort, missing header byte

    // handle byte-stuffing decode
    if (byte_input.got_DLE) {
        b ^= FRAME_XOR;
        byte_input.got_DLE = false;
    } else if (b == FRAME_DLE) {
        byte_input.got_DLE = true;

    byte_input.buf[byte_input.ofs++] = b;

    const FPort_Frame *frame = (const FPort_Frame *)&byte_input.buf[0];

    if (byte_input.ofs == 2) {
        // check for valid lengths
        if (frame->len != FRAME_LEN_CONTROL &&
            frame->len != FRAME_LEN_DOWNLINK) {
            // invalid, reset
            goto reset;

    if (byte_input.ofs == 3) {
        // check for valid lengths
        if ((frame->type == FPORT_TYPE_CONTROL && frame->len != FRAME_LEN_CONTROL) ||
            (frame->type == FPORT_TYPE_DOWNLINK && frame->len != FRAME_LEN_DOWNLINK)) {
            goto reset;
        if (frame->type != FPORT_TYPE_CONTROL && frame->type != FPORT_TYPE_DOWNLINK) {
            // invalid type
            goto reset;

    if (frame->type == FPORT_TYPE_CONTROL && byte_input.ofs == FRAME_LEN_CONTROL + 4) {
        log_data(AP_RCProtocol::FPORT, timestamp_us, byte_input.buf, byte_input.ofs);
        if (check_checksum()) {
        goto reset;
    } else if (frame->type == FPORT_TYPE_DOWNLINK && byte_input.ofs == FRAME_LEN_DOWNLINK + 4) {
        log_data(AP_RCProtocol::FPORT, timestamp_us, byte_input.buf, byte_input.ofs);
        if (check_checksum()) {
        goto reset;
    if (byte_input.ofs == sizeof(byte_input.buf)) {
        goto reset;

    byte_input.ofs = 0;
    byte_input.got_DLE = false;

// check checksum byte
bool AP_RCProtocol_FPort::check_checksum(void)
    uint8_t len = byte_input.buf[1]+2;
    const uint8_t *b = &byte_input.buf[1];
    uint16_t sum = 0;
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
        sum += b[i];
        sum += sum >> 8;
        sum &= 0xFF;            
    sum = (sum & 0xff) + (sum >> 8);
    return sum == 0xff;

// support byte input
void AP_RCProtocol_FPort::process_byte(uint8_t b, uint32_t baudrate)
    if (baudrate != 115200) {
    _process_byte(AP_HAL::micros(), b);