--[[ This example adds a new passthrough packet type for waypoints. Waypoint data is packet into 32bits and sent down the frsky bus with a DIY appid of 0x5009. - 10 bits for current waypoint index, max 1023 - 12 bits for the distance in meters encoded with AP_Frsky_SPort::prep_number(distance, 3, 2) max is 102.3Km - 6 bits for xtrack error (5 bits + sign) encoded with prep_5bits - 3 bits for bearing from COG with a 45° resolution We'll be responding to an unused sensor ID This is a list of IDs we can't use: - serial protocol 4 uses IDs 0,2,3 and 6 - serial protocol 10 uses ID 7,13,20,27 - serial protocol 23, no IDs used For this test we'll use sensor ID 17 (0x71), Note: 17 is the index, 0x71 is the actual ID --]] local loop_time = 1000 -- number of ms between runs local WP_OFFSET_DISTANCE = 10 local WP_OFFSET_BEARING = 29 local WP_OFFSET_XTRACK = 22 local WP_LIMIT_COUNT = 0x3FF -- 1023 local WP_LIMIT_XTRACK = 0x7F -- 127m local WP_LIMIT_DISTANCE = 0x18F9C -- 102.3Km local WP_ARROW_COUNT = 8 -- 8 possible directions local wp_bearing = 0 local wp_index = 0 local wp_distance = 0 local wp_xtrack = 0 function wrap_360(angle) local res = angle % 360 if res < 0 then res = res + 360 end return res end function prep_5bits(num) local res = 0 local abs_num = math.floor(math.abs(num) + 0.5) if abs_num < 10 then res = abs_num << 1 elseif abs_num < 150 then res = ( math.floor((abs_num * 0.1)+0.5) << 1) | 0x1 else res = 0x1F end if num < 0 then res = res | 0x1 << 5 end return res end function wp_pack(index, distance, bearing, xtrack) local wp_dword = uint32_t() wp_dword = math.min(index,WP_LIMIT_COUNT) wp_dword = wp_dword | frsky_sport:prep_number(math.min(math.floor(distance+0.5),WP_LIMIT_DISTANCE),3,2) << WP_OFFSET_DISTANCE wp_dword = wp_dword | prep_5bits(math.min(xtrack,WP_LIMIT_XTRACK)) << WP_OFFSET_XTRACK if gps:status(0) >= gps.GPS_OK_FIX_2D then local cog = gps:ground_course(0) -- deg local angle = wrap_360(bearing - cog) -- deg local interval = 360 / WP_ARROW_COUNT -- 45 deg -- hint from OSD code to avoid unreliable bearing at small distances if distance < 2 then angle = 0 end -- bearing expressed as offset from cog as multiple of 45° ( 8 sectors) encoded as 3bits wp_dword = wp_dword | ((math.floor(((angle + interval/2) / interval)) % WP_ARROW_COUNT) & 0x7) << WP_OFFSET_BEARING end return wp_dword & 0xFFFFFFFF end function update_wp_info() local index = mission:get_current_nav_index() local distance = vehicle:get_wp_distance_m() local bearing = vehicle:get_wp_bearing_deg() local xtrack = vehicle:get_wp_crosstrack_error_m() if index ~= nil and distance ~= nil and bearing ~= nil and xtrack ~= nil then wp_index = index wp_bearing = bearing wp_distance = distance wp_xtrack = xtrack return true end return false end function update() local gps_status = gps.status(0,0) if not update_wp_info() then return update, loop_time end local sensor_id = 0x71 local wp_dword = uint32_t() wp_dword = wp_pack(wp_index, wp_distance, wp_bearing, wp_xtrack) frsky_sport:sport_telemetry_push(sensor_id, 0x10, 0x5009, wp_dword) return update, loop_time end return update() , 1000