#include "AP_Canard_iface.h" #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include <AP_CANManager/AP_CANManager.h> #if HAL_ENABLE_DRONECAN_DRIVERS #include <canard/handler_list.h> #include <canard/transfer_object.h> #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #define LOG_TAG "DroneCANIface" #define DEBUG_PKTS 0 DEFINE_HANDLER_LIST_HEADS(); DEFINE_HANDLER_LIST_SEMAPHORES(); DEFINE_TRANSFER_OBJECT_HEADS(); DEFINE_TRANSFER_OBJECT_SEMAPHORES(); #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS CanardInterface* CanardInterface::canard_ifaces[] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; CanardInterface CanardInterface::test_iface{2}; uint8_t test_node_mem_area[1024]; HAL_Semaphore test_iface_sem; #endif CanardInterface::CanardInterface(uint8_t iface_index) : Interface(iface_index) { #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS if (iface_index < 3) { canard_ifaces[iface_index] = this; } if (iface_index == 0) { test_iface.init(test_node_mem_area, sizeof(test_node_mem_area), 125); } canardInitTxTransfer(&tx_transfer); #endif } void CanardInterface::init(void* mem_arena, size_t mem_arena_size, uint8_t node_id) { canardInit(&canard, mem_arena, mem_arena_size, onTransferReception, shouldAcceptTransfer, this); canardSetLocalNodeID(&canard, node_id); initialized = true; } bool CanardInterface::broadcast(const Canard::Transfer &bcast_transfer) { if (!initialized) { return false; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS if (this == &test_iface) { test_iface_sem.take_blocking(); } #endif tx_transfer = { .transfer_type = bcast_transfer.transfer_type, .data_type_signature = bcast_transfer.data_type_signature, .data_type_id = bcast_transfer.data_type_id, .inout_transfer_id = bcast_transfer.inout_transfer_id, .priority = bcast_transfer.priority, .payload = (const uint8_t*)bcast_transfer.payload, .payload_len = bcast_transfer.payload_len, #if CANARD_ENABLE_CANFD .canfd = bcast_transfer.canfd, #endif .deadline_usec = AP_HAL::native_micros64() + (bcast_transfer.timeout_ms * 1000), #if CANARD_MULTI_IFACE .iface_mask = uint8_t((1<<num_ifaces) - 1), #endif }; // do canard broadcast bool success = canardBroadcastObj(&canard, &tx_transfer) > 0; #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS if (this == &test_iface) { test_iface_sem.give(); } #endif return success; } bool CanardInterface::request(uint8_t destination_node_id, const Canard::Transfer &req_transfer) { if (!initialized) { return false; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); tx_transfer = { .transfer_type = req_transfer.transfer_type, .data_type_signature = req_transfer.data_type_signature, .data_type_id = req_transfer.data_type_id, .inout_transfer_id = req_transfer.inout_transfer_id, .priority = req_transfer.priority, .payload = (const uint8_t*)req_transfer.payload, .payload_len = req_transfer.payload_len, #if CANARD_ENABLE_CANFD .canfd = req_transfer.canfd, #endif .deadline_usec = AP_HAL::native_micros64() + (req_transfer.timeout_ms * 1000), #if CANARD_MULTI_IFACE .iface_mask = uint8_t((1<<num_ifaces) - 1), #endif }; // do canard request return canardRequestOrRespondObj(&canard, destination_node_id, &tx_transfer) > 0; } bool CanardInterface::respond(uint8_t destination_node_id, const Canard::Transfer &res_transfer) { if (!initialized) { return false; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); tx_transfer = { .transfer_type = res_transfer.transfer_type, .data_type_signature = res_transfer.data_type_signature, .data_type_id = res_transfer.data_type_id, .inout_transfer_id = res_transfer.inout_transfer_id, .priority = res_transfer.priority, .payload = (const uint8_t*)res_transfer.payload, .payload_len = res_transfer.payload_len, #if CANARD_ENABLE_CANFD .canfd = res_transfer.canfd, #endif .deadline_usec = AP_HAL::native_micros64() + (res_transfer.timeout_ms * 1000), #if CANARD_MULTI_IFACE .iface_mask = uint8_t((1<<num_ifaces) - 1), #endif }; // do canard respond return canardRequestOrRespondObj(&canard, destination_node_id, &tx_transfer) > 0; } void CanardInterface::onTransferReception(CanardInstance* ins, CanardRxTransfer* transfer) { CanardInterface* iface = (CanardInterface*) ins->user_reference; iface->handle_message(*transfer); } bool CanardInterface::shouldAcceptTransfer(const CanardInstance* ins, uint64_t* out_data_type_signature, uint16_t data_type_id, CanardTransferType transfer_type, uint8_t source_node_id) { CanardInterface* iface = (CanardInterface*) ins->user_reference; return iface->accept_message(data_type_id, *out_data_type_signature); } #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS void CanardInterface::processTestRx() { if (!test_iface.initialized) { return; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(test_iface_sem); for (const CanardCANFrame* txf = canardPeekTxQueue(&test_iface.canard); txf != NULL; txf = canardPeekTxQueue(&test_iface.canard)) { if (canard_ifaces[0]) { canardHandleRxFrame(&canard_ifaces[0]->canard, txf, AP_HAL::native_micros64()); } canardPopTxQueue(&test_iface.canard); } } #endif void CanardInterface::processTx() { WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); for (uint8_t iface = 0; iface < num_ifaces; iface++) { if (ifaces[iface] == NULL) { continue; } auto txq = canard.tx_queue; if (txq == nullptr) { return; } AP_HAL::CANFrame txmsg {}; // scan through list of pending transfers while (true) { auto txf = &txq->frame; txmsg.dlc = AP_HAL::CANFrame::dataLengthToDlc(txf->data_len); memcpy(txmsg.data, txf->data, txf->data_len); txmsg.id = (txf->id | AP_HAL::CANFrame::FlagEFF); #if HAL_CANFD_SUPPORTED txmsg.canfd = txf->canfd; #endif bool write = true; bool read = false; ifaces[iface]->select(read, write, &txmsg, 0); if ((AP_HAL::native_micros64() < txf->deadline_usec) && (txf->iface_mask & (1U<<iface)) && write) { // try sending to interfaces, clearing the mask if we succeed if (ifaces[iface]->send(txmsg, txf->deadline_usec, 0) > 0) { txf->iface_mask &= ~(1U<<iface); } else { // if we fail to send then we try sending on next interface break; } } // look at next transfer txq = txq->next; if (txq == nullptr) { break; } } } // purge expired transfers for (const CanardCANFrame* txf = canardPeekTxQueue(&canard); txf != NULL; txf = canardPeekTxQueue(&canard)) { if ((AP_HAL::native_micros64() >= txf->deadline_usec) || (txf->iface_mask == 0)) { canardPopTxQueue(&canard); } else { break; } } } void CanardInterface::processRx() { AP_HAL::CANFrame rxmsg; for (uint8_t i=0; i<num_ifaces; i++) { while(true) { if (ifaces[i] == NULL) { break; } bool read_select = true; bool write_select = false; ifaces[i]->select(read_select, write_select, nullptr, 0); if (!read_select) { // No data pending break; } CanardCANFrame rx_frame {}; //palToggleLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_LED); uint64_t timestamp; AP_HAL::CANIface::CanIOFlags flags; if (ifaces[i]->receive(rxmsg, timestamp, flags) <= 0) { break; } rx_frame.data_len = AP_HAL::CANFrame::dlcToDataLength(rxmsg.dlc); memcpy(rx_frame.data, rxmsg.data, rx_frame.data_len); #if HAL_CANFD_SUPPORTED rx_frame.canfd = rxmsg.canfd; #endif rx_frame.id = rxmsg.id; #if CANARD_MULTI_IFACE rx_frame.iface_id = i; #endif { WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); #if DEBUG_PKTS const int16_t res = #endif canardHandleRxFrame(&canard, &rx_frame, timestamp); #if DEBUG_PKTS // hal.console->printf("DTID: %u\n", extractDataType(rx_frame.id)); // hal.console->printf("Rx %d, IF%d %lx: ", res, i, rx_frame.id); if (res < 0 && res != -CANARD_ERROR_RX_NOT_WANTED && res != -CANARD_ERROR_RX_WRONG_ADDRESS) { hal.console->printf("Rx error %d, IF%d %lx: \n", res, i, rx_frame.id); // for (uint8_t index = 0; index < rx_frame.data_len; index++) { // hal.console->printf("%02x", rx_frame.data[index]); // } // hal.console->printf("\n"); } #endif } } } } void CanardInterface::process(uint32_t duration_ms) { #if AP_TEST_DRONECAN_DRIVERS const uint64_t deadline = AP_HAL::micros64() + duration_ms*1000; while (AP_HAL::micros64() < deadline) { processTestRx(); hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(1000); } #else const uint64_t deadline = AP_HAL::native_micros64() + duration_ms*1000; while (true) { processRx(); processTx(); uint64_t now = AP_HAL::native_micros64(); if (now < deadline) { _event_handle.wait(MIN(UINT16_MAX - 2U, deadline - now)); } else { break; } } #endif } bool CanardInterface::add_interface(AP_HAL::CANIface *can_iface) { if (num_ifaces > HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES) { AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Num Ifaces Exceeded\n"); return false; } if (can_iface == nullptr) { AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Iface Null\n"); return false; } if (ifaces[num_ifaces] != nullptr) { AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Iface already added\n"); return false; } ifaces[num_ifaces] = can_iface; if (ifaces[num_ifaces] == nullptr) { AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Can't alloc uavcan::iface\n"); return false; } if (!can_iface->set_event_handle(&_event_handle)) { AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Setting event handle failed\n"); return false; } AP::can().log_text(AP_CANManager::LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "DroneCANIfaceMgr: Successfully added interface %d\n", int(num_ifaces)); num_ifaces++; return true; } #endif // #if HAL_ENABLE_DRONECAN_DRIVERS