#!/bin/bash src=$(realpath $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)/../../) base=$src/libraries declare -A header_dirs arg_verbose=false arg_create_commits=false usage(){ cat <...] Fix includes of libraries headers in source files to be as the following: - If the header is in the same directory the source belongs to, then the notation #include "" is used with the path relative to the directory containing the source. - If the header is outside the directory containing the source, then we use the notation #include <> with the path relative to libraries folder. If pathspec is given then it's an argument passed directly to git-grep. See git-grep(1) for more information on its format. In this case the changes will apply only to files that match the pathspec. Otherwise changes will be made to the entire repository. The output is a log of the process. OPTIONS: -h,--help Display this help message. -v,--verbose Not only log errors and warnings but also substitutions. -c,--create-commits Create commits in the end. --commit Assume that the user have run the substitutions beforehand - only create the commits. EOF } create_commits(){ for f in $(git diff-files --name-only); do if [[ ${f%%/*} == "libraries" ]]; then echo $f | sed "s,\(libraries/[^/]*\)/.*,\1," else echo ${f%%/*} fi done | uniq | while read d; do if [[ $d == libraries/* ]]; then commit_base=${d#libraries/} else commit_base=$d fi cat >/tmp/commit_msg <' with the path relative to libraries folder. Some of the advantages of such approach: - Only one search path for libraries headers. - OSs like Windows may have a better lookup time. EOF git add -u $d git commit -F /tmp/commit_msg done } replace_include(){ local file=$1 local n=$2 local new_path=$3 local old_path=$4 local regex="\(#\s*include\s*\)[<\"].\+[>\"]" [[ $new_path == $old_path ]] && return $arg_verbose && echo "$file:$n: $old_path --> $new_path" if ! sed -i "${n}s,$regex,\1$new_path," $file; then echo Error on executing command: sed -i "${n}s,$regex,\1$new_path," $file >&2 kill -SIGINT $$ fi } fix_includes(){ local file=$1 local header=$2 local dirs=(${header_dirs[$header]}) local num_dirs=${#dirs[@]} local regex="^\s*#\s*include\s*[<\"]\(.*/\)\?$header[>\"]" grep -ahno $regex $file | while IFS=":" read n match; do path=$(echo $match | sed "s/^\s*#\s*include\s*//g") delim=${path:0:1} path=${path:1:(${#path}-2)} file_dir=$(realpath $(dirname $file)) if [[ $delim == "\"" ]]; then localpath=$file_dir/$path if [[ -f $localpath ]]; then # verify if file is under to the file dir localpath=$(realpath $localpath) [[ $localpath == $file_dir* ]] && continue # if not under file dir, check if $localpath is under $base if [[ $localpath == $base* ]]; then new_path=${localpath#$base/} replace_include $file $n \<$new_path\> \"$path\" continue fi fi fi match_count=0 possible_paths=() for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do if [[ $dir/$header == *$path ]]; then ((match_count++)) new_path=$dir/$header possible_paths[${#possible_paths[@]}]=$new_path fi done if [[ $match_count -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$file:$n: couldn't find a match for inclusion of $path" elif [[ $match_count -eq 1 ]]; then # check if included header is under file dir if [[ -f $file_dir/$path ]]; then new_path=\"$(realpath $file_dir/$path --relative-to $file_dir)\" else new_path=\<$new_path\> fi if [[ $delim == '"' ]]; then path=\"$path\"; else path=\<$path\>; fi replace_include $file $n $new_path $path else echo "$file:$n: more than one match for inclusion of $path" echo " possible paths:" for p in "${possible_paths[@]}"; do echo " $p" done fi done } trap_reset_tree(){ echo echo Process killed or interrupted! Reseting tree... git -C $src reset --hard exit 1 } # parse args while [[ -n $1 ]]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; -v|--verbose) arg_verbose=true ;; -c|--create-commits) arg_create_commits=true ;; --commit) create_commits exit $? ;; --) # remaining args are pathspecs shift break ;; -*) usage >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # this and the remaining args are pathspecs break esac shift done trap trap_reset_tree SIGINT SIGKILL if ! git -C $src diff-files --quiet --exit-code; then echo You have unstaged changes, please commit or stash them beforehand >&2 exit 1 fi pushd $src > /dev/null # collect all headers git -C $base ls-files *.h > /tmp/headers total=$(cat /tmp/headers | wc -l) header_max_len=0 while read f; do header=$(basename $f) dir=$(dirname $f) if [[ -z ${header_dirs[$header]} ]]; then header_dirs[$header]=$dir else header_dirs[$header]+=" $dir" fi printf "\rCollecting header files paths... $((++i))/$total" >&2 [[ ${#header} -gt $header_max_len ]] && header_max_len=${#header} done \"]" printf "\r($((++i))/$total) Fixing includes for header %-${header_max_len}s" $header >&2 # for each file that includes $header git grep -l $regex -- "$@" | while read f; do fix_includes $f $header done done $arg_create_commits && create_commits popd > /dev/null