using System; using System.Collections.Generic; // Lists using System.Text; // stringbuilder using System.Drawing; // pens etc using System.IO; // file io using System.IO.Ports; // serial using System.Windows.Forms; // Forms using System.Collections; // hashs using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // regex using System.Xml; // GE xml alt reader using System.Net; // dns, ip address using System.Net.Sockets; // tcplistner using GMap.NET; using GMap.NET.WindowsForms; using System.Globalization; // language using GMap.NET.WindowsForms.Markers; using System.Resources; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading; using log4net; using SharpKml.Base; using SharpKml.Dom; namespace ArdupilotMega.GCSViews { partial class FlightPlanner : MyUserControl { private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); int selectedrow = 0; bool quickadd = false; bool isonline = true; bool sethome = false; bool polygongridmode = false; Hashtable param = new Hashtable(); public static List pointlist = new List(); // used to calc distance static public Object thisLock = new Object(); private TextBox textBox1; private ComponentResourceManager rm = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof(FlightPlanner)); private Dictionary cmdParamNames = new Dictionary(); /// /// Reads defines.h for all valid commands and eeprom positions /// /// File Path /// public bool readdefines(string file) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { return false; } try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); //"defines.h" while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); Regex regex2 = new Regex(@"define\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (regex2.IsMatch(line)) { MatchCollection matchs = regex2.Matches(line); for (int i = 0; i < matchs.Count; i++) { int num = 0; if (matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString().ToLower().Contains("0x")) { try { num = Convert.ToInt32(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString(), 16); } catch (Exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BAD hex " + matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString()); } } else { try { num = Convert.ToInt32(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString(), 10); } catch (Exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BAD dec " + matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString()); } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString() + " = " + matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString() + " = " + num.ToString()); try { // hashdefines.Add(matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString(), num); } catch (Exception) { } } } } sr.Close(); // if (!hashdefines.ContainsKey("WP_START_BYTE")) { MessageBox.Show("Your Ardupilot Mega project defines.h is Invalid"); //return false; } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Can't open file!"); return false; } return true; } /// /// Read from waypoint writter *.h file /// /// File Path /// bool readwaypointwritterfile(string file) { byte wp_rad = 30; byte loit_rad = 45; int alt_hold = 100; byte wp_count = 0; bool error = false; List cmds = new List(); cmds.Add(new Locationwp()); try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); //"defines.h" while (!error && !sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); // defines Regex regex2 = new Regex(@"define\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (regex2.IsMatch(line)) { MatchCollection matchs = regex2.Matches(line); for (int i = 0; i < matchs.Count; i++) { if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Equals("WP_RADIUS")) wp_rad = (byte)double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString()); if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Equals("LOITER_RADIUS")) loit_rad = (byte)double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString()); if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Equals("ALT_TO_HOLD")) alt_hold = (int)double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString()); } } // waypoints regex2 = new Regex(@"([^,{]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,}]+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (regex2.IsMatch(line)) { MatchCollection matchs = regex2.Matches(line); for (int i = 0; i < matchs.Count; i++) { Locationwp temp = new Locationwp(); temp.options = 1; = (byte)(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Replace("NAV_", ""), false); temp.p1 = byte.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[2].Value.ToString()); if ( < (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LAST) { temp.alt = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[3].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[4].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.lng = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[5].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); } else { temp.alt = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[3].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[4].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.lng = (float)(double.Parse(matchs[i].Groups[5].Value.ToString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); } cmds.Add(temp); wp_count++; if (wp_count == byte.MaxValue) break; } if (wp_count == byte.MaxValue) { MessageBox.Show("To many Waypoints!!!"); break; } } } sr.Close(); TXT_DefaultAlt.Text = (alt_hold).ToString(); TXT_WPRad.Text = (wp_rad).ToString(); TXT_loiterrad.Text = (loit_rad).ToString(); processToScreen(cmds); writeKML(); MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers("objects"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Can't open file! " + ex.ToString()); return false; } return true; } /// /// used to adjust existing point in the datagrid including "Home" /// /// /// /// /// public void callMeDrag(string pointno, double lat, double lng, int alt) { if (pointno == "") { return; } // dragging a WP if (pointno == "Home") { if (isonline && CHK_geheight.Checked) { TXT_homealt.Text = getGEAlt(lat, lng).ToString(); } else { // no change //TXT_homealt.Text = alt.ToString(); } TXT_homelat.Text = lat.ToString(); TXT_homelng.Text = lng.ToString(); return; } try { selectedrow = int.Parse(pointno) - 1; Commands.CurrentCell = Commands[1, selectedrow]; } catch { return; } setfromGE(lat, lng, alt); } /// /// Actualy Sets the values into the datagrid and verifys height if turned on /// /// /// /// void setfromGE(double lat, double lng, int alt) { if (selectedrow > Commands.RowCount) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid coord, How did you do this?"); return; } DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell; if (Commands.Columns[Lat.Index].HeaderText.Equals(cmdParamNames["WAYPOINT"][4]/*"Lat"*/)) { cell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Lat.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = lat.ToString("0.0000000"); cell.DataGridView.EndEdit(); } if (Commands.Columns[Lon.Index].HeaderText.Equals(cmdParamNames["WAYPOINT"][5]/*"Long"*/)) { cell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Lon.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = lng.ToString("0.0000000"); cell.DataGridView.EndEdit(); } if (alt != -1 && Commands.Columns[Alt.Index].HeaderText.Equals(cmdParamNames["WAYPOINT"][6]/*"Alt"*/)) { cell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Alt.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; { float result; bool pass = float.TryParse(TXT_homealt.Text, out result); if (result == 0 || pass == false) { MessageBox.Show("You must have a home altitude"); return; } int results1; if (!int.TryParse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text, out results1)) { MessageBox.Show("Your default alt is not valid"); return; } } cell.Value = TXT_DefaultAlt.Text; float ans; if (float.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out ans)) { ans = (int)ans; if (alt != 0) // use passed in value; cell.Value = alt.ToString(); if (ans == 0) cell.Value = 50; // online verify height if (isonline && CHK_geheight.Checked) { if (CHK_altmode.Checked) { cell.Value = ((int)getGEAlt(lat, lng) + int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text)).ToString(); } else { cell.Value = ((int)getGEAlt(lat, lng) + int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text) - float.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text)).ToString(); } } else { // is absolute but no verify if (CHK_altmode.Checked) { cell.Value = (float.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text) + int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text)).ToString(); } // is relative and check height else if (isonline && CHK_geheight.Checked) { alt = (int)getGEAlt(lat, lng); if (float.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text) + int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text) < alt) // calced height is less that GE ground height { MessageBox.Show("Altitude appears to be low!! (you will fly into a hill)\nGoogle Ground height: " + alt + " Meters\nYour height: " + ((float.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text) + int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text))) + " Meters"); cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Red; } else { cell.Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } } } cell.DataGridView.EndEdit(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Home or wp Alt"); cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Red; } } writeKML(); Commands.EndEdit(); } /// /// Used for current mouse position /// /// /// /// public void callMeDisplay(double lat, double lng, int alt) { TXT_mouselat.Text = lat.ToString(); TXT_mouselong.Text = lng.ToString(); TXT_mousealt.Text = srtm.getAltitude(lat, lng, MainMap.Zoom).ToString("0"); try { double lastdist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(polygon.Points[polygon.Points.Count - 1], currentMarker.Position); lbl_prevdist.Text = rm.GetString("lbl_prevdist.Text") + ": " + FormatDistance(lastdist, true); double homedist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(currentMarker.Position, polygon.Points[0]); lbl_homedist.Text = rm.GetString("lbl_homedist.Text") + ": " + FormatDistance(homedist, true); } catch { } } /// /// Used to create a new WP /// /// /// /// public void callMe(double lat, double lng, int alt) { if (polygongridmode) { addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null); return; } if (sethome) { sethome = false; callMeDrag("Home", lat, lng, alt); return; } // creating a WP Commands.Rows.Add(); selectedrow = Commands.RowCount - 1; Commands.CurrentCell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Param1.Index]; setfromGE(lat, lng, alt); } public FlightPlanner() { InitializeComponent(); // config map //MainMap.MapType = MapType.GoogleSatellite; MainMap.MinZoom = 1; MainMap.CacheLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "/gmapcache/"; //MainMap.Manager.ImageCacheLocal.PutImageToCache(,MapType.None,new GPoint(),17); // map events MainMap.OnCurrentPositionChanged += new CurrentPositionChanged(MainMap_OnCurrentPositionChanged); MainMap.OnTileLoadStart += new TileLoadStart(MainMap_OnTileLoadStart); MainMap.OnTileLoadComplete += new TileLoadComplete(MainMap_OnTileLoadComplete); MainMap.OnMarkerClick += new MarkerClick(MainMap_OnMarkerClick); MainMap.OnMapZoomChanged += new MapZoomChanged(MainMap_OnMapZoomChanged); MainMap.OnMapTypeChanged += new MapTypeChanged(MainMap_OnMapTypeChanged); MainMap.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(MainMap_MouseMove); MainMap.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(MainMap_MouseDown); MainMap.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(MainMap_MouseUp); MainMap.OnMarkerEnter += new MarkerEnter(MainMap_OnMarkerEnter); MainMap.OnMarkerLeave += new MarkerLeave(MainMap_OnMarkerLeave); MainMap.MapScaleInfoEnabled = false; MainMap.ScalePen = new Pen(Color.Red); MainMap.ForceDoubleBuffer = false; WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; // get map type comboBoxMapType.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MapType)); comboBoxMapType.SelectedItem = MainMap.MapType; comboBoxMapType.SelectedValueChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxMapType_SelectedValueChanged); /* // acccess mode comboBoxMode.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AccessMode)); comboBoxMode.SelectedItem = GMaps.Instance.Mode; // get position textBoxLat.Text = MainMap.Position.Lat.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); textBoxLng.Text = MainMap.Position.Lng.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); */ MainMap.RoutesEnabled = true; //MainMap.MaxZoom = 18; // get zoom trackBar1.Minimum = MainMap.MinZoom; trackBar1.Maximum = MainMap.MaxZoom + 0.99; // draw this layer first kmlpolygons = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "kmlpolygons"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(kmlpolygons); geofence = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "geofence"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(geofence); routes = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "routes"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(routes); polygons = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "polygons"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(polygons); objects = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "objects"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(objects); drawnpolygons = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "drawnpolygons"); MainMap.Overlays.Add(drawnpolygons); top = new GMapOverlay(MainMap, "top"); //MainMap.Overlays.Add(top); objects.Markers.Clear(); // set current marker currentMarker = new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(MainMap.Position); //top.Markers.Add(currentMarker); // map center center = new GMapMarkerCross(MainMap.Position); top.Markers.Add(center); MainMap.Zoom = 3; //set home try { MainMap.Position = new PointLatLng(double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text), double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text)); MainMap.Zoom = 13; } catch (Exception) { } RegeneratePolygon(); if (MainV2.getConfig("MapType") != "") { try { comboBoxMapType.SelectedItem = Enum.Parse(typeof(MapType), MainV2.getConfig("MapType")); } catch { } } updateCMDParams(); Up.Image = global::ArdupilotMega.Properties.Resources.up; Down.Image = global::ArdupilotMega.Properties.Resources.down; } void updateCMDParams() { cmdParamNames = readCMDXML(); List cmds = new List(); foreach (string item in cmdParamNames.Keys) { cmds.Add(item); } Command.DataSource = cmds; } Dictionary readCMDXML() { Dictionary cmd = new Dictionary(); // do lang stuff here string file = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "mavcmd.xml"; using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file)) { reader.Read(); reader.ReadStartElement("CMD"); if (MainV2.APMFirmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduPlane) { reader.ReadToFollowing("APM"); } else { reader.ReadToFollowing("AC2"); } XmlReader inner = reader.ReadSubtree(); inner.Read(); inner.MoveToElement(); inner.Read(); while (inner.Read()) { inner.MoveToElement(); if (inner.IsStartElement()) { string cmdname = inner.Name; string[] cmdarray = new string[7]; int b = 0; XmlReader inner2 = inner.ReadSubtree(); inner2.Read(); while (inner2.Read()) { inner2.MoveToElement(); if (inner2.IsStartElement()) { cmdarray[b] = inner2.ReadString(); b++; } } cmd[cmdname] = cmdarray; } } } return cmd; } void Commands_DataError(object sender, DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs e) { log.Info(e.Exception.ToString() + " " + e.Context + " col " + e.ColumnIndex); e.Cancel = false; e.ThrowException = false; //throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// Adds a new row to the datagrid /// /// /// private void BUT_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Commands.CurrentRow == null) { selectedrow = 0; } else { selectedrow = Commands.CurrentRow.Index; } if (Commands.RowCount <= 1) { Commands.Rows.Add(); } else { if (Commands.RowCount == selectedrow + 1) { DataGridViewRow temp = Commands.Rows[selectedrow]; Commands.Rows.Add(); } else { Commands.Rows.Insert(selectedrow + 1, 1); } } writeKML(); } private void Planner_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { quickadd = true; config(false); if (MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lat != 0 && MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lng != 0) { TXT_homelat.Text = MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lat.ToString(); TXT_homelng.Text = MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lng.ToString(); TXT_homealt.Text = MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Alt.ToString(); } quickadd = false; if (MainV2.config["WMSserver"] != null) MainMap.Manager.CustomWMSURL = MainV2.config["WMSserver"].ToString(); trackBar1.Value = (int)MainMap.Zoom; // check for net and set offline if needed try { IPAddress[] addresslist = Dns.GetHostAddresses(""); } catch (Exception) { // here if dns failed isonline = false; } // setup geofence List polygonPoints = new List(); gf = new GMapPolygon(polygonPoints, "geofence"); gf.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Pink, 5); //setup drawnpolgon List polygonPoints2 = new List(); drawnpolygon = new GMapPolygon(polygonPoints2, "drawnpoly"); drawnpolygon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 2); updateCMDParams(); // mono panelMap.Dock = DockStyle.None; panelMap.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panelMap_Resize(null, null); writeKML(); } void parser_ElementAdded(object sender, SharpKml.Base.ElementEventArgs e) { processKML(e.Element); } private void processKML(SharpKml.Dom.Element Element) { try { log.Info(Element.ToString() + " " + Element.Parent); } catch { } SharpKml.Dom.Document doc = Element as SharpKml.Dom.Document; SharpKml.Dom.Placemark pm = Element as SharpKml.Dom.Placemark; SharpKml.Dom.Folder folder = Element as SharpKml.Dom.Folder; SharpKml.Dom.Polygon polygon = Element as SharpKml.Dom.Polygon; SharpKml.Dom.LineString ls = Element as SharpKml.Dom.LineString; if (doc != null) { foreach (var feat in doc.Features) { //Console.WriteLine("feat " + feat.GetType()); //processKML((Element)feat); } } else if (folder != null) { foreach (Feature feat in folder.Features) { //Console.WriteLine("feat "+feat.GetType()); //processKML(feat); } } else if (pm != null) { } else if (polygon != null) { GMapPolygon kmlpolygon = new GMapPolygon(new List(), "kmlpolygon"); kmlpolygon.Stroke.Color = Color.Purple; foreach (var loc in polygon.OuterBoundary.LinearRing.Coordinates) { kmlpolygon.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude)); } kmlpolygons.Polygons.Add(kmlpolygon); } else if (ls != null) { GMapRoute kmlroute = new GMapRoute(new List(), "kmlroute"); kmlroute.Stroke.Color = Color.Purple; foreach (var loc in ls.Coordinates) { kmlroute.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude)); } kmlpolygons.Routes.Add(kmlroute); } } private void ChangeColumnHeader(string command) { try { if (cmdParamNames.ContainsKey(command)) for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) Commands.Columns[i].HeaderText = cmdParamNames[command][i - 1]; else for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) Commands.Columns[i].HeaderText = "setme"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } /// /// Used to update column headers /// /// /// private void Commands_RowEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (quickadd) return; try { selectedrow = e.RowIndex; string option = Commands[Command.Index, selectedrow].EditedFormattedValue.ToString(); string cmd; try { cmd = Commands[Command.Index, selectedrow].Value.ToString(); } catch { cmd = option; } //Console.WriteLine("editformat " + option + " value " + cmd); ChangeColumnHeader(cmd); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } private void Commands_RowsAdded(object sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < Commands.ColumnCount; i++) { DataGridViewCell tcell = Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[i]; if (tcell.GetType() == typeof(DataGridViewTextBoxCell)) { if (tcell.Value == null) tcell.Value = "0"; } } DataGridViewComboBoxCell cell = Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[Command.Index] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell; if (cell.Value == null) { cell.Value = "WAYPOINT"; Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[Delete.Index].Value = "X"; if (!quickadd) { Commands_RowEnter(sender, new DataGridViewCellEventArgs(0, e.RowIndex - 0)); // do header labels Commands_RowValidating(sender, new DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs(0, e.RowIndex)); // do default values } } if (quickadd) return; try { Commands.CurrentCell = Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0]; if (Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex - 1].Cells[Command.Index].Value.ToString() == "WAYPOINT") { Commands.Rows[e.RowIndex].Selected = true; // highlight row } else { Commands.CurrentCell = Commands[1, e.RowIndex - 1]; //Commands_RowEnter(sender, new DataGridViewCellEventArgs(0, e.RowIndex-1)); } } catch (Exception) { } // Commands.EndEdit(); } private void Commands_RowValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e) { selectedrow = e.RowIndex; Commands_RowEnter(sender, new DataGridViewCellEventArgs(0, e.RowIndex - 0)); // do header labels - encure we dont 0 out valid colums int cols = Commands.Columns.Count; for (int a = 1; a < cols; a++) { DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell; cell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[a] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; if (Commands.Columns[a].HeaderText.Equals("") && cell != null && cell.Value == null) { cell.Value = "0"; } else { if (cell != null && (cell.Value == null || cell.Value.ToString() == "")) { cell.Value = "?"; } else { // not a text box } } } } /// /// used to add a marker to the map display /// /// /// /// /// private void addpolygonmarker(string tag, double lng, double lat, int alt, Color? color) { try { PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng(lat, lng); GMapMarkerGoogleGreen m = new GMapMarkerGoogleGreen(point); m.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Always; m.ToolTipText = tag; m.Tag = tag; //ArdupilotMega.GMapMarkerRectWPRad mBorders = new ArdupilotMega.GMapMarkerRectWPRad(point, (int)float.Parse(TXT_WPRad.Text), MainMap); GMapMarkerRect mBorders = new GMapMarkerRect(point); { mBorders.InnerMarker = m; mBorders.wprad = (int)float.Parse(TXT_WPRad.Text); mBorders.MainMap = MainMap; if (color.HasValue) { mBorders.Color = color.Value; } } objects.Markers.Add(m); objects.Markers.Add(mBorders); } catch (Exception) { } } private void addpolygonmarkergrid(string tag, double lng, double lat, int alt) { try { PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng(lat, lng); GMapMarkerGoogleRed m = new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(point); m.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Never; m.ToolTipText = "grid" + tag; m.Tag = "grid" + tag; //ArdupilotMega.GMapMarkerRectWPRad mBorders = new ArdupilotMega.GMapMarkerRectWPRad(point, (int)float.Parse(TXT_WPRad.Text), MainMap); GMapMarkerRect mBorders = new GMapMarkerRect(point); { mBorders.InnerMarker = m; } drawnpolygons.Markers.Add(m); drawnpolygons.Markers.Add(mBorders); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(ex.ToString()); } } /// /// used to write a KML, update the Map view polygon, and update the row headers /// private void writeKML() { // quickadd is for when loading wps from eeprom or file, to prevent slow, loading times if (quickadd) return; // this is to share the current mission with the data tab pointlist = new List(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); try { if (objects != null) // hasnt been created yet { objects.Markers.Clear(); } // process and add home to the list string home; if (TXT_homealt.Text != "" && TXT_homelat.Text != "" && TXT_homelng.Text != "") { home = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}\r\n", TXT_homelng.Text, TXT_homelat.Text, TXT_DefaultAlt.Text); if (objects != null) // during startup { pointlist.Add(new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text), double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text), (int)double.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text), "Home")); addpolygonmarker("Home", double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text), double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text), 0, null); } } else { home = ""; } // setup for centerpoint calc etc. double avglat = 0; double avglong = 0; double maxlat = -180; double maxlong = -180; double minlat = 180; double minlong = 180; double homealt = 0; try { homealt = (int)double.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text); } catch { } if (CHK_altmode.Checked) { homealt = 0; // for absolute we dont need to add homealt } int usable = 0; // number rows System.Threading.Thread t1 = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate() { // thread for updateing row numbers for (int a = 0; a < Commands.Rows.Count - 0; a++) { try { if (Commands.Rows[a].HeaderCell.Value == null) { Commands.Rows[a].HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Commands.Rows[a].HeaderCell.Value = (a + 1).ToString(); } // skip rows with the correct number string rowno = Commands.Rows[a].HeaderCell.Value.ToString(); if (!rowno.Equals((a + 1).ToString())) { // this code is where the delay is when deleting. Commands.Rows[a].HeaderCell.Value = (a + 1).ToString(); } } catch (Exception) { } } }); t1.Name = "Row number updater"; t1.IsBackground = true; t1.Start(); MainV2.threads.Add(t1); long temp = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); string lookat = ""; for (int a = 0; a < Commands.Rows.Count - 0; a++) { try { int command = (byte)(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Command.Index].Value.ToString(), false); if (command < (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LAST && command != (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.TAKEOFF) { string cell2 = Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Alt.Index].Value.ToString(); // alt string cell3 = Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString(); // lat string cell4 = Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString(); // lng if (cell4 == "0" || cell3 == "0") continue; if (cell4 == "?" || cell3 == "?") continue; if (command == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TIME || command == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TURNS || command == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_UNLIM) { pointlist.Add(new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(cell3), double.Parse(cell4), (int)double.Parse(cell2) + homealt, (a + 1).ToString()){ color = Color.LightBlue }); addpolygonmarker((a + 1).ToString(), double.Parse(cell4), double.Parse(cell3), (int)double.Parse(cell2) , Color.LightBlue); } else { pointlist.Add(new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(cell3), double.Parse(cell4), (int)double.Parse(cell2) + homealt, (a + 1).ToString())); addpolygonmarker((a + 1).ToString(), double.Parse(cell4), double.Parse(cell3), (int)double.Parse(cell2) ,null); } avglong += double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString()); avglat += double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString()); usable++; maxlong = Math.Max(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString()), maxlong); maxlat = Math.Max(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString()), maxlat); minlong = Math.Min(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString()), minlong); minlat = Math.Min(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString()), minlat); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(temp - System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Info("writekml - bad wp data " + e.ToString()); } } if (usable > 0) { avglat = avglat / usable; avglong = avglong / usable; double latdiff = maxlat - minlat; double longdiff = maxlong - minlong; float range = 4000; Locationwp loc1 = new Locationwp(); = (float)(minlat); loc1.lng = (float)(minlong); Locationwp loc2 = new Locationwp(); = (float)(maxlat); loc2.lng = (float)(maxlong); //double distance = getDistance(loc1, loc2); // same code as ardupilot double distance = 2000; if (usable > 1) { range = (float)(distance * 2); } else { range = 4000; } if (avglong != 0 && usable < 3) { // no autozoom lookat = " " + (minlong + longdiff / 2).ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + " " + (minlat + latdiff / 2).ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + " " + range + " "; //MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers("objects"); //MainMap.Zoom -= 1; //MainMap_OnMapZoomChanged(); } } else if (home.Length > 5 && usable == 0) { lookat = " " + TXT_homelng.Text.ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + " " + TXT_homelat.Text.ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + " 4000 "; RectLatLng? rect = MainMap.GetRectOfAllMarkers("objects"); if (rect.HasValue) { MainMap.Position = rect.Value.LocationMiddle; } MainMap.Zoom = 17; MainMap_OnMapZoomChanged(); } RegeneratePolygon(); if (polygon != null && polygon.Points.Count > 0) { double homedist = 0; if (home.Length > 5) { pointlist.Add(new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text), double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text), (int)double.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text), "Home")); homedist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(polygon.Points[polygon.Points.Count - 1], polygon.Points[0]); lbl_homedist.Text = rm.GetString("lbl_homedist.Text") + ": " + FormatDistance(homedist, true); } lbl_distance.Text = rm.GetString("lbl_distance.Text") + ": " + FormatDistance(polygon.Distance + homedist, false); } config(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(ex.ToString()); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); } /// /// Saves a waypoint writer file /// private void savewaypoints() { SaveFileDialog fd = new SaveFileDialog(); fd.Filter = "Ardupilot Mission (*.txt)|*.*"; fd.DefaultExt = ".txt"; DialogResult result = fd.ShowDialog(); string file = fd.FileName; if (file != "") { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file); sw.WriteLine("QGC WPL 110"); try { sw.WriteLine("0\t1\t0\t16\t0\t0\t0\t0\t" + double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "\t" + double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "\t" + double.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "\t1"); } catch { sw.WriteLine("0\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1"); } for (int a = 0; a < Commands.Rows.Count - 0; a++) { byte mode = (byte)(MAVLink.MAV_CMD)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), Commands.Rows[a].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); sw.Write((a + 1)); // seq sw.Write("\t" + 0); // current sw.Write("\t" + (CHK_altmode.Checked == true ? (byte)MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL : (byte)MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)); //frame sw.Write("\t" + mode); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param1.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param2.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param3.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param4.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString()).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + (double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Alt.Index].Value.ToString()) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0.000000", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); sw.Write("\t" + 1); sw.WriteLine(""); } sw.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error writing file"); } } } private void SaveFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { savewaypoints(); writeKML(); } /// /// Reads the EEPROM from a com port /// /// /// internal void BUT_read_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue frmProgressReporter = new Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue { StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, Text = "Receiving WP's" }; frmProgressReporter.DoWork += getWPs; frmProgressReporter.UpdateProgressAndStatus(-1, "Receiving WP's"); MainV2.fixtheme(frmProgressReporter); frmProgressReporter.RunBackgroundOperationAsync(); } void getWPs(object sender, Controls.ProgressWorkerEventArgs e) { List cmds = new List(); int error = 0; try { MAVLink port = MainV2.comPort; if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen) { throw new Exception("Please Connect First!"); } MainV2.givecomport = true; param = port.param; log.Info("Getting WP #"); ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(0, "Getting WP count"); int cmdcount = port.getWPCount(); for (ushort a = 0; a < cmdcount; a++) { log.Info("Getting WP" + a); ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(a * 100 / cmdcount, "Getting WP " + a); cmds.Add(port.getWP(a)); } port.setWPACK(); ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(100, "Done"); log.Info("Done"); } catch (Exception ex) { error = 1; MessageBox.Show("Error : " + ex.ToString()); } try { this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { if (error == 0) { try { processToScreen(cmds); } catch (Exception exx) { log.Info(exx.ToString()); } } MainV2.givecomport = false; BUT_read.Enabled = true; writeKML(); }); } catch (Exception exx) { log.Info(exx.ToString()); } } /// /// Writes the mission from the datagrid and values to the EEPROM /// /// /// private void BUT_write_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CHK_altmode.Checked) { if (DialogResult.No == MessageBox.Show("Absolute Alt is ticked are you sure?", "Alt Mode", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { CHK_altmode.Checked = false; } } // check for invalid grid data for (int a = 0; a < Commands.Rows.Count - 0; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < Commands.ColumnCount - 0; b++) { double answer; if (b >= 1 && b <= 4) { if (!double.TryParse(Commands[b, a].Value.ToString(), out answer)) { MessageBox.Show("There are errors in your mission"); return; } } } } Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue frmProgressReporter = new Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue { StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, Text = "Sending WP's" }; frmProgressReporter.DoWork += saveWPs; frmProgressReporter.UpdateProgressAndStatus(-1, "Sending WP's"); MainV2.fixtheme(frmProgressReporter); frmProgressReporter.RunBackgroundOperationAsync(); MainMap.Focus(); } void saveWPs(object sender, Controls.ProgressWorkerEventArgs e) { try { MAVLink port = MainV2.comPort; if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen) { throw new Exception("Please Connect First!"); } MainV2.givecomport = true; Locationwp home = new Locationwp(); try { = (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.WAYPOINT; = (float.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text)); home.lng = (float.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text)); home.alt = (float.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); // use saved home } catch { throw new Exception("Your home location is invalid"); } ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(0, "Set Total WPs "); port.setWPTotal((ushort)(Commands.Rows.Count + 1)); // + home ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(0, "Set Home"); port.setWP(home, (ushort)0, MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, 0); MAVLink.MAV_FRAME frame = MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT; // process grid to memory eeprom for (int a = 0; a < Commands.Rows.Count - 0; a++) { ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(a * 100 / Commands.Rows.Count, "Setting WP " + a); Locationwp temp = new Locationwp(); = (byte)(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Command.Index].Value.ToString(), false); temp.p1 = float.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param1.Index].Value.ToString()); if ( < (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LAST || == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_SET_HOME) { if (CHK_altmode.Checked) { frame = MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL; } else { frame = MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT; } } temp.alt = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Alt.Index].Value.ToString()) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lat.Index].Value.ToString())); temp.lng = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Lon.Index].Value.ToString())); temp.p2 = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param2.Index].Value.ToString())); temp.p3 = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param3.Index].Value.ToString())); temp.p4 = (float)(double.Parse(Commands.Rows[a].Cells[Param4.Index].Value.ToString())); port.setWP(temp, (ushort)(a + 1), frame, 0); } port.setWPACK(); ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(95, "Setting Params"); if (CHK_holdalt.Checked) { port.setParam("ALT_HOLD_RTL", int.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); } else { port.setParam("ALT_HOLD_RTL", -1); } port.setParam("WP_RADIUS", (byte)int.Parse(TXT_WPRad.Text) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); try { port.setParam("WP_LOITER_RAD", (byte)(int.Parse(TXT_loiterrad.Text) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist)); } catch { port.setParam("LOITER_RAD", (byte)int.Parse(TXT_loiterrad.Text) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); } ((Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue)sender).UpdateProgressAndStatus(100, "Done."); } catch (Exception ex) { MainV2.givecomport = false; throw ex; } MainV2.givecomport = false; } /// /// Processes a loaded EEPROM to the map and datagrid /// void processToScreen(List cmds) { quickadd = true; Commands.Rows.Clear(); int i = -1; foreach (Locationwp temp in cmds) { i++; //Console.WriteLine("FP processToScreen " + i); if ( == 0 && i != 0) // 0 and not home break; if ( == 255 && i != 0) // bad record - never loaded any WP's - but have started the board up. break; if (i + 1 >= Commands.Rows.Count) { Commands.Rows.Add(); } //if (i == 0 && temp.alt == 0) // skip 0 home // continue; DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell; DataGridViewComboBoxCell cellcmd; cellcmd = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Command.Index] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell; cellcmd.Value = "WAYPOINT"; foreach (object value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD))) { if ((int)value == { cellcmd.Value = value.ToString(); break; } } if ( < (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LAST || == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_SET_HOME) { if ((temp.options & 0x1) == 0 && i != 0) // home is always abs { CHK_altmode.Checked = true; } else { CHK_altmode.Checked = false; } } cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Alt.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = Math.Round((temp.alt * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist), 0); cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Lat.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = (double); cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Lon.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = (double)temp.lng; cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Param1.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = temp.p1; cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Param2.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = temp.p2; cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Param3.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = temp.p3; cell = Commands.Rows[i].Cells[Param4.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; cell.Value = temp.p4; } try { DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellhome; cellhome = Commands.Rows[0].Cells[Lat.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; if (cellhome.Value != null) { if (cellhome.Value.ToString() != TXT_homelat.Text && cellhome.Value.ToString() != "0") { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Reset Home to loaded coords", "Reset Home Coords", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { TXT_homelat.Text = (double.Parse(cellhome.Value.ToString())).ToString(); cellhome = Commands.Rows[0].Cells[Lon.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; TXT_homelng.Text = (double.Parse(cellhome.Value.ToString())).ToString(); cellhome = Commands.Rows[0].Cells[Alt.Index] as DataGridViewTextBoxCell; TXT_homealt.Text = (double.Parse(cellhome.Value.ToString()) * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString(); } } } log.Info("Setting wp params"); string hold_alt = ((int)((float)param["ALT_HOLD_RTL"] * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist)).ToString(); log.Info("param ALT_HOLD_RTL " + hold_alt); if (!hold_alt.Equals("-1")) { TXT_DefaultAlt.Text = hold_alt; } TXT_WPRad.Text = ((int)((float)param["WP_RADIUS"] * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist)).ToString(); log.Info("param WP_RADIUS " + TXT_WPRad.Text); try { if (param["LOITER_RADIUS"] != null) TXT_loiterrad.Text = ((int)((float)param["LOITER_RADIUS"] * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist)).ToString(); if (param["WP_LOITER_RAD"] != null) TXT_loiterrad.Text = ((int)((float)param["WP_LOITER_RAD"] * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist)).ToString(); log.Info("param LOITER_RADIUS " + TXT_loiterrad.Text); } catch { } CHK_holdalt.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean((float)param["ALT_HOLD_RTL"] > 0); log.Info("param ALT_HOLD_RTL " + CHK_holdalt.Checked.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(ex.ToString()); } // if there is no valid home if (Commands.RowCount > 0) { log.Info("remove home from list"); Commands.Rows.Remove(Commands.Rows[0]); // remove home row } quickadd = false; writeKML(); MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers("objects"); MainMap_OnMapZoomChanged(); } /// /// Saves this forms config to MAIN, where it is written in a global config /// /// true/false private void config(bool write) { if (write) { ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_homelat"] = TXT_homelat.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_homelng"] = TXT_homelng.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_homealt"] = TXT_homealt.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_WPRad"] = TXT_WPRad.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_loiterrad"] = TXT_loiterrad.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["TXT_DefaultAlt"] = TXT_DefaultAlt.Text; ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config["CHK_altmode"] = CHK_altmode.Checked; } else { Hashtable temp = new Hashtable((Hashtable)ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config.Clone()); foreach (string key in temp.Keys) { switch (key) { case "TXT_WPRad": TXT_WPRad.Text = ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config[key].ToString(); break; case "TXT_loiterrad": TXT_loiterrad.Text = ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config[key].ToString(); break; case "TXT_DefaultAlt": TXT_DefaultAlt.Text = ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config[key].ToString(); break; case "CHK_altmode": CHK_altmode.Checked = false;//bool.Parse(ArdupilotMega.MainV2.config[key].ToString()); break; default: break; } } } } private void TXT_WPRad_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == "\b") return; e.Handled = !int.TryParse(e.KeyChar.ToString(), out isNumber); } private void TXT_WPRad_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (!int.TryParse(TXT_WPRad.Text, out isNumber)) { TXT_WPRad.Text = "30"; } if (isNumber > 127) { MessageBox.Show("The value can only be between 0 and 127"); TXT_WPRad.Text = "127"; } writeKML(); } private void TXT_loiterrad_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == "\b") return; e.Handled = !int.TryParse(e.KeyChar.ToString(), out isNumber); } private void TXT_loiterrad_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (!int.TryParse(TXT_loiterrad.Text, out isNumber)) { TXT_loiterrad.Text = "45"; } if (isNumber > 127) { MessageBox.Show("The value can only be between 0 and 127"); TXT_loiterrad.Text = "127"; } } private void TXT_DefaultAlt_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (e.KeyChar.ToString() == "\b") return; e.Handled = !int.TryParse(e.KeyChar.ToString(), out isNumber); } private void TXT_DefaultAlt_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { int isNumber = 0; if (!int.TryParse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text, out isNumber)) { TXT_DefaultAlt.Text = "100"; } } /// /// used to control buttons in the datagrid /// /// /// private void Commands_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { try { if (e.RowIndex < 0) return; if (e.ColumnIndex == Delete.Index && (e.RowIndex + 0) < Commands.RowCount) // delete { quickadd = true; Commands.Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); quickadd = false; writeKML(); } if (e.ColumnIndex == Up.Index && e.RowIndex != 0) // up { DataGridViewRow myrow = Commands.CurrentRow; Commands.Rows.Remove(myrow); Commands.Rows.Insert(e.RowIndex - 1, myrow); writeKML(); } if (e.ColumnIndex == Down.Index && e.RowIndex < Commands.RowCount - 1) // down { DataGridViewRow myrow = Commands.CurrentRow; Commands.Rows.Remove(myrow); Commands.Rows.Insert(e.RowIndex + 1, myrow); writeKML(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Row error"); } } private void Commands_DefaultValuesNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewRowEventArgs e) { e.Row.Cells[Delete.Index].Value = "X"; e.Row.Cells[Up.Index].Value = global::ArdupilotMega.Properties.Resources.up; e.Row.Cells[Down.Index].Value = global::ArdupilotMega.Properties.Resources.down; } private void TXT_homelat_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { sethome = false; try { MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lat = double.Parse(TXT_homelat.Text); } catch { } writeKML(); } private void TXT_homelng_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { sethome = false; try { MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Lng = double.Parse(TXT_homelng.Text); } catch { } writeKML(); } private void TXT_homealt_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { sethome = false; try { MainV2.cs.HomeLocation.Alt = double.Parse(TXT_homealt.Text); } catch { } writeKML(); } private void Planner_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } private void BUT_loadwpfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Filter = "Ardupilot Mission (*.txt)|*.*"; fd.DefaultExt = ".txt"; DialogResult result = fd.ShowDialog(); string file = fd.FileName; if (file != "") { if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".h")) { readwaypointwritterfile(file); } else { readQGC110wpfile(file); } } } void readQGC110wpfile(string file) { int wp_count = 0; bool error = false; List cmds = new List(); try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); //"defines.h" string header = sr.ReadLine(); if (header == null || !header.Contains("QGC WPL 110")) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Waypoint file"); return; } while (!error && !sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); // waypoints if (line.StartsWith("#")) continue; string[] items = line.Split(new char[] { (char)'\t', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (items.Length <= 9) continue; try { Locationwp temp = new Locationwp(); if (items[2] == "3") { // abs MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT=3 temp.options = 1; } else { temp.options = 0; } = (byte)(int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), items[3], false); temp.p1 = float.Parse(items[4], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")); if ( == 99) = 0; temp.alt = (float)(double.Parse(items[10], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); = (float)(double.Parse(items[8], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.lng = (float)(double.Parse(items[9], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.p2 = (float)(double.Parse(items[5], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.p3 = (float)(double.Parse(items[6], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); temp.p4 = (float)(double.Parse(items[7], new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))); cmds.Add(temp); wp_count++; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Line invalid\n" + line); } if (wp_count == byte.MaxValue) { MessageBox.Show("To many Waypoints!!!"); break; } } sr.Close(); processToScreen(cmds); writeKML(); MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers("objects"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Can't open file! " + ex.ToString()); } } private void trackBar1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lock (thisLock) { MainMap.Zoom = trackBar1.Value; } } catch { } } // marker GMapMarker currentMarker; GMapMarker center = new GMapMarkerCross(new PointLatLng(0.0, 0.0)); // polygons GMapPolygon polygon; GMapPolygon drawnpolygon; GMapPolygon gf; GMapOverlay kmlpolygons; GMapOverlay geofence; // layers GMapOverlay top; internal GMapOverlay objects; static GMapOverlay routes;// static so can update from gcs static GMapOverlay polygons; GMapOverlay drawnpolygons; // etc readonly Random rnd = new Random(); string mobileGpsLog = string.Empty; GMapMarkerRect CurentRectMarker = null; bool isMouseDown = false; bool isMouseDraging = false; PointLatLng start; PointLatLng end; //public long ElapsedMilliseconds; #region -- map events -- void MainMap_OnMarkerLeave(GMapMarker item) { if (!isMouseDown) { if (item is GMapMarkerRect) { CurentRectMarker = null; GMapMarkerRect rc = item as GMapMarkerRect; rc.Pen.Color = Color.Blue; MainMap.Invalidate(false); } } } void MainMap_OnMarkerEnter(GMapMarker item) { if (!isMouseDown) { if (item is GMapMarkerRect) { GMapMarkerRect rc = item as GMapMarkerRect; rc.Pen.Color = Color.Red; MainMap.Invalidate(false); CurentRectMarker = rc; } } } void MainMap_OnMapTypeChanged(MapType type) { comboBoxMapType.SelectedItem = MainMap.MapType; trackBar1.Minimum = MainMap.MinZoom; trackBar1.Maximum = MainMap.MaxZoom + 0.99; MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers("objects"); if (type == MapType.CustomWMS) { string url = ""; if (MainV2.config["WMSserver"] != null) url = MainV2.config["WMSserver"].ToString(); Common.InputBox("WMS Server", "Enter the WMS server URL", ref url); MainV2.config["WMSserver"] = url; MainMap.Manager.CustomWMSURL = url; } } void MainMap_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { end = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) // ignore right clicks { return; } if (isMouseDown) // mouse down on some other object and dragged to here. { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { isMouseDown = false; } if (!isMouseDraging) { if (CurentRectMarker != null) { // cant add WP in existing rect } else { callMe(currentMarker.Position.Lat, currentMarker.Position.Lng, 0); } } else { if (CurentRectMarker != null) { if (CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString().Contains("grid")) { try { drawnpolygon.Points[int.Parse(CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString().Replace("grid", "")) - 1] = new PointLatLng(end.Lat, end.Lng); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(drawnpolygon); MainMap.Invalidate(); } catch { } } else { callMeDrag(CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString(), currentMarker.Position.Lat, currentMarker.Position.Lng, -1); } CurentRectMarker = null; } } } isMouseDraging = false; } void MainMap_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { start = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && Control.ModifierKeys != Keys.Alt) { isMouseDown = true; isMouseDraging = false; if (currentMarker.IsVisible) { currentMarker.Position = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); } } } // move current marker with left holding void MainMap_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { PointLatLng point = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); currentMarker.Position = point; if (!isMouseDown) { callMeDisplay(point.Lat, point.Lng, 0); } //draging if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && isMouseDown) { isMouseDraging = true; if (CurentRectMarker == null) // left click pan { double latdif = start.Lat - point.Lat; double lngdif = start.Lng - point.Lng; try { lock (thisLock) { MainMap.Position = new PointLatLng(center.Position.Lat + latdif, center.Position.Lng + lngdif); } } catch { } } else // move rect marker { try { if (CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString().Contains("grid")) { drawnpolygon.Points[int.Parse(CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString().Replace("grid", "")) - 1] = new PointLatLng(point.Lat, point.Lng); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(drawnpolygon); MainMap.Invalidate(); } } catch { } PointLatLng pnew = MainMap.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y); int? pIndex = (int?)CurentRectMarker.Tag; if (pIndex.HasValue) { if (pIndex < polygon.Points.Count) { polygon.Points[pIndex.Value] = pnew; lock (thisLock) { MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(polygon); } } } if (currentMarker.IsVisible) { currentMarker.Position = pnew; } CurentRectMarker.Position = pnew; if (CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker != null) { CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Position = pnew; } } } } // MapZoomChanged void MainMap_OnMapZoomChanged() { if (MainMap.Zoom > 0) { try { trackBar1.Value = (int)(MainMap.Zoom); } catch { } //textBoxZoomCurrent.Text = MainMap.Zoom.ToString(); center.Position = MainMap.Position; } } // click on some marker void MainMap_OnMarkerClick(GMapMarker item, MouseEventArgs e) { int answer; try // when dragging item can sometimes be null { if (int.TryParse(item.Tag.ToString(), out answer)) { Commands.CurrentCell = Commands[0, answer - 1]; } } catch { } return; } // loader start loading tiles void MainMap_OnTileLoadStart() { MethodInvoker m = delegate() { lbl_status.Text = "Status: loading tiles..."; }; try { BeginInvoke(m); } catch { } } // loader end loading tiles void MainMap_OnTileLoadComplete(long ElapsedMilliseconds) { //MainMap.ElapsedMilliseconds = ElapsedMilliseconds; MethodInvoker m = delegate() { lbl_status.Text = "Status: loaded tiles"; //panelMenu.Text = "Menu, last load in " + MainMap.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"; //textBoxMemory.Text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.00}MB of {1:0.00}MB", MainMap.Manager.MemoryCacheSize, MainMap.Manager.MemoryCacheCapacity); }; try { BeginInvoke(m); } catch { } } // current point changed void MainMap_OnCurrentPositionChanged(PointLatLng point) { if (point.Lat > 90) { point.Lat = 90; } if (point.Lat < -90) { point.Lat = -90; } if (point.Lng > 180) { point.Lng = 180; } if (point.Lng < -180) { point.Lng = -180; } center.Position = point; TXT_mouselat.Text = point.Lat.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); TXT_mouselong.Text = point.Lng.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } // center markers on start private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (objects.Markers.Count > 0) { MainMap.ZoomAndCenterMarkers(null); } trackBar1.Value = (int)MainMap.Zoom; } // ensure focus on map, trackbar can have it too private void MainMap_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { // MainMap.Focus(); } #endregion /// /// used to redraw the polygon /// void RegeneratePolygon() { List polygonPoints = new List(); if (objects == null) return; foreach (GMapMarker m in objects.Markers) { if (m is GMapMarkerRect) { m.Tag = polygonPoints.Count; polygonPoints.Add(m.Position); } } if (polygon == null) { polygon = new GMapPolygon(polygonPoints, "polygon test"); polygons.Polygons.Add(polygon); } else { polygon.Points.Clear(); polygon.Points.AddRange(polygonPoints); polygon.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 4); if (polygons.Polygons.Count == 0) { polygons.Polygons.Add(polygon); } else { lock (thisLock) { MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(polygon); } } } } private void comboBoxMapType_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { MainMap.MapType = (MapType)comboBoxMapType.SelectedItem; FlightData.mymap.MapType = (MapType)comboBoxMapType.SelectedItem; MainV2.config["MapType"] = comboBoxMapType.Text; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Map change failed. try zomming out first."); } } private void Commands_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) { if (e.Control.GetType() == typeof(DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl)) { var temp = ((ComboBox)e.Control); ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectionChangeCommitted -= new EventHandler(Commands_SelectionChangeCommitted); ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(Commands_SelectionChangeCommitted); ((ComboBox)e.Control).ForeColor = Color.White; ((ComboBox)e.Control).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0x43, 0x44, 0x45); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Setting event handle"); } } void Commands_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { // update row headers ((ComboBox)sender).ForeColor = Color.White; ChangeColumnHeader(((ComboBox)sender).Text); try { for (int i = 0; i < Commands.ColumnCount; i++) { DataGridViewCell tcell = Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[i]; if (tcell.GetType() == typeof(DataGridViewTextBoxCell)) { if (tcell.Value.ToString() == "?") tcell.Value = "0"; } } } catch { } } /// /// Get the Google earth ALT for a given coord /// /// /// /// Altitude double getGEAlt(double lat, double lng) { double alt = 0; // try { using (XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader("" + lat.ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "," + lng.ToString(new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) + "&sensor=true")) { while (xmlreader.Read()) { xmlreader.MoveToElement(); switch (xmlreader.Name) { case "elevation": alt = double.Parse(xmlreader.ReadString(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")); break; default: break; } } } } catch { } return alt * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist; } private void TXT_homelat_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { sethome = true; MessageBox.Show("Click on the Map to set Home "); } private void Planner_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainMap.Zoom = trackBar1.Value; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { writeKML(); double homealt; double.TryParse(TXT_homealt.Text, out homealt); Form temp = new ElevationProfile(pointlist, homealt); MainV2.fixtheme(temp); temp.ShowDialog(); } private void CHK_altmode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Commands.RowCount > 0 && !quickadd) MessageBox.Show("You will need to change your altitudes"); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { try { base.OnPaint(pe); } catch (Exception) { } } private void Commands_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { Commands_RowEnter(null, new DataGridViewCellEventArgs(Commands.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex, Commands.CurrentCell.RowIndex)); } private void MainMap_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainMap.Zoom = MainMap.Zoom + 0.01; } private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lock (thisLock) { MainMap.Zoom = trackBar1.Value; } } catch { } } private void panel4_PanelCollapsing(object sender, BSE.Windows.Forms.XPanderStateChangeEventArgs e) { } private void BUT_Prefetch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RectLatLng area = MainMap.SelectedArea; if (area.IsEmpty) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("No ripp area defined, ripp displayed on screen?", "Rip", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { area = MainMap.CurrentViewArea; } } if (!area.IsEmpty) { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Ready ripp at Zoom = " + (int)MainMap.Zoom + " ?", "GMap.NET", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); for (int i = 1; i <= MainMap.MaxZoom; i++) { if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { TilePrefetcher obj = new TilePrefetcher(); obj.ShowCompleteMessage = false; obj.Start(area, MainMap.Projection, i, MainMap.MapType, 100); } else if (res == DialogResult.No) { continue; } else if (res == DialogResult.Cancel) { break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Select map area holding ALT", "GMap.NET", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } /// /// from /// /// /// /// /// /// public PointLatLng FindLineIntersection(PointLatLng start1, PointLatLng end1, PointLatLng start2, PointLatLng end2) { double denom = ((end1.Lng - start1.Lng) * (end2.Lat - start2.Lat)) - ((end1.Lat - start1.Lat) * (end2.Lng - start2.Lng)); // AB & CD are parallel if (denom == 0) return PointLatLng.Zero; double numer = ((start1.Lat - start2.Lat) * (end2.Lng - start2.Lng)) - ((start1.Lng - start2.Lng) * (end2.Lat - start2.Lat)); double r = numer / denom; double numer2 = ((start1.Lat - start2.Lat) * (end1.Lng - start1.Lng)) - ((start1.Lng - start2.Lng) * (end1.Lat - start1.Lat)); double s = numer2 / denom; if ((r < 0 || r > 1) || (s < 0 || s > 1)) return PointLatLng.Zero; // Find intersection point PointLatLng result = new PointLatLng(); result.Lng = start1.Lng + (r * (end1.Lng - start1.Lng)); result.Lat = start1.Lat + (r * (end1.Lat - start1.Lat)); return result; } RectLatLng getPolyMinMax(GMapPolygon poly) { if (poly.Points.Count == 0) return new RectLatLng(); double minx, miny, maxx, maxy; minx = maxx = poly.Points[0].Lng; miny = maxy = poly.Points[0].Lat; foreach (PointLatLng pnt in poly.Points) { //Console.WriteLine(pnt.ToString()); minx = Math.Min(minx, pnt.Lng); maxx = Math.Max(maxx, pnt.Lng); miny = Math.Min(miny, pnt.Lat); maxy = Math.Max(maxy, pnt.Lat); } return new RectLatLng(maxy, minx, Math.Abs(maxx - minx), Math.Abs(miny - maxy)); } const float rad2deg = (float)(180 / Math.PI); const float deg2rad = (float)(1.0 / rad2deg); private void BUT_grid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { polygongridmode = false; if (drawnpolygon == null || drawnpolygon.Points.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Right click the map to draw a polygon", "Area", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } GMapPolygon area = drawnpolygon; area.Points.Add(area.Points[0]); // make a full loop RectLatLng arearect = getPolyMinMax(area); if (area.Distance > 0) { PointLatLng topright = new PointLatLng(arearect.LocationTopLeft.Lat, arearect.LocationRightBottom.Lng); PointLatLng bottomleft = new PointLatLng(arearect.LocationRightBottom.Lat, arearect.LocationTopLeft.Lng); double diagdist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(arearect.LocationTopLeft, arearect.LocationRightBottom) * 1000; double heightdist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(arearect.LocationTopLeft, bottomleft) * 1000; double widthdist = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(arearect.LocationTopLeft, topright) * 1000; string alt = (100 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); Common.InputBox("Altitude", "Relative Altitude", ref alt); string distance = (50 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); Common.InputBox("Distance", "Distance between lines", ref distance); //string overshoot = (30 * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); //Common.InputBox("Overshoot", "Enter of line overshoot amount", ref overshoot); string angle = (90).ToString("0"); Common.InputBox("Angle", "Enter the line direction (0-180)", ref angle); double tryme = 0; if (!double.TryParse(angle, out tryme)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Angle"); return; } if (!double.TryParse(alt, out tryme)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Alt"); return; } if (!double.TryParse(distance, out tryme)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Distance"); return; } #if DEBUG //Commands.Rows.Clear(); #endif // get x y components double x1 = Math.Cos((double.Parse(angle)) * deg2rad); double y1 = Math.Sin((double.Parse(angle)) * deg2rad); // get x y step amount in lat lng from m double latdiff = arearect.HeightLat / ((heightdist / (double.Parse(distance) * (y1) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist))); double lngdiff = arearect.WidthLng / ((widthdist / (double.Parse(distance) * (x1) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist))); double latlngdiff = Math.Sqrt(latdiff * latdiff + lngdiff * lngdiff); double fulllatdiff = arearect.HeightLat * x1 * 2; double fulllngdiff = arearect.WidthLng * y1 * 2; // lat - up down // lng - left right int overshootdist = 0;// (int)(double.Parse(overshoot) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); int altitude = (int)(double.Parse(alt) / MainV2.cs.multiplierdist); double overshootdistlng = arearect.WidthLng / widthdist * overshootdist; bool dir = false; int count = 0; double x = bottomleft.Lat - Math.Abs(fulllatdiff); double y = bottomleft.Lng - Math.Abs(fulllngdiff); log.InfoFormat("{0} < {1} {2} < {3}", x, (topright.Lat), y, (topright.Lng)); while (x < (topright.Lat + Math.Abs(fulllatdiff)) && y < (topright.Lng + Math.Abs(fulllngdiff))) { if (double.Parse(angle) < 45) { x = bottomleft.Lat; y += latlngdiff; } else if (double.Parse(angle) > 135) { x = arearect.LocationTopLeft.Lat; //arearect.LocationTopLeft.Lat; y += latlngdiff; } else if (double.Parse(angle) > 90) { y = bottomleft.Lng; //arearect.LocationTopLeft.Lat; x += latlngdiff; } else { y = bottomleft.Lng; x += latlngdiff; } //callMe(x , y, 0); //callMe(x + (fulllatdiff), y + (fulllngdiff), 0); //continue; PointLatLng closestlatlong = PointLatLng.Zero; PointLatLng farestlatlong = PointLatLng.Zero; double noc = double.MaxValue; double nof = double.MinValue; if (dir) { double ax = x; double ay = y; double bx = x + fulllatdiff; double by = y + fulllngdiff; int a = -1; PointLatLng newlatlong = PointLatLng.Zero; foreach (PointLatLng pnt in area.Points) { a++; if (a == 0) { continue; } newlatlong = FindLineIntersection(area.Points[a - 1], area.Points[a], new PointLatLng(ax, ay), new PointLatLng(bx, by)); if (!newlatlong.IsZero) { if (noc > MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong)) { closestlatlong.Lat = newlatlong.Lat; closestlatlong.Lng = newlatlong.Lng; noc = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong); } if (nof < MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong)) { farestlatlong.Lat = newlatlong.Lat; farestlatlong.Lng = newlatlong.Lng; nof = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong); } } } if (!farestlatlong.IsZero) callMe(farestlatlong.Lat, farestlatlong.Lng, altitude); if (!closestlatlong.IsZero) callMe(closestlatlong.Lat, closestlatlong.Lng - overshootdistlng, altitude); //callMe(x, topright.Lng, altitude); //callMe(x, bottomleft.Lng - overshootdistlng, altitude); } else { double ax = x; double ay = y; double bx = x + fulllatdiff; double by = y + fulllngdiff; int a = -1; PointLatLng newlatlong = PointLatLng.Zero; foreach (PointLatLng pnt in area.Points) { a++; if (a == 0) { continue; } newlatlong = FindLineIntersection(area.Points[a - 1], area.Points[a], new PointLatLng(ax, ay), new PointLatLng(bx, by)); if (!newlatlong.IsZero) { if (noc > MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong)) { closestlatlong.Lat = newlatlong.Lat; closestlatlong.Lng = newlatlong.Lng; noc = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong); } if (nof < MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong)) { farestlatlong.Lat = newlatlong.Lat; farestlatlong.Lng = newlatlong.Lng; nof = MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(new PointLatLng(ax, ay), newlatlong); } } } if (!closestlatlong.IsZero) callMe(closestlatlong.Lat, closestlatlong.Lng, altitude); if (!farestlatlong.IsZero) callMe(farestlatlong.Lat, farestlatlong.Lng + overshootdistlng, altitude); //callMe(x, bottomleft.Lng, altitude); //callMe(x, topright.Lng + overshootdistlng, altitude); } dir = !dir; count++; if (Commands.RowCount > 150) { MessageBox.Show("Stopping at 150 WP's"); break; } } //drawnpolygon.Points.Clear(); //drawnpolygons.Markers.Clear(); MainMap.Refresh(); } } private void label4_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { if ( != 0) { TXT_homealt.Text = (MainV2.cs.alt).ToString("0"); TXT_homelat.Text =; TXT_homelng.Text = MainV2.cs.lng.ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("If you're at the field, connect to your APM and wait for GPS lock. Then click 'Home Location' link to set home to your location"); } } /// /// Format distance according to prefer distance unit /// /// distance in kilometers /// convert distance to meter or feet if true, covert to km or miles if false /// formatted distance with unit private string FormatDistance(double distInKM, bool toMeterOrFeet) { string sunits = MainV2.getConfig("distunits"); Common.distances units = Common.distances.Meters; if (sunits != "") try { units = (Common.distances)Enum.Parse(typeof(Common.distances), sunits); } catch (Exception) { } switch (units) { case Common.distances.Feet: return toMeterOrFeet ? string.Format((distInKM * 3280.8399).ToString("0.00 ft")) : string.Format((distInKM * 0.621371).ToString("0.0000 miles")); case Common.distances.Meters: default: return toMeterOrFeet ? string.Format((distInKM * 1000).ToString("0.00 m")) : string.Format(distInKM.ToString("0.0000 km")); } } PointLatLng startmeasure = new PointLatLng(); private void ContextMeasure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (startmeasure.IsZero) { startmeasure = start; polygons.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(start)); MainMap.Invalidate(); } else { List polygonPoints = new List(); polygonPoints.Add(startmeasure); polygonPoints.Add(start); GMapPolygon line = new GMapPolygon(polygonPoints, "measure dist"); line.Stroke.Color = Color.Green; polygons.Polygons.Add(line); polygons.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(start)); MainMap.Invalidate(); MessageBox.Show("Distance: " + FormatDistance(MainMap.Manager.GetDistance(startmeasure, start), true) + " AZ: " + (MainMap.Manager.GetBearing(startmeasure, start).ToString("0"))); polygons.Polygons.Remove(line); polygons.Markers.Clear(); startmeasure = new PointLatLng(); } } private void rotateMapToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string heading = "0"; Common.InputBox("Rotate map to heading", "Enter new UP heading", ref heading); float ans = 0; if (float.TryParse(heading, out ans)) { MainMap.Bearing = ans; FlightData.mymap.Bearing = ans; } } private void addPolygonPointToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (polygongridmode == false) { MessageBox.Show("You will remain in polygon mode until you clear the polygon or create a grid/upload a fence"); } polygongridmode = true; List polygonPoints = new List(); if (drawnpolygons.Polygons.Count == 0) { drawnpolygon.Points.Clear(); drawnpolygons.Polygons.Add(drawnpolygon); } drawnpolygon.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(start.Lat, start.Lng)); addpolygonmarkergrid(drawnpolygon.Points.Count.ToString(), start.Lng, start.Lat, 0); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(drawnpolygon); MainMap.Invalidate(); } private void clearPolygonToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { polygongridmode = false; if (drawnpolygon == null) return; drawnpolygon.Points.Clear(); drawnpolygons.Markers.Clear(); MainMap.Invalidate(); writeKML(); } private void clearMissionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Commands.Rows.Clear(); selectedrow = 0; writeKML(); } private void loiterForeverToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedrow = Commands.Rows.Add(); Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Command.Index].Value = MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_UNLIM.ToString(); ChangeColumnHeader(MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_UNLIM.ToString()); setfromGE(end.Lat, end.Lng, (int)float.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text)); writeKML(); } private void jumpstartToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string repeat = "5"; Common.InputBox("Jump repeat", "Number of times to Repeat", ref repeat); int row = Commands.Rows.Add(); Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Command.Index].Value = MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_JUMP.ToString(); Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Param1.Index].Value = 1; Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Param2.Index].Value = repeat; writeKML(); } private void jumpwPToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string wp = "1"; Common.InputBox("WP No", "Jump to WP no?", ref wp); string repeat = "5"; Common.InputBox("Jump repeat", "Number of times to Repeat", ref repeat); int row = Commands.Rows.Add(); Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Command.Index].Value = MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_JUMP.ToString(); Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Param1.Index].Value = wp; Commands.Rows[row].Cells[Param2.Index].Value = repeat; writeKML(); } private void deleteWPToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int no = 0; if (CurentRectMarker != null) { if (int.TryParse(CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString(), out no)) { Commands.Rows.RemoveAt(no - 1); // home is 0 } else if (int.TryParse(CurentRectMarker.InnerMarker.Tag.ToString().Replace("grid", ""), out no)) { try { drawnpolygon.Points.RemoveAt(no - 1); drawnpolygons.Markers.Clear(); int a = 1; foreach (PointLatLng pnt in drawnpolygon.Points) { addpolygonmarkergrid(a.ToString(), pnt.Lng, pnt.Lat, 0); a++; } MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(drawnpolygon); MainMap.Invalidate(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Remove point Failed. Please try again."); } } } CurentRectMarker = null; writeKML(); } private void loitertimeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string time = "5"; Common.InputBox("Loiter Time", "Loiter Time", ref time); selectedrow = Commands.Rows.Add(); Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Command.Index].Value = MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TIME.ToString(); Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Param1.Index].Value = time; ChangeColumnHeader(MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TIME.ToString()); setfromGE(end.Lat, end.Lng, (int)float.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text)); writeKML(); } private void loitercirclesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string turns = "3"; Common.InputBox("Loiter Turns", "Loiter Turns", ref turns); selectedrow = Commands.Rows.Add(); Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Command.Index].Value = MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TURNS.ToString(); Commands.Rows[selectedrow].Cells[Param1.Index].Value = turns; ChangeColumnHeader(MAVLink.MAV_CMD.LOITER_TURNS.ToString()); setfromGE(end.Lat, end.Lng, (int)float.Parse(TXT_DefaultAlt.Text)); writeKML(); } private void BUT_Camera_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Camera form = new Camera(); MainV2.fixtheme(form); form.Show(); } private void panelMap_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { // this is a mono fix for the zoom bar //Console.WriteLine("panelmap "+panelMap.Size.ToString()); MainMap.Size = new Size(panelMap.Size.Width - 50, panelMap.Size.Height); trackBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(panelMap.Size.Width - 50, trackBar1.Location.Y); trackBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(trackBar1.Size.Width, panelMap.Size.Height - trackBar1.Location.Y); label11.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(panelMap.Size.Width - 50, label11.Location.Y); } private void BUT_zoomto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string place = "Perth Airport, Australia"; if (DialogResult.OK == Common.InputBox("Location", "Enter your location", ref place)) { GeoCoderStatusCode status = MainMap.SetCurrentPositionByKeywords(place); if (status != GeoCoderStatusCode.G_GEO_SUCCESS) { MessageBox.Show("Google Maps Geocoder can't find: '" + place + "', reason: " + status.ToString(), "GMap.NET", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { MainMap.Zoom = 15; } } } private void BUT_loadkml_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Filter = "Google Earth KML (*.kml)|*.kml"; fd.DefaultExt = ".kml"; DialogResult result = fd.ShowDialog(); string file = fd.FileName; if (file != "") { try { kmlpolygons.Polygons.Clear(); kmlpolygons.Routes.Clear(); FlightData.kmlpolygons.Routes.Clear(); FlightData.kmlpolygons.Polygons.Clear(); string kml = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(file)).ReadToEnd(); kml = kml.Replace("", ""); var parser = new SharpKml.Base.Parser(); parser.ElementAdded += parser_ElementAdded; parser.ParseString(kml, true); if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Do you want to load this into the flight data screen?", "Load data", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { foreach (var temp in kmlpolygons.Polygons) { FlightData.kmlpolygons.Polygons.Add(temp); } foreach (var temp in kmlpolygons.Routes) { FlightData.kmlpolygons.Routes.Add(temp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Bad KML File :" + ex.ToString()); } } } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { routes.Markers.Clear(); if ( == 0 || MainV2.cs.lng == 0) return; PointLatLng currentloc = new PointLatLng(, MainV2.cs.lng); if (MainV2.cs.firmware == MainV2.Firmwares.ArduPlane) { routes.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerPlane(currentloc, MainV2.cs.yaw, MainV2.cs.groundcourse, MainV2.cs.nav_bearing, MainV2.cs.target_bearing) { ToolTipText = MainV2.cs.alt.ToString("0"), ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.Always }); } else { routes.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerQuad(currentloc, MainV2.cs.yaw, MainV2.cs.groundcourse, MainV2.cs.nav_bearing)); } } catch { } } private void GeoFenceuploadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { polygongridmode = false; //FENCE_TOTAL if (MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_ACTION"] == null) { MessageBox.Show("Not Supported"); return; } if (drawnpolygon == null) { MessageBox.Show("No polygon to upload"); return; } if (geofence.Markers.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No return location set"); return; } if (drawnpolygon.Points.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No polygon drawn"); return; } // check if return is inside polygon List plll = new List(drawnpolygon.Points.ToArray()); // close it plll.Add(plll[0]); // check it if (!pnpoly(plll.ToArray(), geofence.Markers[0].Position.Lat, geofence.Markers[0].Position.Lng)) { MessageBox.Show("Your return location is outside the polygon"); return; } string minalts = (int.Parse(MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_MINALT"].ToString()) * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); Common.InputBox("Min Alt", "Box Minimum Altitude?", ref minalts); string maxalts = (int.Parse(MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_MAXALT"].ToString()) * MainV2.cs.multiplierdist).ToString("0"); Common.InputBox("Max Alt", "Box Maximum Altitude?", ref maxalts); int minalt = 0; int maxalt = 0; if (!int.TryParse(minalts, out minalt)) { MessageBox.Show("Bad Min Alt"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(maxalts, out maxalt)) { MessageBox.Show("Bad Max Alt"); return; } try { MainV2.comPort.setParam("FENCE_MINALT", minalt); MainV2.comPort.setParam("FENCE_MAXALT", maxalt); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to set min/max fence alt"); return; } try { if (MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_ACTION"].ToString() != "0") MainV2.comPort.setParam("FENCE_ACTION", 0); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to set FENCE_ACTION"); return; } // points + return + close byte pointcount = (byte)(drawnpolygon.Points.Count + 2); MainV2.comPort.setParam("FENCE_TOTAL", pointcount); byte a = 0; // add return loc MainV2.comPort.setFencePoint(a, new PointLatLngAlt(geofence.Markers[0].Position), pointcount); a++; // add points foreach (var pll in drawnpolygon.Points) { MainV2.comPort.setFencePoint(a, new PointLatLngAlt(pll), pointcount); a++; } // add polygon close MainV2.comPort.setFencePoint(a, new PointLatLngAlt(drawnpolygon.Points[0]), pointcount); // clear everything drawnpolygons.Polygons.Clear(); drawnpolygons.Markers.Clear(); geofence.Polygons.Clear(); gf.Points.Clear(); // add polygon gf.Points.AddRange(drawnpolygon.Points.ToArray()); drawnpolygon.Points.Clear(); geofence.Polygons.Add(gf); // update flightdata FlightData.geofence.Markers.Clear(); FlightData.geofence.Polygons.Clear(); FlightData.geofence.Polygons.Add(new GMapPolygon(gf.Points, "gf fd") { Stroke = gf.Stroke }); FlightData.geofence.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(geofence.Markers[0].Position) { ToolTipText = geofence.Markers[0].ToolTipText, ToolTipMode = geofence.Markers[0].ToolTipMode }); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(gf); MainMap.UpdateMarkerLocalPosition(geofence.Markers[0]); MainMap.Invalidate(); } private void GeoFencedownloadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { polygongridmode = false; int count = 1; if (MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_ACTION"] == null || MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_TOTAL"] == null) { MessageBox.Show("Not Supported"); return; } if (int.Parse(MainV2.comPort.param["FENCE_TOTAL"].ToString()) <= 1) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing to download"); return; } geofence.Polygons.Clear(); geofence.Markers.Clear(); gf.Points.Clear(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { PointLatLngAlt plla = MainV2.comPort.getFencePoint(a, ref count); gf.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(plla.Lat, plla.Lng)); } // do return location geofence.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(new PointLatLng(gf.Points[0].Lat, gf.Points[0].Lng)) { ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver, ToolTipText = "GeoFence Return" }); gf.Points.RemoveAt(0); // add now - so local points are calced geofence.Polygons.Add(gf); // update flight data FlightData.geofence.Markers.Clear(); FlightData.geofence.Polygons.Clear(); FlightData.geofence.Polygons.Add(new GMapPolygon(gf.Points, "gf fd") { Stroke = gf.Stroke }); FlightData.geofence.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(geofence.Markers[0].Position) { ToolTipText = geofence.Markers[0].ToolTipText, ToolTipMode = geofence.Markers[0].ToolTipMode }); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(gf); MainMap.UpdateMarkerLocalPosition(geofence.Markers[0]); MainMap.Invalidate(); } private void setReturnLocationToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { geofence.Markers.Clear(); geofence.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(new PointLatLng(start.Lat, start.Lng)) { ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver, ToolTipText = "GeoFence Return" }); MainMap.Invalidate(); } /// /// from /// /// a closed polygon /// /// /// true = outside bool pnpoly(PointLatLng[] array, double testx, double testy) { int nvert = array.Length; int i, j = 0; bool c = false; for (i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++) { if (((array[i].Lng > testy) != (array[j].Lng > testy)) && (testx < (array[j].Lat - array[i].Lat) * (testy - array[i].Lng) / (array[j].Lng - array[i].Lng) + array[i].Lat)) c = !c; } return c; } private void loadFromFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); fd.Filter = "Fence (*.fen)|*.fen"; fd.ShowDialog(); if (File.Exists(fd.FileName)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fd.OpenFile()); drawnpolygons.Markers.Clear(); drawnpolygons.Polygons.Clear(); drawnpolygon.Points.Clear(); int a = 0; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } else { string[] items = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (a == 0) { geofence.Markers.Clear(); geofence.Markers.Add(new GMapMarkerGoogleRed(new PointLatLng(double.Parse(items[0]), double.Parse(items[1]))) { ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver, ToolTipText = "GeoFence Return" }); MainMap.UpdateMarkerLocalPosition(geofence.Markers[0]); } else { drawnpolygon.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(double.Parse(items[0]), double.Parse(items[1]))); addpolygonmarkergrid(drawnpolygon.Points.Count.ToString(), double.Parse(items[1]), double.Parse(items[0]), 0); } a++; } } // remove loop close if (drawnpolygon.Points[0] == drawnpolygon.Points[drawnpolygon.Points.Count - 1]) { drawnpolygon.Points.RemoveAt(drawnpolygon.Points.Count - 1); } drawnpolygons.Polygons.Add(drawnpolygon); MainMap.UpdatePolygonLocalPosition(drawnpolygon); MainMap.Invalidate(); } } private void saveToFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (geofence.Markers.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please set a return location"); return; } SaveFileDialog sf = new SaveFileDialog(); sf.Filter = "Fence (*.fen)|*.fen"; sf.ShowDialog(); if (sf.FileName != "") { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sf.OpenFile()); sw.WriteLine("#saved by APM Planner " + Application.ProductVersion); sw.WriteLine(geofence.Markers[0].Position.Lat + " " + geofence.Markers[0].Position.Lng); if (drawnpolygon.Points.Count > 0) { foreach (var pll in drawnpolygon.Points) { sw.WriteLine(pll.Lat + " " + pll.Lng); } PointLatLng pll2 = drawnpolygon.Points[0]; sw.WriteLine(pll2.Lat + " " + pll2.Lng); } else { foreach (var pll in gf.Points) { sw.WriteLine(pll.Lat + " " + pll.Lng); } PointLatLng pll2 = gf.Points[0]; sw.WriteLine(pll2.Lat + " " + pll2.Lng); } sw.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Failed to write fence file"); } } } public T DeepClone(T obj) { using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { var formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(ms, obj); ms.Position = 0; return (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms); } } } }