// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #ifndef _DEFINES_H #define _DEFINES_H #include // Just so that it's completely clear... #define ENABLED 1 #define DISABLED 0 // this avoids a very common config error #define ENABLE ENABLED #define DISABLE DISABLED // Autopilot Yaw Mode enumeration enum autopilot_yaw_mode { AUTO_YAW_HOLD = 0, // pilot controls the heading AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP = 1, // point towards next waypoint (no pilot input accepted) AUTO_YAW_ROI = 2, // point towards a location held in roi_WP (no pilot input accepted) AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING = 3, // point towards a particular angle (not pilot input accepted) AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AHEAD = 4, // point in the direction the copter is moving AUTO_YAW_RESETTOARMEDYAW = 5, // point towards heading at time motors were armed }; // Ch6... Ch12 aux switch control #define AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH 1800 // pwm value above which the ch7 or ch8 option will be invoked #define AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW 1200 // pwm value below which the ch7 or ch8 option will be disabled #define CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH 1800 #define CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW 1200 // values used by the ap.ch7_opt and ap.ch8_opt flags #define AUX_SWITCH_LOW 0 // indicates auxiliar switch is in the low position (pwm <1200) #define AUX_SWITCH_MIDDLE 1 // indicates auxiliar switch is in the middle position (pwm >1200, <1800) #define AUX_SWITCH_HIGH 2 // indicates auxiliar switch is in the high position (pwm >1800) // Aux Switch enumeration enum aux_sw_func { AUXSW_DO_NOTHING = 0, // aux switch disabled AUXSW_FLIP = 2, // flip AUXSW_SIMPLE_MODE = 3, // change to simple mode AUXSW_RTL = 4, // change to RTL flight mode AUXSW_SAVE_TRIM = 5, // save current position as level AUXSW_SAVE_WP = 7, // save mission waypoint or RTL if in auto mode AUXSW_CAMERA_TRIGGER = 9, // trigger camera servo or relay AUXSW_SONAR = 10, // allow enabling or disabling sonar in flight which helps avoid surface tracking when you are far above the ground AUXSW_FENCE = 11, // allow enabling or disabling fence in flight AUXSW_RESETTOARMEDYAW = 12, // changes yaw to be same as when quad was armed AUXSW_SUPERSIMPLE_MODE = 13, // change to simple mode in middle, super simple at top AUXSW_ACRO_TRAINER = 14, // low = disabled, middle = leveled, high = leveled and limited AUXSW_SPRAYER = 15, // enable/disable the crop sprayer AUXSW_AUTO = 16, // change to auto flight mode AUXSW_AUTOTUNE = 17, // auto tune AUXSW_LAND = 18, // change to LAND flight mode AUXSW_EPM = 19, // Operate the EPM cargo gripper low=off, middle=neutral, high=on AUXSW_PARACHUTE_ENABLE = 21, // Parachute enable/disable AUXSW_PARACHUTE_RELEASE = 22, // Parachute release AUXSW_PARACHUTE_3POS = 23, // Parachute disable, enable, release with 3 position switch AUXSW_MISSION_RESET = 24, // Reset auto mission to start from first command AUXSW_ATTCON_FEEDFWD = 25, // enable/disable the roll and pitch rate feed forward AUXSW_ATTCON_ACCEL_LIM = 26, // enable/disable the roll, pitch and yaw accel limiting AUXSW_RETRACT_MOUNT = 27, // Retract Mount AUXSW_RELAY = 28, // Relay pin on/off (only supports first relay) AUXSW_LANDING_GEAR = 29, // Landing gear controller AUXSW_LOST_COPTER_SOUND = 30, // Play lost copter sound AUXSW_MOTOR_ESTOP = 31, // Emergency Stop Switch AUXSW_MOTOR_INTERLOCK = 32, // Motor On/Off switch AUXSW_BRAKE = 33 // Brake flight mode }; // Frame types #define UNDEFINED_FRAME 0 #define QUAD_FRAME 1 #define TRI_FRAME 2 #define HEXA_FRAME 3 #define Y6_FRAME 4 #define OCTA_FRAME 5 #define HELI_FRAME 6 #define OCTA_QUAD_FRAME 7 #define SINGLE_FRAME 8 #define COAX_FRAME 9 // Internal defines, don't edit and expect things to work // ------------------------------------------------------- #define ToRad(x) radians(x) // *pi/180 #define ToDeg(x) degrees(x) // *180/pi // HIL enumerations #define HIL_MODE_DISABLED 0 #define HIL_MODE_SENSORS 1 // Auto Pilot Modes enumeration enum autopilot_modes { STABILIZE = 0, // manual airframe angle with manual throttle ACRO = 1, // manual body-frame angular rate with manual throttle ALT_HOLD = 2, // manual airframe angle with automatic throttle AUTO = 3, // fully automatic waypoint control using mission commands GUIDED = 4, // fully automatic fly to coordinate or fly at velocity/direction using GCS immediate commands LOITER = 5, // automatic horizontal acceleration with automatic throttle RTL = 6, // automatic return to launching point CIRCLE = 7, // automatic circular flight with automatic throttle LAND = 9, // automatic landing with horizontal position control OF_LOITER = 10, // deprecated DRIFT = 11, // semi-automous position, yaw and throttle control SPORT = 13, // manual earth-frame angular rate control with manual throttle FLIP = 14, // automatically flip the vehicle on the roll axis AUTOTUNE = 15, // automatically tune the vehicle's roll and pitch gains POSHOLD = 16, // automatic position hold with manual override, with automatic throttle BRAKE = 17 // full-brake using inertial/GPS system, no pilot input }; // Tuning enumeration enum tuning_func { TUNING_NONE = 0, // TUNING_STABILIZE_ROLL_PITCH_KP = 1, // stabilize roll/pitch angle controller's P term TUNING_STABILIZE_YAW_KP = 3, // stabilize yaw heading controller's P term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KP = 4, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's P term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KI = 5, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's I term TUNING_YAW_RATE_KP = 6, // body frame yaw rate controller's P term TUNING_THROTTLE_RATE_KP = 7, // throttle rate controller's P term (desired rate to acceleration or motor output) TUNING_WP_SPEED = 10, // maximum speed to next way point (0 to 10m/s) TUNING_LOITER_POSITION_KP = 12, // loiter distance controller's P term (position error to speed) TUNING_HELI_EXTERNAL_GYRO = 13, // TradHeli specific external tail gyro gain TUNING_ALTITUDE_HOLD_KP = 14, // altitude hold controller's P term (alt error to desired rate) TUNING_RATE_ROLL_PITCH_KD = 21, // body frame roll/pitch rate controller's D term TUNING_VEL_XY_KP = 22, // loiter rate controller's P term (speed error to tilt angle) TUNING_ACRO_RP_KP = 25, // acro controller's P term. converts pilot input to a desired roll, pitch or yaw rate TUNING_YAW_RATE_KD = 26, // body frame yaw rate controller's D term TUNING_VEL_XY_KI = 28, // loiter rate controller's I term (speed error to tilt angle) TUNING_AHRS_YAW_KP = 30, // ahrs's compass effect on yaw angle (0 = very low, 1 = very high) TUNING_AHRS_KP = 31, // accelerometer effect on roll/pitch angle (0=low) TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KP = 34, // accel based throttle controller's P term TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KI = 35, // accel based throttle controller's I term TUNING_ACCEL_Z_KD = 36, // accel based throttle controller's D term TUNING_DECLINATION = 38, // compass declination in radians TUNING_CIRCLE_RATE = 39, // circle turn rate in degrees (hard coded to about 45 degrees in either direction) TUNING_ACRO_YAW_KP = 40, // acro controller's P term. converts pilot input to a desired roll, pitch or yaw rate TUNING_SONAR_GAIN = 41, // sonar gain TUNING_EKF_VERTICAL_POS = 42, // EKF's baro vs accel (higher rely on accels more, baro impact is reduced). Range should be 0.2 ~ 4.0? 2.0 is default TUNING_EKF_HORIZONTAL_POS = 43, // EKF's gps vs accel (higher rely on accels more, gps impact is reduced). Range should be 1.0 ~ 3.0? 1.5 is default TUNING_EKF_ACCEL_NOISE = 44, // EKF's accel noise (lower means trust accels more, gps & baro less). Range should be 0.02 ~ 0.5 0.5 is default (but very robust at that level) TUNING_RC_FEEL_RP = 45, // roll-pitch input smoothing TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KP = 46, // body frame pitch rate controller's P term TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KI = 47, // body frame pitch rate controller's I term TUNING_RATE_PITCH_KD = 48, // body frame pitch rate controller's D term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KP = 49, // body frame roll rate controller's P term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KI = 50, // body frame roll rate controller's I term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_KD = 51, // body frame roll rate controller's D term TUNING_RATE_PITCH_FF = 52, // body frame pitch rate controller FF term TUNING_RATE_ROLL_FF = 53, // body frame roll rate controller FF term TUNING_RATE_YAW_FF = 54, // body frame yaw rate controller FF term TUNING_RATE_MOT_YAW_HEADROOM = 55, // motors yaw headroom minimum TUNING_RATE_YAW_FILT = 56 // yaw rate input filter }; // Acro Trainer types #define ACRO_TRAINER_DISABLED 0 #define ACRO_TRAINER_LEVELING 1 #define ACRO_TRAINER_LIMITED 2 // RC Feel roll/pitch definitions #define RC_FEEL_RP_VERY_SOFT 0 #define RC_FEEL_RP_SOFT 25 #define RC_FEEL_RP_MEDIUM 50 #define RC_FEEL_RP_CRISP 75 #define RC_FEEL_RP_VERY_CRISP 100 // Yaw behaviours during missions - possible values for WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter #define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_NONE 0 // auto pilot will never control yaw during missions or rtl (except for DO_CONDITIONAL_YAW command received) #define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP 1 // auto pilot will face next waypoint or home during rtl #define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP_EXCEPT_RTL 2 // auto pilot will face next waypoint except when doing RTL at which time it will stay in it's last #define WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AHEAD 3 // auto pilot will look ahead during missions and rtl (primarily meant for traditional helicotpers) // Auto modes enum AutoMode { Auto_TakeOff, Auto_WP, Auto_Land, Auto_RTL, Auto_CircleMoveToEdge, Auto_Circle, Auto_Spline, Auto_NavGuided, Auto_Loiter }; // Guided modes enum GuidedMode { Guided_TakeOff, Guided_WP, Guided_Velocity, Guided_PosVel }; // RTL states enum RTLState { RTL_InitialClimb, RTL_ReturnHome, RTL_LoiterAtHome, RTL_FinalDescent, RTL_Land }; // Flip states enum FlipState { Flip_Start, Flip_Roll, Flip_Pitch_A, Flip_Pitch_B, Flip_Recover, Flip_Abandon }; // LAND state #define LAND_STATE_FLY_TO_LOCATION 0 #define LAND_STATE_DESCENDING 1 // Logging parameters #define TYPE_AIRSTART_MSG 0x00 #define TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG 0x01 #define LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG 0x04 #define LOG_NAV_TUNING_MSG 0x05 #define LOG_PERFORMANCE_MSG 0x06 #define LOG_STARTUP_MSG 0x0A #define LOG_OPTFLOW_MSG 0x0C #define LOG_EVENT_MSG 0x0D #define LOG_PID_MSG 0x0E // deprecated #define LOG_INAV_MSG 0x11 // deprecated #define LOG_CAMERA_MSG_DEPRECATED 0x12 // deprecated #define LOG_ERROR_MSG 0x13 #define LOG_DATA_INT16_MSG 0x14 #define LOG_DATA_UINT16_MSG 0x15 #define LOG_DATA_INT32_MSG 0x16 #define LOG_DATA_UINT32_MSG 0x17 #define LOG_DATA_FLOAT_MSG 0x18 #define LOG_AUTOTUNE_MSG 0x19 #define LOG_AUTOTUNEDETAILS_MSG 0x1A #define LOG_RATE_MSG 0x1D #define LOG_MOTBATT_MSG 0x1E #define LOG_PARAMTUNE_MSG 0x1F #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST (1<<0) #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED (1<<1) #define MASK_LOG_GPS (1<<2) #define MASK_LOG_PM (1<<3) #define MASK_LOG_CTUN (1<<4) #define MASK_LOG_NTUN (1<<5) #define MASK_LOG_RCIN (1<<6) #define MASK_LOG_IMU (1<<7) #define MASK_LOG_CMD (1<<8) #define MASK_LOG_CURRENT (1<<9) #define MASK_LOG_RCOUT (1<<10) #define MASK_LOG_OPTFLOW (1<<11) #define MASK_LOG_PID (1<<12) // deprecated #define MASK_LOG_COMPASS (1<<13) #define MASK_LOG_INAV (1<<14) // deprecated #define MASK_LOG_CAMERA (1<<15) #define MASK_LOG_WHEN_DISARMED (1UL<<16) #define MASK_LOG_MOTBATT (1UL<<17) #define MASK_LOG_IMU_FAST (1UL<<18) #define MASK_LOG_IMU_RAW (1UL<<19) #define MASK_LOG_ANY 0xFFFF // DATA - event logging #define DATA_MAVLINK_FLOAT 1 #define DATA_MAVLINK_INT32 2 #define DATA_MAVLINK_INT16 3 #define DATA_MAVLINK_INT8 4 #define DATA_AP_STATE 7 #define DATA_SYSTEM_TIME_SET 8 #define DATA_INIT_SIMPLE_BEARING 9 #define DATA_ARMED 10 #define DATA_DISARMED 11 #define DATA_AUTO_ARMED 15 #define DATA_TAKEOFF 16 #define DATA_LAND_COMPLETE_MAYBE 17 #define DATA_LAND_COMPLETE 18 #define DATA_NOT_LANDED 28 #define DATA_LOST_GPS 19 #define DATA_FLIP_START 21 #define DATA_FLIP_END 22 #define DATA_SET_HOME 25 #define DATA_SET_SIMPLE_ON 26 #define DATA_SET_SIMPLE_OFF 27 #define DATA_SET_SUPERSIMPLE_ON 29 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_INITIALISED 30 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_OFF 31 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_RESTART 32 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_SUCCESS 33 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_FAILED 34 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_REACHED_LIMIT 35 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_PILOT_TESTING 36 #define DATA_AUTOTUNE_SAVEDGAINS 37 #define DATA_SAVE_TRIM 38 #define DATA_SAVEWP_ADD_WP 39 #define DATA_SAVEWP_CLEAR_MISSION_RTL 40 #define DATA_FENCE_ENABLE 41 #define DATA_FENCE_DISABLE 42 #define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_DISABLED 43 #define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_LEVELING 44 #define DATA_ACRO_TRAINER_LIMITED 45 #define DATA_EPM_GRAB 46 #define DATA_EPM_RELEASE 47 #define DATA_EPM_NEUTRAL 48 // deprecated #define DATA_PARACHUTE_DISABLED 49 #define DATA_PARACHUTE_ENABLED 50 #define DATA_PARACHUTE_RELEASED 51 #define DATA_LANDING_GEAR_DEPLOYED 52 #define DATA_LANDING_GEAR_RETRACTED 53 #define DATA_MOTORS_EMERGENCY_STOPPED 54 #define DATA_MOTORS_EMERGENCY_STOP_CLEARED 55 #define DATA_MOTORS_INTERLOCK_DISABLED 56 #define DATA_MOTORS_INTERLOCK_ENABLED 57 // Centi-degrees to radians #define DEGX100 5729.57795f // Error message sub systems and error codes #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_MAIN 1 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_RADIO 2 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_COMPASS 3 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_OPTFLOW 4 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_RADIO 5 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_BATT 6 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_GPS 7 // not used #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_GCS 8 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_FENCE 9 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FLIGHT_MODE 10 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_GPS 11 // not used #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_CRASH_CHECK 12 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FLIP 13 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_AUTOTUNE 14 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_PARACHUTE 15 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_EKFCHECK 16 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_FAILSAFE_EKFINAV 17 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_BARO 18 #define ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_CPU 19 // general error codes #define ERROR_CODE_ERROR_RESOLVED 0 #define ERROR_CODE_FAILED_TO_INITIALISE 1 // subsystem specific error codes -- radio #define ERROR_CODE_RADIO_LATE_FRAME 2 // subsystem specific error codes -- failsafe_thr, batt, gps #define ERROR_CODE_FAILSAFE_RESOLVED 0 #define ERROR_CODE_FAILSAFE_OCCURRED 1 // subsystem specific error codes -- compass #define ERROR_CODE_COMPASS_FAILED_TO_READ 2 // subsystem specific error codes -- main #define ERROR_CODE_MAIN_INS_DELAY 1 // subsystem specific error codes -- crash checker #define ERROR_CODE_CRASH_CHECK_CRASH 1 #define ERROR_CODE_CRASH_CHECK_LOSS_OF_CONTROL 2 // subsystem specific error codes -- flip #define ERROR_CODE_FLIP_ABANDONED 2 // subsystem specific error codes -- autotune #define ERROR_CODE_AUTOTUNE_BAD_GAINS 2 // parachute failed to deploy because of low altitude or landed #define ERROR_CODE_PARACHUTE_TOO_LOW 2 #define ERROR_CODE_PARACHUTE_LANDED 3 // EKF check definitions #define ERROR_CODE_EKFCHECK_BAD_VARIANCE 2 #define ERROR_CODE_EKFCHECK_VARIANCE_CLEARED 0 // Baro specific error codes #define ERROR_CODE_BARO_GLITCH 2 // Arming Check Enable/Disable bits #define ARMING_CHECK_NONE 0x00 #define ARMING_CHECK_ALL 0x01 #define ARMING_CHECK_BARO 0x02 #define ARMING_CHECK_COMPASS 0x04 #define ARMING_CHECK_GPS 0x08 #define ARMING_CHECK_INS 0x10 #define ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS 0x20 #define ARMING_CHECK_RC 0x40 #define ARMING_CHECK_VOLTAGE 0x80 // Radio failsafe definitions (FS_THR parameter) #define FS_THR_DISABLED 0 #define FS_THR_ENABLED_ALWAYS_RTL 1 #define FS_THR_ENABLED_CONTINUE_MISSION 2 #define FS_THR_ENABLED_ALWAYS_LAND 3 // Battery failsafe definitions (FS_BATT_ENABLE parameter) #define FS_BATT_DISABLED 0 // battery failsafe disabled #define FS_BATT_LAND 1 // switch to LAND mode on battery failsafe #define FS_BATT_RTL 2 // switch to RTL mode on battery failsafe // GPS Failsafe definitions (FS_GPS_ENABLE parameter) #define FS_GPS_DISABLED 0 // GPS failsafe disabled #define FS_GPS_LAND 1 // switch to LAND mode on GPS Failsafe #define FS_GPS_ALTHOLD 2 // switch to ALTHOLD mode on GPS failsafe #define FS_GPS_LAND_EVEN_STABILIZE 3 // switch to LAND mode on GPS failsafe even if in a manual flight mode like Stabilize // for mavlink SET_POSITION_TARGET messages #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_POS_IGNORE ((1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2)) #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_VEL_IGNORE ((1<<3) | (1<<4) | (1<<5)) #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE ((1<<6) | (1<<7) | (1<<8)) #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_FORCE (1<<9) #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_YAW_IGNORE (1<<10) #define MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_YAW_RATE_IGNORE (1<<11) // for PILOT_THR_BHV parameter #define THR_BEHAVE_FEEDBACK_FROM_MID_STICK (1<<0) #endif // _DEFINES_H