-- This test uses the Range Finder driver interface to simulate Range Finder -- hardware and uses the Range Finder client interface to simulate a -- client of the driver. The test sends distance data through the driver -- interface and validates that it can be read through the client interface. -- Parameters should be set as follows before this test is loaded. -- "RNGFND1_TYPE": 36, -- "RNGFND1_ORIENT": 25, -- "RNGFND1_MIN": 0.10, -- "RNGFND1_MAX": 50.00, ---@diagnostic disable: cast-local-type -- UPDATE_PERIOD_MS is the time between when a distance is set and -- when it is read. There is a periodic task that copies the set distance to -- the state structure that it is read from. If UPDATE_PERIOD_MS is too short this periodic -- task might not get a chance to run. A value of 25 seems to be too quick for sub. local UPDATE_PERIOD_MS = 50 local TIMEOUT_MS = 5000 -- These strings must match the strings used by the test driver for interpreting the output from this test. local TEST_ID_STR = "RQTL" local COMPLETE_STR = "#complete#" local SUCCESS_STR = "!!success!!" local FAILURE_STR = "!!failure!!" -- Copied from libraries/AP_Math/rotation.h enum Rotation {}. local RNGFND_ORIENTATION_DOWN = 25 local RNGFND_ORIENTATION_FORWARD = 0 -- Copied from libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RanggeFinder.h enum RangeFinder::Type {}. local RNGFND_TYPE_LUA = 36.0 -- Copied from libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h enum RangeFinder::Status {}. local RNDFND_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED = 0 local RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_LOW = 2 local RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_HIGH = 3 local RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD = 4 -- Copied from libraries/AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h local SIGNAL_QUALITY_MIN = 0 local SIGNAL_QUALITY_MAX = 100 local SIGNAL_QUALITY_UNKNOWN = -1 -- Read parameters for min and max valid range finder ranges. local RNGFND1_MIN = Parameter("RNGFND1_MIN"):get() local RNGFND1_MAX = Parameter("RNGFND1_MAX"):get() local function send(str) gcs:send_text(3, string.format("%s %s", TEST_ID_STR, str)) end -- The range finder backend is initialized in the update_prepare function. ---@type AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud local rngfnd_backend local function test_dist_equal(dist_m_in, dist_in_factor, dist_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality_pct_out) if math.abs(dist_out - dist_m_in * dist_in_factor) > 1.0e-3 then return false end if signal_quality_pct_in < 0 and signal_quality_pct_out == -1 then return true end if signal_quality_pct_in > 100 and signal_quality_pct_out == -1 then return true end if signal_quality_pct_in == signal_quality_pct_out then return true end return false end local function get_and_eval(test_idx, dist_m_in, signal_quality_pct_in, status_expected) local status_actual = rangefinder:status_orient(RNGFND_ORIENTATION_DOWN) -- Check that the status is as expected if status_expected ~= status_actual then return string.format("Status test %i status incorrect - expected %i, actual %i", test_idx, status_expected, status_actual) end -- Not more checks if the status is poor if status_actual ~= RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD then send(string.format("Status test %i status correct - expected: %i actual: %i", test_idx, status_expected, status_actual)) return nil end -- L U A I N T E R F A C E T E S T -- Check that the distance and signal_quality from the frontend are as expected local distance1_cm_out = rangefinder:distance_orient(RNGFND_ORIENTATION_DOWN) * 100 local signal_quality1_pct_out = rangefinder:signal_quality_pct_orient(RNGFND_ORIENTATION_DOWN) -- Make sure data was returned if not distance1_cm_out or not signal_quality1_pct_out then return "No data returned from rangefinder:distance_orient()" end send(string.format("Frontend test %i dist in_m: %.2f out_cm: %.2f, signal_quality_pct in: %.1f out: %.1f", test_idx, dist_m_in, distance1_cm_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality1_pct_out)) if not test_dist_equal(dist_m_in, 100.0, distance1_cm_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality1_pct_out) then return "Frontend expected and actual do not match" end -- L U A I N T E R F A C E T E S T -- Check that the distance and signal_quality from the backend are as expected local disttance2_m_out = rngfnd_backend:distance() local signal_quality2_pct_out = rngfnd_backend:signal_quality() send(string.format("Backend test %i dist in_m: %.2f out_m: %.2f, signal_quality_pct in: %.1f out: %.1f", test_idx, dist_m_in, disttance2_m_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality2_pct_out)) if not test_dist_equal(dist_m_in, 1.0, disttance2_m_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality2_pct_out) then return "Backend expected and actual do not match" end -- L U A I N T E R F A C E T E S T -- Check that the state from the backend is as expected local rf_state = rngfnd_backend:get_state() local distance3_m_out = rf_state:distance() local signal_quality3_pct_out = rf_state:signal_quality() send(string.format("State test %i dist in_m: %.2f out_m: %.2f, signal_quality_pct in: %.1f out: %.1f", test_idx, dist_m_in, distance3_m_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality3_pct_out)) if not test_dist_equal(dist_m_in, 1.0, distance3_m_out, signal_quality_pct_in, signal_quality3_pct_out) then return "State expected and actual do not match" end return nil end -- Test various status states local function do_status_tests() send("Test initial status") local status_actual = rangefinder:status_orient(RNGFND_ORIENTATION_DOWN) if status_actual ~= RNDFND_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED then return string.format("DOWN Status '%i' not NOT_CONNECTED on initialization.", status_actual) end status_actual = rangefinder:status_orient(RNGFND_ORIENTATION_FORWARD) if status_actual ~= RNDFND_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED then return string.format("FORWARD Status '%i' not NOT_CONNECTED on initialization.", status_actual) end return nil end local test_data = { {20.0, -1, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {20.5, -2, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {21.0, 0, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {22.0, 50, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {23.0, 100, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {24.0, 101, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {25.0, -3, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {26.0, 127, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {27.0, 3, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {28.0, 100, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {29.0, 99, RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD}, {100.0, 100, RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_HIGH}, {0.0, 100, RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_LOW}, {100.0, -2, RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_HIGH}, {0.0, -2, RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_LOW}, } -- Record the start time so we can timeout if initialization takes too long. local time_start_ms = millis():tofloat() local test_idx = 0 -- Called when tests are completed. local function complete(error_str) -- Send a message indicating the success or failure of the test local status_str if not error_str or #error_str == 0 then status_str = SUCCESS_STR else send(error_str) status_str = FAILURE_STR end send(string.format("%s: %s", COMPLETE_STR, status_str)) -- Returning nil will not queue an update routine so the test will stop running. end -- A state machine of update functions. The states progress: -- prepare, wait, begin_test, eval_test, begin_test, eval_test, ... complete local update_prepare local update_wait local update_begin_test local update_eval_test local function _update_prepare() if Parameter('RNGFND1_TYPE'):get() ~= RNGFND_TYPE_LUA then return complete("LUA range finder driver not enabled") end if rangefinder:num_sensors() < 1 then return complete("LUA range finder driver not connected") end rngfnd_backend = rangefinder:get_backend(0) if not rngfnd_backend then return complete("Range Finder 1 does not exist") end if (rngfnd_backend:type() ~= RNGFND_TYPE_LUA) then return complete("Range Finder 1 is not a LUA driver") end return update_wait() end local function _update_wait() -- Check for timeout while initializing if millis():tofloat() - time_start_ms > TIMEOUT_MS then return complete("Timeout while trying to initialize") end -- Wait until the prearm check passes. This ensures that the system is mostly initialized -- before starting the tests. if not arming:pre_arm_checks() then return update_wait, UPDATE_PERIOD_MS end -- Do some one time tests local error_str = do_status_tests() if error_str then return complete(error_str) end -- Continue on to the main list of tests. return update_begin_test() end local function _update_begin_test() test_idx = test_idx + 1 if test_idx > #test_data then return complete() end local dist_m_in = test_data[test_idx][1] local signal_quality_pct_in = test_data[test_idx][2] -- L U A I N T E R F A C E T E S T -- Use the driver interface to simulate a data measurement being received and being passed to AP. local result -- -2 => use legacy interface if signal_quality_pct_in == -2 then result = rngfnd_backend:handle_script_msg(dist_m_in) -- number as arg (compatibility mode) else -- The full state udata must be initialized. local rf_state = RangeFinder_State() -- Set the status if dist_m_in < RNGFND1_MIN then rf_state:status(RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_LOW) elseif dist_m_in > RNGFND1_MAX then rf_state:status(RNDFND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_HIGH) else rf_state:status(RNDFND_STATUS_GOOD) end -- Sanitize signal_quality_pct_in if signal_quality_pct_in < SIGNAL_QUALITY_MIN or signal_quality_pct_in > SIGNAL_QUALITY_MAX then signal_quality_pct_in = SIGNAL_QUALITY_UNKNOWN end rf_state:last_reading(millis():toint()) rf_state:range_valid_count(10) rf_state:distance(dist_m_in) rf_state:signal_quality(signal_quality_pct_in) rf_state:voltage(0) result = rngfnd_backend:handle_script_msg(rf_state) -- state as arg end if not result then return complete(string.format("Test %i, dist_m: %.2f, quality_pct: %3i failed to handle_script_msg2", test_idx, dist_m_in, signal_quality_pct_in)) end return update_eval_test, UPDATE_PERIOD_MS end local function _update_eval_test() local dist_m_in = test_data[test_idx][1] local signal_quality_pct_in = test_data[test_idx][2] local status_expected = test_data[test_idx][3] -- Use the client interface to get distance data and ensure it matches the distance data -- that was sent through the driver interface. local error_str = get_and_eval(test_idx, dist_m_in, signal_quality_pct_in, status_expected) if error_str then return complete(string.format("Test %i, dist_m: %.2f, quality_pct: %3i failed because %s", test_idx, dist_m_in, signal_quality_pct_in, error_str)) end -- Move to the next test in the list. return update_begin_test() end update_prepare = _update_prepare update_wait = _update_wait update_begin_test = _update_begin_test update_eval_test = _update_eval_test send("Loaded rangefinder_quality_test.lua") return update_prepare, 0