-- warn the user if wind speed exceeds a threshold, failsafe if a second threshold is exceeded -- note that this script is only intended to be run on ArduPlane -- tuning parameters local warn_speed = 10 -- metres/second local failsafe_speed = 15 -- metres/second local warning_interval_ms = uint32_t(15000) -- send user message every 15s local warning_last_sent_ms = uint32_t() -- time we last sent a warning message to the user function update() local wind = ahrs:wind_estimate() -- get the wind estimate if wind then -- make a 2D wind vector wind_xy = Vector2f() wind_xy:x(wind:x()) wind_xy:y(wind:y()) speed = wind_xy:length() -- compute the wind speed if speed > failsafe_speed then gcs:send_text(0, "Wind failsafe at " .. speed .. " metres/second") vehicle:set_mode(11) -- FIXME: should be an enum. 11 is RTL. return end if speed > warn_speed then if millis() - warning_last_sent_ms > warning_interval_ms then gcs:send_text(4, "Wind warning at " .. speed .. " metres/second") warning_last_sent_ms = millis() end end end return update, 1000 end return update, 1000