using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using netDxf; using netDxf.Entities; using netDxf.Tables; using netDxf.Header; using System.Reflection; using log4net; namespace ArdupilotMega { public class MagCalib { private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// /// Self contained process tlog and save/display offsets /// public static void ProcessLog(int throttleThreshold = 0) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog1.Filter = "*.tlog|*.tlog"; openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2; openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; openFileDialog1.Multiselect = true; try { openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"logs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } catch { } // incase dir doesnt exist openFileDialog1.FileName = @"C:\Users\hog\Downloads\2012-02-05.log"; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { double[] ans = getOffsets(openFileDialog1.FileName, throttleThreshold); if (ans.Length != 1) SaveOffsets(ans); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); } } } /// /// Processes a tlog to get the offsets - creates dxf of data /// /// Filename /// Offsets public static double[] getOffsets(string fn, int throttleThreshold = 0) { // based off tridge's work string logfile = fn; // old method float minx = 0; float maxx = 0; float miny = 0; float maxy = 0; float minz = 0; float maxz = 0; // this is for a dxf Polyline3dVertex vertex; List vertexes = new List(); // data storage Tuple offset = new Tuple(0, 0, 0); List> data = new List>(); Hashtable filter = new Hashtable(); // track data to use bool useData = false; log.Info("Start log: " + DateTime.Now); MAVLink mine = new MAVLink(); try { mine.logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader(File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.ToString()); CustomMessageBox.Show("Log Can not be opened. Are you still connected?"); return new double[] {0}; } mine.logreadmode = true; mine.MAV.packets.Initialize(); // clear // gather data while (mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position < mine.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length) { byte[] packetraw = mine.readPacket(); var packet = mine.DebugPacket(packetraw, false); // this is for packets we dont know about if (packet == null) continue; if (packet.GetType() == typeof(MAVLink.mavlink_vfr_hud_t)) { if (((MAVLink.mavlink_vfr_hud_t)packet).throttle >= throttleThreshold) { useData = true; } else { useData = false; } } if (packet.GetType() == typeof(MAVLink.mavlink_sensor_offsets_t)) { offset = new Tuple( ((MAVLink.mavlink_sensor_offsets_t)packet).mag_ofs_x, ((MAVLink.mavlink_sensor_offsets_t)packet).mag_ofs_y, ((MAVLink.mavlink_sensor_offsets_t)packet).mag_ofs_z); } else if (packet.GetType() == typeof(MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t) && useData) { int div = 20; // fox dxf vertex = new Polyline3dVertex(new Vector3f( ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).xmag - offset.Item1, ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).ymag - offset.Item2, ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).zmag - offset.Item3) ); vertexes.Add(vertex); // for old method setMinorMax(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).xmag - offset.Item1, ref minx, ref maxx); setMinorMax(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).ymag - offset.Item2, ref miny, ref maxy); setMinorMax(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).zmag - offset.Item3, ref minz, ref maxz); // for new lease sq string item = (int)(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).xmag / div) + "," + (int)(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).ymag / div) + "," + (int)(((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).zmag / div); if (filter.ContainsKey(item)) { filter[item] = (int)filter[item] + 1; if ((int)filter[item] > 3) continue; } else { filter[item] = 1; } data.Add(new Tuple( ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).xmag - offset.Item1, ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).ymag - offset.Item2, ((MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet).zmag - offset.Item3)); } } log.Info("Log Processed " + DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine("Extracted " + data.Count + " data points"); Console.WriteLine("Current offset: " + offset); mine.logreadmode = false; mine.logplaybackfile.Close(); mine.logplaybackfile = null; if (data.Count < 10) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Log does not contain enough data"); throw new Exception("Not Enough Data"); } double[] x = LeastSq(data); System.Console.WriteLine("Old Method {0} {1} {2}", -(maxx + minx) / 2, -(maxy + miny) / 2, -(maxz + minz) / 2); log.Info("Least Sq Done " + DateTime.Now); // create a dxf for those who want to "see" the calibration DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); Polyline3d polyline = new Polyline3d(vertexes, true); polyline.Layer = new Layer("polyline3d"); polyline.Layer.Color.Index = 24; dxf.AddEntity(polyline); Point pnt = new Point(new Vector3f(-offset.Item1, -offset.Item2, -offset.Item3)); pnt.Layer = new Layer("old offset"); pnt.Layer.Color.Index = 22; dxf.AddEntity(pnt); pnt = new Point(new Vector3f(-(float)x[0], -(float)x[1], -(float)x[2])); pnt.Layer = new Layer("new offset"); pnt.Layer.Color.Index = 21; dxf.AddEntity(pnt); dxf.Save("magoffset.dxf", DxfVersion.AutoCad2000); log.Info("dxf Done " + DateTime.Now); Array.Resize(ref x, 3); return x; } /// /// Does the least sq adjustment to find the center of the sphere /// /// list of x,y,z data /// offsets public static double[] LeastSq(List> data) { double[] x = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; int maxits = 0; alglib.minlmstate state; alglib.minlmreport rep; alglib.minlmcreatev(data.Count, x, 100, out state); alglib.minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib.minlmoptimize(state, sphere_error, null, data); alglib.minlmresults(state, out x, out rep); log.InfoFormat("{0}", rep.terminationtype); log.InfoFormat("{0}", alglib.ap.format(x, 2)); return x; } /// /// saves the offests to eeprom, os displays if cant /// /// offsets public static void SaveOffsets(double[] ofs) { if (MainV2.comPort.MAV.param.ContainsKey("COMPASS_OFS_X") && MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen) { try { // disable learning MainV2.comPort.setParam("COMPASS_LEARN", 0); // set values MainV2.comPort.setParam("COMPASS_OFS_X", (float)ofs[0]); MainV2.comPort.setParam("COMPASS_OFS_Y", (float)ofs[1]); MainV2.comPort.setParam("COMPASS_OFS_Z", (float)ofs[2]); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Compass offset failed"); return; } CustomMessageBox.Show("New offsets are " + ofs[0].ToString("0") + " " + ofs[1].ToString("0") + " " + ofs[2].ToString("0") +"\nThese have been saved for you.", "New Mag Offsets"); } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("New offsets are " + ofs[0].ToString("0") + " " + ofs[1].ToString("0") + " " + ofs[2].ToString("0") + "\n\nPlease write these down for manual entry", "New Mag Offsets"); } } /// /// Min or max finder /// /// value to process /// current min /// current max private static void setMinorMax(float value, ref float min, ref float max) { if (value > max) max = value; if (value < min) min = value; } static void sphere_error(double[] xi, double[] fi, object obj) { double xofs = xi[0]; double yofs = xi[1]; double zofs = xi[2]; double r = xi[3]; int a = 0; foreach (var d in (List>)obj) { double x = d.Item1; double y = d.Item2; double z = d.Item3; double err = r - Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x + xofs), 2) + Math.Pow((y + yofs), 2) + Math.Pow((z + zofs), 2)); fi[a] = err; a++; } } } }