-- Control MiniCheetah motor driver over CAN -- https://os.mbed.com/users/benkatz/code/HKC_MiniCheetah/docs/tip/CAN__com_8cpp_source.html -- Load CAN driver with a buffer size of 20 local driver = CAN:get_device(20) local target_ID = uint32_t(1) local pos_max = 12.5 local vel_max = 65 local Kp_min = 0 local Kp_max = 500 local Kd_min = 0 local kd_max = 5 local torque_max = 18 local position_des = 0 local position_inc = 0.01 -- convert decimal to int within given range and width function to_uint(val, min, max, bits) local range = max - min local int_range = 0 for i = 0, bits - 1 do int_range = int_range | (1 << i) end return math.floor((((val - min)/range) * int_range) + 0.5) end -- convert int to decimal within given range and width function from_uint(val, min, max, bits) local range = max - min local int_range = 0 for i = 0, bits - 1 do int_range = int_range | (1 << i) end return ((val / int_range) * range) + min end -- send a motor command function send(position, velocity, Kp, Kd, torque) -- 16 bit position command, between -4*pi and 4*pi -- 12 bit velocity command, between -30 and + 30 rad/s -- 12 bit kp, between 0 and 500 N-m/rad -- 12 bit kd, between 0 and 100 N-m*s/rad -- 12 bit feed forward torque, between -18 and 18 N-m -- range check assert(math.abs(position) <= pos_max, "position out of range") assert(math.abs(velocity) <= vel_max, "velocity out of range") assert((Kp >= Kp_min) and (Kp <= Kp_max), "Kp out of range") assert((Kd >= Kd_min) and (Kd <= kd_max), "Kd out of range") assert(math.abs(torque) <= torque_max, "torque out of range") -- convert from decimal to integer position = to_uint(position, -pos_max, pos_max, 16) velocity = to_uint(velocity, -vel_max, vel_max, 12) Kp = to_uint(Kp, Kp_min, Kp_max, 12) Kd = to_uint(Kd, Kd_min, kd_max, 12) torque = to_uint(torque, -torque_max, torque_max, 12) msg = CANFrame() msg:id(target_ID) -- 0: [position[15-8]] msg:data(0, position >> 8) -- 1: [position[7-0]] msg:data(1, position & 0xFF) -- 2: [velocity[11-4]] msg:data(2, velocity >> 4) -- 3: [velocity[3-0], kp[11-8]] msg:data(3, ((velocity << 4) | (Kp >> 8)) & 0xFF) -- 4: [kp[7-0]] msg:data(4, Kp & 0xFF) -- 5: [kd[11-4]] msg:data(5, Kd >> 4) -- 6: [kd[3-0], torque[11-8]] msg:data(6, ((Kd << 4) | (torque >> 8)) & 0xFF) -- 7: [torque[7-0]] msg:data(7, torque & 0xFF) -- sending 8 bytes of data msg:dlc(8) -- write the frame with a 10000us timeout driver:write_frame(msg, 10000) end -- send command to enable motor function enable() msg = CANFrame() msg:id(target_ID) msg:data(0, 0xFF) msg:data(1, 0xFF) msg:data(2, 0xFF) msg:data(3, 0xFF) msg:data(4, 0xFF) msg:data(5, 0xFF) msg:data(6, 0xFF) msg:data(7, 0xFC) msg:dlc(8) driver:write_frame(msg, 10000) end -- send command to disable motor function disable() msg = CANFrame() msg:id(target_ID) msg:data(0, 0xFF) msg:data(1, 0xFF) msg:data(2, 0xFF) msg:data(3, 0xFF) msg:data(4, 0xFF) msg:data(5, 0xFF) msg:data(6, 0xFF) msg:data(7, 0xFD) msg:dlc(8) driver:write_frame(msg, 10000) end -- send command to zero motor function zero() msg = CANFrame() msg:id(target_ID) msg:data(0, 0xFF) msg:data(1, 0xFF) msg:data(2, 0xFF) msg:data(3, 0xFF) msg:data(4, 0xFF) msg:data(5, 0xFF) msg:data(6, 0xFF) msg:data(7, 0xFE) msg:dlc(8) driver:write_frame(msg, 10000) end -- receive data from motor function receive() -- Read a message from the buffer frame = driver:read_frame() -- noting waiting, return early if not frame then return end -- 8 bit ID -- 16 bit position, between -4*pi and 4*pi -- 12 bit velocity, between -30 and + 30 rad/s -- 12 bit current, between -40 and 40; -- 0: [ID[7-0]] -- 1: [position[15-8]] -- 2: [position[7-0]] -- 3: [velocity[11-4]] -- 4: [velocity[3-0], current[11-8]] -- 5: [current[7-0]] local ID = frame:data(0) local position = (frame:data(1) << 8) | frame:data(2) local velocity = (frame:data(3) << 4) | (frame:data(4) >> 4) local current = ( (frame:data(4) << 8) | frame:data(5)) & 0xFFF -- from integer to decimal position = from_uint(position, -pos_max, pos_max, 16) velocity = from_uint(velocity, -vel_max, vel_max, 12) current = from_uint(current, -torque_max, torque_max, 12) return ID, position, velocity, current end function update() send(position_des, 0, 100, 1, 0) local ID, position, velocity, current = receive() if ID then gcs:send_named_float('POS',position) gcs:send_named_float('VEL',velocity) gcs:send_named_float('CUR',current) end position_des = position_des + position_inc if position_des > pos_max then position_inc = -math.abs(position_inc) position_des = pos_max end if position_des < -pos_max then position_inc = math.abs(position_inc) position_des = -pos_max end return update, 10 end function init() enable() return update, 100 end return init, 1000