#!/usr/bin/env python from aircraft import Aircraft import util, time, math from math import degrees, radians from rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3 class Motor(object): def __init__(self, angle, clockwise, servo): self.angle = angle # angle in degrees from front self.clockwise = clockwise # clockwise == true, anti-clockwise == false self.servo = servo # what servo output drives this motor def build_motors(frame): '''build a motors list given a frame type''' frame = frame.lower() if frame in [ 'quad', '+', 'x' ]: motors = [ Motor(90, False, 1), Motor(270, False, 2), Motor(0, True, 3), Motor(180, True, 4), ] if frame in [ 'x', 'quadx' ]: for i in range(4): motors[i].angle -= 45.0 elif frame in ["y6"]: motors = [ Motor(60, False, 1), Motor(60, True, 7), Motor(180, True, 4), Motor(180, False, 8), Motor(-60, True, 2), Motor(-60, False, 3), ] elif frame in ["hexa", "hexa+"]: motors = [ Motor(0, True, 1), Motor(60, False, 4), Motor(120, True, 8), Motor(180, False, 2), Motor(240, True, 3), Motor(300, False, 7), ] elif frame in ["hexax"]: motors = [ Motor(30, False, 7), Motor(90, True, 1), Motor(150, False, 4), Motor(210, True, 8), Motor(270, False, 2), Motor(330, True, 3), ] elif frame in ["octa", "octa+", "octax" ]: motors = [ Motor(0, True, 1), Motor(180, True, 2), Motor(45, False, 3), Motor(135, False, 4), Motor(-45, False, 5), Motor(-135, False, 6), Motor(270, True, 7), Motor(90, True, 8), ] if frame == 'octax': for i in range(8): motors[i].angle += 22.5 elif frame in ["octa-quad"]: motors = [ Motor( 45, False, 1), Motor( -45, True, 2), Motor(-135, False, 3), Motor( 135, True, 4), Motor( -45, False, 5), Motor( 45, True, 6), Motor( 135, False, 7), Motor(-135, True, 8), ] else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown multicopter frame type '%s'" % frame) return motors class MultiCopter(Aircraft): '''a MultiCopter''' def __init__(self, frame='+', hover_throttle=0.51, terminal_velocity=15.0, frame_height=0.1, mass=1.5): Aircraft.__init__(self) self.motors = build_motors(frame) self.motor_speed = [ 0.0 ] * len(self.motors) self.mass = mass # Kg self.hover_throttle = hover_throttle self.terminal_velocity = terminal_velocity self.terminal_rotation_rate = 4*radians(360.0) self.frame_height = frame_height # scaling from total motor power to Newtons. Allows the copter # to hover against gravity when each motor is at hover_throttle self.thrust_scale = (self.mass * self.gravity) / (len(self.motors) * self.hover_throttle) self.last_time = self.time_now def update(self, servos): for i in range(0, len(self.motors)): servo = servos[self.motors[i].servo-1] if servo <= 0.0: self.motor_speed[i] = 0 else: self.motor_speed[i] = servo m = self.motor_speed # how much time has passed? t = self.time_now delta_time = t - self.last_time self.last_time = t # rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame rot_accel = Vector3(0,0,0) thrust = 0.0 for i in range(len(self.motors)): rot_accel.x += -radians(5000.0) * math.sin(radians(self.motors[i].angle)) * m[i] rot_accel.y += radians(5000.0) * math.cos(radians(self.motors[i].angle)) * m[i] if self.motors[i].clockwise: rot_accel.z -= m[i] * radians(400.0) else: rot_accel.z += m[i] * radians(400.0) thrust += m[i] * self.thrust_scale # newtons # rotational air resistance rot_accel.x -= self.gyro.x * radians(5000.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate rot_accel.y -= self.gyro.y * radians(5000.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate rot_accel.z -= self.gyro.z * radians(400.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate # update rotational rates in body frame self.gyro += rot_accel * delta_time # update attitude self.dcm.rotate(self.gyro * delta_time) self.dcm.normalize() # air resistance air_resistance = - self.velocity * (self.gravity/self.terminal_velocity) accel_body = Vector3(0, 0, -thrust / self.mass) accel_earth = self.dcm * accel_body accel_earth += Vector3(0, 0, self.gravity) accel_earth += air_resistance # add in some wind (turn force into accel by dividing by mass). # NOTE: disable this drag correction until we work out # why it is blowing up # accel_earth += self.wind.drag(self.velocity) / self.mass # if we're on the ground, then our vertical acceleration is limited # to zero. This effectively adds the force of the ground on the aircraft if self.on_ground() and accel_earth.z > 0: accel_earth.z = 0 # work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic # acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity self.accel_body = self.dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity)) # add some noise self.add_noise(thrust / (self.thrust_scale * len(self.motors))) # new velocity vector self.velocity += accel_earth * delta_time # new position vector old_position = self.position.copy() self.position += self.velocity * delta_time # constrain height to the ground if self.on_ground(): if not self.on_ground(old_position): print("Hit ground at %f m/s" % (self.velocity.z)) self.velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # zero roll/pitch, but keep yaw (r, p, y) = self.dcm.to_euler() self.dcm.from_euler(0, 0, y) self.position = Vector3(self.position.x, self.position.y, -(self.ground_level + self.frame_height - self.home_altitude)) # update lat/lon/altitude self.update_position()