''' This is an example builder script that sets up a rover in Morse to be driven by ArduPilot. The rover has the basic set of sensors that ArduPilot needs To start the simulation use this: morse run rover.py Then connect with ArduPilot like this: sim_vehicle.py --model morse --console --map This model assumes you will setup a skid-steering rover with left throttle on channel 1 and right throttle on channel 2, which means you need to set: SERVO1_FUNCTION 73 SERVO3_FUNCTION 74 ''' from morse.builder import * # use the ATRV rover vehicle = ATRV() vehicle.properties(Object = True, Graspable = False, Label = "Vehicle") vehicle.translate(x=0.0, z=0.0) # add a camera camera = SemanticCamera(name="Camera") camera.translate(x=0.2, y=0.3, z=0.9) vehicle.append(camera) camera.properties(cam_far=800) camera.properties(Vertical_Flip=True) # we could optionally stream the video to a port #camera.add_stream('socket') # add sensors needed for ArduPilot operation to a vehicle pose = Pose() vehicle.append(pose) imu = IMU() vehicle.append(imu) gps = GPS() gps.alter('UTM') vehicle.append(gps) velocity = Velocity() vehicle.append(velocity) # add a 360 degree laser scanner, sitting 1m above the rover scan = Hokuyo() scan.translate(x=0.0, z=1.0) vehicle.append(scan) scan.properties(Visible_arc = True) scan.properties(laser_range = 18.0) scan.properties(resolution = 45.0) scan.properties(scan_window = 360.0) scan.create_laser_arc() # this creates sensor output like this: # "vehicle.scan": {"timestamp": 1543891359.949892, "point_list": [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-8.97607135772705, -8.976069450378418, -8.642673492431641e-07], [9.677023626863956e-10, -15.284374237060547, 5.738123718401766e-07], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], "range_list": [18.0, 12.694079399108887, 15.284374237060547, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0]} # create a compound sensor of all of the individual sensors and stream it all_sensors = CompoundSensor([imu, gps, velocity, pose, scan]) all_sensors.add_stream('socket') vehicle.append(all_sensors) # make the vehicle controllable with speed and angular velocity # this will be available on port 60001 by default # an example command is: # {"v":2, "w":1} # which is 2m/s fwd, and rotating left at 1 radian/second motion = MotionVW() vehicle.append(motion) motion.add_stream('socket') # this would allow us to control the vehicle with a keyboard # we don't enable it as it causes issues with sensor consistency #keyboard = Keyboard() #keyboard.properties(Speed=3.0) #vehicle.append(keyboard) # Environment env = Environment('land-1/trees', fastmode=True) env.set_camera_location([10.0, -10.0, 10.0]) env.set_camera_rotation([1.0470, 0, 0.7854]) env.select_display_camera(camera) env.set_camera_clip(clip_end=1000) # startup at CMAC. A location is needed for the magnetometer env.properties(longitude = 149.165230, latitude = -35.363261, altitude = 584.0)