#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sched.h> #include <wiring.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <AP_Common.h> #include <AP_Param.h> #include "desktop.h" void setup(void); void loop(void); // the state of the desktop simulation struct desktop_info desktop_state; // catch floating point exceptions static void sig_fpe(int signum) { printf("ERROR: Floating point exception\n"); exit(1); } static void usage(void) { printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-s enable CLI slider switch\n"); printf("\t-w wipe eeprom and dataflash\n"); printf("\t-r RATE set SITL framerate\n"); printf("\t-H HEIGHT initial barometric height\n"); printf("\t-C use console instead of TCP ports\n"); } int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { int opt; // default state desktop_state.slider = false; gettimeofday(&desktop_state.sketch_start_time, NULL); signal(SIGFPE, sig_fpe); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "swhr:H:C")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 's': desktop_state.slider = true; break; case 'w': AP_Param::erase_all(); unlink("dataflash.bin"); break; case 'r': desktop_state.framerate = (unsigned)atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': desktop_state.initial_height = atof(optarg); break; case 'C': desktop_state.console_mode = true; break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } printf("Starting sketch '%s'\n", SKETCH); if (strcmp(SKETCH, "ArduCopter") == 0) { desktop_state.vehicle = ArduCopter; if (desktop_state.framerate == 0) { desktop_state.framerate = 200; } } else if (strcmp(SKETCH, "APMrover2") == 0) { desktop_state.vehicle = APMrover2; if (desktop_state.framerate == 0) { desktop_state.framerate = 50; } // set right default throttle for rover (allowing for reverse) ICR4.set(2, 1500); } else { desktop_state.vehicle = ArduPlane; if (desktop_state.framerate == 0) { desktop_state.framerate = 50; } } sitl_setup(); setup(); while (true) { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; int fd_high = 0; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ // under windows if this loop is using alot of cpu, // the alarm gets called at a slower rate. sleep(5); #endif FD_ZERO(&fds); loop(); desktop_serial_select_setup(&fds, &fd_high); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100; select(fd_high+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } return 0; }