#include "Plane.h" #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED // Write an attitude packet void Plane::Log_Write_Attitude(void) { Vector3f targets; // Package up the targets into a vector for commonality with Copter usage of Log_Wrote_Attitude targets.x = nav_roll_cd; targets.y = nav_pitch_cd; if (quadplane.in_vtol_mode() || quadplane.in_assisted_flight()) { // when VTOL active log the copter target yaw targets.z = wrap_360_cd(quadplane.attitude_control->get_att_target_euler_cd().z); } else { //Plane does not have the concept of navyaw. This is a placeholder. targets.z = 0; } if (quadplane.tailsitter_active() || quadplane.in_vtol_mode()) { // we need the attitude targets from the AC_AttitudeControl controller, as they // account for the acceleration limits. // Also, for bodyframe roll input types, _attitude_target_euler_angle is not maintained // since Euler angles are not used and it is a waste of cpu to compute them at the loop rate. // Get them from the quaternion instead: quadplane.attitude_control->get_attitude_target_quat().to_euler(targets.x, targets.y, targets.z); targets *= degrees(100.0f); logger.Write_AttitudeView(*quadplane.ahrs_view, targets); } else { logger.Write_Attitude(targets); } if (quadplane.in_vtol_mode() || quadplane.in_assisted_flight()) { // log quadplane PIDs separately from fixed wing PIDs logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIQR_MSG, quadplane.attitude_control->get_rate_roll_pid().get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIQP_MSG, quadplane.attitude_control->get_rate_pitch_pid().get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIQY_MSG, quadplane.attitude_control->get_rate_yaw_pid().get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIQA_MSG, quadplane.pos_control->get_accel_z_pid().get_pid_info() ); } logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDR_MSG, rollController.get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDP_MSG, pitchController.get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDY_MSG, yawController.get_pid_info()); logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDS_MSG, steerController.get_pid_info()); #if AP_AHRS_NAVEKF_AVAILABLE AP::ahrs_navekf().Log_Write(); logger.Write_AHRS2(); #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL sitl.Log_Write_SIMSTATE(); #endif logger.Write_POS(); } // do logging at loop rate void Plane::Log_Write_Fast(void) { if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST)) { Log_Write_Attitude(); } } struct PACKED log_Startup { LOG_PACKET_HEADER; uint64_t time_us; uint8_t startup_type; uint16_t command_total; }; void Plane::Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type) { struct log_Startup pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_STARTUP_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), startup_type : type, command_total : mission.num_commands() }; logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } struct PACKED log_Control_Tuning { LOG_PACKET_HEADER; uint64_t time_us; int16_t nav_roll_cd; int16_t roll; int16_t nav_pitch_cd; int16_t pitch; int16_t throttle_out; int16_t rudder_out; int16_t throttle_dem; float airspeed_estimate; }; // Write a control tuning packet. Total length : 22 bytes void Plane::Log_Write_Control_Tuning() { float est_airspeed = 0; ahrs.airspeed_estimate(est_airspeed); struct log_Control_Tuning pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_CTUN_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), nav_roll_cd : (int16_t)nav_roll_cd, roll : (int16_t)ahrs.roll_sensor, nav_pitch_cd : (int16_t)nav_pitch_cd, pitch : (int16_t)ahrs.pitch_sensor, throttle_out : (int16_t)SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle), rudder_out : (int16_t)SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_rudder), throttle_dem : (int16_t)SpdHgt_Controller->get_throttle_demand(), airspeed_estimate : est_airspeed }; logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } struct PACKED log_Nav_Tuning { LOG_PACKET_HEADER; uint64_t time_us; float wp_distance; int16_t target_bearing_cd; int16_t nav_bearing_cd; int16_t altitude_error_cm; float xtrack_error; float xtrack_error_i; float airspeed_error; int32_t target_lat; int32_t target_lng; int32_t target_alt; int32_t target_airspeed; }; // Write a navigation tuning packet void Plane::Log_Write_Nav_Tuning() { struct log_Nav_Tuning pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_NTUN_MSG), time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(), wp_distance : auto_state.wp_distance, target_bearing_cd : (int16_t)nav_controller->target_bearing_cd(), nav_bearing_cd : (int16_t)nav_controller->nav_bearing_cd(), altitude_error_cm : (int16_t)altitude_error_cm, xtrack_error : nav_controller->crosstrack_error(), xtrack_error_i : nav_controller->crosstrack_error_integrator(), airspeed_error : airspeed_error, target_lat : next_WP_loc.lat, target_lng : next_WP_loc.lng, target_alt : next_WP_loc.alt, target_airspeed : target_airspeed_cm, }; logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } struct PACKED log_Status { LOG_PACKET_HEADER; uint64_t time_us; uint8_t is_flying; float is_flying_probability; uint8_t armed; uint8_t safety; bool is_crashed; bool is_still; uint8_t stage; bool impact; }; void Plane::Log_Write_Status() { struct log_Status pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_STATUS_MSG) ,time_us : AP_HAL::micros64() ,is_flying : is_flying() ,is_flying_probability : isFlyingProbability ,armed : hal.util->get_soft_armed() ,safety : static_cast(hal.util->safety_switch_state()) ,is_crashed : crash_state.is_crashed ,is_still : AP::ins().is_still() ,stage : static_cast(flight_stage) ,impact : crash_state.impact_detected }; logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } struct PACKED log_AETR { LOG_PACKET_HEADER; uint64_t time_us; int16_t aileron; int16_t elevator; int16_t throttle; int16_t rudder; int16_t flap; }; void Plane::Log_Write_AETR() { struct log_AETR pkt = { LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(LOG_AETR_MSG) ,time_us : AP_HAL::micros64() ,aileron : SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron) ,elevator : SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator) ,throttle : SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_throttle) ,rudder : SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_rudder) ,flap : SRV_Channels::get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_flap_auto) }; logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt)); } void Plane::Log_Write_RC(void) { logger.Write_RCIN(); logger.Write_RCOUT(); if (rssi.enabled()) { logger.Write_RSSI(); } Log_Write_AETR(); } // type and unit information can be found in // libraries/AP_Logger/Logstructure.h; search for "log_Units" for // units and "Format characters" for field type information const struct LogStructure Plane::log_structure[] = { LOG_COMMON_STRUCTURES, { LOG_STARTUP_MSG, sizeof(log_Startup), "STRT", "QBH", "TimeUS,SType,CTot", "s--", "F--" }, // @LoggerMessage: CTUN // @Description: Control Tuning information // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: NavRoll: desired roll // @Field: Roll: achieved roll // @Field: NavPitch: desired pitch // @Field: Pitch: achieved pitch // @Field: ThrOut: scaled output throttle // @Field: RdrOut: scaled output rudder // @Field: ThrDem: demanded speed-height-controller throttle // @Field: Aspd: airspeed estimate { LOG_CTUN_MSG, sizeof(log_Control_Tuning), "CTUN", "Qcccchhhf", "TimeUS,NavRoll,Roll,NavPitch,Pitch,ThrOut,RdrOut,ThrDem,Aspd", "sdddd---n", "FBBBB---0" }, // @LoggerMessage: NTUN // @Description: Navigation Tuning information - e.g. vehicle destination // @URL: http://ardupilot.org/rover/docs/navigation.html // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Dist: distance to the current navigation waypoint // @Field: TBrg: bearing to the current navigation waypoint // @Field: NavBrg: the vehicle's desired heading // @Field: AltErr: difference between current vehicle height and target height // @Field: XT: the vehicle's current distance from the current travel segment // @Field: XTi: integration of the vehicle's crosstrack error // @Field: AspdE: difference between vehicle's airspeed and desired airspeed // @Field: AspdE: difference between vehicle's airspeed and desired airspeed // @Field: TLat: target latitude // @Field: TLng: target longitude // @Field: TAlt: target altitude // @Field: TAspd: target airspeed { LOG_NTUN_MSG, sizeof(log_Nav_Tuning), "NTUN", "QfcccfffLLii", "TimeUS,Dist,TBrg,NavBrg,AltErr,XT,XTi,AspdE,TLat,TLng,TAlt,TAspd", "smddmmmnDUmn", "F0BBB0B0GGBB" }, // @LoggerMessage: ATRP // @Description: Pitch/Roll AutoTune messages for Plane // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Type: Type of autotune (0 = Roll/ 1 = Pitch) // @Field: State: AutoTune state // @Field: Servo: Normalised control surface output (between -4500 to 4500) // @Field: Demanded: Desired Pitch/Roll rate // @Field: Achieved: Achieved Pitch/Roll rate // @Field: P: Proportional part of PID { LOG_ATRP_MSG, sizeof(AP_AutoTune::log_ATRP), "ATRP", "QBBcfff", "TimeUS,Type,State,Servo,Demanded,Achieved,P", "s---dd-", "F---00-" }, // @LoggerMessage: STAT // @Description: Current status of the aircraft // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: isFlying: True if aircraft is probably flying // @Field: isFlyProb: Probabilty that the aircraft is flying // @Field: Armed: Arm status of the aircraft // @Field: Safety: State of the safety switch // @Field: Crash: True if crash is detected // @Field: Still: True when vehicle is not moving in any axis // @Field: Stage: Current stage of the flight // @Field: Hit: True if impact is detected { LOG_STATUS_MSG, sizeof(log_Status), "STAT", "QBfBBBBBB", "TimeUS,isFlying,isFlyProb,Armed,Safety,Crash,Still,Stage,Hit", "s--------", "F--------" }, // @LoggerMessage: QTUN // @Description: QuadPlane vertical tuning message // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: ThI: throttle input // @Field: ABst: angle boost // @Field: ThO: throttle output // @Field: ThH: calculated hover throttle // @Field: DAlt: desired altitude // @Field: Alt: achieved altitude // @Field: BAlt: barometric altitude // @Field: DCRt: desired climb rate // @Field: CRt: climb rate // @Field: TMix: transition throttle mix value // @Field: Sscl: speed scalar for tailsitter control surfaces { LOG_QTUN_MSG, sizeof(QuadPlane::log_QControl_Tuning), "QTUN", "Qffffffeccff", "TimeUS,ThI,ABst,ThO,ThH,DAlt,Alt,BAlt,DCRt,CRt,TMix,Sscl", "s----mmmnn--", "F----00000-0" }, // @LoggerMessage: AOA // @Description: Angle of attack and Side Slip Angle values // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: AOA: Angle of Attack calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector // @Field: SSA: Side Slip Angle calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector { LOG_AOA_SSA_MSG, sizeof(log_AOA_SSA), "AOA", "Qff", "TimeUS,AOA,SSA", "sdd", "F00" }, // @LoggerMessage: PIQR,PIQP,PIQY,PIQA // @Description: QuadPlane Proportional/Integral/Derivative gain values for Roll/Pitch/Yaw/Z // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Tar: desired value // @Field: Act: achieved value // @Field: Err: error between target and achieved // @Field: P: proportional part of PID // @Field: I: integral part of PID // @Field: D: derivative part of PID // @Field: FF: controller feed-forward portion of response { LOG_PIQR_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), "PIQR", PID_FMT, PID_LABELS, PID_UNITS, PID_MULTS }, { LOG_PIQP_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), "PIQP", PID_FMT, PID_LABELS, PID_UNITS, PID_MULTS }, { LOG_PIQY_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), "PIQY", PID_FMT, PID_LABELS, PID_UNITS, PID_MULTS }, { LOG_PIQA_MSG, sizeof(log_PID), "PIQA", PID_FMT, PID_LABELS, PID_UNITS, PID_MULTS }, // @LoggerMessage: AETR // @Description: Normalised pre-mixer control surface outputs // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Ail: Pre-mixer value for aileron output (between -4500 to 4500) // @Field: Elev: Pre-mixer value for elevator output (between -4500 to 4500) // @Field: Thr: Pre-mixer value for throttle output (between -4500 to 4500) // @Field: Rudd: Pre-mixer value for rudder output (between -4500 to 4500) // @Field: Flap: Pre-mixer value for flaps output (between -4500 to 4500) { LOG_AETR_MSG, sizeof(log_AETR), "AETR", "Qhhhhh", "TimeUS,Ail,Elev,Thr,Rudd,Flap", "s-----", "F-----" }, }; void Plane::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() { // only 200(?) bytes are guaranteed by AP_Logger Log_Write_Startup(TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG); logger.Write_Mode(control_mode->mode_number(), control_mode_reason); ahrs.Log_Write_Home_And_Origin(); gps.Write_AP_Logger_Log_Startup_messages(); } /* initialise logging subsystem */ void Plane::log_init(void) { logger.Init(log_structure, ARRAY_SIZE(log_structure)); } #else // LOGGING_ENABLED void Plane::Log_Write_Attitude(void) {} void Plane::Log_Write_Fast(void) {} void Plane::Log_Write_Performance() {} void Plane::Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type) {} void Plane::Log_Write_Control_Tuning() {} void Plane::Log_Write_Nav_Tuning() {} void Plane::Log_Write_Status() {} void Plane::Log_Write_RC(void) {} void Plane::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() {} void Plane::log_init(void) {} #endif // LOGGING_ENABLED