/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include "HAL_QURT_Class.h" #include "AP_HAL_QURT_Private.h" #include "Scheduler.h" #include "Storage.h" #include "Semaphores.h" #include "RCInput.h" #include "RCOutput.h" #include "AnalogIn.h" #include "I2CDevice.h" #include "SPIDevice.h" #include <AP_HAL_Empty/AP_HAL_Empty.h> #include <AP_HAL_Empty/AP_HAL_Empty_Private.h> #include <AP_HAL/utility/getopt_cpp.h> #include <assert.h> #include "interface.h" #include "ap_host/src/protocol.h" extern "C" { typedef void (*external_error_handler_t)(void); }; static void crash_error_handler(void) { HAP_PRINTF("CRASH_ERROR_HANDLER: at %p", &crash_error_handler); } using namespace QURT; static UARTDriver_Console consoleDriver; static UARTDriver_MAVLinkUDP serial0Driver(0); static UARTDriver_MAVLinkUDP serial1Driver(1); static UARTDriver_Local serial3Driver(QURT_UART_GPS); static UARTDriver_Local serial4Driver(QURT_UART_RCIN); static SPIDeviceManager spiDeviceManager; static AnalogIn analogIn; static Storage storageDriver; static Empty::GPIO gpioDriver; static RCInput rcinDriver; static RCOutput rcoutDriver; static Util utilInstance; static Scheduler schedulerInstance; static I2CDeviceManager i2c_mgr_instance; bool qurt_ran_overtime; HAL_QURT::HAL_QURT() : AP_HAL::HAL( &serial0Driver, &serial1Driver, nullptr, &serial3Driver, &serial4Driver, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &i2c_mgr_instance, &spiDeviceManager, nullptr, &analogIn, &storageDriver, &consoleDriver, &gpioDriver, &rcinDriver, &rcoutDriver, &schedulerInstance, &utilInstance, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) { } static HAL_QURT::Callbacks *_callbacks; void HAL_QURT::main_thread(void) { sl_client_register_fatal_error_cb(crash_error_handler); // Let SLPI image send out it's initialization response before we // try to send anything out. qurt_timer_sleep(1000000); rcinDriver.init(); analogIn.init(); rcoutDriver.init(); _callbacks->setup(); scheduler->set_system_initialized(); HAP_PRINTF("starting loop"); for (;;) { // ensure other threads get some time qurt_timer_sleep(200); // call main loop _callbacks->loop(); } } void HAL_QURT::start_main_thread(Callbacks* callbacks) { _callbacks = callbacks; scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&HAL_QURT::main_thread, void), "main_thread", (20 * 1024), AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_MAIN, 0); } void HAL_QURT::run(int argc, char* const argv[], Callbacks* callbacks) const { assert(callbacks); /* initialize all drivers and private members here. * up to the programmer to do this in the correct order. * Scheduler should likely come first. */ scheduler->init(); schedulerInstance.hal_initialized(); serial0Driver.begin(115200); HAP_PRINTF("Creating main thread"); const_cast<HAL_QURT *>(this)->start_main_thread(callbacks); } const AP_HAL::HAL& AP_HAL::get_HAL() { static const HAL_QURT *hal; if (hal == nullptr) { hal = new HAL_QURT; } return *hal; }