#include "SIM_GeneratorEngine.h" #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h> using namespace SITL; void SIM_GeneratorEngine::update() { if (current_current > 1 && is_zero(desired_rpm)) { AP_HAL::panic("Generator stalled due to high current demand (%u > 1)", (unsigned)current_current); } else if (current_current > max_current) { AP_HAL::panic("Generator stalled due to high current demand (run)"); } // linear degradation in RPM up to maximum load if (!is_zero(desired_rpm)) { desired_rpm -= 1500 * (current_current/max_current); } const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); const float max_slew_rpm = max_slew_rpm_per_second * ((now - last_rpm_update_ms) / 1000.0f); last_rpm_update_ms = now; const float rpm_delta = current_rpm - desired_rpm; if (rpm_delta > 0) { current_rpm -= MIN(max_slew_rpm, rpm_delta); } else { current_rpm += MIN(max_slew_rpm, abs(rpm_delta)); } // update the temperature const uint32_t time_delta_ms = now - last_heat_update_ms; last_heat_update_ms = now; constexpr float heat_environment_loss_factor = 0.15f; const float factor = 0.0035; temperature += (current_rpm * time_delta_ms * (1/1000.0f) * factor); // cap the heat of the motor: temperature = MIN(temperature, 150); // now lose some heat to the environment const float heat_loss = ((temperature * heat_environment_loss_factor * (time_delta_ms * (1/1000.0f)))); // lose some % of heat per second // GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "heat=%f loss=%f", temperature, heat_loss); temperature -= heat_loss; }