using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ArducopterConfigurator { /// /// Fake implementation of Comms + APM for testing without a device connected /// public class FakeCommsSession : IComms { private bool _connected; private string _jabberData; private readonly Timer _jabberTimer; #region Implementation of IComms public FakeCommsSession() { _jabberTimer = new Timer(); _jabberTimer.Interval = 1000; _jabberTimer.Tick += timer_Tick; } public event Action LineOfDataReceived; public string CommPort { get; set; } public bool IsConnected { get { return _connected; } } public IEnumerable ListCommPorts() { return new[] {"FakePort1", "FakePort2"}; } public void Send(string stringSent) { if (!_connected) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not Connected"); if (stringSent == "!") ReturnData("Fake"); if (stringSent == "D") // position ReturnData("0.015,0.005,0.010,0.015,0.005,0.010,22.000,0.870"); if (stringSent == "B") // stable ReturnData("1.950,0.100,0.200,1.950,0.300,0.400,3.200,0.500,0.600,0.320,1.00"); if (stringSent == "P") // acro ReturnData("3.950,0.100,0.000,0.000,0.300,0.400,3.200,0.500,0.600,0.320"); if (stringSent == "F") // alti ReturnData("0.800,0.200,0.300"); if (stringSent == "J") // calib ReturnData("0.100,0.200,0.300,0.400,0.500,0.600"); if (stringSent == "S") { // Loop Time = 2 // Roll Gyro Rate = -10 // Pitch Gyro Rate = 3 // Yaw Gyro Rate = -2 // Throttle Output = 1011 // Roll PID Output = 1012 // Pitch PID Output = 1002 // Yaw PID Output 1000 // Front Motor Command = 1001 PWM output sent to right motor (ranges from 1000-2000) // Rear Motor Command 1003 // Right Motor Command = 1002 // Left Motor Command = 1004 // then adc 4,3, and 5 // mag heading float * 3 // mag heading int * 3 _jabberData = "2,-10,3,-2,1011,1012,1002,1000,1001,1200,1003,1400,1000,1000,1000,1.000,1.000,1.000,0,0,0"; StartJabber(); } if (stringSent == "X") StopJabber(); } private void StopJabber() { _jabberTimer.Stop(); } private void StartJabber() { _jabberTimer.Start(); } void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReturnData(_jabberData); } private void ReturnData(string data) { if (LineOfDataReceived != null) LineOfDataReceived(data + "\n"); } public bool Connect() { if (_connected) throw new InvalidOperationException("Already Connected"); _connected = true; return true; } public bool DisConnect() { if (!_connected) throw new InvalidOperationException("Already DisConnected"); _connected = false; return true; } #endregion } }