#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, fnmatch
import importlib

# peripheral types that can be shared, wildcard patterns
SHARED_MAP = ["I2C*", "USART*_TX", "UART*_TX", "SPI*", "TIM*_UP", "TIM*_CH*"]

ignore_list = []
dma_map = None

debug = False

def check_possibility(periph, dma_stream, curr_dict, dma_map, check_list, cannot_use_stream, forbidden_map):
    global ignore_list
    if debug:
        print('............ Checking ', periph, dma_stream, 'without', cannot_use_stream)
    for other_periph in curr_dict:
        if other_periph != periph:
            if curr_dict[other_periph] == dma_stream:
                if other_periph in forbidden_map[periph]:
                    if debug:
                        print('.................... Forbidden', periph, other_periph)
                    return False
                if debug:
                    print('.................... Collision', other_periph, dma_stream)
                check_str = "%s(%d,%d) %s(%d,%d)" % (
                    other_periph, curr_dict[other_periph][0],
                    curr_dict[other_periph][1], periph, dma_stream[0],
                #check if we did this before
                if check_str in check_list:
                    return False
                if debug:
                    print("Trying to Resolve Conflict: ", check_str)
                #check if we can resolve by swapping with other periphs
                for streamchan in dma_map[other_periph]:
                    stream = (streamchan[0], streamchan[1])

                    if stream != curr_dict[other_periph] and \
                        stream not in cannot_use_stream and \
                        check_possibility(other_periph, stream, curr_dict, dma_map, check_list,
                                          cannot_use_stream+[(dma_stream)], forbidden_map):
                        curr_dict[other_periph] = stream
                        if debug:
                            print ('....................... Resolving', other_periph, stream)
                        return True
                if debug:
                    print ('....................... UnSolved !!!!!!!!', periph, dma_stream)                    
                return False
    if debug:
        print ('....................... Solved ..........', periph, dma_stream)    
    return True

def can_share(periph, noshare_list):
    '''check if a peripheral is in the SHARED_MAP list'''
    for noshare in noshare_list:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(periph, noshare):
            return False
    for f in SHARED_MAP:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(periph, f):
            return True
    if debug:
        print("%s can't share" % periph)
    return False

# list of peripherals on H7 that are on DMAMUX2 and BDMA
have_DMAMUX = False
DMAMUX2_peripherals = [ 'I2C4', 'SPI6', 'ADC3' ]

def dmamux_channel(key):
    '''return DMAMUX channel for H7'''
    for p in DMAMUX2_peripherals:
        if key.find(p) != -1:
            return 'STM32_DMAMUX2_' + key
    # default to DMAMUX1
    return 'STM32_DMAMUX1_' + key

def dma_name(key):
    '''return 'DMA' or 'BDMA' based on peripheral name'''
    if not have_DMAMUX:
        return "DMA"
    for p in DMAMUX2_peripherals:
        if key.find(p) != -1:
            return 'BDMA'
    return 'DMA'

def chibios_dma_define_name(key):
    '''return define name needed for board.h for ChibiOS'''
    dma_key = key + '_' + dma_name(key)
    if key.startswith('ADC'):
        return 'STM32_ADC_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('SPI'):
        return 'STM32_SPI_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('I2C'):
        return 'STM32_I2C_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('USART'):
        return 'STM32_UART_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('UART'):
        return 'STM32_UART_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('SDIO') or key.startswith('SDMMC'):
        return 'STM32_SDC_%s_' % dma_key
    elif key.startswith('TIM'):
        return 'STM32_TIM_%s_' % dma_key
        print("Error: Unknown key type %s" % key)

def get_list_index(peripheral, priority_list):
    '''return index into priority_list for a peripheral'''
    for i in range(len(priority_list)):
        str = priority_list[i]
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(peripheral, str):
            return i
    # default to max priority
    return len(priority_list)

def get_sharing_priority(periph_list, priority_list):
    '''get priority of a list of peripherals we could share with'''
    highest = len(priority_list)
    for p in periph_list:
        prio = get_list_index(p, priority_list)
        if prio < highest:
            highest = prio
    return highest

def generate_DMAMUX_map_mask(peripheral_list, channel_mask, noshare_list, dma_exclude, stream_ofs):
    generate a dma map suitable for a board with a DMAMUX

    In principle any peripheral can use any stream, but we need to
    ensure that a peripheral doesn't try to use the same stream as its
    partner (eg. a RX/TX pair)
    dma_map = {}
    idsets = {}

    # first unshareable peripherals
    available = channel_mask
    for p in peripheral_list:
        dma_map[p] = []
        idsets[p] = set()

    for p in peripheral_list:
        if can_share(p, noshare_list) or p in dma_exclude:
        for i in range(16):
            mask = (1<<i)
            if available & mask != 0:
                available &= ~mask
                dma = (i // 8) + 1
                stream = i % 8

    if debug:
        print('dma_map1: ', dma_map)
        print('available: 0x%04x' % available)

    # now shareable
    idx = 0
    for p in peripheral_list:
        if not can_share(p, noshare_list) or p in dma_exclude:
        base = idx % 16
        for i in range(16):
            found = None
            for ii in list(range(base,16)) + list(range(0,base)):
                if (1<<ii) & available == 0:

                dma = (ii // 8) + 1
                stream = ii % 8

                if (dma,stream) in dma_map[p]:
                    # this peripheral is already using the stream
                # prevent attempts to share with other half of same peripheral
                if p.endswith('RX'):
                    other = p[:-2] + 'TX'
                elif p.endswith('TX'):
                    other = p[:-2] + 'RX'
                    other = None

                if other is not None and other in idsets and ii in idsets[other]:
                    if len(idsets[p]) >= len(idsets[other]) and len(idsets[other]) > 0:
                found = ii
            if found is None:
            base = (found+1) % 16
            dma = (found // 8) + 1
            stream = found % 8
        idx = (idx+1) % 16

    if stream_ofs != 0:
        # add in stream_ofs to cope with STM32G4
        for p in dma_map.keys():
            for (dma,stream) in dma_map[p]:
                map2 = []
                dma_map[p] = map2

    if debug:
        print('dma_map: ', dma_map)
        print('idsets: ', idsets)
        print('available: 0x%04x' % available)
    return dma_map

def generate_DMAMUX_map(peripheral_list, noshare_list, dma_exclude, stream_ofs):
    generate a dma map suitable for a board with a DMAMUX1 and DMAMUX2
    # first split peripheral_list into those for DMAMUX1 and those for DMAMUX2
    dmamux1_peripherals = []
    dmamux2_peripherals = []
    for p in peripheral_list:
        if dma_name(p) == 'BDMA':
    map1 = generate_DMAMUX_map_mask(dmamux1_peripherals, 0xFFFF, noshare_list, dma_exclude, stream_ofs)
    # there are 8 BDMA channels, but an issue has been found where if I2C4 and SPI6
    # use neighboring channels then we sometimes lose a BDMA completion interrupt. To
    # avoid this we set the BDMA available mask to 0x33, which forces the channels not to be
    # adjacent. This issue was found on a CUAV-X7, with H743 RevV.
    map2 = generate_DMAMUX_map_mask(dmamux2_peripherals, 0x55, noshare_list, dma_exclude, stream_ofs)
    # translate entries from map2 to "DMA controller 3", which is used for BDMA
    for p in map2.keys():
        streams = []
        for (controller,stream) in map2[p]:
        map2[p] = streams
    both = map1
    if debug:
        print('dma_map_both: ', both)
    return both

def sharing_allowed(p1, p2):
    '''return true if sharing is allowed between p1 and p2'''
    if p1 == p2:
        return True
    # don't allow RX and TX of same peripheral to share
    if p1.endswith('_RX') and p2.endswith('_TX') and p1[:-2] == p2[:-2]:
        return False
    # don't allow sharing of two TIMn_UP channels as DShot code can't cope
    if p1.endswith("_UP") and p2.endswith("_UP") and p1.startswith("TIM") and p2.startswith("TIM"):
        return False
    return True

def check_sharing(shared):
    '''check if DMA channel sharing is OK'''
    for p in shared:
        # don't share UART RX with anything
        if (p.startswith("UART") or p.startswith("USART")) and p.endswith("_RX"):
            print("Illegal sharing of %s" % p)
            return False

        # don't share ADC with anything
        if p.startswith("ADC"):
            print("Illegal sharing of %s" % p)
            return False

        for p2 in shared:
            if not sharing_allowed(p, p2):
                print("Illegal sharing of %s and %s" % (p, p2))
                return False

    return True

def forbidden_list(p, peripheral_list):
    '''given a peripheral, form a list of other peripherals we may not share with'''
    ret = []
    for p2 in peripheral_list:
        if not sharing_allowed(p, p2):
    return ret

def write_dma_header(f, peripheral_list, mcu_type, dma_exclude=[],
                     dma_priority='', dma_noshare=[]):
    '''write out a DMA resolver header file'''
    global dma_map, have_DMAMUX, has_bdshot
    timer_ch_periph = []

    has_bdshot = False

    # form a list of DMA priorities
    priority_list = dma_priority.split()

    # sort by priority
    peripheral_list = sorted(peripheral_list, key=lambda x: get_list_index(x, priority_list))

    # form a list of peripherals that can't share
    noshare_list = dma_noshare[:]

        lib = importlib.import_module(mcu_type)
        if hasattr(lib, "DMA_Map"):
            dma_map = lib.DMA_Map
            return [], []
    except ImportError:
        print("Unable to find module for MCU %s" % mcu_type)

    if dma_map is None:
        have_DMAMUX = True
        # ensure we don't assign dma for TIMx_CH as we share that with TIMx_UP
        timer_ch_periph = [periph for periph in peripheral_list if "_CH" in periph]
        dma_exclude += timer_ch_periph
        if mcu_type.startswith("STM32G4"):
            stream_ofs = 1
            stream_ofs = 0

        dma_map = generate_DMAMUX_map(peripheral_list, noshare_list, dma_exclude, stream_ofs)

    print("Writing DMA map")
    unassigned = []
    curr_dict = {}

    # build a map from peripheral name to a list of peripherals that it cannot share with
    forbidden_map = {}
    for p in peripheral_list:
        forbidden_map[p] = forbidden_list(p, peripheral_list)

    for periph in peripheral_list:
        if "_CH" in periph:
            has_bdshot = True # the list contains a CH port
        if periph in dma_exclude:
        assigned = False
        check_list = []
        if not periph in dma_map:
            print("Unknown peripheral function %s in DMA map for %s" %
                  (periph, mcu_type))

        if debug:
            print('\n\n.....Starting lookup for', periph)
        for streamchan in dma_map[periph]:
            if debug:
                print('........Possibility for', periph, streamchan)
            stream = (streamchan[0], streamchan[1])
            if check_possibility(periph, stream, curr_dict, dma_map,
                                 check_list, [], forbidden_map):
                curr_dict[periph] = stream
                if debug:
                    print ('....................... Setting', periph, stream)
                assigned = True
        if assigned == False:

    if debug:
        print('curr_dict: ', curr_dict)
        print('unassigned: ', unassigned)

    # now look for shared DMA possibilities
    stream_assign = {}
    for k in curr_dict.keys():
        p = curr_dict[k]
        if not p in stream_assign:
            stream_assign[p] = [k]

    unassigned_new = unassigned[:]
    for periph in unassigned:
        share_possibility = []
        for streamchan in dma_map[periph]:
            stream = (streamchan[0], streamchan[1])
            share_ok = True
            for periph2 in stream_assign[stream]:
                if not can_share(periph, noshare_list) or not can_share(periph2, noshare_list) or periph2 in forbidden_map[periph]:
                    share_ok = False
            if share_ok:
        if share_possibility:
            # sort the possible sharings so minimise impact on high priority streams
            share_possibility = sorted(share_possibility, key=lambda x: get_sharing_priority(stream_assign[x], priority_list))
            # and take the one with the least impact (lowest value for highest priority stream share)
            stream = share_possibility[-1]
            if debug:
                print("Sharing %s on %s with %s" % (periph, stream,
            curr_dict[periph] = stream
    unassigned = unassigned_new

    for key in sorted(curr_dict.keys()):
        stream = curr_dict[key]
        if len(stream_assign[stream]) > 1:
            if not check_sharing(stream_assign[stream]):
    if debug:

    f.write("\n\n// auto-generated DMA mapping from dma_resolver.py\n")

    if unassigned:
            "\n// Note: The following peripherals can't be resolved for DMA: %s\n\n"
            % unassigned)

    ordered_up_channels = []

    # produce a list of timers ordered by the DMA streamid of the UP channel
    # this is so that the dshot code can take out the UP DMA locks in the same order as I2C and SPI
    for key in curr_dict.keys():
        if "_UP" in key:

    def order_by_streamid(key):
        stream = curr_dict[key]
        return (stream[0] * 8 + stream[1]) * 20 + int(key[3:-3])

    ordered_up_channels = sorted(ordered_up_channels, key=order_by_streamid)
    ordered_timers = []
    for key in ordered_up_channels:

    shared_set = set()

    for key in sorted(curr_dict.keys()):
        stream = curr_dict[key]
        shared = ''
        if len(stream_assign[stream]) > 1:
            shared = ' // shared %s' % ','.join(stream_assign[stream])
            if stream[0] in [1,2]:
                shared_set.add("(1U<<STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(%u,%u))" % (stream[0],stream[1]))
        if curr_dict[key] == "STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID_ANY":
            f.write("#define %-30s STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID_ANY\n" % (chibios_dma_define_name(key)+'STREAM'))
            f.write("#define %-30s %s\n" % (chibios_dma_define_name(key)+'CHAN', dmamux_channel(key)))
            dma_controller = curr_dict[key][0]
            if dma_controller == 3:
                # for BDMA we use 3 in the resolver
                dma_controller = 1
            f.write("#define %-30s STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(%u, %u)%s\n" %
                    (chibios_dma_define_name(key)+'STREAM', dma_controller,
                        curr_dict[key][1], shared))
            if have_DMAMUX and "_UP" in key:
                # share the dma with rest of the _CH ports
                for ch in range(1,5):
                    chkey = key.replace('_UP', '_CH{}'.format(ch))
                    if chkey not in timer_ch_periph:
                    f.write("#define %-30s STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(%u, %u)%s\n" %
                        (chibios_dma_define_name(chkey)+'STREAM', dma_controller,
                            curr_dict[key][1], shared))
        for streamchan in dma_map[key]:
            if stream == (streamchan[0], streamchan[1]):
                if have_DMAMUX:
                    chan = dmamux_channel(key)
                    chan = streamchan[2]
                f.write("#define %-30s %s\n" %
                        (chibios_dma_define_name(key)+'CHAN', chan))
                if have_DMAMUX and "_UP" in key:
                    # share the devid with rest of the _CH ports
                    for ch in range(1,5):
                        chkey = key.replace('_UP', '_CH{}'.format(ch))
                        if chkey not in timer_ch_periph:
                        f.write("#define %-30s %s\n" %
                                chan.replace('_UP', '_CH{}'.format(ch))))

    f.write("\n// Mask of DMA streams which are shared\n")
    if len(shared_set) == 0:
        f.write("#define SHARED_DMA_MASK 0\n")
        f.write("#define SHARED_DMA_MASK (%s)\n" % '|'.join(list(shared_set)))

    # now generate UARTDriver.cpp DMA config lines
    f.write("\n\n// generated UART DMA configuration lines\n")
    for u in range(1, 9):
        key = None
        if 'USART%u_TX' % u in peripheral_list:
            key = 'USART%u' % u
        if 'UART%u_TX' % u in peripheral_list:
            key = 'UART%u' % u
        if 'USART%u_RX' % u in peripheral_list:
            key = 'USART%u' % u
        if 'UART%u_RX' % u in peripheral_list:
            key = 'UART%u' % u
        if key is None:
        if have_DMAMUX:
            # use DMAMUX ID as channel number
            dma_rx_chn = dmamux_channel(key + "_RX")
            dma_tx_chn = dmamux_channel(key + "_TX")
            dma_rx_chn = "STM32_UART_%s_RX_%s_CHAN" % (key, dma_name(key))
            dma_tx_chn = "STM32_UART_%s_TX_%s_CHAN" % (key, dma_name(key))

        f.write("#define STM32_%s_RX_DMA_CONFIG " % key)
        if key + "_RX" in curr_dict:
                "true, STM32_UART_%s_RX_%s_STREAM, %s\n" % (key, dma_name(key), dma_rx_chn))
            f.write("false, 0, 0\n")
        f.write("#define STM32_%s_TX_DMA_CONFIG " % key)
        if key + "_TX" in curr_dict:
                "true, STM32_UART_%s_TX_%s_STREAM, %s\n" % (key, dma_name(key), dma_tx_chn))
            f.write("false, 0, 0\n")

    # now generate SPI DMA streams lines
    f.write("\n\n// generated SPI DMA configuration lines\n")
    for u in range(1, 9):
        if 'SPI%u_TX' % u in peripheral_list and 'SPI%u_RX' % u in peripheral_list:
            key = 'SPI%u' % u
        f.write('#define STM32_SPI_%s_DMA_STREAMS STM32_SPI_%s_TX_%s_STREAM, STM32_SPI_%s_RX_%s_STREAM\n' % (
            key, key, dma_name(key), key, dma_name(key)))
    return unassigned, ordered_timers

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import optparse

    parser = optparse.OptionParser("dma_resolver.py")
    parser.add_option("-M", "--mcu", default=None, help='MCU type')
        "-D", "--debug", action='store_true', help='enable debug')
        help='peripheral list (comma separated)')

    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    if opts.peripherals is None:
        print("Please provide a peripheral list with -P")

    if opts.mcu is None:
        print("Please provide a MCU type with -<")

    debug = opts.debug

    plist = opts.peripherals.split(',')
    mcu_type = opts.mcu

    f = open("dma.h", "w")
    write_dma_header(f, plist, mcu_type)