/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* Base class for serial proximity sensors */ #include "SIM_SerialProximitySensor.h" #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace SITL; void SerialProximitySensor::update(const Location &location) { // just send a chunk of data at 5Hz: const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - last_sent_ms < reading_interval_ms()) { return; } last_sent_ms = now; uint8_t data[255]; const uint32_t packetlen = packet_for_location(location, data, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); write_to_autopilot((char*)data, packetlen); } float SerialProximitySensor::measure_distance_at_angle_bf(const Location &location, float angle) const { const SITL *sitl = AP::sitl(); Vector2f vehicle_pos_cm; if (!location.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(vehicle_pos_cm)) { // should probably use SITL variables... return 0.0f; } static uint64_t count = 0; if (count == 0) { unlink("/tmp/rayfile.scr"); unlink("/tmp/intersectionsfile.scr"); } count++; // the 1000 here is so the files don't grow unbounded const bool write_debug_files = count < 1000; FILE *rayfile = nullptr; if (write_debug_files) { rayfile = fopen("/tmp/rayfile.scr", "a"); } // cast a ray from location out 200m... Location location2 = location; location2.offset_bearing(wrap_180(angle + sitl->state.yawDeg), 200); Vector2f ray_endpos_cm; if (!location2.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(ray_endpos_cm)) { // should probably use SITL variables... return 0.0f; } if (rayfile != nullptr) { ::fprintf(rayfile, "map icon %f %f barrell\n", location2.lat*1e-7, location2.lng*1e-7); fclose(rayfile); } // setup a grid of posts FILE *postfile = nullptr; FILE *intersectionsfile = nullptr; if (write_debug_files) { static bool postfile_written; if (!postfile_written) { ::fprintf(stderr, "Writing /tmp/post-locations.scr\n"); postfile_written = true; postfile = fopen("/tmp/post-locations.scr", "w"); } intersectionsfile = fopen("/tmp/intersections.scr", "a"); } const float radius_cm = 100.0f; float min_dist_cm = 1000000.0; const uint8_t num_post_offset = 10; for (int8_t x=-num_post_offset; x<num_post_offset; x++) { for (int8_t y=-num_post_offset; y<num_post_offset; y++) { Location post_location = post_origin; post_location.offset(x*10+3, y*10+2); if (postfile != nullptr) { ::fprintf(postfile, "map circle %f %f %f blue\n", post_location.lat*1e-7, post_location.lng*1e-7, radius_cm/100.0); } Vector2f post_position_cm; if (!post_location.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(post_position_cm)) { // should probably use SITL variables... return 0.0f; } Vector2f intersection_point_cm; if (Vector2f::circle_segment_intersection(ray_endpos_cm, vehicle_pos_cm, post_position_cm, radius_cm, intersection_point_cm)) { float dist_cm = (intersection_point_cm-vehicle_pos_cm).length(); if (intersectionsfile != nullptr) { Location intersection_point = location; intersection_point.offset(intersection_point_cm.x/100.0f, intersection_point_cm.y/100.0f); ::fprintf(intersectionsfile, "map icon %f %f barrell\n", intersection_point.lat*1e-7, intersection_point.lng*1e-7); } if (dist_cm < min_dist_cm) { min_dist_cm = dist_cm; } } } } if (postfile != nullptr) { fclose(postfile); } if (intersectionsfile != nullptr) { fclose(intersectionsfile); } // ::fprintf(stderr, "Distance @%f = %fm\n", angle, min_dist_cm/100.0f); return min_dist_cm / 100.0f; }