/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; // table of user settable parameters const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_InertialNav::var_info[] PROGMEM = { // start numbering at 1 because 0 was previous used for body frame accel offsets // @Param: TC_XY // @DisplayName: Horizontal Time Constant // @Description: Time constant for GPS and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases GPS impact on position estimate // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 0.1 AP_GROUPINFO("TC_XY", 1, AP_InertialNav, _time_constant_xy, AP_INTERTIALNAV_TC_XY), // @Param: TC_Z // @DisplayName: Vertical Time Constant // @Description: Time constant for baro and accel mixing. Higher TC decreases barometers impact on altitude estimate // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 0.1 AP_GROUPINFO("TC_Z", 2, AP_InertialNav, _time_constant_z, AP_INTERTIALNAV_TC_Z), AP_GROUPEND }; // init - initialise library void AP_InertialNav::init() { // recalculate the gains update_gains(); } // update - updates velocities and positions using latest info from ahrs and barometer if new data is available; void AP_InertialNav::update(float dt) { // discard samples where dt is too large if( dt > 0.1f ) { return; } // decrement ignore error count if required if (_flags.ignore_error > 0) { _flags.ignore_error--; } // check if new baro readings have arrived and use them to correct vertical accelerometer offsets. check_baro(); // check if new gps readings have arrived and use them to correct position estimates check_gps(); Vector3f accel_ef = _ahrs.get_accel_ef(); // remove influence of gravity accel_ef.z += GRAVITY_MSS; accel_ef *= 100; // remove xy if not enabled if( !_xy_enabled ) { accel_ef.x = 0; accel_ef.y = 0; } //Convert North-East-Down to North-East-Up accel_ef.z = -accel_ef.z; float tmp = _k3_xy * dt; accel_correction_ef.x += _position_error.x * tmp; accel_correction_ef.y += _position_error.y * tmp; accel_correction_ef.z += _position_error.z * _k3_z * dt; tmp = _k2_xy * dt; _velocity.x += _position_error.x * tmp; _velocity.y += _position_error.y * tmp; _velocity.z += _position_error.z * _k2_z * dt; tmp = _k1_xy * dt; _position_correction.x += _position_error.x * tmp; _position_correction.y += _position_error.y * tmp; _position_correction.z += _position_error.z * _k1_z * dt; // calculate velocity increase adding new acceleration from accelerometers const Vector3f &velocity_increase = (accel_ef + accel_correction_ef) * dt; // calculate new estimate of position _position_base += (_velocity + velocity_increase*0.5) * dt; // update the corrected position estimate _position = _position_base + _position_correction; // calculate new velocity _velocity += velocity_increase; // store 3rd order estimate (i.e. estimated vertical position) for future use _hist_position_estimate_z.push_back(_position_base.z); // store 3rd order estimate (i.e. horizontal position) for future use at 10hz _historic_xy_counter++; if( _historic_xy_counter >= AP_INTERTIALNAV_SAVE_POS_AFTER_ITERATIONS ) { _historic_xy_counter = 0; _hist_position_estimate_x.push_back(_position_base.x); _hist_position_estimate_y.push_back(_position_base.y); } } // // XY Axis specific methods // // set time constant - set timeconstant used by complementary filter void AP_InertialNav::set_time_constant_xy( float time_constant_in_seconds ) { // ensure it's a reasonable value if( time_constant_in_seconds > 0 && time_constant_in_seconds < 30 ) { _time_constant_xy = time_constant_in_seconds; update_gains(); } } // position_ok - return true if position has been initialised and have received gps data within 3 seconds bool AP_InertialNav::position_ok() const { return _xy_enabled; } // check_gps - check if new gps readings have arrived and use them to correct position estimates void AP_InertialNav::check_gps() { const uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis(); // compare gps time to previous reading if( _gps != NULL && _gps->last_fix_time != _gps_last_time ) { // call position correction method correct_with_gps(now, _gps->longitude, _gps->latitude); // record gps time and system time of this update _gps_last_time = _gps->last_fix_time; }else{ // if GPS updates stop arriving degrade position error to 10% over 2 seconds (assumes 100hz update rate) if (now - _gps_last_update > AP_INTERTIALNAV_GPS_TIMEOUT_MS) { _position_error.x *= 0.9886; _position_error.y *= 0.9886; // increment error count if (_flags.ignore_error == 0 && _error_count < 255 && _xy_enabled) { _error_count++; } } } } // correct_with_gps - modifies accelerometer offsets using gps void AP_InertialNav::correct_with_gps(uint32_t now, int32_t lon, int32_t lat) { float dt,x,y; float hist_position_base_x, hist_position_base_y; // calculate time since last gps reading dt = (float)(now - _gps_last_update) * 0.001f; // update last gps update time _gps_last_update = now; // discard samples where dt is too large if( dt > 1.0f || dt == 0 || !_xy_enabled) { return; } // calculate distance from base location x = (float)(lat - _ahrs.get_home().lat) * LATLON_TO_CM; y = (float)(lon - _ahrs.get_home().lng) * _lon_to_cm_scaling; // sanity check the gps position. Relies on the main code calling GPS_Glitch::check_position() immediatley after a GPS update if (_glitch_detector.glitching()) { // failed sanity check so degrate position_error to 10% over 2 seconds (assumes 5hz update rate) _position_error.x *= 0.7934; _position_error.y *= 0.7934; }else{ // if our internal glitching flag (from previous iteration) is true we have just recovered from a glitch // reset the inertial nav position and velocity to gps values if (_flags.gps_glitching) { set_position_xy(x,y); set_velocity_xy(_gps->velocity_north() * 100.0f,_gps->velocity_east() * 100.0f); _position_error.x = 0; _position_error.y = 0; }else{ // ublox gps positions are delayed by 400ms // we store historical position at 10hz so 4 iterations ago if( _hist_position_estimate_x.is_full()) { hist_position_base_x = _hist_position_estimate_x.front(); hist_position_base_y = _hist_position_estimate_y.front(); }else{ hist_position_base_x = _position_base.x; hist_position_base_y = _position_base.y; } // calculate error in position from gps with our historical estimate _position_error.x = x - (hist_position_base_x + _position_correction.x); _position_error.y = y - (hist_position_base_y + _position_correction.y); } } // update our internal record of glitching flag so that we can notice a change _flags.gps_glitching = _glitch_detector.glitching(); } // get accel based latitude int32_t AP_InertialNav::get_latitude() const { // make sure we've been initialised if( !_xy_enabled ) { return 0; } return _ahrs.get_home().lat + (int32_t)(_position.x/LATLON_TO_CM); } // get accel based longitude int32_t AP_InertialNav::get_longitude() const { // make sure we've been initialised if( !_xy_enabled ) { return 0; } return _ahrs.get_home().lng + (int32_t)(_position.y / _lon_to_cm_scaling); } // setup_home_position - reset state for home position change void AP_InertialNav::setup_home_position(void) { // set longitude to meters scaling to offset the shrinking longitude as we go towards the poles _lon_to_cm_scaling = longitude_scale(_ahrs.get_home()) * LATLON_TO_CM; // reset corrections to base position to zero _position_base.x = 0; _position_base.y = 0; _position_correction.x = 0; _position_correction.y = 0; _position.x = 0; _position.y = 0; // clear historic estimates _hist_position_estimate_x.clear(); _hist_position_estimate_y.clear(); // set xy as enabled _xy_enabled = true; } // get accel based latitude float AP_InertialNav::get_latitude_diff() const { // make sure we've been initialised if( !_xy_enabled ) { return 0; } return (_position.x/LATLON_TO_CM); } // get accel based longitude float AP_InertialNav::get_longitude_diff() const { // make sure we've been initialised if( !_xy_enabled ) { return 0; } return (_position.y / _lon_to_cm_scaling); } // set_velocity_xy - set velocity in latitude & longitude directions (in cm/s) void AP_InertialNav::set_velocity_xy(float x, float y) { _velocity.x = x; _velocity.y = y; } // set_velocity_xy - set velocity in latitude & longitude directions (in cm/s) float AP_InertialNav::get_velocity_xy() { return safe_sqrt(_velocity.x * _velocity.x + _velocity.y * _velocity.y); } // // Z Axis methods // // set time constant - set timeconstant used by complementary filter void AP_InertialNav::set_time_constant_z( float time_constant_in_seconds ) { // ensure it's a reasonable value if( time_constant_in_seconds > 0 && time_constant_in_seconds < 30 ) { _time_constant_z = time_constant_in_seconds; update_gains(); } } // check_baro - check if new baro readings have arrived and use them to correct vertical accelerometer offsets void AP_InertialNav::check_baro() { uint32_t baro_update_time; // calculate time since last baro reading (in ms) baro_update_time = _baro.get_last_update(); if( baro_update_time != _baro_last_update ) { const float dt = (float)(baro_update_time - _baro_last_update) * 0.001f; // in seconds // call correction method correct_with_baro(_baro.get_altitude()*100, dt); _baro_last_update = baro_update_time; } } // correct_with_baro - modifies accelerometer offsets using barometer. dt is time since last baro reading void AP_InertialNav::correct_with_baro(float baro_alt, float dt) { static uint8_t first_reads = 0; // discard samples where dt is too large if( dt > 0.5f ) { return; } // discard first 10 reads but perform some initialisation if( first_reads <= 10 ) { set_altitude(baro_alt); first_reads++; } // 3rd order samples (i.e. position from baro) are delayed by 150ms (15 iterations at 100hz) // so we should calculate error using historical estimates float hist_position_base_z; if( _hist_position_estimate_z.is_full() ) { hist_position_base_z = _hist_position_estimate_z.front(); }else{ hist_position_base_z = _position_base.z; } // calculate error in position from baro with our estimate _position_error.z = baro_alt - (hist_position_base_z + _position_correction.z); } // set_altitude - set base altitude estimate in cm void AP_InertialNav::set_altitude( float new_altitude) { _position_base.z = new_altitude; _position_correction.z = 0; _position.z = new_altitude; // _position = _position_base + _position_correction } // // Private methods // // update_gains - update gains from time constant (given in seconds) void AP_InertialNav::update_gains() { // X & Y axis time constant if( _time_constant_xy == 0 ) { _k1_xy = _k2_xy = _k3_xy = 0; }else{ _k1_xy = 3 / _time_constant_xy; _k2_xy = 3 / (_time_constant_xy*_time_constant_xy); _k3_xy = 1 / (_time_constant_xy*_time_constant_xy*_time_constant_xy); } // Z axis time constant if( _time_constant_z == 0 ) { _k1_z = _k2_z = _k3_z = 0; }else{ _k1_z = 3 / _time_constant_z; _k2_z = 3 / (_time_constant_z*_time_constant_z); _k3_z = 1 / (_time_constant_z*_time_constant_z*_time_constant_z); } } // set_velocity_z - get latest climb rate (in cm/s) void AP_InertialNav::set_velocity_z(float z ) { _velocity.z = z; } // set_position_xy - sets inertial navigation position to given xy coordinates from home void AP_InertialNav::set_position_xy(float x, float y) { // reset position from home _position_base.x = x; _position_base.y = y; _position_correction.x = 0; _position_correction.y = 0; // clear historic estimates _hist_position_estimate_x.clear(); _hist_position_estimate_y.clear(); // add new position for future use _historic_xy_counter = 0; _hist_position_estimate_x.push_back(_position_base.x); _hist_position_estimate_y.push_back(_position_base.y); }