-- Copter attempts to fly home using dead reckoning if the GPS quality deteriorates or an EKF failsafe triggers -- -- CAUTION: This script only works for Copter 4.3 (and higher) -- this script checks for low GPS quality and/or an EKF failsafe and if either occurs, flies in the last known direction towards home -- -- DR_ENABLE : 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled -- DR_ENABLE_DIST : distance from home (in meters) beyond which the dead reckoning will be enabled -- DR_GPS_SACC_MAX : GPS speed accuracy maximum, above which deadreckoning home will begin (default is 0.8). Lower values trigger with good GPS quality, higher values will allow poorer GPS before triggering. Set to 0 to disable use of GPS speed accuracy. -- DR_GPS_SAT_MIN : GPS satellite count threshold below which deadreckoning home will begin (default is 6). Higher values trigger with good GPS quality, Lower values trigger with worse GPS quality. Set to 0 to disable use of GPS satellite count. -- DR_GPS_TRIGG_SEC : GPS checks must fail for this many seconds before dead reckoning will be triggered. -- DR_FLY_ANGLE : lean angle (in degrees) during deadreckoning. Most vehicles reach maximum speed at 22deg -- DR_FLY_ALT_MIN : min alt (above home in meters) during deadreckoning. zero to return at current alt -- DR_FLY_TIMEOUT : timeout (in seconds). Vehicle will attempt to switch to NEXT_MODE after this many seconds of deadreckoning. If it cannot switch modes it will continue in Guided_NoGPS. Set to 0 to disable timeout -- DR_NEXT_MODE : flight mode vehicle will change to when GPS / EKF recovers or DR_FLY_TIMEOUT expires. Default is 6=RTL, see FLTMODE1 parameter description for list of flight mode number. Set to -1 to return to mode used before deadreckoning was triggered -- How to use: -- 1. set SCR_ENABLE = 1 to enable scripting (and reboot the autopilot) -- 2. set SCR_HEAP_SIZE to 80000 or higher to allocate enough memory for this script -- 3. set DR_ENABLE = 1 to enable dead reckoning -- 4. optionally set DR_GPS_SACC_MAX and/or DR_GPS_SAT_MIN parameters to adjust how bad the GPS quality must be before triggering -- 5. confirm "DR: waiting for dist (Xm < 50m)" message is displayed on ground station (so you know script is working) -- 6. arm and takeoff to a safe altitude -- 7. fly at least DR_ENABLE_DIST meters from home and confirm "DR: activated!" is displayed on ground station -- -- If this script senses low GPS quality or an EKF failsafe triggers: -- - vehicle will change to Guided_NoGPS mode -- - vehicle will lean in the last known direction of home (see DR_FLY_ANGLE) -- - if GPS recovers or EKF failsafe is cleared the vehicle will switch to DR_NEXT_MODE (if -1 then it will switch back to the mode in use before the GPS/EKF failure) -- - if the timeout is surpassed (see DR_FLY_TIMEOUT) the vehicle will try to switch to DR_NEXT_MODE. If it fails to change it will continue in Guided_NoGPS but keep trying to change mode -- - the pilot can retake control by switching to an "unprotected" mode like AltHold, Loiter (see "protected_mode_array" below) -- -- Testing in SITL: -- a. set map setshowsimpos 1 (to allow seeing where vehicle really is in simulator even with GPS disabled) -- b. set SIM_GPS_DISABLE = 1 to disable GPS (confirm dead reckoning begins) -- c. set SIM_GPS_DISABLE = 0 to re-enable GPS -- d. set SIM_GPS_NUMSAT = 3 to lower simulated satellite count to confirm script triggers -- e. set DR_GPS_SACC_MAX = 0.01 to lower the threshold and trigger below the simulator value which is 0.04 (remember to set this back after testing!) -- -- Test on a real vehicle: -- A. set DR_FLY_TIMEOUT to a low value (e.g. 5 seconds) -- B. fly the vehicle at least DR_DIST_MIN meters from home and confirm the "DR: activated!" message is displayed -- C. set GPS_TYPE = 0 to disable GPS and confirm the vehicle begins deadreckoning after a few seconds -- D. restore GPS_TYPE to its original value (normally 1) and confirm the vehicle switches to DR_NEXT_MODE -- E. restore DR_FLY_TIMEOUT to a higher value for real-world use -- Note: Instaed of setting GPS_TYPE, an auxiliary function switch can be setup to disable the GPS (e.g. RC9_OPTION = 65/"Disable GPS") -- -- Testing that it does not require RC (in SITL): -- a. set FS_OPTIONS's "Continue if in Guided on RC failsafe" bit -- b. set FS_GCS_ENABLE = 1 (to enable GCS failsafe otherwise RC failsafe will trigger anyway) -- c. optionally set SYSID_MYGCS = 77 (or almost any other unused system id) to trick the above check so that GCS failsafe can really be disabled -- d. set SIM_RC_FAIL = 1 (to simulate RC failure, note vehicle keeps flying) -- e. set SIM_RC_FAIL = 0 (to simulate RC recovery) -- -- Test with wind (in SITL) -- a. SIM_WIND_DIR <-- sets direction wind is coming from -- b. SIM_WIND_SPD <-- sets wind speed in m/s -- -- create and initialise parameters local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 86 -- parameter table key must be used by only one script on a particular flight controller assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, "DR_", 9), 'could not add param table') assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 1, 'ENABLE', 1), 'could not add DR_ENABLE param') -- 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 2, 'ENABLE_DIST', 50), 'could not add DR_ENABLE_DIST param') -- distance from home (in meters) beyond which the dead reckoning will be enabled assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 3, 'GPS_SACC_MAX', 0.8), 'could not add DR_GPS_SACC_MAX param') -- GPS speed accuracy max threshold assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 4, 'GPS_SAT_MIN', 6), 'could not add DR_GPS_SAT_MIN param') -- GPS satellite count min threshold assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 5, 'GPS_TRIGG_SEC', 3), 'could not add DR_GPS_TRIGG_SEC parameter') -- GPS checks must fail for this many seconds before dead reckoning will be triggered assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 6, 'FLY_ANGLE', 10), 'could not add DR_FLY_ANGLE param') -- lean angle (in degrees) during deadreckoning assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 7, 'FLY_ALT_MIN', 0), 'could not add DR_FLY_ALT_MIN param') -- min alt above home (in meters) during deadreckoning. zero to return at current alt assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 8, 'FLY_TIMEOUT', 30), 'could not add DR_FLY_TIMEOUT param')-- deadreckoning timeout (in seconds) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, 9, 'NEXT_MODE', 6), 'could not add DR_NEXT_MODE param') -- mode to switch to after GPS recovers or timeout elapses -- bind parameters to variables function bind_param(name) local p = Parameter() assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name)) return p end local enable = bind_param("DR_ENABLE") -- 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled local enable_dist = bind_param("DR_ENABLE_DIST") -- distance from home (in meters) beyond which the dead reckoning will be enabled local gps_speed_acc_max = bind_param("DR_GPS_SACC_MAX") -- GPS speed accuracy max threshold local gps_sat_count_min = bind_param("DR_GPS_SAT_MIN") -- GPS satellite count min threshold local gps_trigger_sec = bind_param("DR_GPS_TRIGG_SEC") -- GPS checks must fail for this many seconds before dead reckoning will be triggered local fly_angle = bind_param("DR_FLY_ANGLE") -- lean angle (in degrees) during deadreckoning local fly_alt_min = bind_param("DR_FLY_ALT_MIN") -- min alt above home (in meters) during deadreckoning local fly_timeoout = bind_param("DR_FLY_TIMEOUT") -- deadreckoning timeout (in seconds) local next_mode = bind_param("DR_NEXT_MODE") -- mode to switch to after GPS recovers or timeout elapses local wpnav_speedup = bind_param("WPNAV_SPEED_UP") -- maximum climb rate from WPNAV_SPEED_UP local wpnav_accel_z = bind_param("WPNAV_ACCEL_Z") -- maximum vertical acceleration from WPNAV_ACCEL_Z -- modes deadreckoning may be activated from -- comment out lines below to remove protection from these modes local protected_mode_array = { 3, -- AUTO 4, -- GUIDED --5, -- LOITER 6, -- RTL 7, -- CIRCLE 9, -- LAND --11, -- DRIFT --16, -- POSHOLD 17, -- BRAKE 21, -- SMART_RTL 27, -- AUTO_RTL } function is_protected_mode() local curr_mode = vehicle:get_mode() for i = 1, #protected_mode_array do if curr_mode == protected_mode_array[i] then return true end end return false end local copter_guided_nogps_mode = 20 -- Guided_NoGPS is mode 20 on Copter local copter_RTL_mode = 6 -- RTL is mode 6 on Copter local recovery_delay_ms = 3000 -- switch to NEXT_MODE happens this many milliseconds after GPS and EKF failsafe recover local gps_bad = false -- true if GPS is failing checks local ekf_bad = false -- true if EKF failsafe has triggered local gps_or_ekf_bad = true -- true if GPS and/or EKF is bad, true once both have recovered local flight_stage = 0 -- 0. wait for good-gps and dist-from-home, 1=wait for bad gps or ekf, 2=level vehicle, 3=deadreckon home local gps_bad_start_time_ms = 0 -- system time GPS quality went bad (0 if not bad) local recovery_start_time_ms = 0-- system time GPS quality and EKF failsafe recovered (0 if not recovered) local fly_start_time_ms = 0 -- system time fly using deadreckoning started local home_dist = 0 -- distance to home in meters local home_yaw = 0 -- direction to home in degrees local target_yaw = 0 -- deg local climb_rate = 0 -- m/s local stage1_flight_mode = nil -- flight mode vehicle was in during stage1 (may be used during recovery) local stage2_start_time_ms -- system time stage2 started (level vehicle) local stage3_start_time_ms -- system time stage3 started (deadreckon home) local last_print_ms = 0 -- pilot update timer local interval_ms = 100 -- update at 10hz function update() -- exit immediately if not enabled if (enable:get() < 1) then return update, 1000 end -- determine if progress update should be sent to user local now_ms = millis() local update_user = false if (now_ms - last_print_ms > 5000) then last_print_ms = now_ms update_user = true end -- check GPS local gps_primary = gps:primary_sensor() local gps_speed_acc = gps:speed_accuracy(gps:primary_sensor()) if gps_speed_acc == nil then gps_speed_acc = 99 end local gps_speed_acc_bad = ((gps_speed_acc_max:get() > 0) and (gps_speed_acc > gps_speed_acc_max:get())) local gps_num_sat = gps:num_sats(gps:primary_sensor()) local gps_num_sat_bad = (gps_sat_count_min:get() > 0) and ((gps_num_sat == nil) or (gps:num_sats(gps:primary_sensor()) < gps_sat_count_min:get())) if gps_bad then -- GPS is bad, check for recovery if (not gps_speed_acc_bad and not gps_num_sat_bad) then gps_bad = false end else -- GPS is good, check for GPS going bad if (gps_speed_acc_bad or gps_num_sat_bad) then if (gps_bad_start_time_ms == 0) then -- start gps bad timer gps_bad_start_time_ms = now_ms elseif (now_ms - gps_bad_start_time_ms > gps_trigger_sec:get()) then gps_bad = true end end end -- check EKF failsafe local fs_ekf = vehicle:has_ekf_failsafed() if not (ekf_bad == fs_ekf) then ekf_bad = fs_ekf end -- check for GPS and/or EKF going bad if not gps_or_ekf_bad and (gps_bad or ekf_bad) then gps_or_ekf_bad = true gcs:send_text(0, "DR: GPS or EKF bad") end -- check for GPS and/or EKF recovery if (gps_or_ekf_bad and (not gps_bad and not ekf_bad)) then -- start recovery timer if recovery_start_time_ms == 0 then recovery_start_time_ms = now_ms end if (now_ms - recovery_start_time_ms > recovery_delay_ms) then gps_or_ekf_bad = false recovery_start_time_ms = 0 gcs:send_text(0, "DR: GPS and EKF recovered") end end -- update distance and direction home while GPS and EKF are good if (not gps_or_ekf_bad) then local home = ahrs:get_home() local curr_loc = ahrs:get_location() if home and curr_loc then home_dist = curr_loc:get_distance(home) home_yaw = math.deg(curr_loc:get_bearing(home)) elseif (update_user) then -- warn user of unexpected failure gcs:send_text(0, "DR: could not get home or vehicle location") end end -- reset flight_stage when disarmed if not arming:is_armed() then flight_stage = 0 fly_start_time_ms = 0 transition_start_time_ms = 0 return update, interval_ms end -- flight_stage 0: wait for good gps and dist-from-home if (flight_stage == 0) then -- wait for GPS and EKF to be good if (gps_or_ekf_bad) then return update, interval_ms end -- wait for distance from home to pass DR_ENABLE_DIST if ((home_dist > 0) and (home_dist >= enable_dist:get())) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: enabled") flight_stage = 1 elseif (update_user) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: waiting for dist:" .. tostring(math.floor(home_dist)) .. " need:" .. tostring(math.floor(enable_dist:get()))) end return update, interval_ms end -- flight_stage 1: wait for bad gps or ekf if (flight_stage == 1) then if (gps_or_ekf_bad and is_protected_mode()) then -- change to Guided_NoGPS and initialise stage2 if (vehicle:set_mode(copter_guided_nogps_mode)) then flight_stage = 2 target_yaw = math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw()) stage2_start_time_ms = now_ms else -- warn user of unexpected failure if (update_user) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: failed to change to Guided_NoGPS mode") end end else -- store flight mode (may be used during recovery) stage1_flight_mode = vehicle:get_mode() end return update, interval_ms end -- flight_stage 2: level vehicle for 5 seconds if (flight_stage == 2) then -- allow pilot to retake control if (vehicle:get_mode() ~= copter_guided_nogps_mode) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: pilot retook control") flight_stage = 1 return update, interval_ms end -- level vehicle for 5 seconds climb_rate = 0 vehicle:set_target_angle_and_climbrate(0, 0, target_yaw, climb_rate, false, 0) if ((now_ms - stage2_start_time_ms) >= 5000) then flight_stage = 3 stage3_start_time_ms = now_ms gcs:send_text(5, "DR: flying home") end if (update_user) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: leveling vehicle") end return update, interval_ms end -- flight_stage 3: deadreckon towards home if (flight_stage == 3) then -- allow pilot to retake control if (vehicle:get_mode() ~= copter_guided_nogps_mode) then gcs:send_text(5, "DR: pilot retook control") flight_stage = 1 return update, interval_ms end -- check for timeout local time_elapsed_ms = now_ms - stage3_start_time_ms local timeout = (fly_timeoout:get() > 0) and (time_elapsed_ms >= (fly_timeoout:get() * 1000)) -- calculate climb rate in m/s if (fly_alt_min:get() > 0) then local curr_alt_below_home = ahrs:get_relative_position_D_home() if curr_alt_below_home then local target_alt_above_vehicle = fly_alt_min:get() + curr_alt_below_home if target_alt_above_vehicle > 0 then -- climb at up to 1m/s towards target above vehicle. climb rate change is limited by WPNAV_ACCEL_Z local climb_rate_chg_max = interval_ms * 0.001 * (wpnav_accel_z:get() * 0.01) climb_rate = math.min(target_alt_above_vehicle * 0.1, wpnav_speedup:get() * 0.01, climb_rate + climb_rate_chg_max) end end end -- set angle target to roll 0, pitch to lean angle (note: negative is forward), yaw towards home if (vehicle:set_target_angle_and_climbrate(0, -math.abs(fly_angle:get()), home_yaw, climb_rate, false, 0)) then if (update_user) then local time_left_str = "" if (not timeout and (fly_timeoout:get() > 0)) then time_left_str = " t:" .. tostring(math.max(0, ((fly_timeoout:get() * 1000) - time_elapsed_ms) / 1000)) end gcs:send_text(5, "DR: fly home yaw:" .. tostring(math.floor(home_yaw)) .. " pit:" .. tostring(math.floor(fly_angle:get())) .. " cr:" .. tostring(math.floor(climb_rate*10)/10) .. time_left_str) end elseif (update_user) then gcs:send_text(0, "DR: failed to set attitude target") end -- if GPS and EKF recover or timeout switch to next mode if (not gps_or_ekf_bad) or timeout then local recovery_mode = stage1_flight_mode if (next_mode:get() >= 0) then recovery_mode = next_mode:get() end if (recovery_mode == nil) then recovery_mode = copter_RTL_mode gcs:send_text(0, "DR: NEXT_MODE=-1 but fallingback to RTL") end -- change to DR_NEXT_MODE if (vehicle:set_mode(recovery_mode)) then flight_stage = 0 elseif (update_user) then -- warn user of unexpected failure gcs:send_text(0, "DR: failed to change to mode " .. tostring(recovery_mode)) end end return update, interval_ms end -- we should never get here but just in case return update, interval_ms end return update()