using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Management; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; namespace ArdupilotMega { class ArduinoDetect { /// /// detects STK version 1 or 2 /// /// comportname /// string either (1280/2560) or "" for none public static string DetectVersion(string port) { SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(); serialPort.PortName = port; if (serialPort.IsOpen) serialPort.Close(); serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 57600; serialPort.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); int a = 0; while (a < 20) // 20 * 50 = 1 sec { //Console.WriteLine("write " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond); serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); serialPort.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'0', (byte)' ' }, 0, 2); a++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); //Console.WriteLine("btr {0}", serialPort.BytesToRead); if (serialPort.BytesToRead >= 2) { byte b1 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); byte b2 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); if (b1 == 0x14 && b2 == 0x10) { serialPort.Close(); return "1280"; } } } serialPort.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Not a 1280"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 115200; serialPort.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); a = 0; while (a < 4) { byte[] temp = new byte[] { 0x6, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; temp = ArduinoDetect.genstkv2packet(serialPort, temp); a++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); try { if (temp[0] == 6 && temp[1] == 0 && temp.Length == 2) { serialPort.Close(); return "2560"; } } catch { } } serialPort.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Not a 2560"); return ""; } /// /// Detects APM board version /// /// /// (1280/2560/2560-2) public static string DetectBoard(string port) { SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(); serialPort.PortName = port; if (serialPort.IsOpen) serialPort.Close(); serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 57600; serialPort.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); int a = 0; while (a < 20) // 20 * 50 = 1 sec { //Console.WriteLine("write " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond); serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); serialPort.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'0', (byte)' ' }, 0, 2); a++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); //Console.WriteLine("btr {0}", serialPort.BytesToRead); if (serialPort.BytesToRead >= 2) { byte b1 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); byte b2 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); if (b1 == 0x14 && b2 == 0x10) { serialPort.Close(); return "1280"; } } } serialPort.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Not a 1280"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 115200; serialPort.Open(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); a = 0; while (a < 4) { byte[] temp = new byte[] { 0x6, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; temp = ArduinoDetect.genstkv2packet(serialPort, temp); a++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); try { if (temp[0] == 6 && temp[1] == 0 && temp.Length == 2) { serialPort.Close(); //HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_2341&PID_0010\640333439373519060F0\Device Parameters if (!MainV2.MONO || Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name != "zh-Hans") { ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_USBControllerDevice"); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query); foreach (ManagementObject obj2 in searcher.Get()) { //Console.WriteLine("Dependant : " + obj2["Dependent"]); // all apm 1-1.4 use a ftdi on the imu board. if (obj2["Dependent"].ToString().Contains(@"USB\\VID_2341&PID_0010")) { return "2560-2"; } } return "2560"; } else { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Is this a APM 2?", "APM 2", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return "2560-2"; } else { return "2560"; } } } } catch { } } serialPort.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Not a 2560"); return ""; } public enum ap_var_type { AP_PARAM_NONE = 0, AP_PARAM_INT8, AP_PARAM_INT16, AP_PARAM_INT32, AP_PARAM_FLOAT, AP_PARAM_VECTOR3F, AP_PARAM_VECTOR6F, AP_PARAM_MATRIX3F, AP_PARAM_GROUP }; static string[] type_names = new string[] { "NONE", "INT8", "INT16", "INT32", "FLOAT", "VECTOR3F", "VECTOR6F","MATRIX6F", "GROUP" }; static byte type_size(ap_var_type type) { switch (type) { case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_NONE: case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_GROUP: return 0; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_INT8: return 1; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_INT16: return 2; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_INT32: return 4; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_FLOAT: return 4; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_VECTOR3F: return 3*4; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_VECTOR6F: return 6*4; case ap_var_type.AP_PARAM_MATRIX3F: return 3*3*4; } return 0; } /// /// return the software id from eeprom /// /// Port /// Board type /// public static int decodeApVar(string comport, string version) { ArduinoComms port = new ArduinoSTK(); if (version == "1280") { port = new ArduinoSTK(); port.BaudRate = 57600; } else if (version == "2560" || version == "2560-2") { port = new ArduinoSTKv2(); port.BaudRate = 115200; } else { return -1; } port.PortName = comport; port.DtrEnable = true; port.Open(); port.connectAP(); byte[] buffer = * 4); port.Close(); if (buffer[0] != 'A' && buffer[0] != 'P' || buffer[1] != 'P' && buffer[1] != 'A') // this is the apvar header { return -1; } else { if (buffer[0] == 'A' && buffer[1] == 'P' && buffer[2] == 2) { // apvar header and version int pos = 4; byte key = 0; while (pos < (1024 * 4)) { int size = buffer[pos] & 63; pos++; key = buffer[pos]; pos++; Console.Write("{0:X4}: key {1} size {2}\n ", pos - 2, key, size + 1); if (key == 0xff) { Console.WriteLine("end sentinal at {0}", pos - 2); break; } if (key == 0) { //Array.Reverse(buffer, pos, 2); return BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, pos); } for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) { Console.Write(" {0:X2}", buffer[pos]); pos++; } Console.WriteLine(); } } if (buffer[0] == 'P' && buffer[1] == 'A' && buffer[2] == 5) // ap param { int pos = 4; byte key = 0; while (pos < (1024 * 4)) { key = buffer[pos]; pos++; int group = buffer[pos]; pos++; int type = buffer[pos]; pos++; int size = type_size((ap_var_type)Enum.Parse(typeof(ap_var_type), type.ToString())); Console.Write("{0:X4}: type {1} ({2}) key {3} group {4} size {5}\n ", pos - 2, type, type_names[type], key, group, size); if (key == 0xff) { Console.WriteLine("end sentinal at {0}", pos - 2); break; } if (key == 0) { //Array.Reverse(buffer, pos, 2); return BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, pos); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Console.Write(" {0:X2}", buffer[pos]); pos++; } Console.WriteLine(); } } } return -1; } /// /// STK v2 generate packet /// /// /// /// static byte[] genstkv2packet(SerialPort serialPort, byte[] message) { byte[] data = new byte[300]; byte ck = 0; data[0] = 0x1b; ck ^= data[0]; data[1] = 0x1; ck ^= data[1]; data[2] = (byte)((message.Length >> 8) & 0xff); ck ^= data[2]; data[3] = (byte)(message.Length & 0xff); ck ^= data[3]; data[4] = 0xe; ck ^= data[4]; int a = 5; foreach (byte let in message) { data[a] = let; ck ^= let; a++; } data[a] = ck; a++; serialPort.Write(data, 0, a); //Console.WriteLine("about to read packet"); byte[] ret = ArduinoDetect.readpacket(serialPort); //if (ret[1] == 0x0) { //Console.WriteLine("received OK"); } return ret; } /// /// /// /// /// static byte[] readpacket(SerialPort serialPort) { byte[] temp = new byte[4000]; byte[] mes = new byte[2] { 0x0, 0xC0 }; // fail int a = 7; int count = 0; serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000; while (count < a) { //Console.WriteLine("count {0} a {1} mes leng {2}",count,a,mes.Length); try { temp[count] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); } catch { break; } //Console.Write("{1}", temp[0], (char)temp[0]); if (temp[0] != 0x1b) { count = 0; continue; } if (count == 3) { a = (temp[2] << 8) + temp[3]; mes = new byte[a]; a += 5; } if (count >= 5) { mes[count - 5] = temp[count]; } count++; } //Console.WriteLine("read ck"); try { temp[count] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); } catch { } count++; Array.Resize(ref temp, count); //Console.WriteLine(this.BytesToRead); return mes; } } }