#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . ''' Waf tool for printing build summary. To be used, this must be loaded in the options(), configure() and build() functions. This tool expects toolchain tool to be already loaded. The environment variable BUILD_SUMMARY_HEADER can be used to change the default header for the targets' summary table. Extra information can be printed by creating assigning a function to bld.extra_build_summary. That function must receive bld as the first argument and this module as the second one. If one target's task generator (tg) doesn't have a link_task or places the ELF file at a place different from link_task.outputs[0], then tg.build_summary['binary'] should be set as the Node object or a path relative to bld.bldnode for the binary file. Otherwise, size information won't be printed for that target. ''' import sys from waflib import Context, Logs, Node from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib.TaskGen import before_method, feature MAX_TARGETS = 20 header_text = { 'target': 'Target', 'binary_path': 'Binary', 'size_text': 'Text', 'size_data': 'Data', 'size_bss': 'BSS', 'size_total': 'Total', } def text(label, text=''): text = text.strip() if text: Logs.info('%s%s%s%s%s' % ( Logs.colors.NORMAL, Logs.colors.BOLD, label, Logs.colors.NORMAL, text)) else: Logs.info('%s%s%s' % ( Logs.colors.NORMAL, Logs.colors.BOLD, label )) def print_table(summary_data_list, header): max_widths = [] table = [[] for _ in range(len(summary_data_list))] header_row = [] for h in header: txt = header_text.get(h, h) header_row.append(txt) max_width = len(txt) for i, row_data in enumerate(summary_data_list): txt = str(row_data.get(h, '-')) table[i].append(txt) w = len(txt) if w > max_width: max_width = w max_widths.append(max_width) sep = ' ' fmts = ['{:<%d}' % w for w in max_widths] header_row = sep.join(fmts).format(*header_row) text(header_row) line = ('-' * len(sep)).join('-' * w for w in max_widths) print(line) for row in table: fmts = [] for j, v in enumerate(row): w = max_widths[j] try: float(v) except ValueError: fmts.append('{:<%d}' % w) else: fmts.append('{:>%d}' % w) row = sep.join(fmts).format(*row) print(row) def _build_summary(bld): Logs.info('') text('BUILD SUMMARY') text('Build directory: ', bld.bldnode.abspath()) targets_suppressed = False if bld.targets == '*': taskgens = bld.get_all_task_gen() if len(taskgens) > MAX_TARGETS and not bld.options.summary_all: targets_suppressed = True taskgens = taskgens[:MAX_TARGETS] else: targets = bld.targets.split(',') if len(targets) > MAX_TARGETS and not bld.options.summary_all: targets_suppressed = True targets = targets[:MAX_TARGETS] taskgens = [bld.get_tgen_by_name(t) for t in targets] nodes = [] filtered_taskgens = [] for tg in taskgens: if not hasattr(tg, 'build_summary'): tg.init_summary_data() n = tg.build_summary.get('binary', None) if not n: t = getattr(tg, 'link_task', None) if not t: continue n = t.outputs[0] tg.build_summary['binary'] = str(n) nodes.append(n) filtered_taskgens.append(tg) taskgens = filtered_taskgens if nodes: l = bld.size_summary(nodes) for i, data in enumerate(l): taskgens[i].build_summary.update(data) summary_data_list = [tg.build_summary for tg in taskgens] print_table(summary_data_list, bld.env.BUILD_SUMMARY_HEADER) if targets_suppressed: Logs.info('') Logs.pprint( 'NORMAL', 'Note: Some targets were suppressed. Use --summary-all if you want information of all targets.', ) if hasattr(bld, 'extra_build_summary'): bld.extra_build_summary(bld, sys.modules[__name__]) def _parse_size_output(s): lines = s.splitlines()[1:] l = [] for line in lines: row = line.strip().split() l.append(dict( size_text=int(row[0]), size_data=int(row[1]), size_bss=int(row[2]), size_total=int(row[3]), )) return l @conf def size_summary(bld, nodes): l = [] for n in nodes: path = n if isinstance(n, Node.Node): path = n.path_from(bld.bldnode) l.append(dict(binary_path=path)) if bld.env.SIZE: cmd = [bld.env.get_flat('SIZE')] + [d['binary_path'] for d in l] out = bld.cmd_and_log( cmd, cwd=bld.bldnode.abspath(), quiet=Context.BOTH, ) parsed = _parse_size_output(out) for i, data in enumerate(parsed): l[i].update(data) return l @conf def build_summary_post_fun(bld): bld.add_post_fun(_build_summary) @feature('cprogram', 'cxxprogram') @before_method('process_rule') def init_summary_data(self): self.build_summary = dict(target=self.name) def options(opt): g = opt.ap_groups['build'] g.add_option('--summary-all', action='store_true', help='''Print build summary for all targets. By default, only information about the first %d targets will be printed. ''' % MAX_TARGETS) def configure(cfg): size_name = 'size' if cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN != 'native': size_name = cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN + '-' + size_name cfg.find_program(size_name, var='SIZE', mandatory=False) if not cfg.env.BUILD_SUMMARY_HEADER: cfg.env.BUILD_SUMMARY_HEADER = [ 'target', 'size_text', 'size_data', 'size_bss', 'size_total', ]