/* -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
 * Scheduler.h --- AP_HAL_SMACCM scheduler.
 * Copyright (C) 2012, Galois, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is released under the "BSD3" license.  Read the file
 * "LICENSE" for more information.
 * Written by James Bielman <jamesjb@galois.com>, 20 December 2012


#include <AP_HAL_SMACCM.h>


class SMACCM::SMACCMScheduler : public AP_HAL::Scheduler

   * Initialize the scheduler.  This initializes the HWF4 timer
   * driver.
   * @param arg reserved, pass NULL
  void init(void *arg);

  /** Delay for "ms" milliseconds. */
  void delay(uint16_t ms);

  /** Delay for "us" microseconds. */
  void delay_microseconds(uint16_t us);

  /** Return the time since init in milliseconds. */
  uint32_t millis();

  /** Return the time since init in microseconds. */
  uint32_t micros();

   * Register a callback to run every millisecond during a call to
   * "delay" as long as the delay remaining is at least "min_time_ms".
   * The callback is executed in the thread that calls "delay".
  void register_delay_callback(AP_HAL::Proc, uint16_t min_time_ms);

  /** Register a callback to run every 1ms (1kHz). */
  void register_timer_process(AP_HAL::TimedProc);

   * Register a callback to run if a timer process takes too long to
   * execute.  The second argument is ignored.
  void register_timer_failsafe(AP_HAL::TimedProc, uint32_t);

   * Suspend execution of timed procedures.  Calls to this function do
   * not nest.
  void suspend_timer_procs();

   * Resume execution of timed procedures.  Calls to this function do
   * not nest.
  void resume_timer_procs();

   * Enter a critical section where timed processes will not be run.
   * Calls to this function nest.
  void begin_atomic();

   * Leave a critical section, re-enabling timed processes.  Calls to
   * this function nest.
  void end_atomic();

  /** Print an error message and halt execution. */
  void panic(const prog_char_t *errormsg);

  /** Reboot the firmware.  Not implemented. */
  void reboot();

   * Run timed and deferred processes.  This should not be called from
   * client code.
  void run_callbacks();

   * Run the failsafe callback.  This should not be called from client
   * code.
  void run_failsafe_cb();

   * Run the delay callback.  This should not be called from client
   * code.
  void run_delay_cb();

  /** Return true if in the context of a timer process. */
  bool in_timerprocess();

  /** Return true if the system is initializing. */
  bool system_initializing();

  /** Set the system initializing flag to false. */
  void system_initialized();

  AP_HAL::Proc m_delay_cb;      /* delay callback */
  void *m_task;                 /* opaque scheduler task handle */
  void *m_delay_cb_task;        /* opaque delay cb task handle */
  AP_HAL::TimedProc m_failsafe_cb;
  uint8_t m_num_procs;          /* number of entries in "m_procs" */
  bool m_initializing;          /* true if initializing */