/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * The intention of a magnetometer in a compass application is to measure * Earth's magnetic field. Measurements other than those of Earth's magnetic * field are considered errors. This algorithm computes a set of correction * parameters that null out errors from various sources: * * - Sensor bias error * - "Hard iron" error caused by materials fixed to the vehicle body that * produce static magnetic fields. * - Sensor scale-factor error * - Sensor cross-axis sensitivity * - "Soft iron" error caused by materials fixed to the vehicle body that * distort magnetic fields. * * This is done by taking a set of samples that are assumed to be the product * of rotation in earth's magnetic field and fitting an offset ellipsoid to * them, determining the correction to be applied to adjust the samples into an * origin-centered sphere. * * The state machine of this library is described entirely by the * compass_cal_status_t enum, and all state transitions are managed by the * set_status function. Normally, the library is in the NOT_STARTED state. When * the start function is called, the state transitions to WAITING_TO_START, * until two conditions are met: the delay as elapsed, and the memory for the * sample buffer has been successfully allocated. * Once these conditions are met, the state transitions to RUNNING_STEP_ONE, and * samples are collected via calls to the new_sample function. These samples are * accepted or rejected based on distance to the nearest sample. The samples are * assumed to cover the surface of a sphere, and the radius of that sphere is * initialized to a conservative value. Based on a circle-packing pattern, the * minimum distance is set such that some percentage of the surface of that * sphere must be covered by samples. * * Once the sample buffer is full, a sphere fitting algorithm is run, which * computes a new sphere radius. The sample buffer is thinned of samples which * no longer meet the acceptance criteria, and the state transitions to * RUNNING_STEP_TWO. Samples continue to be collected until the buffer is full * again, the full ellipsoid fit is run, and the state transitions to either * SUCCESS or FAILED. * * The fitting algorithm used is Levenberg-Marquardt. See also: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenberg%E2%80%93Marquardt_algorithm * * The sample acceptance distance is determined as follows: * for any regular polyhedron with Triangular faces * angle subtended by two closest point = arccos(cos(A)/(1-cos(A))) * : where A = (4pi/F + pi)/3 * : and F is the number of faces * for polyhedron in consideration F = 2V-4 (where V is vertices or points in our case) * above equation was proved after solving for spherical triangular excess and related equations */ #include "CompassCalibrator.h" #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// PUBLIC INTERFACE ///////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CompassCalibrator::CompassCalibrator(): _tolerance(COMPASS_CAL_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE), _sample_buffer(NULL) { clear(); } void CompassCalibrator::clear() { set_status(COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED); } void CompassCalibrator::start(bool retry, bool autosave, float delay) { if(running()) { return; } _autosave = autosave; _attempt = 1; _retry = retry; _delay_start_sec = delay; _start_time_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); set_status(COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START); } void CompassCalibrator::get_calibration(Vector3f &offsets, Vector3f &diagonals, Vector3f &offdiagonals) { if (_status != COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS) { return; } offsets = _params.offset; diagonals = _params.diag; offdiagonals = _params.offdiag; } float CompassCalibrator::get_completion_percent() const { // first sampling step is 1/3rd of the progress bar // never return more than 99% unless _status is COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS switch(_status) { case COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED: case COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START: return 0.0f; case COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE: return 33.3f * _samples_collected/COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES; case COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO: return 33.3f + 65.7f*((float)(_samples_collected-_samples_thinned)/(COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES-_samples_thinned)); case COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS: return 100.0f; case COMPASS_CAL_FAILED: default: return 0.0f; }; } bool CompassCalibrator::check_for_timeout() { uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis(); if(running() && tnow - _last_sample_ms > 1000) { _retry = false; set_status(COMPASS_CAL_FAILED); return true; } return false; } void CompassCalibrator::new_sample(const Vector3f& sample) { _last_sample_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); if(_status == COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START) { set_status(COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE); } if(running() && _samples_collected < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES && accept_sample(sample)) { _sample_buffer[_samples_collected].set(sample); _samples_collected++; } } void CompassCalibrator::update(bool &failure) { failure = false; if(!fitting()) { return; } if(_status == COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE) { if (_fit_step >= 10) { if(_fitness == _initial_fitness || isnan(_fitness)) { //if true, means that fitness is diverging instead of converging set_status(COMPASS_CAL_FAILED); failure = true; } set_status(COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO); } else { run_sphere_fit(); _fit_step++; } } else if(_status == COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO) { if (_fit_step >= 35) { if(fit_acceptable()) { set_status(COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS); } else { set_status(COMPASS_CAL_FAILED); failure = true; } } else if (_fit_step < 15) { run_sphere_fit(); _fit_step++; } else { run_ellipsoid_fit(); _fit_step++; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CompassCalibrator::running() const { return _status == COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE || _status == COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO; } bool CompassCalibrator::fitting() const { return running() && _samples_collected == COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES; } void CompassCalibrator::initialize_fit() { //initialize _fitness before starting a fit if (_samples_collected != 0) { _fitness = calc_mean_squared_residuals(_params); } else { _fitness = 1.0e30f; } _ellipsoid_lambda = 1.0f; _sphere_lambda = 1.0f; _initial_fitness = _fitness; _fit_step = 0; } void CompassCalibrator::reset_state() { _samples_collected = 0; _samples_thinned = 0; _params.radius = 200; _params.offset.zero(); _params.diag = Vector3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); _params.offdiag.zero(); initialize_fit(); } bool CompassCalibrator::set_status(compass_cal_status_t status) { if (status != COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED && _status == status) { return true; } switch(status) { case COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED: reset_state(); _status = COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED; if(_sample_buffer != NULL) { free(_sample_buffer); _sample_buffer = NULL; } return true; case COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START: reset_state(); _status = COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START; set_status(COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE); return true; case COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE: if(_status != COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START) { return false; } if(_attempt == 1 && (hal.scheduler->millis()-_start_time_ms)*1.0e-3f < _delay_start_sec) { return false; } if(_sample_buffer != NULL) { initialize_fit(); _status = COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE; return true; } _sample_buffer = (CompassSample*)malloc(sizeof(CompassSample)*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES); if(_sample_buffer != NULL) { initialize_fit(); _status = COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE; return true; } return false; case COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO: if(_status != COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_ONE) { return false; } thin_samples(); initialize_fit(); _status = COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO; return true; case COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS: if(_status != COMPASS_CAL_RUNNING_STEP_TWO) { return false; } if(_sample_buffer != NULL) { free(_sample_buffer); _sample_buffer = NULL; } _status = COMPASS_CAL_SUCCESS; return true; case COMPASS_CAL_FAILED: if(_status == COMPASS_CAL_NOT_STARTED) { return false; } if(_retry && set_status(COMPASS_CAL_WAITING_TO_START)) { _attempt++; return true; } if(_sample_buffer != NULL) { free(_sample_buffer); _sample_buffer = NULL; } _status = COMPASS_CAL_FAILED; return true; default: return false; }; } bool CompassCalibrator::fit_acceptable() { if( !isnan(_fitness) && _params.radius > 150 && _params.radius < 950 && //Earth's magnetic field strength range: 250-850mG fabsf(_params.offset.x) < 1000 && fabsf(_params.offset.y) < 1000 && fabsf(_params.offset.z) < 1000 && _params.diag.x > 0.2f && _params.diag.x < 5.0f && _params.diag.y > 0.2f && _params.diag.y < 5.0f && _params.diag.z > 0.2f && _params.diag.z < 5.0f && fabsf(_params.offdiag.x) < 1.0f && //absolute of sine/cosine output cannot be greater than 1 fabsf(_params.offdiag.y) < 1.0f && fabsf(_params.offdiag.z) < 1.0f ){ return _fitness <= sq(_tolerance); } return false; } void CompassCalibrator::thin_samples() { if(_sample_buffer == NULL) { return; } _samples_thinned = 0; // shuffle the samples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle // this is so that adjacent samples don't get sequentially eliminated for(uint16_t i=_samples_collected-1; i>=1; i--) { uint16_t j = get_random() % (i+1); CompassSample temp = _sample_buffer[i]; _sample_buffer[i] = _sample_buffer[j]; _sample_buffer[j] = temp; } for(uint16_t i=0; i < _samples_collected; i++) { if(!accept_sample(_sample_buffer[i])) { _sample_buffer[i] = _sample_buffer[_samples_collected-1]; _samples_collected --; _samples_thinned ++; } } } bool CompassCalibrator::accept_sample(const Vector3f& sample) { if(_sample_buffer == NULL) { return false; } float faces = 2*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES-4; float theta = acosf(cosf((4.0f*M_PI_F/(3.0f*faces)) + M_PI_F/3.0f)/(1.0f-cosf((4.0f*M_PI_F/(3.0f*faces)) + M_PI_F/3.0f))); theta *= 0.5f; float min_distance = _params.radius * 2*sinf(theta/2); for (uint16_t i = 0; i<_samples_collected; i++){ float distance = (sample - _sample_buffer[i].get()).length(); if(distance < min_distance) { return false; } } return true; } bool CompassCalibrator::accept_sample(const CompassSample& sample) { return accept_sample(sample.get()); } float CompassCalibrator::calc_residual(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params) const { Matrix3f softiron( params.diag.x , params.offdiag.x , params.offdiag.y, params.offdiag.x , params.diag.y , params.offdiag.z, params.offdiag.y , params.offdiag.z , params.diag.z ); return params.radius - (softiron*(sample+params.offset)).length(); } float CompassCalibrator::calc_mean_squared_residuals() const { return calc_mean_squared_residuals(_params); } float CompassCalibrator::calc_mean_squared_residuals(const param_t& params) const { if(_sample_buffer == NULL || _samples_collected == 0) { return 1.0e30f; } float sum = 0.0f; for(uint16_t i=0; i < _samples_collected; i++){ Vector3f sample = _sample_buffer[i].get(); float resid = calc_residual(sample, params); sum += sq(resid); } sum /= _samples_collected; return sum; } void CompassCalibrator::calc_sphere_jacob(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params, float* ret) const{ const Vector3f &offset = params.offset; const Vector3f &diag = params.diag; const Vector3f &offdiag = params.offdiag; Matrix3f softiron( diag.x , offdiag.x , offdiag.y, offdiag.x , diag.y , offdiag.z, offdiag.y , offdiag.z , diag.z ); float A = (diag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.x * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.y * (sample.z + offset.z)); float B = (offdiag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (diag.y * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); float C = (offdiag.y * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (diag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); float length = (softiron*(sample+offset)).length(); // 0: partial derivative (radius wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample ret[0] = 1.0f; // 1-3: partial derivative (offsets wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample ret[1] = -1.0f * (((diag.x * A) + (offdiag.x * B) + (offdiag.y * C))/length); ret[2] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.x * A) + (diag.y * B) + (offdiag.z * C))/length); ret[3] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.y * A) + (offdiag.z * B) + (diag.z * C))/length); } void CompassCalibrator::run_sphere_fit() { if(_sample_buffer == NULL) { return; } const float lma_damping = 10.0f; float fitness = _fitness; float fit1, fit2; param_t fit1_params, fit2_params; fit1_params = fit2_params = _params; float JTJ[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS]; float JTJ2[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS]; float JTFI[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS]; memset(&JTJ,0,sizeof(JTJ)); memset(&JTJ2,0,sizeof(JTJ2)); memset(&JTFI,0,sizeof(JTFI)); // Gauss Newton Part common for all kind of extensions including LM for(uint16_t k = 0; k<_samples_collected; k++) { Vector3f sample = _sample_buffer[k].get(); float sphere_jacob[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS]; calc_sphere_jacob(sample, fit1_params, sphere_jacob); for(uint8_t i = 0;i < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS; i++) { // compute JTJ for(uint8_t j = 0; j < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS; j++) { JTJ[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+j] += sphere_jacob[i] * sphere_jacob[j]; JTJ2[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+j] += sphere_jacob[i] * sphere_jacob[j]; //a backup JTJ for LM } // compute JTFI JTFI[i] += sphere_jacob[i] * calc_residual(sample, fit1_params); } } //------------------------Levenberg-Marquardt-part-starts-here---------------------------------// //refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenberg%E2%80%93Marquardt_algorithm#Choice_of_damping_parameter for(uint8_t i = 0; i < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS; i++) { JTJ[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+i] += _sphere_lambda; JTJ2[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+i] += _sphere_lambda/lma_damping; } if(!inverse(JTJ, JTJ, 4)) { return; } if(!inverse(JTJ2, JTJ2, 4)) { return; } for(uint8_t row=0; row < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS; row++) { for(uint8_t col=0; col < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS; col++) { fit1_params.get_sphere_params()[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ[row*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+col]; fit2_params.get_sphere_params()[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ2[row*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SPHERE_PARAMS+col]; } } fit1 = calc_mean_squared_residuals(fit1_params); fit2 = calc_mean_squared_residuals(fit2_params); if(fit1 > _fitness && fit2 > _fitness){ _sphere_lambda *= lma_damping; } else if(fit2 < _fitness && fit2 < fit1) { _sphere_lambda /= lma_damping; fit1_params = fit2_params; fitness = fit2; } else if(fit1 < _fitness){ fitness = fit1; } //--------------------Levenberg-Marquardt-part-ends-here--------------------------------// if(!isnan(fitness) && fitness < _fitness) { _fitness = fitness; _params = fit1_params; } } void CompassCalibrator::calc_ellipsoid_jacob(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params, float* ret) const{ const Vector3f &offset = params.offset; const Vector3f &diag = params.diag; const Vector3f &offdiag = params.offdiag; Matrix3f softiron( diag.x , offdiag.x , offdiag.y, offdiag.x , diag.y , offdiag.z, offdiag.y , offdiag.z , diag.z ); float A = (diag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.x * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.y * (sample.z + offset.z)); float B = (offdiag.x * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (diag.y * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); float C = (offdiag.y * (sample.x + offset.x)) + (offdiag.z * (sample.y + offset.y)) + (diag.z * (sample.z + offset.z)); float length = (softiron*(sample+offset)).length(); // 0-2: partial derivative (offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample ret[0] = -1.0f * (((diag.x * A) + (offdiag.x * B) + (offdiag.y * C))/length); ret[1] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.x * A) + (diag.y * B) + (offdiag.z * C))/length); ret[2] = -1.0f * (((offdiag.y * A) + (offdiag.z * B) + (diag.z * C))/length); // 3-5: partial derivative (diag offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample ret[3] = -1.0f * ((sample.x + offset.x) * A)/length; ret[4] = -1.0f * ((sample.y + offset.y) * B)/length; ret[5] = -1.0f * ((sample.z + offset.z) * C)/length; // 6-8: partial derivative (off-diag offset wrt fitness fn) fn operated on sample ret[6] = -1.0f * (((sample.y + offset.y) * A) + ((sample.x + offset.x) * B))/length; ret[7] = -1.0f * (((sample.z + offset.z) * A) + ((sample.x + offset.x) * C))/length; ret[8] = -1.0f * (((sample.z + offset.z) * B) + ((sample.y + offset.y) * C))/length; } void CompassCalibrator::run_ellipsoid_fit() { if(_sample_buffer == NULL) { return; } const float lma_damping = 10.0f; float fitness = _fitness; float fit1, fit2; param_t fit1_params, fit2_params; fit1_params = fit2_params = _params; float JTJ[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS]; float JTJ2[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS]; float JTFI[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS]; memset(&JTJ,0,sizeof(JTJ)); memset(&JTJ2,0,sizeof(JTJ2)); memset(&JTFI,0,sizeof(JTFI)); // Gauss Newton Part common for all kind of extensions including LM for(uint16_t k = 0; k<_samples_collected; k++) { Vector3f sample = _sample_buffer[k].get(); float ellipsoid_jacob[COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS]; calc_ellipsoid_jacob(sample, fit1_params, ellipsoid_jacob); for(uint8_t i = 0;i < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS; i++) { // compute JTJ for(uint8_t j = 0; j < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS; j++) { JTJ [i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+j] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * ellipsoid_jacob[j]; JTJ2[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+j] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * ellipsoid_jacob[j]; } // compute JTFI JTFI[i] += ellipsoid_jacob[i] * calc_residual(sample, fit1_params); } } //------------------------Levenberg-Marquardt-part-starts-here---------------------------------// //refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenberg%E2%80%93Marquardt_algorithm#Choice_of_damping_parameter for(uint8_t i = 0; i < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS; i++) { JTJ[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+i] += _ellipsoid_lambda; JTJ2[i*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+i] += _ellipsoid_lambda/lma_damping; } if(!inverse(JTJ, JTJ, 9)) { return; } if(!inverse(JTJ2, JTJ2, 9)) { return; } for(uint8_t row=0; row < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS; row++) { for(uint8_t col=0; col < COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS; col++) { fit1_params.get_ellipsoid_params()[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ[row*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+col]; fit2_params.get_ellipsoid_params()[row] -= JTFI[col] * JTJ2[row*COMPASS_CAL_NUM_ELLIPSOID_PARAMS+col]; } } fit1 = calc_mean_squared_residuals(fit1_params); fit2 = calc_mean_squared_residuals(fit2_params); if(fit1 > _fitness && fit2 > _fitness){ _ellipsoid_lambda *= lma_damping; } else if(fit2 < _fitness && fit2 < fit1) { _ellipsoid_lambda /= lma_damping; fit1_params = fit2_params; fitness = fit2; } else if(fit1 < _fitness){ fitness = fit1; } //--------------------Levenberg-part-ends-here--------------------------------// if(fitness < _fitness) { _fitness = fitness; _params = fit1_params; } } uint16_t CompassCalibrator::get_random(void) { static uint32_t m_z = 1234; static uint32_t m_w = 76542; m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >> 16); m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >> 16); return ((m_z << 16) + m_w) & 0xFFFF; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// CompassSample public interface ////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vector3f CompassCalibrator::CompassSample::get() const { Vector3f out; out.x = (float)x*2048.0f/32700.0f; out.y = (float)y*2048.0f/32700.0f; out.z = (float)z*2048.0f/32700.0f; return out; } void CompassCalibrator::CompassSample::set(const Vector3f &in) { x = (int16_t)(in.x*32700.0f/2048.0f + 0.5f); y = (int16_t)(in.y*32700.0f/2048.0f + 0.5f); z = (int16_t)(in.z*32700.0f/2048.0f + 0.5f); }