# Web Server Application This implements a web server for boards that have networking support. # Parameters The web server has a small number of parameters ## WEB_ENABLE This must be set to 1 to enable the web server ## WEB_BIND_PORT This sets the network port to use for the server. It defaults to 8080 ## WEB_DEBUG This enables verbose debugging ## WEB_BLOCK_SIZE This sets the block size for network and file read/write operations. Setting a larger value can increase performance at the cost of more memory ## WEB_TIMEOUT This sets the timeout in seconds for inactive client connections. # Operation By default the web server serves the root of your microSD card. You can include html, javascript (*.js), image files etc on your microSD to create a full web server with any structure you want. ## Server Side Scripting The web server supports embedding lua script elements inside html files for files with a filename of *.shtml. Here is an example: ```
Roll | Pitch | Yaw |