% IMPORTANT - This script requires the Matlab symbolic toolbox % Author: Paul Riseborough % Last Modified: 16 Feb 2015 % Derivation of a 3-axis gimbal attitude estimator using a local NED earth Tangent % Frame. Based on use of a rotation vector for attitude estimation as described % here: % Mark E. Pittelkau. "Rotation Vector in Attitude Estimation", % Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2003), % pp. 855-860. % The gimbal is assumed to have the following characteristics: % A three axis gimbal having a fixed top plate mounted to the vehicle body with a magnetometer % Yaw, roll and pitch degrees of freedom (yaw, roll, pitch Euler sequence) % with angle measurements on each gimbal axis % IMU measuring delta angles and delta velocites mounted on the % camera/sensor assembly % When the gimbal joints are all at zero degrees, the sensor assembly X,Y,Z % axis is aligned with the top plate X,Y,Z axis % State vector: % error rotation vector - X,Y,Z (rad) % Velocity - North, East, Down (m/s) % Delta Angle bias - X,Y,Z (rad) % Delta Velocity Bias - X,Y,Z (m/s) % Observations: % NED velocity - N,E,D (m/s) % sensor fixed magnetic field vector of base - X,Y,Z % Time varying parameters: % XYZ delta angle measurements in sensor axes - rad % XYZ delta velocity measurements in sensor axes - m/sec % yaw, roll, pitch gimbal rotation angles %% define symbolic variables and constants clear all; % specify if we want to incorporate accerometer bias estimation into the % filter, 0 = no, 1 = yes f_accBiasEst = 0; syms dax day daz real % IMU delta angle measurements in sensor axes - rad syms dvx dvy dvz real % IMU delta velocity measurements in sensor axes - m/sec syms q0 q1 q2 q3 real % quaternions defining attitude of sensor axes relative to local NED syms vn ve vd real % NED velocity - m/sec syms dax_b day_b daz_b real % delta angle bias - rad syms dvx_b dvy_b dvz_b real % delta velocity bias - m/sec syms dt real % IMU time step - sec syms gravity real % gravity - m/sec^2 syms daxNoise dayNoise dazNoise dvxNoise dvyNoise dvzNoise real; % IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurement noise syms vwn vwe real; % NE wind velocity - m/sec syms magX magY magZ real; % XYZ top plate magnetic field measurements - milligauss syms magN magE magD real; % NED earth fixed magnetic field components - milligauss syms R_VN R_VE R_VD real % variances for NED velocity measurements - (m/sec)^2 syms R_MAG real % variance for magnetic flux measurements - milligauss^2 syms rotErr1 rotErr2 rotErr3 real; % error rotation vector syms decl real; % earth magnetic field declination from true north syms gPsi gPhi gTheta real; % gimbal joint angles yaw, roll, pitch (rad) %% define the process equations % define the measured Delta angle and delta velocity vectors dAngMeas = [dax; day; daz]; dVelMeas = [dvx; dvy; dvz]; % define the delta angle bias errors dAngBias = [dax_b; day_b; daz_b]; % define the delta velocity bias errors if (f_accBiasEst > 0) dVelBias = [dvx_b; dvy_b; dvz_b]; else dVelBias = [0; 0; 0]; end % define the quaternion rotation vector for the state estimate estQuat = [q0;q1;q2;q3]; % define the attitude error rotation vector, where error = truth - estimate errRotVec = [rotErr1;rotErr2;rotErr3]; % define the attitude error quaternion using a first order linearisation errQuat = [1;0.5*errRotVec]; % Define the truth quaternion as the estimate + error truthQuat = QuatMult(estQuat, errQuat); % derive the truth sensor to nav direction cosine matrix Tsn = Quat2Tbn(truthQuat); % define the truth delta angle % ignore coning acompensation as these effects are negligible in terms of % covariance growth for our application and grade of sensor dAngTruth = dAngMeas - dAngBias - [daxNoise;dayNoise;dazNoise]; % Define the truth delta velocity dVelTruth = dVelMeas - dVelBias - [dvxNoise;dvyNoise;dvzNoise]; % define the attitude update equations % use a first order expansion of rotation to calculate the quaternion increment % acceptable for propagation of covariances deltaQuat = [1; 0.5*dAngTruth(1); 0.5*dAngTruth(2); 0.5*dAngTruth(3); ]; truthQuatNew = QuatMult(truthQuat,deltaQuat); % calculate the updated attitude error quaternion with respect to the previous estimate errQuatNew = QuatDivide(truthQuatNew,estQuat); % change to a rotaton vector - this is the error rotation vector updated state errRotNew = 2 * [errQuatNew(2);errQuatNew(3);errQuatNew(4)]; % define the velocity update equations % ignore coriolis terms for linearisation purposes vNew = [vn;ve;vd] + [0;0;gravity]*dt + Tsn*dVelTruth; % define the IMU bias error update equations dabNew = dAngBias; dvbNew = dVelBias; % Define the state vector & number of states if (f_accBiasEst > 0) stateVector = [errRotVec;vn;ve;vd;dAngBias;dVelBias]; else stateVector = [errRotVec;vn;ve;vd;dAngBias]; end nStates=numel(stateVector); save 'symeqns.mat'; %% derive the filter Jacobians % Define the control (disturbance) vector. Error growth in the inertial % solution is assumed to be driven by 'noise' in the delta angles and % velocities, after bias effects have been removed. This is OK becasue we % have sensor bias accounted for in the state equations. distVector = [daxNoise;dayNoise;dazNoise;dvxNoise;dvyNoise;dvzNoise]; % derive the control(disturbance) influence matrix if (f_accBiasEst > 0) predictedState = [errRotNew;vNew;dabNew;dvbNew]; else predictedState = [errRotNew;vNew;dabNew]; end G = jacobian(predictedState, distVector); G = subs(G, {'rotErr1', 'rotErr2', 'rotErr3'}, {0,0,0}); % derive the state error matrix distMatrix = diag(distVector); Q = G*distMatrix*transpose(G); %matlabFunction(Q,'file','calcQ.m'); % derive the state transition matrix vNew = subs(vNew,{'daxNoise','dayNoise','dazNoise','dvxNoise','dvyNoise','dvzNoise'}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}); errRotNew = subs(errRotNew,{'daxNoise','dayNoise','dazNoise','dvxNoise','dvyNoise','dvzNoise'}, {0,0,0,0,0,0}); % Define the state vector & number of states if (f_accBiasEst) predictedState = [errRotNew;vNew;dabNew;dvbNew]; else predictedState = [errRotNew;vNew;dabNew]; end F = jacobian(predictedState, stateVector); F = subs(F, {'rotErr1', 'rotErr2', 'rotErr3'}, {0,0,0}); %matlabFunction(F,'file','calcF.m'); %% Derive the predicted covariance % This reduces the number of floating point operations by a factor of 4 or % more compared to using the standard matrix operations in code % define a symbolic covariance matrix using strings to represent % '_l_' to represent '( ' % '_c_' to represent , % '_r_' to represent ')' % these can be substituted later to create executable code for rowIndex = 1:nStates for colIndex = 1:nStates eval(['syms OP_l_',num2str(rowIndex),'_c_',num2str(colIndex), '_r_ real']); eval(['P(',num2str(rowIndex),',',num2str(colIndex), ') = OP_l_',num2str(rowIndex),'_c_',num2str(colIndex),'_r_;']); end end % Derive the predicted covariance matrix using the standard equation PP = F*P*transpose(F) + Q; %matlabFunction(PP,'file','calcP.m'); ccode(PP,'file','calcP.c'); FixCode('calcP'); % free up memory clear all; reset(symengine); %% derive equations for fusion of magnetic deviation measurement load('symeqns.mat'); % Define rotation from magnetometer to yaw gimbal T3 = [ cos(gPsi) sin(gPsi) 0; ... -sin(gPsi) cos(gPsi) 0; ... 0 0 1]; % Define rotation from yaw gimbal to roll gimbal T1 = [ 1 0 0; ... 0 cos(gPhi) sin(gPhi); ... 0 -sin(gPhi) cos(gPhi)]; % Define rotation from roll gimbal to pitch gimbal T2 = [ cos(gTheta) 0 -sin(gTheta); ... 0 1 0; ... sin(gTheta) 0 cos(gTheta)]; % Define rotation from magnetometer to sensor using a 312 rotation sequence Tms = T2*T1*T3; % Define rotation from magnetometer to nav axes Tmn = Tsn*Tms; save 'symeqns.mat'; % rotate magentic field measured at top plate into nav axes magMeasNED = Tmn*[magX;magY;magZ]; % the predicted measurement is the angle wrt magnetic north of the horizontal % component of the measured field angMeas = tan(magMeasNED(2)/magMeasNED(1)) - decl; H_MAG = jacobian(angMeas,stateVector); % measurement Jacobian H_MAG = subs(H_MAG, {'rotErr1', 'rotErr2', 'rotErr3'}, {0,0,0}); H_MAG = H_MAG(1:3); H_MAG = simplify(H_MAG); % matlabFunction(H_MAG,'file','calcH_MAG.m'); ccode(H_MAG,'file','calcH_MAG.c'); FixCode('calcH_MAG'); % free up memory clear all; reset(symengine); %% generate helper functions load 'symeqns.mat'; matlabFunction(Tms,'file','calcTms.m'); Tmn = subs(Tmn, {'rotErr1', 'rotErr2', 'rotErr3'}, {0,0,0}); matlabFunction(Tmn,'file','calcTmn.m');