// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

* AP_mount -- library to control a 2 or 3 axis mount.		*   
*															*   
* Author:  Joe Holdsworth;									*
*		   Ritchie Wilson;									*
*		   Amilcar Lucas;									*
*															*   
* Purpose:  Move a 2 or 3 axis mount attached to vehicle,	*
*			Used for mount to track targets or stabilise	*
*			camera plus	other modes.						*   
*															*   
* Usage:	Use in main code to control	mounts attached to	*
*			vehicle.										*
*															*
*Comments:  All angles in degrees * 100, distances in meters*
*			unless otherwise stated.						*
#ifndef AP_Mount_H
#define AP_Mount_H

#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_DCM.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <../RC_Channel/RC_Channel_aux.h>

class AP_Mount
	AP_Mount(GPS *gps, AP_DCM *dcm);
	AP_Mount(GPS *gps, AP_DCM_HIL *dcm); // constructor for HIL usage

	enum MountType{
		k_pan_tilt = 0,			///< yaw-pitch
		k_tilt_roll = 1,		///< pitch-roll
		k_pan_tilt_roll = 2,	///< yaw-pitch-roll
	// MAVLink methods
	void configure_msg(mavlink_message_t* msg);
	void control_msg(mavlink_message_t* msg);
	void status_msg(mavlink_message_t* msg);
	void set_roi_cmd();
	void configure_cmd();
	void control_cmd();

	// should be called periodically
	void update_mount_position();
	void update_mount_type();		///< Auto-detect the mount gimbal type depending on the functions assigned to the servos

	// Accessors
	enum MountType get_mount_type();


	void set_mode(enum MAV_MOUNT_MODE mode);

	void set_retract_angles(int roll, int pitch, int yaw);	///< set mount retracted position
	void set_neutral_angles(int roll, int pitch, int yaw);
	void set_mavlink_angles(int roll, int pitch, int yaw);
	void set_GPS_target_location(Location targetGPSLocation);	///< used to tell the mount to track GPS location

	// internal methods
	void calc_GPS_target_vector(struct Location *target);
	long rc_map(RC_Channel_aux* rc_ch);

	AP_DCM		*_dcm;
	AP_DCM_HIL  *_dcm_hil;
	GPS 		*_gps;

	int roll_angle;		///< degrees*100
	int pitch_angle;	///< degrees*100
	int yaw_angle;		///< degrees*100

	uint8_t _stab_roll;  ///< (1 = yes, 0 = no)
	uint8_t _stab_pitch; ///< (1 = yes, 0 = no)
	uint8_t _stab_yaw;   ///< (1 = yes, 0 = no)

	enum MAV_MOUNT_MODE _mount_mode;
	MountType _mount_type;

	struct Location _target_GPS_location;
	Vector3i _retract_angles;		///< retracted position for mount, vector.x = roll vector.y = pitch, vector.z=yaw
	Vector3i _neutral_angles;		///< neutral position for mount, vector.x = roll vector.y = pitch, vector.z=yaw
	Vector3i _mavlink_angles;		///< mavlink position for mount, vector.x = roll vector.y = pitch, vector.z=yaw
	Vector3f _GPS_vector;			///< target vector calculated stored in meters