using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using IronPython.Hosting; namespace ArdupilotMega { public class Script { DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now; List<string> items = new List<string>(); static Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptEngine engine; static Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptScope scope; // keeps history MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_override_t rc = new MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_override_t(); public Script() { Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>(); options["Debug"] = true; if (engine != null) engine.Runtime.Shutdown(); engine = Python.CreateEngine(options); scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.SetVariable("cs", MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs); scope.SetVariable("Script", this); scope.SetVariable("mavutil", this); engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("print 'hello world from python'").Execute(scope); engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("print cs.roll").Execute(scope); object thisBoxed = MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs; Type test = thisBoxed.GetType(); foreach (var field in test.GetProperties()) { // field.Name has the field's name. object fieldValue; try { fieldValue = field.GetValue(thisBoxed, null); // Get value } catch { continue; } // Get the TypeCode enumeration. Multiple types get mapped to a common typecode. TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(fieldValue.GetType()); items.Add(field.Name); } } public object mavlink_connection(string device, int baud = 115200, int source_system = 255, bool write = false, bool append = false, bool robust_parsing = true, bool notimestamps = false, bool input = true) { return null; } public object recv_match(string condition = null, string type = null, bool blocking = false) { return null; } public void Sleep(int ms) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(ms); } public void runScript(string script) { try { engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script).Execute(scope); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.CustomMessageBox.Show("Error running script " + e.Message); } } public enum Conditional { NONE = 0, LT, LTEQ, EQ, GT, GTEQ, NEQ } public bool ChangeParam(string param, float value) { return MainV2.comPort.setParam(param, value); } public float GetParam(string param) { if (MainV2.comPort.MAV.param[param] != null) return (float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.param[param]; return 0.0f; } public bool ChangeMode(string mode) { MainV2.comPort.setMode(mode); return true; } public bool WaitFor(string message, int timeout) { int timein = 0; while (!MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.message.Contains(message)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5); timein += 5; if (timein > timeout) return false; } return true; } public bool SendRC(int channel, ushort pwm, bool sendnow) { switch (channel) { case 1: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech1 = pwm; rc.chan1_raw = pwm; break; case 2: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech2 = pwm; rc.chan2_raw = pwm; break; case 3: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech3 = pwm; rc.chan3_raw = pwm; break; case 4: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech4 = pwm; rc.chan4_raw = pwm; break; case 5: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech5 = pwm; rc.chan5_raw = pwm; break; case 6: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech6 = pwm; rc.chan6_raw = pwm; break; case 7: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech7 = pwm; rc.chan7_raw = pwm; break; case 8: MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.rcoverridech8 = pwm; rc.chan8_raw = pwm; break; } rc.target_component = MainV2.comPort.MAV.compid; rc.target_system = MainV2.comPort.MAV.sysid; if (sendnow) { MainV2.comPort.sendPacket(rc); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); MainV2.comPort.sendPacket(rc); MainV2.comPort.sendPacket(rc); } return true; } } }