#include #include #include #include "lua_bindings.h" int lua_gcs_send_text(lua_State *state) { const char* str = lua_tostring(state, 1); gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, str); return 0; } static const luaL_Reg gcs_functions[] = { {"send_text", lua_gcs_send_text}, {NULL, NULL} }; int lua_servo_set_output_pwm(lua_State *state) { int servo_function = luaL_checkinteger(state, 1); int output_value = luaL_checknumber(state, 2); // range check the output function if ((servo_function < SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t::k_scripting1) || (servo_function > SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t::k_scripting16)) { return luaL_error(state, "Servo function (%d) is not a scriptable output", servo_function); } if (output_value > UINT16_MAX) { return luaL_error(state, "Servo range (%d) is out of range", output_value); } SRV_Channels::set_output_pwm((SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t)servo_function, output_value); gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Set to %d", output_value); return 0; } static const luaL_Reg servo_functions[] = { {"set_output_pwm", lua_servo_set_output_pwm}, {NULL, NULL} }; void load_lua_bindings(lua_State *state) { luaL_newlib(state, gcs_functions); lua_setglobal(state, "gcs"); luaL_newlib(state, servo_functions); lua_setglobal(state, "servo"); } void hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "got a debug hook"); lua_error(L); }