#pragma once #include "AP_DDS_config.h" #if AP_DDS_ENABLED #include "uxr/client/client.h" #include "ucdr/microcdr.h" #if AP_DDS_GLOBAL_POS_CTRL_ENABLED #include "ardupilot_msgs/msg/GlobalPosition.h" #endif // AP_DDS_GLOBAL_POS_CTRL_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_TIME_PUB_ENABLED #include "builtin_interfaces/msg/Time.h" #endif // AP_DDS_TIME_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_NAVSATFIX_PUB_ENABLED #include "sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix.h" #endif // AP_DDS_NAVSATFIX_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_NEEDS_TRANSFORMS #include "tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage.h" #endif // AP_DDS_NEEDS_TRANSFORMS #if AP_DDS_BATTERY_STATE_PUB_ENABLED #include "sensor_msgs/msg/BatteryState.h" #endif // AP_DDS_BATTERY_STATE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_IMU_PUB_ENABLED #include "sensor_msgs/msg/Imu.h" #endif // AP_DDS_IMU_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_JOY_SUB_ENABLED #include "sensor_msgs/msg/Joy.h" #endif // AP_DDS_JOY_SUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_LOCAL_POSE_PUB_ENABLED #include "geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped.h" #endif // AP_DDS_LOCAL_POSE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_NEEDS_TWIST #include "geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped.h" #endif // AP_DDS_NEEDS_TWIST #if AP_DDS_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_PUB_ENABLED #include "geographic_msgs/msg/GeoPointStamped.h" #endif // AP_DDS_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_GEOPOSE_PUB_ENABLED #include "geographic_msgs/msg/GeoPoseStamped.h" #endif // AP_DDS_GEOPOSE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_CLOCK_PUB_ENABLED #include "rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock.h" #endif // AP_DDS_CLOCK_PUB_ENABLED #include #include #include #include "fcntl.h" #include #define DDS_MTU 512 #define DDS_STREAM_HISTORY 8 #define DDS_BUFFER_SIZE DDS_MTU * DDS_STREAM_HISTORY #if AP_DDS_UDP_ENABLED #include #include #endif extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; class AP_DDS_Client { private: AP_Int8 enabled; // Serial Allocation uxrSession session; //Session bool is_using_serial; // true when using serial transport // input and output stream uint8_t *input_reliable_stream; uint8_t *output_reliable_stream; uxrStreamId reliable_in; uxrStreamId reliable_out; // Outgoing Sensor and AHRS data #if AP_DDS_TIME_PUB_ENABLED builtin_interfaces_msg_Time time_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a Time message uint64_t last_time_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current time state and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_time_topic(); static void update_topic(builtin_interfaces_msg_Time& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_TIME_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_PUB_ENABLED geographic_msgs_msg_GeoPointStamped gps_global_origin_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a gps global origin message uint64_t last_gps_global_origin_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current gps global origin and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_gps_global_origin_topic(); static void update_topic(geographic_msgs_msg_GeoPointStamped& msg); # endif // AP_DDS_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_GEOPOSE_PUB_ENABLED geographic_msgs_msg_GeoPoseStamped geo_pose_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a GeoPose message uint64_t last_geo_pose_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current geo_pose and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_geo_pose_topic(); static void update_topic(geographic_msgs_msg_GeoPoseStamped& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_GEOPOSE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_LOCAL_POSE_PUB_ENABLED geometry_msgs_msg_PoseStamped local_pose_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a Local Pose message uint64_t last_local_pose_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current local_pose and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_local_pose_topic(); static void update_topic(geometry_msgs_msg_PoseStamped& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_LOCAL_POSE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_LOCAL_VEL_PUB_ENABLED geometry_msgs_msg_TwistStamped tx_local_velocity_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a Local Velocity message uint64_t last_local_velocity_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current local velocity and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_tx_local_velocity_topic(); static void update_topic(geometry_msgs_msg_TwistStamped& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_LOCAL_VEL_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_BATTERY_STATE_PUB_ENABLED sensor_msgs_msg_BatteryState battery_state_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a BatteryState message uint64_t last_battery_state_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current nav_sat_fix state and publish it to the IO stream(s) void write_battery_state_topic(); static void update_topic(sensor_msgs_msg_BatteryState& msg, const uint8_t instance); #endif // AP_DDS_BATTERY_STATE_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_NAVSATFIX_PUB_ENABLED sensor_msgs_msg_NavSatFix nav_sat_fix_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a NavSatFix message uint64_t last_nav_sat_fix_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current nav_sat_fix state and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_nav_sat_fix_topic(); bool update_topic(sensor_msgs_msg_NavSatFix& msg, const uint8_t instance) WARN_IF_UNUSED; #endif // AP_DDS_NAVSATFIX_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_IMU_PUB_ENABLED sensor_msgs_msg_Imu imu_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote an IMU message uint64_t last_imu_time_ms; static void update_topic(sensor_msgs_msg_Imu& msg); //! @brief Serialize the current IMU data and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_imu_topic(); #endif // AP_DDS_IMU_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_CLOCK_PUB_ENABLED rosgraph_msgs_msg_Clock clock_topic; // The last ms timestamp AP_DDS wrote a Clock message uint64_t last_clock_time_ms; //! @brief Serialize the current clock and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_clock_topic(); static void update_topic(rosgraph_msgs_msg_Clock& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_CLOCK_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_STATIC_TF_PUB_ENABLED // outgoing transforms tf2_msgs_msg_TFMessage tx_static_transforms_topic; //! @brief Serialize the static transforms and publish to the IO stream(s) void write_static_transforms(); static void populate_static_transforms(tf2_msgs_msg_TFMessage& msg); #endif // AP_DDS_STATIC_TF_PUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_JOY_SUB_ENABLED // incoming joystick data static sensor_msgs_msg_Joy rx_joy_topic; #endif // AP_DDS_JOY_SUB_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_VEL_CTRL_ENABLED // incoming REP147 velocity control static geometry_msgs_msg_TwistStamped rx_velocity_control_topic; #endif // AP_DDS_VEL_CTRL_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_GLOBAL_POS_CTRL_ENABLED // incoming REP147 goal interface global position static ardupilot_msgs_msg_GlobalPosition rx_global_position_control_topic; #endif // AP_DDS_GLOBAL_POS_CTRL_ENABLED #if AP_DDS_DYNAMIC_TF_SUB // incoming transforms static tf2_msgs_msg_TFMessage rx_dynamic_transforms_topic; #endif // AP_DDS_DYNAMIC_TF_SUB HAL_Semaphore csem; // connection parametrics bool status_ok{false}; bool connected{false}; // subscription callback function static void on_topic_trampoline(uxrSession* session, uxrObjectId object_id, uint16_t request_id, uxrStreamId stream_id, struct ucdrBuffer* ub, uint16_t length, void* args); void on_topic(uxrSession* session, uxrObjectId object_id, uint16_t request_id, uxrStreamId stream_id, struct ucdrBuffer* ub, uint16_t length); // service replier callback function static void on_request_trampoline(uxrSession* session, uxrObjectId object_id, uint16_t request_id, SampleIdentity* sample_id, ucdrBuffer* ub, uint16_t length, void* args); void on_request(uxrSession* session, uxrObjectId object_id, uint16_t request_id, SampleIdentity* sample_id, ucdrBuffer* ub, uint16_t length); // delivery control parameters uxrDeliveryControl delivery_control { .max_samples = UXR_MAX_SAMPLES_UNLIMITED, .max_elapsed_time = 0, .max_bytes_per_second = 0, .min_pace_period = 0 }; // functions for serial transport bool ddsSerialInit(); static bool serial_transport_open(uxrCustomTransport* args); static bool serial_transport_close(uxrCustomTransport* transport); static size_t serial_transport_write(uxrCustomTransport* transport, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len, uint8_t* error); static size_t serial_transport_read(uxrCustomTransport* transport, uint8_t* buf, size_t len, int timeout, uint8_t* error); struct { AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port; uxrCustomTransport transport; } serial; #if AP_DDS_UDP_ENABLED // functions for udp transport bool ddsUdpInit(); static bool udp_transport_open(uxrCustomTransport* args); static bool udp_transport_close(uxrCustomTransport* transport); static size_t udp_transport_write(uxrCustomTransport* transport, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len, uint8_t* error); static size_t udp_transport_read(uxrCustomTransport* transport, uint8_t* buf, size_t len, int timeout, uint8_t* error); struct { AP_Int32 port; // UDP endpoint AP_Networking_IPV4 ip{AP_DDS_DEFAULT_UDP_IP_ADDR}; // UDP Allocation uxrCustomTransport transport; SocketAPM *socket; } udp; #endif // pointer to transport's communication structure uxrCommunication *comm{nullptr}; // client key we present static constexpr uint32_t key = 0xAAAABBBB; public: ~AP_DDS_Client(); bool start(void); void main_loop(void); //! @brief Initialize the client's transport //! @return True on successful initialization, false on failure bool init_transport() WARN_IF_UNUSED; //! @brief Initialize the client's uxr session and IO stream(s) //! @return True on successful initialization, false on failure bool init_session() WARN_IF_UNUSED; //! @brief Set up the client's participants, data read/writes, // publishers, subscribers //! @return True on successful creation, false on failure bool create() WARN_IF_UNUSED; //! @brief Update the internally stored DDS messages with latest data void update(); //! @brief GCS message prefix static constexpr const char* msg_prefix = "DDS:"; //! @brief Parameter storage static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[]; //! @brief ROS_DOMAIN_ID AP_Int32 domain_id; //! @brief Timeout in milliseconds when pinging the XRCE agent AP_Int32 ping_timeout_ms; //! @brief Maximum number of attempts to ping the XRCE agent before exiting AP_Int8 ping_max_retry; //! @brief Enum used to mark a topic as a data reader or writer enum class Topic_rw : uint8_t { DataReader = 0, DataWriter = 1, }; //! @brief Convenience grouping for a single "channel" of data struct Topic_table { const uint8_t topic_id; const uint8_t pub_id; const uint8_t sub_id; // added sub_id fields to avoid confusion const uxrObjectId dw_id; const uxrObjectId dr_id; // added dr_id fields to avoid confusion const Topic_rw topic_rw; const char* topic_name; const char* type_name; const uxrQoS_t qos; }; static const struct Topic_table topics[]; //! @brief Enum used to mark a service as a requester or replier enum class Service_rr : uint8_t { Requester = 0, Replier = 1, }; //! @brief Convenience grouping for a single "channel" of services struct Service_table { //! @brief Request ID for the service const uint8_t req_id; //! @brief Reply ID for the service const uint8_t rep_id; //! @brief Service is requester or replier const Service_rr service_rr; //! @brief Service name as it appears in ROS const char* service_name; //! @brief Service requester message type const char* request_type; //! @brief Service replier message type const char* reply_type; //! @brief Service requester topic name const char* request_topic_name; //! @brief Service replier topic name const char* reply_topic_name; //! @brief QoS for the service const uxrQoS_t qos; }; static const struct Service_table services[]; }; #endif // AP_DDS_ENABLED