--[[ KAP UAV Exposure Control Script v3.2 -- Released under GPL by waterwingz and wayback/peabody http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/KAP_%26_UAV_Exposure_Control_Script 3DR EAI 1.0 is a fork of KAP 3.1 with settings specific to Canon cameras triggered off the Pixhawk autopilot. Changelog: -Modified Tv, Av, and ISO settings for the Canon SX260 -Added an option to turn the GPS on and off -Added control of GPS settings in Main Loop -Changed USB OneShot mode to listen for 100ms command pulse from Pixhawk -Adapted for S100 settings @title 3DR EAI 1.0 - Lets Map! @param i Shot Interval (sec) @default i 2 @range i 2 120 @param s Total Shots (0=infinite) @default s 0 @range s 0 10000 @param j Power off when done? @default j 0 @range j 0 1 @param e Exposure Comp (stops) @default e 6 @values e -2.0 -1.66 -1.33 -1.0 -0.66 -0.33 0.0 0.33 0.66 1.00 1.33 1.66 2.00 @param d Start Delay Time (sec) @default d 0 @range d 0 10000 @param y Tv Min (sec) @default y 5 @values y None 1/60 1/100 1/200 1/400 1/640 @param t Target Tv (sec) @default t 7 @values t 1/100 1/200 1/400 1/640 1/800 1/1000 1/1250 1/1600 1/2000 @param x Tv Max (sec) @default x 4 @values x 1/1000 1/1250 1/1600 1/2000 1/3200 1/5000 1/10000 @param f Av Low(f-stop) @default f 1 @values f 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.0 @param a Av Target (f-stop) @default a 2 @values a 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.0 @param m Av Max (f-stop) @default m 13 @values m 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.0 @param p ISO Min @default p 0 @values p 80 100 200 400 800 1250 1600 @param q ISO Max1 @default q 1 @values q 100 200 400 800 1250 1600 @param r ISO Max2 @default r 3 @values r 100 200 400 800 1250 1600 @param n Allow use of ND filter? @default n 0 @values n No Yes @param z Zoom position @default z 0 @values z Off 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% @param c Focus @ Infinity Mode @default c 3 @values c None @Shot AFL MF @param v Video Interleave (shots) @default v 0 @values v Off 1 5 10 25 50 100 @param w Video Duration (sec) @default w 10 @range w 5 300 @param u Trigger Type @default u 2 @values u Interval Cont. USB PWM @param g GPS On @default g 1 @range g 0 1 @param b Backlight Off? @default b 1 @range b 0 1 @param l Logging @default l 3 @values l Off Screen SDCard Both --]] props=require("propcase") capmode=require("capmode") -- convert user parameter to usable variable names and values tv_table = { -320, 576, 640, 736, 832, 896, 928, 960, 992, 1024, 1056, 1113, 1180, 1276} tv96target = tv_table[t+3] tv96max = tv_table[x+8] tv96min = tv_table[y+1] sv_table = { 381, 411, 507, 603, 699, 761, 795 } sv96min = sv_table[p+1] sv96max1 = sv_table[q+2] sv96max2 = sv_table[r+2] av_table = { 171, 192, 218, 265, 285, 322, 347, 384, 417, 446, 477, 510, 543, 576 } av96target = av_table[a+1] av96minimum = av_table[f+1] av96max = av_table[m+1] ec96adjust = (e - 6)*32 video_table = { 0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 } video_mode = video_table[v+1] video_duration = w interval = i*1000 max_shots = s poff_if_done = j start_delay = d backlight = b log_mode= l focus_mode = c usb_mode = u gps = g if ( z==0 ) then zoom_setpoint = nil else zoom_setpoint = (z-1)*10 end -- initial configuration values nd96offset=3*96 -- ND filter's number of equivalent f-stops (f * 96) infx = 50000 -- focus lock distance in mm (approximately 55 yards) shot_count = 0 -- shot counter blite_timer = 300 -- backlight off delay in 100mSec increments old_console_timeout = get_config_value( 297 ) shot_request = false -- pwm mode flag to request a shot be taken -- check camera Av configuration ( variable aperture and/or ND filter ) if n==0 then -- use of nd filter allowed? if get_nd_present()==1 then -- check for ND filter only Av_mode = 0 -- 0 = ND disabled and no iris available else Av_mode = 1 -- 1 = ND disabled and iris available end else Av_mode = get_nd_present()+1 -- 1 = iris only , 2=ND filter only, 3= both ND & iris end function printf(...) if ( log_mode == 0) then return end local str=string.format(...) if (( log_mode == 1) or (log_mode == 3)) then print(str) end if ( log_mode > 1 ) then local logname="A/3DR_EAI_log.log" log=io.open(logname,"a") log:write(os.date("%Y%b%d %X ")..string.format(...),"\n") log:close() end end tv_ref = { -- note : tv_ref values set 1/2 way between shutter speed values -608, -560, -528, -496, -464, -432, -400, -368, -336, -304, -272, -240, -208, -176, -144, -112, -80, -48, -16, 16, 48, 80, 112, 144, 176, 208, 240, 272, 304, 336, 368, 400, 432, 464, 496, 528, 560, 592, 624, 656, 688, 720, 752, 784, 816, 848, 880, 912, 944, 976, 1008, 1040, 1072, 1096, 1129, 1169, 1192, 1225, 1265, 1376 } tv_str = { ">64", "64", "50", "40", "32", "25", "20", "16", "12", "10", "8.0", "6.0", "5.0", "4.0", "3.2", "2.5", "2.0", "1.6", "1.3", "1.0", "0.8", "0.6", "0.5", "0.4", "0.3", "1/4", "1/5", "1/6", "1/8", "1/10", "1/13", "1/15", "1/20", "1/25", "1/30", "1/40", "1/50", "1/60", "1/80", "1/100", "1/125", "1/160", "1/200", "1/250", "1/320", "1/400", "1/500", "1/640", "1/800", "1/1000","1/1250", "1/1600","1/2000","1/2500","1/3200","1/4000","1/5000","1/6400","1/8000","1/10000","hi" } function print_tv(val) if ( val == nil ) then return("-") end local i = 1 while (i <= #tv_ref) and (val > tv_ref[i]) do i=i+1 end return tv_str[i] end av_ref = { 160, 176, 208, 243, 275, 304, 336, 368, 400, 432, 464, 480, 496, 512, 544, 592, 624, 656, 688, 720, 752, 784 } av_str = {"n/a","1.8", "2.0","2.2","2.6","2.8","3.2","3.5","4.0","4.5","5.0","5.6","5.9","6.3","7.1","8.0","9.0","10.0","11.0","13.0","14.0","16.0","hi"} function print_av(val) if ( val == nil ) then return("-") end local i = 1 while (i <= #av_ref) and (val > av_ref[i]) do i=i+1 end return av_str[i] end sv_ref = { 370, 397, 424, 456, 492, 523, 555, 588, 619, 651, 684, 731, 779, 843, 907 } sv_str = {"n/a","80","100","120","160","200","250","320","400","500","640","800","1250","1600","3200","hi"} function print_sv(val) if ( val == nil ) then return("-") end local i = 1 while (i <= #sv_ref) and (val > sv_ref[i]) do i=i+1 end return sv_str[i] end function pline(message, line) -- print line function fg = 258 bg=259 end -- switch between shooting and playback modes function switch_mode( m ) if ( m == 1 ) then if ( get_mode() == false ) then set_record(1) -- switch to shooting mode while ( get_mode() == false ) do sleep(100) end sleep(1000) end else if ( get_mode() == true ) then set_record(0) -- switch to playback mode while ( get_mode() == true ) do sleep(100) end sleep(1000) end end end -- focus lock and unlock function lock_focus() if (focus_mode > 1) then -- focus mode requested ? if ( focus_mode == 2 ) then -- method 1 : set_aflock() command enables MF if (chdk_version==120) then set_aflock(1) set_prop(props.AF_LOCK,1) else set_aflock(1) end if (get_prop(props.AF_LOCK) == 1) then printf(" AFL enabled") else printf(" AFL failed ***") end else -- mf mode requested if (chdk_version==120) then -- CHDK 1.2.0 : call event proc or levents to try and enable MF mode if call_event_proc("SS.Create") ~= -1 then if call_event_proc("SS.MFOn") == -1 then call_event_proc("PT_MFOn") end elseif call_event_proc("RegisterShootSeqEvent") ~= -1 then if call_event_proc("PT_MFOn") == -1 then call_event_proc("MFOn") end end if (get_prop(props.FOCUS_MODE) == 0 ) then -- MF not set - try levent PressSw1AndMF post_levent_for_npt("PressSw1AndMF") sleep(500) end elseif (chdk_version >= 130) then -- CHDK 1.3.0 : set_mf() if ( set_mf(1) == 0 ) then set_aflock(1) end -- as a fall back, try setting AFL is set_mf fails end if (get_prop(props.FOCUS_MODE) == 1) then printf(" MF enabled") else printf(" MF enable failed ***") end end sleep(1000) set_focus(infx) sleep(1000) end end function unlock_focus() if (focus_mode > 1) then -- focus mode requested ? if (focus_mode == 2 ) then -- method 1 : AFL if (chdk_version==120) then set_aflock(0) set_prop(props.AF_LOCK,0) else set_aflock(0) end if (get_prop(props.AF_LOCK) == 0) then printf(" AFL unlocked") else printf(" AFL unlock failed") end else -- mf mode requested if (chdk_version==120) then -- CHDK 1.2.0 : call event proc or levents to try and enable MF mode if call_event_proc("SS.Create") ~= -1 then if call_event_proc("SS.MFOff") == -1 then call_event_proc("PT_MFOff") end elseif call_event_proc("RegisterShootSeqEvent") ~= -1 then if call_event_proc("PT_MFOff") == -1 then call_event_proc("MFOff") end end if (get_prop(props.FOCUS_MODE) == 1 ) then -- MF not reset - try levent PressSw1AndMF post_levent_for_npt("PressSw1AndMF") sleep(500) end elseif (chdk_version >= 130) then -- CHDK 1.3.0 : set_mf() if ( set_mf(0) == 0 ) then set_aflock(0) end -- fall back so reset AFL is set_mf fails end if (get_prop(props.FOCUS_MODE) == 0) then printf(" MF disabled") else printf(" MF disable failed") end end sleep(100) end end -- zoom position function update_zoom(zpos) local count = 0 if(zpos ~= nil) then zstep=((get_zoom_steps()-1)*zpos)/100 printf("setting zoom to "..zpos.." percent step="..zstep) sleep(200) set_zoom(zstep) sleep(2000) press("shoot_half") repeat sleep(100) count = count + 1 until (get_shooting() == true ) or (count > 40 ) release("shoot_half") end end -- restore camera settings on shutdown function restore() set_config_value(121,0) -- USB remote disable set_config_value(297,old_console_timeout) -- restore console timeout value if (backlight==1) then set_lcd_display(1) end -- display on unlock_focus() if( zoom_setpoint ~= nil ) then update_zoom(0) end if( shot_count >= max_shots) and ( max_shots > 1) then if ( poff_if_done == 1 ) then -- did script ending because # of shots done ? printf("power off - shot count at limit") -- complete power down sleep(2000) post_levent_to_ui('PressPowerButton') else set_record(0) end -- just retract lens end end -- Video mode function check_video(shot) local capture_mode if ((video_mode>0) and(shot>0) and (shot%video_mode == 0)) then unlock_focus() printf("Video mode started. Button:"..tostring(video_button)) if( video_button ) then click "video" else capture_mode=capmode.get() capmode.set('VIDEO_STD') press("shoot_full") sleep(300) release("shoot_full") end local end_second = get_day_seconds() + video_duration repeat wait_click(500) until (is_key("menu")) or (get_day_seconds() > end_second) if( video_button ) then click "video" else press("shoot_full") sleep(300) release("shoot_full") capmode.set(capture_mode) end printf("Video mode finished.") sleep(1000) lock_focus() return(true) else return(false) end end -- PWM USB pulse functions function ch1up() printf(" * usb pulse = ch1up") shot_request = true end function ch1mid() printf(" * usb pulse = ch1mid") if ( get_mode() == false ) then switch_mode(1) lock_focus() end end function ch1down() printf(" * usb pulse = ch1down") switch_mode(0) end function ch2up() printf(" * usb pulse = ch2up") update_zoom(100) end function ch2mid() printf(" * usb pulse = ch2mid") if ( zoom_setpoint ~= nil ) then update_zoom(zoom_setpoint) else update_zoom(50) end end function ch2down() printf(" * usb pulse = ch2down") update_zoom(0) end function pwm_mode(pulse_width) if pulse_width > 0 then if pulse_width < 5 then ch1up() elseif pulse_width < 8 then ch1mid() elseif pulse_width < 11 then ch1down() elseif pulse_width < 14 then ch2up() elseif pulse_width < 17 then ch2mid() elseif pulse_width < 20 then ch2down() else printf(" * usb pulse width error") end end end -- Basic exposure calculation using shutter speed and ISO only -- called for Tv-only and ND-only cameras (cameras without an iris) function basic_tv_calc() tv96setpoint = tv96target av96setpoint = nil local min_av = get_prop(props.MIN_AV) -- calculate required ISO setting sv96setpoint = tv96setpoint + min_av - bv96meter -- low ambient light ? if (sv96setpoint > sv96max2 ) then -- check if required ISO setting is too high sv96setpoint = sv96max2 -- clamp at max2 ISO if so tv96setpoint = math.max(bv96meter+sv96setpoint-min_av,tv96min) -- recalculate required shutter speed down to Tv min -- high ambient light ? elseif (sv96setpoint < sv96min ) then -- check if required ISO setting is too low sv96setpoint = sv96min -- clamp at minimum ISO setting if so tv96setpoint = bv96meter + sv96setpoint - min_av -- recalculate required shutter speed and hope for the best end end -- Basic exposure calculation using shutter speed, iris and ISO -- called for iris-only and "both" cameras (cameras with an iris & ND filter) function basic_iris_calc() tv96setpoint = tv96target av96setpoint = av96target -- calculate required ISO setting sv96setpoint = tv96setpoint + av96setpoint - bv96meter -- low ambient light ? if (sv96setpoint > sv96max1 ) then -- check if required ISO setting is too high sv96setpoint = sv96max1 -- clamp at first ISO limit av96setpoint = bv96meter + sv96setpoint - tv96setpoint -- calculate new aperture setting if ( av96setpoint < av96min ) then -- check if new setting is goes below lowest f-stop av96setpoint = av96min -- clamp at lowest f-stop sv96setpoint = tv96setpoint + av96setpoint - bv96meter -- recalculate ISO setting if (sv96setpoint > sv96max2 ) then -- check if the result is above max2 ISO sv96setpoint = sv96max2 -- clamp at highest ISO setting if so tv96setpoint = math.max(bv96meter+sv96setpoint-av96setpoint,tv96min) -- recalculate required shutter speed down to tv minimum end end -- high ambient light ? elseif (sv96setpoint < sv96min ) then -- check if required ISO setting is too low sv96setpoint = sv96min -- clamp at minimum ISO setting if so tv96setpoint = bv96meter + sv96setpoint - av96setpoint -- recalculate required shutter speed if (tv96setpoint > tv96max ) then -- check if shutter speed now too fast tv96setpoint = tv96max -- clamp at maximum shutter speed if so av96setpoint = bv96meter + sv96setpoint - tv96setpoint -- calculate new aperture setting if ( av96setpoint > av96max ) then -- check if new setting is goes above highest f-stop av96setpoint = av96max -- clamp at highest f-stop tv96setpoint = bv96meter + sv96setpoint - av96setpoint -- recalculate shutter speed needed and hope for the best end end end end -- calculate exposure for cams without adjustable iris or ND filter function exposure_Tv_only() insert_ND_filter = nil basic_tv_calc() end -- calculate exposure for cams with ND filter only function exposure_NDfilter() insert_ND_filter = false basic_tv_calc() if (tv96setpoint > tv96max ) then -- check if shutter speed now too fast insert_ND_filter = true -- flag the ND filter to be inserted bv96meter = bv96meter - nd96offset -- adjust meter for ND offset basic_tv_calc() -- start over, but with new meter value bv96meter = bv96meter + nd96offset -- restore meter for later logging end end -- calculate exposure for cams with adjustable iris only function exposure_iris() insert_ND_filter = nil basic_iris_calc() end -- calculate exposure for cams with both adjustable iris and ND filter function exposure_both() insert_ND_filter = false -- NOTE : assume ND filter never used automatically by Canon firmware basic_iris_calc() if (tv96setpoint > tv96max ) then -- check if shutter speed now too fast insert_ND_filter = true -- flag the ND filter to be inserted bv96meter = bv96meter - nd96offset -- adjust meter for ND offset basic_iris_calc() -- start over, but with new meter value bv96meter = bv96meter + nd96offset -- restore meter for later logging end end -- ========================== Main Program ================================= set_console_layout(1 ,1, 45, 14 ) --printf("KAP 3.1 started - press MENU to exit") printf("3DR EAI 1.0 Canon SX260 - Lets Map!") printf("Based On KAP 3.1") printf("Press the shutter button to pause") bi=get_buildinfo() printf("%s %s-%s %s %s %s", bi.version, bi.build_number, bi.build_revision, bi.platform, bi.platsub, bi.build_date) chdk_version= tonumber(string.sub(bi.build_number,1,1))*100 + tonumber(string.sub(bi.build_number,3,3))*10 + tonumber(string.sub(bi.build_number,5,5)) if ( tonumber(bi.build_revision) > 0 ) then build = tonumber(bi.build_revision) else build = tonumber(string.match(bi.build_number,'-(%d+)$')) end if ((chdk_version<120) or ((chdk_version==120)and(build<3276)) or ((chdk_version==130)and(build<3383))) then printf("CHDK 1.2.0 build 3276 or higher required") else if( props.CONTINUOUS_AF == nil ) then caf=-999 else caf = get_prop(props.CONTINUOUS_AF) end if( props.SERVO_AF == nil ) then saf=-999 else saf = get_prop(props.SERVO_AF) end cmode = capmode.get_name() printf("Mode:%s,Continuous_AF:%d,Servo_AF:%d", cmode,caf,saf) printf(" Tv:"..print_tv(tv96target).." max:"..print_tv(tv96max).." min:"..print_tv(tv96min).." ecomp:"..(ec96adjust/96).."."..(math.abs(ec96adjust*10/96)%10) ) printf(" Av:"..print_av(av96target).." minAv:"..print_av(av96minimum).." maxAv:"..print_av(av96max) ) printf(" ISOmin:"..print_sv(sv96min).." ISO1:"..print_sv(sv96max1).." ISO2:"..print_sv(sv96max2) ) printf(" MF mode:"..focus_mode.." Video:"..video_mode.." USB:"..usb_mode) printf(" AvM:"..Av_mode.." int:"..(interval/1000).." Shts:"..max_shots.." Dly:"..start_delay.." B/L:"..backlight) sleep(500) if (start_delay > 0 ) then printf("entering start delay of ".. start_delay.." seconds") sleep( start_delay*1000 ) end -- CAMERA CONFIGURATION - -- FIND config table here http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdk/trunk/core/conf.c set_config_value(2,0) --Save raw: off if (gps==1) then set_config_value(282,1) --turn GPS on --set_config_value(278,1) --show GPS symbol set_config_value(261,1) --wait for signal time set_config_value(266,5) --battery shutdown percentage end -- enable USB remote in USB remote moded if (usb_mode > 0 ) then set_config_value(121,1) -- make sure USB remote is enabled if (get_usb_power(1) == 0) then -- can we start ? printf("waiting on USB signal") repeat wait_click(20) until ((get_usb_power(1) == 1) or ( is_key("menu"))) --changed sleep from 1000 to 500 else sleep(500) end printf("USB signal received") end -- switch to shooting mode switch_mode(1) -- set zoom position update_zoom(zoom_setpoint) -- lock focus at infinity lock_focus() -- disable flash and AF assist lamp set_prop(props.FLASH_MODE, 2) -- flash off set_prop(props.AF_ASSIST_BEAM,0) -- AF assist off if supported for this camera set_config_value( 297, 60) -- set console timeout to 60 seconds if (usb_mode > 2 ) then repeat until (get_usb_power(2) == 0 ) end -- flush pulse buffer next_shot_time = get_tick_count() script_exit = false if( get_video_button() == 1) then video_button = true else video_button = false end set_console_layout(2 ,0, 45, 4 ) repeat --BB: Set get_usb_power(2) > 7 for a 70/100s pulse --BB: Could consider a max threshold to prevent erroneous trigger events --eg. get_usb_power(2) > 7 && get_usb_power(2) < 13 if( ( (usb_mode < 2 ) and ( next_shot_time <= get_tick_count() ) ) or ( (usb_mode == 2 ) and (get_usb_power(2) > 7 ) ) or ( (usb_mode == 3 ) and (shot_request == true ) ) ) then -- time to insert a video sequence ? if( check_video(shot_count) == true) then next_shot_time = get_tick_count() end -- intervalometer timing next_shot_time = next_shot_time + interval -- set focus at infinity ? (maybe redundant for AFL & MF mode but makes sure its set right) if (focus_mode > 0) then set_focus(infx) sleep(100) end -- check exposure local count = 0 local timeout = false press("shoot_half") repeat sleep(50) count = count + 1 if (count > 40 ) then timeout = true end until (get_shooting() == true ) or (timeout == true) -- shoot in auto mode if meter reading invalid, else calculate new desired exposure if ( timeout == true ) then release("shoot_half") repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting() == false shoot() -- shoot in Canon auto mode if we don't have a valid meter reading shot_count = shot_count + 1 printf(string.format('IMG_%04d.JPG',get_exp_count()).." : shot in auto mode, meter reading invalid") else -- get meter reading values (and add in exposure compensation) bv96raw=get_bv96() bv96meter=bv96raw-ec96adjust tv96meter=get_tv96() av96meter=get_av96() sv96meter=get_sv96() -- set minimum Av to larger of user input or current min for zoom setting av96min= math.max(av96minimum,get_prop(props.MIN_AV)) if (av96target < av96min) then av96target = av96min end -- calculate required setting for current ambient light conditions if (Av_mode == 1) then exposure_iris() elseif (Av_mode == 2) then exposure_NDfilter() elseif (Av_mode == 3) then exposure_both() else exposure_Tv_only() end -- set up all exposure overrides set_tv96_direct(tv96setpoint) set_sv96(sv96setpoint) if( av96setpoint ~= nil) then set_av96_direct(av96setpoint) end if(Av_mode > 1) and (insert_ND_filter == true) then -- ND filter available and needed? set_nd_filter(1) -- activate the ND filter nd_string="NDin" else set_nd_filter(2) -- make sure the ND filter does not activate nd_string="NDout" end -- and finally shoot the image press("shoot_full_only") sleep(100) release("shoot_full") repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting() == false shot_count = shot_count + 1 -- update shooting statistic and log as required shot_focus=get_focus() if(shot_focus ~= -1) and (shot_focus < 20000) then focus_string=" foc:"..(shot_focus/1000).."."..(((shot_focus%1000)+50)/100).."m" if(focus_mode>0) then error_string=" **WARNING : focus not at infinity**" end else focus_string=" foc:infinity" error_string=nil end printf(string.format('%d) IMG_%04d.JPG',shot_count,get_exp_count())) printf(" meter : Tv:".. print_tv(tv96meter) .." Av:".. print_av(av96meter) .." Sv:"..print_sv(sv96meter).." "..bv96raw ..":"..bv96meter) printf(" actual: Tv:".. print_tv(tv96setpoint).." Av:".. print_av(av96setpoint).." Sv:"..print_sv(sv96setpoint)) printf(" AvMin:".. print_av(av96min).." NDF:"..nd_string..focus_string ) if ((max_shots>0) and (shot_count >= max_shots)) then script_exit = true end shot_request = false -- reset shot request flag end collectgarbage() end -- check if USB remote enabled in intervalometer mode and USB power is off -> pause if so if ((usb_mode == 1 ) and (get_usb_power(1) == 0)) then printf("waiting on USB signal") unlock_focus() switch_mode(0) repeat wait_click(20) until ((get_usb_power(1) == 1) or ( is_key("menu"))) switch_mode(1) lock_focus() if ( is_key("menu")) then script_exit = true end printf("USB wait finished") sleep(100) end if (usb_mode == 3 ) then pwm_mode(get_usb_power(2)) end if (blite_timer > 0) then blite_timer = blite_timer-1 if ((blite_timer==0) and (backlight==1)) then set_lcd_display(0) end end if( error_string ~= nil) then draw_string( 16, 144, string.sub(error_string.." ",0,42), 258, 259) end wait_click(100) if( not( is_key("no_key"))) then if ((blite_timer==0) and (backlight==1)) then set_lcd_display(1) end blite_timer=300 if ( is_key("menu") ) then script_exit = true end end until (script_exit==true) printf("script halt requested") restore() end --[[ end of file ]]--