/* * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Code by Andrew Tridgell and Siddharth Bharat Purohit */ #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include "AP_HAL_ChibiOS.h" #include "Scheduler.h" #include "Util.h" #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/UARTDriver.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/AnalogIn.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/Storage.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/RCOutput.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/RCInput.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/CAN.h> #include <AP_InternalError/AP_InternalError.h> #if CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC == TRUE #include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h> #include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h> #include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h> #include "hwdef/common/stm32_util.h" #include "hwdef/common/watchdog.h" #include "shared_dma.h" #include "sdcard.h" #if HAL_WITH_IO_MCU #include <AP_IOMCU/AP_IOMCU.h> extern AP_IOMCU iomcu; #endif using namespace ChibiOS; extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #ifndef HAL_NO_TIMER_THREAD THD_WORKING_AREA(_timer_thread_wa, TIMER_THD_WA_SIZE); #endif #ifndef HAL_NO_RCIN_THREAD THD_WORKING_AREA(_rcin_thread_wa, RCIN_THD_WA_SIZE); #endif #ifndef HAL_USE_EMPTY_IO THD_WORKING_AREA(_io_thread_wa, IO_THD_WA_SIZE); #endif #ifndef HAL_USE_EMPTY_STORAGE THD_WORKING_AREA(_storage_thread_wa, STORAGE_THD_WA_SIZE); #endif #ifndef HAL_NO_MONITOR_THREAD THD_WORKING_AREA(_monitor_thread_wa, MONITOR_THD_WA_SIZE); #endif Scheduler::Scheduler() { } void Scheduler::init() { chBSemObjectInit(&_timer_semaphore, false); chBSemObjectInit(&_io_semaphore, false); #ifndef HAL_NO_MONITOR_THREAD // setup the monitor thread - this is used to detect software lockups _monitor_thread_ctx = chThdCreateStatic(_monitor_thread_wa, sizeof(_monitor_thread_wa), APM_MONITOR_PRIORITY, /* Initial priority. */ _monitor_thread, /* Thread function. */ this); /* Thread parameter. */ #endif #ifndef HAL_NO_TIMER_THREAD // setup the timer thread - this will call tasks at 1kHz _timer_thread_ctx = chThdCreateStatic(_timer_thread_wa, sizeof(_timer_thread_wa), APM_TIMER_PRIORITY, /* Initial priority. */ _timer_thread, /* Thread function. */ this); /* Thread parameter. */ #endif #ifndef HAL_NO_RCIN_THREAD // setup the RCIN thread - this will call tasks at 1kHz _rcin_thread_ctx = chThdCreateStatic(_rcin_thread_wa, sizeof(_rcin_thread_wa), APM_RCIN_PRIORITY, /* Initial priority. */ _rcin_thread, /* Thread function. */ this); /* Thread parameter. */ #endif #ifndef HAL_USE_EMPTY_IO // the IO thread runs at lower priority _io_thread_ctx = chThdCreateStatic(_io_thread_wa, sizeof(_io_thread_wa), APM_IO_PRIORITY, /* Initial priority. */ _io_thread, /* Thread function. */ this); /* Thread parameter. */ #endif #ifndef HAL_USE_EMPTY_STORAGE // the storage thread runs at just above IO priority _storage_thread_ctx = chThdCreateStatic(_storage_thread_wa, sizeof(_storage_thread_wa), APM_STORAGE_PRIORITY, /* Initial priority. */ _storage_thread, /* Thread function. */ this); /* Thread parameter. */ #endif } void Scheduler::delay_microseconds(uint16_t usec) { if (usec == 0) { //chibios faults with 0us sleep return; } uint32_t ticks; ticks = chTimeUS2I(usec); if (ticks == 0) { // calling with ticks == 0 causes a hard fault on ChibiOS ticks = 1; } chThdSleep(ticks); //Suspends Thread for desired microseconds } /* wrapper around sem_post that boosts main thread priority */ static void set_high_priority() { #if APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST != APM_MAIN_PRIORITY hal_chibios_set_priority(APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST); #endif } /* return the main thread to normal priority */ void Scheduler::boost_end(void) { #if APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST != APM_MAIN_PRIORITY if (in_main_thread() && _priority_boosted) { _priority_boosted = false; hal_chibios_set_priority(APM_MAIN_PRIORITY); } #endif } /* a variant of delay_microseconds that boosts priority to APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST for APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST_USEC microseconds when the time completes. This significantly improves the regularity of timing of the main loop */ void Scheduler::delay_microseconds_boost(uint16_t usec) { if (in_main_thread()) { set_high_priority(); _priority_boosted = true; } delay_microseconds(usec); //Suspends Thread for desired microseconds _called_boost = true; } /* return true if delay_microseconds_boost() has been called since last check */ bool Scheduler::check_called_boost(void) { if (!_called_boost) { return false; } _called_boost = false; return true; } void Scheduler::delay(uint16_t ms) { uint64_t start = AP_HAL::micros64(); while ((AP_HAL::micros64() - start)/1000 < ms) { delay_microseconds(1000); if (_min_delay_cb_ms <= ms) { if (in_main_thread()) { call_delay_cb(); } } } } void Scheduler::register_timer_process(AP_HAL::MemberProc proc) { chBSemWait(&_timer_semaphore); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _num_timer_procs; i++) { if (_timer_proc[i] == proc) { chBSemSignal(&_timer_semaphore); return; } } if (_num_timer_procs < CHIBIOS_SCHEDULER_MAX_TIMER_PROCS) { _timer_proc[_num_timer_procs] = proc; _num_timer_procs++; } else { hal.console->printf("Out of timer processes\n"); } chBSemSignal(&_timer_semaphore); } void Scheduler::register_io_process(AP_HAL::MemberProc proc) { chBSemWait(&_io_semaphore); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _num_io_procs; i++) { if (_io_proc[i] == proc) { chBSemSignal(&_io_semaphore); return; } } if (_num_io_procs < CHIBIOS_SCHEDULER_MAX_TIMER_PROCS) { _io_proc[_num_io_procs] = proc; _num_io_procs++; } else { hal.console->printf("Out of IO processes\n"); } chBSemSignal(&_io_semaphore); } void Scheduler::register_timer_failsafe(AP_HAL::Proc failsafe, uint32_t period_us) { _failsafe = failsafe; } void Scheduler::reboot(bool hold_in_bootloader) { // disarm motors to ensure they are off during a bootloader upload hal.rcout->force_safety_on(); #if HAL_WITH_IO_MCU if (AP_BoardConfig::io_enabled()) { iomcu.shutdown(); } #endif #ifndef NO_LOGGING //stop logging if (AP_Logger::get_singleton()) { AP::logger().StopLogging(); } // stop sdcard driver, if active sdcard_stop(); #endif #if defined(HAL_USE_RTC) && HAL_USE_RTC // setup RTC for fast reboot set_fast_reboot(hold_in_bootloader?RTC_BOOT_HOLD:RTC_BOOT_FAST); #endif // disable all interrupt sources port_disable(); // reboot NVIC_SystemReset(); } void Scheduler::_run_timers() { if (_in_timer_proc) { return; } _in_timer_proc = true; int num_procs = 0; chBSemWait(&_timer_semaphore); num_procs = _num_timer_procs; chBSemSignal(&_timer_semaphore); // now call the timer based drivers for (int i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) { if (_timer_proc[i]) { _timer_proc[i](); } } // and the failsafe, if one is setup if (_failsafe != nullptr) { _failsafe(); } #if HAL_USE_ADC == TRUE && !defined(HAL_DISABLE_ADC_DRIVER) // process analog input ((AnalogIn *)hal.analogin)->_timer_tick(); #endif _in_timer_proc = false; } void Scheduler::_timer_thread(void *arg) { Scheduler *sched = (Scheduler *)arg; chRegSetThreadName("apm_timer"); while (!sched->_hal_initialized) { sched->delay_microseconds(1000); } while (true) { sched->delay_microseconds(1000); // run registered timers sched->_run_timers(); // process any pending RC output requests hal.rcout->timer_tick(); if (sched->expect_delay_start != 0) { uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - sched->expect_delay_start <= sched->expect_delay_length) { sched->watchdog_pat(); } } } } void Scheduler::_monitor_thread(void *arg) { Scheduler *sched = (Scheduler *)arg; chRegSetThreadName("apm_monitor"); while (!sched->_initialized) { sched->delay(100); } bool using_watchdog = AP_BoardConfig::watchdog_enabled(); while (true) { sched->delay(100); if (using_watchdog) { stm32_watchdog_save((uint32_t *)&hal.util->persistent_data, (sizeof(hal.util->persistent_data)+3)/4); } uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); uint32_t loop_delay = now - sched->last_watchdog_pat_ms; if (loop_delay >= 200) { // the main loop has been stuck for at least // 200ms. Starting logging the main loop state const AP_HAL::Util::PersistentData &pd = hal.util->persistent_data; AP::logger().Write("MON", "TimeUS,LDelay,Task,IErr,IErrCnt,MavMsg,MavCmd,SemLine,SPICnt,I2CCnt", "QIbIIHHHII", AP_HAL::micros64(), loop_delay, pd.scheduler_task, pd.internal_errors, pd.internal_error_count, pd.last_mavlink_msgid, pd.last_mavlink_cmd, pd.semaphore_line, pd.spi_count, pd.i2c_count); } if (loop_delay >= 500) { // at 500ms we declare an internal error AP::internalerror().error(AP_InternalError::error_t::main_loop_stuck); } } } void Scheduler::_rcin_thread(void *arg) { Scheduler *sched = (Scheduler *)arg; chRegSetThreadName("apm_rcin"); while (!sched->_hal_initialized) { sched->delay_microseconds(20000); } while (true) { sched->delay_microseconds(2500); ((RCInput *)hal.rcin)->_timer_tick(); } } void Scheduler::_run_io(void) { if (_in_io_proc) { return; } _in_io_proc = true; int num_procs = 0; chBSemWait(&_io_semaphore); num_procs = _num_io_procs; chBSemSignal(&_io_semaphore); // now call the IO based drivers for (int i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) { if (_io_proc[i]) { _io_proc[i](); } } _in_io_proc = false; } void Scheduler::_io_thread(void* arg) { Scheduler *sched = (Scheduler *)arg; chRegSetThreadName("apm_io"); while (!sched->_hal_initialized) { sched->delay_microseconds(1000); } uint32_t last_sd_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); while (true) { sched->delay_microseconds(1000); // run registered IO processes sched->_run_io(); if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed()) { // if sdcard hasn't mounted then retry it every 3s in the IO // thread when disarmed uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - last_sd_start_ms > 3000) { last_sd_start_ms = now; sdcard_retry(); } } } } void Scheduler::_storage_thread(void* arg) { Scheduler *sched = (Scheduler *)arg; chRegSetThreadName("apm_storage"); while (!sched->_hal_initialized) { sched->delay_microseconds(10000); } while (true) { sched->delay_microseconds(10000); // process any pending storage writes hal.storage->_timer_tick(); } } void Scheduler::system_initialized() { if (_initialized) { AP_HAL::panic("PANIC: scheduler::system_initialized called" "more than once"); } _initialized = true; } /* disable interrupts and return a context that can be used to restore the interrupt state. This can be used to protect critical regions */ void *Scheduler::disable_interrupts_save(void) { return (void *)(uintptr_t)chSysGetStatusAndLockX(); } /* restore interrupt state from disable_interrupts_save() */ void Scheduler::restore_interrupts(void *state) { chSysRestoreStatusX((syssts_t)(uintptr_t)state); } /* trampoline for thread create */ void Scheduler::thread_create_trampoline(void *ctx) { AP_HAL::MemberProc *t = (AP_HAL::MemberProc *)ctx; (*t)(); free(t); } /* create a new thread */ bool Scheduler::thread_create(AP_HAL::MemberProc proc, const char *name, uint32_t stack_size, priority_base base, int8_t priority) { // take a copy of the MemberProc, it is freed after thread exits AP_HAL::MemberProc *tproc = (AP_HAL::MemberProc *)malloc(sizeof(proc)); if (!tproc) { return false; } *tproc = proc; uint8_t thread_priority = APM_IO_PRIORITY; static const struct { priority_base base; uint8_t p; } priority_map[] = { { PRIORITY_BOOST, APM_MAIN_PRIORITY_BOOST}, { PRIORITY_MAIN, APM_MAIN_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_SPI, APM_SPI_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_I2C, APM_I2C_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_CAN, APM_CAN_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_TIMER, APM_TIMER_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_RCIN, APM_RCIN_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_IO, APM_IO_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_UART, APM_UART_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_STORAGE, APM_STORAGE_PRIORITY}, { PRIORITY_SCRIPTING, APM_SCRIPTING_PRIORITY}, }; for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(priority_map); i++) { if (priority_map[i].base == base) { thread_priority = constrain_int16(priority_map[i].p + priority, LOWPRIO, HIGHPRIO); break; } } thread_t *thread_ctx = thread_create_alloc(THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(stack_size), name, thread_priority, thread_create_trampoline, tproc); if (thread_ctx == nullptr) { free(tproc); return false; } return true; } /* inform the scheduler that we are calling an operation from the main thread that may take an extended amount of time. This can be used to prevent watchdog reset during expected long delays A value of zero cancels the previous expected delay */ void Scheduler::expect_delay_ms(uint32_t ms) { if (!in_main_thread()) { // only for main thread return; } if (ms == 0) { if (expect_delay_nesting > 0) { expect_delay_nesting--; } if (expect_delay_nesting == 0) { expect_delay_start = 0; } } else { uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (expect_delay_start != 0) { // we already have a delay running, possibly extend it uint32_t done = now - expect_delay_start; if (expect_delay_length > done) { ms = MAX(ms, expect_delay_length - done); } } expect_delay_start = now; expect_delay_length = ms; expect_delay_nesting++; // also put our priority below timer thread if we are boosted boost_end(); } } // pat the watchdog void Scheduler::watchdog_pat(void) { stm32_watchdog_pat(); last_watchdog_pat_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); } #endif // CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC