/* * Navigator_Dcm.cpp * * Created on: Dec 6, 2011 * Author: jgoppert/ wenyaoxie */ #include "../FastSerial/FastSerial.h" #include "Navigator_Dcm.h" #include "AP_CommLink.h" #include "AP_Board.h" #include "../AP_DCM/AP_DCM.h" #include "../AP_Math/AP_Math.h" #include "../AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h" #include "AP_MavlinkCommand.h" #include "AP_Var_keys.h" #include "../AP_RangeFinder/RangeFinder.h" #include "../AP_IMU/AP_IMU.h" #include "../AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h" #include "../APM_BMP085/APM_BMP085_hil.h" #include "../APM_BMP085/APM_BMP085.h" namespace apo { Navigator_Dcm::Navigator_Dcm(AP_Board * board, const uint16_t key, const prog_char_t * name) : AP_Navigator(board), _imuOffsetAddress(0), _dcm(_board->imu, _board->gps, _board->compass), _rangeFinderDown(), _group(key, name ? : PSTR("NAV_")), _baroLowPass(&_group,1,10,PSTR("BAROLP")), _groundTemperature(&_group,2, 25.0,PSTR("GNDT")), // TODO check temp _groundPressure(&_group,3,0.0,PSTR("GNDP")) { // if orientation equal to front, store as front /** * rangeFinder is assigned values based on orientation which * is specified in ArduPilotOne.pde. */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _board-> rangeFinders.getSize(); i++) { if (_board->rangeFinders[i] == NULL) continue; if (_board->rangeFinders[i]->orientation_x == 0 && _board->rangeFinders[i]->orientation_y == 0 && _board->rangeFinders[i]->orientation_z == 1) _rangeFinderDown = _board->rangeFinders[i]; } // tune down dcm _dcm.kp_roll_pitch(0.030000); _dcm.ki_roll_pitch(0.00001278), // 50 hz I term // tune down compass in dcm _dcm.kp_yaw(0.08); _dcm.ki_yaw(0); if (_board->compass) { _dcm.set_compass(_board->compass); } } void Navigator_Dcm::calibrate() { AP_Navigator::calibrate(); // TODO: handle cold/warm restart if (_board->imu) { _board->imu->init(IMU::COLD_START,delay,_board->scheduler); } if (_board->baro) { int flashcount = 0; while(_groundPressure == 0){ _board->baro->Read(); // Get initial data from absolute pressure sensor _groundPressure = _board->baro->Press; _groundTemperature = _board->baro->Temp/10.0; delay(20); } for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){ // We take some readings... // set using low pass filters _groundPressure = _groundPressure * 0.9 + _board->baro->Press * 0.1; _groundTemperature = _groundTemperature * 0.9 + (_board->baro->Temp/10.0) * 0.1; //mavlink_delay(20); delay(20); if(flashcount == 5) { digitalWrite(_board->cLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(_board->aLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(_board->bLedPin, LOW); } if(flashcount >= 10) { flashcount = 0; digitalWrite(_board->cLedPin, LOW); digitalWrite(_board->aLedPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(_board->bLedPin, LOW); } flashcount++; } _groundPressure.save(); _groundTemperature.save(); _board->debug->printf_P(PSTR("ground pressure: %ld ground temperature: %d\n"),_groundPressure.get(), _groundTemperature.get()); _board->gcs->sendText(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("barometer calibration complete\n")); } } void Navigator_Dcm::updateFast(float dt) { if (_board->getMode() != AP_Board::MODE_LIVE) return; setTimeStamp(micros()); // if running in live mode, record new time stamp // use range finder if attached and close to the ground if (_rangeFinderDown != NULL && _rangeFinderDown->distance <= 695) { setAlt(_rangeFinderDown->distance); // otherwise if you have a baro attached, use it } else if (_board->baro) { /** * The altitued is read off the barometer by implementing the following formula: * altitude (in m) = 44330*(1-(p/po)^(1/5.255)), * where, po is pressure in Pa at sea level (101325 Pa). * See http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/253 or type this formula * in a search engine for more information. * altInt contains the altitude in meters. * * pressure input is in pascals * temp input is in deg C *10 */ _board->baro->Read(); // Get new data from absolute pressure sensor float reference = 44330 * (1.0 - (pow(_groundPressure.get()/101325.0,0.190295))); setAlt(_baroLowPass.update((44330 * (1.0 - (pow((_board->baro->Press/101325.0),0.190295)))) - reference,dt)); //_board->debug->printf_P(PSTR("Ground Pressure %f\tAltitude = %f\tGround Temperature = %f\tPress = %ld\tTemp = %d\n"),_groundPressure.get(),getAlt(),_groundTemperature.get(),_board->baro->Press,_board->baro->Temp); // last resort, use gps altitude } else if (_board->gps && _board->gps->fix) { setAlt_intM(_board->gps->altitude * 10); // gps in cm, intM in mm } // update dcm calculations and navigator data // _dcm.update_DCM_fast(); setRoll(_dcm.roll); setPitch(_dcm.pitch); setYaw(_dcm.yaw); setRollRate(_dcm.get_gyro().x); setPitchRate(_dcm.get_gyro().y); setYawRate(_dcm.get_gyro().z); setXAccel(_dcm.get_accel().x); setYAccel(_dcm.get_accel().y); setZAccel(_dcm.get_accel().z); /* * accel/gyro debug */ /* Vector3f accel = _board->imu->get_accel(); Vector3f gyro = _board->imu->get_gyro(); Serial.printf_P(PSTR("accel: %f %f %f gyro: %f %f %f\n"), accel.x,accel.y,accel.z,gyro.x,gyro.y,gyro.z); */ } void Navigator_Dcm::updateSlow(float dt) { if (_board->getMode() != AP_Board::MODE_LIVE) return; setTimeStamp(micros()); // if running in live mode, record new time stamp if (_board->gps) { _board->gps->update(); updateGpsLight(); if (_board->gps->fix && _board->gps->new_data) { setLat_degInt(_board->gps->latitude); setLon_degInt(_board->gps->longitude); setGroundSpeed(_board->gps->ground_speed / 100.0); // gps is in cm/s } } if (_board->compass) { _board->compass->read(); _board->compass->calculate(_dcm.get_dcm_matrix()); _board->compass->null_offsets(_dcm.get_dcm_matrix()); //_board->debug->printf_P(PSTR("heading: %f"), _board->compass->heading); } } void Navigator_Dcm::updateGpsLight(void) { // GPS LED on if we have a fix or Blink GPS LED if we are receiving data // --------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool GPS_light = false; switch (_board->gps->status()) { case (2): //digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, HIGH); //Turn LED C on when gps has valid fix. break; case (1): if (_board->gps->valid_read == true) { GPS_light = !GPS_light; // Toggle light on and off to indicate gps messages being received, but no GPS fix lock if (GPS_light) { digitalWrite(_board->cLedPin, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(_board->cLedPin, HIGH); } _board->gps->valid_read = false; } break; default: digitalWrite(_board->cLedPin, LOW); break; } } } // namespace apo // vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab