#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import glob import os import re import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from param import (Library, Parameter, Vehicle, known_group_fields, known_param_fields, required_param_fields, known_units) from htmlemit import HtmlEmit from rstemit import RSTEmit from wikiemit import WikiEmit from xmlemit import XmlEmit from mdemit import MDEmit from jsonemit import JSONEmit from xmlemit_mp import XmlEmitMP parser = ArgumentParser(description="Parse ArduPilot parameters.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help="show debugging output") parser.add_argument("--vehicle", required=True, help="Vehicle type to generate for") parser.add_argument("--no-emit", dest='emit_params', action='store_false', default=True, help="don't emit parameter documention, just validate") parser.add_argument("--format", dest='output_format', action='store', default='all', choices=['all', 'html', 'rst', 'wiki', 'xml', 'json', 'edn', 'md', 'xml_mp'], help="what output format to use") args = parser.parse_args() # Regular expressions for parsing the parameter metadata prog_param = re.compile(r"@Param(?:{([^}]+)})?: (\w+).*((?:\n[ \t]*// @(\w+)(?:{([^}]+)})?: ?(.*))+)(?:\n[ \t\r]*\n|\n[ \t]+[A-Z])", re.MULTILINE) # match e.g @Value: 0=Unity, 1=Koala, 17=Liability prog_param_fields = re.compile(r"[ \t]*// @(\w+): ?([^\r\n]*)") # match e.g @Value{Copter}: 0=Volcano, 1=Peppermint prog_param_tagged_fields = re.compile(r"[ \t]*// @(\w+){([^}]+)}: ([^\r\n]*)") prog_groups = re.compile(r"@Group: *(\w+).*((?:\n[ \t]*// @(Path): (\S+))+)", re.MULTILINE) apm_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../') vehicle_paths = glob.glob(apm_path + "%s/Parameters.cpp" % args.vehicle) extension = 'cpp' if len(vehicle_paths) == 0: vehicle_paths = glob.glob(apm_path + "%s/Parameters.pde" % args.vehicle) extension = 'pde' vehicle_paths.sort(reverse=True) vehicles = [] libraries = [] # AP_Vehicle also has parameters rooted at "", but isn't referenced # from the vehicle in any way: ap_vehicle_lib = Library("") # the "" is tacked onto the front of param name setattr(ap_vehicle_lib, "Path", os.path.join('..', 'libraries', 'AP_Vehicle', 'AP_Vehicle.cpp')) libraries.append(ap_vehicle_lib) error_count = 0 current_param = None current_file = None def debug(str_to_print): """Debug output if verbose is set.""" if args.verbose: print(str_to_print) def error(str_to_print): """Show errors.""" global error_count error_count += 1 if current_file is not None: print("Error in %s" % current_file) if current_param is not None: print("At param %s" % current_param) print(str_to_print) truename_map = { "Rover": "Rover", "ArduSub": "Sub", "ArduCopter": "Copter", "ArduPlane": "Plane", "AntennaTracker": "Tracker", } valid_truenames = frozenset(truename_map.values()) for vehicle_path in vehicle_paths: name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(vehicle_path)) path = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(vehicle_path)) vehicles.append(Vehicle(name, path, truename_map[name])) debug('Found vehicle type %s' % name) if len(vehicles) > 1 or len(vehicles) == 0: print("Single vehicle only, please") sys.exit(1) for vehicle in vehicles: debug("===\n\n\nProcessing %s" % vehicle.name) current_file = vehicle.path+'/Parameters.' + extension f = open(current_file) p_text = f.read() f.close() param_matches = prog_param.findall(p_text) group_matches = prog_groups.findall(p_text) debug(group_matches) for group_match in group_matches: lib = Library(group_match[0]) fields = prog_param_fields.findall(group_match[1]) for field in fields: if field[0] in known_group_fields: setattr(lib, field[0], field[1]) else: error("group: unknown parameter metadata field '%s'" % field[0]) if not any(lib.name == parsed_l.name for parsed_l in libraries): libraries.append(lib) for param_match in param_matches: (only_vehicles, param_name, field_text) = (param_match[0], param_match[1], param_match[2]) if len(only_vehicles): only_vehicles_list = [x.strip() for x in only_vehicles.split(",")] for only_vehicle in only_vehicles_list: if only_vehicle not in valid_truenames: raise ValueError("Invalid only_vehicle %s" % only_vehicle) if vehicle.truename not in only_vehicles_list: continue p = Parameter(vehicle.name+":"+param_name, current_file) debug(p.name + ' ') current_param = p.name fields = prog_param_fields.findall(field_text) field_list = [] for field in fields: field_list.append(field[0]) if field[0] in known_param_fields: value = re.sub('@PREFIX@', "", field[1]).rstrip() setattr(p, field[0], value) else: error("param: unknown parameter metadata field '%s'" % field[0]) for req_field in required_param_fields: if req_field not in field_list: error("missing parameter metadata field '%s' in %s" % (req_field, field_text)) vehicle.params.append(p) current_file = None debug("Processed %u params" % len(vehicle.params)) debug("Found %u documented libraries" % len(libraries)) alllibs = libraries[:] vehicle = vehicles[0] def process_library(vehicle, library, pathprefix=None): '''process one library''' paths = library.Path.split(',') for path in paths: path = path.strip() global current_file current_file = path debug("\n Processing file '%s'" % path) if pathprefix is not None: libraryfname = os.path.join(pathprefix, path) elif path.find('/') == -1: if len(vehicles) != 1: print("Unable to handle multiple vehicles with .pde library") continue libraryfname = os.path.join(vehicles[0].path, path) else: libraryfname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(apm_path + '/libraries/' + path)) if path and os.path.exists(libraryfname): f = open(libraryfname) p_text = f.read() f.close() else: error("Path %s not found for library %s (fname=%s)" % (path, library.name, libraryfname)) continue param_matches = prog_param.findall(p_text) debug("Found %u documented parameters" % len(param_matches)) for param_match in param_matches: (only_vehicles, param_name, field_text) = (param_match[0], param_match[1], param_match[2]) if len(only_vehicles): only_vehicles_list = [x.strip() for x in only_vehicles.split(",")] for only_vehicle in only_vehicles_list: if only_vehicle not in valid_truenames: raise ValueError("Invalid only_vehicle %s" % only_vehicle) if vehicle.truename not in only_vehicles_list: continue p = Parameter(library.name+param_name, current_file) debug(p.name + ' ') global current_param current_param = p.name fields = prog_param_fields.findall(field_text) non_vehicle_specific_values_seen = False for field in fields: if field[0] in known_param_fields: value = re.sub('@PREFIX@', library.name, field[1]) setattr(p, field[0], value) if field[0] == "Values": non_vehicle_specific_values_seen = True else: error("param: unknown parameter metadata field %s" % field[0]) debug("matching %s" % field_text) fields = prog_param_tagged_fields.findall(field_text) this_vehicle_values_seen = False this_vehicle_value = None other_vehicle_values_seen = False for field in fields: only_for_vehicles = field[1].split(",") only_for_vehicles = [x.rstrip().lstrip() for x in only_for_vehicles] delta = set(only_for_vehicles) - set(truename_map.values()) if len(delta): error("Unknown vehicles (%s)" % delta) debug("field[0]=%s vehicle=%s truename=%s field[1]=%s only_for_vehicles=%s\n" % (field[0], vehicle.name, vehicle.truename, field[1], str(only_for_vehicles))) value = re.sub('@PREFIX@', library.name, field[2]) if field[0] == "Values": if vehicle.truename in only_for_vehicles: this_vehicle_values_seen = True this_vehicle_value = value if len(only_for_vehicles) > 1: other_vehicle_values_seen = True elif len(only_for_vehicles): other_vehicle_values_seen = True if field[0] in known_param_fields: setattr(p, field[0], value) else: error("tagged param<: unknown parameter metadata field '%s'" % field[0]) if ((non_vehicle_specific_values_seen or not other_vehicle_values_seen) or this_vehicle_values_seen): if this_vehicle_values_seen and field[0] == 'Values': setattr(p, field[0], this_vehicle_value) # debug("Appending (non_vehicle_specific_values_seen=%u " # "other_vehicle_values_seen=%u this_vehicle_values_seen=%u)" % # (non_vehicle_specific_values_seen, other_vehicle_values_seen, this_vehicle_values_seen)) p.path = path # Add path. Later deleted - only used for duplicates library.params.append(p) group_matches = prog_groups.findall(p_text) debug("Found %u groups" % len(group_matches)) debug(group_matches) done_groups = dict() for group_match in group_matches: group = group_match[0] debug("Group: %s" % group) do_append = True if group in done_groups: # this is to handle cases like the RangeFinder # parameters, where the wasp stuff gets tack into the # same RNGFND1_ group lib = done_groups[group] do_append = False else: lib = Library(group) done_groups[group] = lib fields = prog_param_fields.findall(group_match[1]) for field in fields: if field[0] in known_group_fields: setattr(lib, field[0], field[1]) else: error("unknown parameter metadata field '%s'" % field[0]) if not any(lib.name == parsed_l.name for parsed_l in libraries): if do_append: lib.name = library.name + lib.name debug("Group name: %s" % lib.name) process_library(vehicle, lib, os.path.dirname(libraryfname)) if do_append: alllibs.append(lib) current_file = None for library in libraries: debug("===\n\n\nProcessing library %s" % library.name) if hasattr(library, 'Path'): process_library(vehicle, library) else: error("Skipped: no Path found") debug("Processed %u documented parameters" % len(library.params)) # sort libraries by name alllibs = sorted(alllibs, key=lambda x: x.name) libraries = alllibs def is_number(numberString): try: float(numberString) return True except ValueError: return False def clean_param(param): if (hasattr(param, "Values")): valueList = param.Values.split(",") new_valueList = [] for i in valueList: (start, sep, end) = i.partition(":") if sep != ":": raise ValueError("Expected a colon seperator in (%s)" % (i,)) if len(end) == 0: raise ValueError("Expected a colon-separated string, got (%s)" % i) end = end.strip() start = start.strip() new_valueList.append(":".join([start, end])) param.Values = ",".join(new_valueList) def validate(param): """ Validates the parameter meta data. """ global current_file current_file = param.real_path global current_param current_param = param.name # Validate values if (hasattr(param, "Range")): rangeValues = param.__dict__["Range"].split(" ") if (len(rangeValues) != 2): error("Invalid Range values for %s (%s)" % (param.name, param.__dict__["Range"])) return min_value = rangeValues[0] max_value = rangeValues[1] if not is_number(min_value): error("Min value not number: %s %s" % (param.name, min_value)) return if not is_number(max_value): error("Max value not number: %s %s" % (param.name, max_value)) return # Check for duplicate in @value field if (hasattr(param, "Values")): valueList = param.__dict__["Values"].split(",") values = [] for i in valueList: i = i.replace(" ","") values.append(i.partition(":")[0]) if (len(values) != len(set(values))): error("Duplicate values found") # Validate units if (hasattr(param, "Units")): if (param.__dict__["Units"] != "") and (param.__dict__["Units"] not in known_units): error("unknown units field '%s'" % param.__dict__["Units"]) # Validate User if (hasattr(param, "User")): if param.User.strip() not in ["Standard", "Advanced"]: error("unknown user (%s)" % param.User.strip()) if (hasattr(param, "Description")): if not param.Description or not param.Description.strip(): error("Empty Description (%s)" % param) for vehicle in vehicles: for param in vehicle.params: clean_param(param) for vehicle in vehicles: for param in vehicle.params: validate(param) # Find duplicate names in library and fix up path for library in libraries: param_names_seen = set() param_names_duplicate = set() # Find duplicates: for param in library.params: if param.name in param_names_seen: # is duplicate param_names_duplicate.add(param.name) param_names_seen.add(param.name) # Fix up path for duplicates for param in library.params: if param.name in param_names_duplicate: param.path = param.path.rsplit('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[0] else: # not a duplicate, so delete attribute. delattr(param, "path") for library in libraries: for param in library.params: clean_param(param) for library in libraries: for param in library.params: validate(param) def do_emit(emit): emit.set_annotate_with_vehicle(len(vehicles) > 1) for vehicle in vehicles: emit.emit(vehicle) emit.start_libraries() for library in libraries: if library.params: emit.emit(library) emit.close() if args.emit_params: if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'json': do_emit(JSONEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'xml': do_emit(XmlEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'wiki': do_emit(WikiEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'html': do_emit(HtmlEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'rst': do_emit(RSTEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'md': do_emit(MDEmit()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'xml_mp': do_emit(XmlEmitMP()) if args.output_format == 'all' or args.output_format == 'edn': try: from ednemit import EDNEmit do_emit(EDNEmit()) except ImportError: # if the user wanted edn only then don't hide any errors if args.output_format == 'edn': raise if args.verbose: print("Unable to emit EDN, install edn_format and pytz if edn is desired") sys.exit(error_count)