# SpeedyBee F405 Mini Flight Controller The SpeedyBee F405 Mini is a flight controller produced by [SpeedyBee](http://www.speedybee.com/). ## Features - STM32F405 microcontroller - ICM42688-P IMU - DPS310 barometer - 8Mb flash logging - AT7456E OSD - 6 UARTs - 5 PWM outputs ## Pinout  ## UART Mapping The UARTs are marked Rn and Tn in the above pinouts. The Rn pin is the receive pin for UARTn. The Tn pin is the transmit pin for UARTn. - SERIAL0 -> USB - SERIAL1 -> UART1 (DJI-VTX, DMA-enabled) - SERIAL2 -> UART2 (RX, DMA-enabled) - SERIAL3 -> UART3 - SERIAL4 -> UART4 (connected to internal BT module, not currently usable by ArduPilot) - SERIAL5 -> UART5 (ESC Telemetry, RX only on ESC connector) - SERIAL6 -> UART6 (GPS, DMA-enabled) ## RC Input RC input is configured on the R2 (UART2_RX) pin for most RC unidirectional protocols except SBUS which should be applied at the SBUS pin. PPM is not supported. For Fport, a bi-directional inverter will be required. See https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/common-connecting-sport-fport.html For CRSF/ELRS/SRXL2 connection of the receiver to T2 will also be required. ## FrSky Telemetry FrSky Telemetry is supported using the Tx pin of any UART including SERIAL2/UART2. You need to set the following parameters to enable support for FrSky S.PORT (example shows SERIAL3). - SERIAL3_PROTOCOL 10 - SERIAL3_OPTIONS 7 ## OSD Support The SpeedyBee F405 Mini supports OSD using OSD_TYPE 1 (MAX7456 driver). ## VTX Support The JST-GH-6P connector supports a standard DJI HD VTX connection. Pin 1 of the connector is 9v so be careful not to connect this to a peripheral requiring 5v. ## PWM Output The SpeedyBee F405 Mini supports up to 5 PWM outputs. The pads for motor output M1 to M4 on the motor connector, plus M5 for LED strip or another PWM output. The PWM is in 3 groups: - PWM 1-2 in group1 - PWM 3-4 in group2 - PWM 5 in group3 Channels within the same group need to use the same output rate. If any channel in a group uses DShot then all channels in the group need to use DShot. Channels 1-4 support bi-directional DShot. ## Battery Monitoring The board has a internal voltage sensor and connections on the ESC connector for an external current sensor input. The voltage sensor can handle up to 6S. LiPo batteries. The default battery parameters are: - BATT_MONITOR 4 - BATT_VOLT_PIN 10 - BATT_CURR_PIN 11 - BATT_VOLT_MULT 11.2 - BATT_AMP_PERVLT 40 (will need to be adjusted for whichever current sensor is attached) ## RSSI Analog RSSI input (pin 15) ## Compass The SpeedyBee F405 Mini does not have a builtin compass, but you can attach an external compass using I2C on the SDA and SCL pads. ## Loading Firmware Initial firmware load can be done with DFU by plugging in USB with the bootloader button pressed. Then you should load the "with_bl.hex" firmware, using your favourite DFU loading tool. Once the initial firmware is loaded you can update the firmware using any ArduPilot ground station software. Updates should be done with the *.apj firmware files.