--[[ support precision landing on quadplanes This is a very simple implementation intended to act as a framework for development of a custom solution --]] ---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 12 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "PLND_" local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local MODE_QLAND = 20 local MODE_QLOITER = 19 local AUX_PRECLOITER = 39 local precloiter_enabled = false -- bind a parameter to a variable function bind_param(name) return Parameter(name) end -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- setup precland specific parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 10), 'could not add param table') --[[ // @Param: PLND_ALT_CUTOFF // @DisplayName: Precland altitude cutoff // @Description: The altitude (rangefinder distance) below which we stop using the precision landing sensor and continue landing // @Range: 0 20 // @Units: m // @User: Standard --]] PLND_ALT_CUTOFF = bind_add_param('ALT_CUTOFF', 1, 0) --[[ // @Param: DIST_CUTOFF // @DisplayName: Precland distance cutoff // @Description: The distance from target beyond which the target is ignored // @Range: 0 100 // @Units: m // @User: Standard --]] PLND_DIST_CUTOFF = bind_add_param('DIST_CUTOFF', 2, 0) -- other parameters PLND_ENABLED = bind_param("PLND_ENABLED") PLND_XY_DIST_MAX = bind_param("PLND_XY_DIST_MAX") PLND_OPTIONS = bind_param("PLND_OPTIONS") if PLND_ENABLED:get() == 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: Disabled") return end local have_target = false local rangefinder_orient = 25 -- downward --[[ update the have_target variable --]] local function update_target() if not precland:healthy() then have_target = false return end local ok = precland:target_acquired() if PLND_ALT_CUTOFF:get() > 0 then -- require rangefinder as well if not rangefinder:has_data_orient(rangefinder_orient) then ok = false end end if ok ~= have_target then have_target = ok if have_target then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: Target Acquired") else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: Target Lost") end end end --[[ return true if we are in a state where precision landing control should apply --]] local function precision_landing_active() local mode = vehicle:get_mode() if mode == MODE_QLOITER then -- support precision loiter under pilot control return precloiter_enabled end return quadplane:in_vtol_land_descent() or mode == MODE_QLAND end --[[ check for user activating precision loiter --]] local function precloiter_check() local precloiter_pos = rc:get_aux_cached(AUX_PRECLOITER) if precloiter_pos then enabled = precloiter_pos == 2 if enabled ~= precloiter_enabled then precloiter_enabled = enabled if enabled then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: PrecLoiter enabled") else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: PrecLoiter disabled") end end end end -- main update function local function update() if PLND_ENABLED:get() < 1 then return end precloiter_check() --[[ get the current navigation target. Note that we must get this before we check if we are in a landing descent to prevent a race condition with vehicle:update_target_location() --]] local next_WP = vehicle:get_target_location() if not next_WP then -- not in a flight mode with a target location return end -- see if we are a precision landing state if not precision_landing_active() then return end update_target() if not have_target then return end --[[ ask precland for the target. Note that we ignore the altitude in the return as it is unreliable --]] local loc = precland:get_target_location() if not loc then return end --[[ get rangefinder distance, and if PLND_ALT_CUTOFF is set then stop precland operation if below the cutoff --]] local rngfnd_distance_m = rangefinder:distance_orient(rangefinder_orient) if PLND_ALT_CUTOFF:get() > 0 and rngfnd_distance_m < PLND_ALT_CUTOFF:get() then return end --[[ update the vehicle target to match the precland target --]] local new_WP = next_WP:copy() new_WP:lat(loc:lat()) new_WP:lng(loc:lng()) vehicle:update_target_location(next_WP, new_WP) veh_loc = ahrs:get_location() local xy_dist = veh_loc:get_distance(new_WP) --[[ get target velocity and if velocity matching is enabled in PLND_OPTIONS then ask vehicle to match --]] local target_vel = precland:get_target_velocity() if target_vel and (PLND_OPTIONS:get() & 1) ~= 0 then vehicle:set_velocity_match(target_vel) end if not target_vel then target_vel = Vector2f() end --[[ log the target and distance --]] logger.write("PPLD", 'Lat,Lon,Alt,HDist,TDist,RFND,VN,VE', 'LLffffff', 'DUmmmmmm', 'GG------', new_WP:lat(), new_WP:lng(), new_WP:alt(), xy_dist, next_WP:get_distance(next_WP), rngfnd_distance_m, target_vel:x(), target_vel:y()) --[[ stop using precland if too far away --]] if PLND_DIST_CUTOFF:get() > 0 and xy_dist > PLND_DIST_CUTOFF:get() then return end if xy_dist > PLND_XY_DIST_MAX:get() then -- pause descent till we are within the given radius vehicle:set_land_descent_rate(0) end end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "PLND: Loaded") -- wrapper around update(). This calls update() at 20Hz, -- and if update faults then an error is displayed, but the script is not -- stopped local function protected_wrapper() local success, err = pcall(update) if not success then gcs:send_text(0, "Internal Error: " .. err) -- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it -- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors return protected_wrapper, 1000 end return protected_wrapper, 100 end -- start running update loop return protected_wrapper()