// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- // default sensors are present and healthy: gyro, accelerometer, barometer, rate_control, attitude_stabilization, yaw_position, altitude control, x/y position control, motor_control #define MAVLINK_SENSOR_PRESENT_DEFAULT (MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_GYRO | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_3D_ACCEL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ABSOLUTE_PRESSURE | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ANGULAR_RATE_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_ATTITUDE_STABILIZATION | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_YAW_POSITION | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL | MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_MOTOR_OUTPUTS) // use this to prevent recursion during sensor init static bool in_mavlink_delay; // true when we have received at least 1 MAVLink packet static bool mavlink_active; // check if a message will fit in the payload space available #define CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(id) if (payload_space < MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ ## id ## _LEN) return false /* * !!NOTE!! * * the use of NOINLINE separate functions for each message type avoids * a compiler bug in gcc that would cause it to use far more stack * space than is needed. Without the NOINLINE we use the sum of the * stack needed for each message type. Please be careful to follow the * pattern below when adding any new messages */ static NOINLINE void send_heartbeat(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_heartbeat_send( chan, MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER, MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA, 0, 0, 0); } static NOINLINE void send_attitude(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Vector3f omega = ahrs.get_gyro(); mavlink_msg_attitude_send( chan, hal.scheduler->millis(), ahrs.roll, ahrs.pitch, ahrs.yaw, omega.x, omega.y, omega.z); } static void NOINLINE send_location(mavlink_channel_t chan) { uint32_t fix_time; if (g_gps->status() >= GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) { fix_time = g_gps->last_fix_time; } else { fix_time = hal.scheduler->millis(); } Location loc; ahrs.get_position(loc); mavlink_msg_global_position_int_send( chan, fix_time, loc.lat, // in 1E7 degrees loc.lng, // in 1E7 degrees g_gps->altitude_cm * 10, // millimeters above sea level 0, g_gps->velocity_north() * 100, // X speed cm/s (+ve North) g_gps->velocity_east() * 100, // Y speed cm/s (+ve East) g_gps->velocity_down() * -100, // Z speed cm/s (+ve up) ahrs.yaw_sensor); } static void NOINLINE send_gps_raw(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_gps_raw_int_send( chan, g_gps->last_fix_time*(uint64_t)1000, g_gps->status(), g_gps->latitude, // in 1E7 degrees g_gps->longitude, // in 1E7 degrees g_gps->altitude_cm * 10, // in mm g_gps->hdop, 65535, g_gps->ground_speed_cm, // cm/s g_gps->ground_course_cd, // 1/100 degrees, g_gps->num_sats); } static void NOINLINE send_radio_out(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_servo_output_raw_send( chan, hal.scheduler->micros(), 0, // port hal.rcout->read(0), hal.rcout->read(1), hal.rcout->read(2), hal.rcout->read(3), hal.rcout->read(4), hal.rcout->read(5), hal.rcout->read(6), hal.rcout->read(7)); } static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu1(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Vector3f accel = ins.get_accel(); Vector3f gyro = ins.get_gyro(); mavlink_msg_raw_imu_send( chan, hal.scheduler->micros(), accel.x * 1000.0 / GRAVITY_MSS, accel.y * 1000.0 / GRAVITY_MSS, accel.z * 1000.0 / GRAVITY_MSS, gyro.x * 1000.0, gyro.y * 1000.0, gyro.z * 1000.0, compass.mag_x, compass.mag_y, compass.mag_z); } static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu2(mavlink_channel_t chan) { float pressure = barometer.get_pressure(); mavlink_msg_scaled_pressure_send( chan, hal.scheduler->millis(), pressure*0.01f, // hectopascal (pressure - barometer.get_ground_pressure())*0.01f, // hectopascal barometer.get_temperature()*100); // 0.01 degrees C } static void NOINLINE send_raw_imu3(mavlink_channel_t chan) { // run this message at a much lower rate - otherwise it // pointlessly wastes quite a lot of bandwidth static uint8_t counter; if (counter++ < 10) { return; } counter = 0; Vector3f mag_offsets = compass.get_offsets(); Vector3f accel_offsets = ins.get_accel_offsets(); Vector3f gyro_offsets = ins.get_gyro_offsets(); mavlink_msg_sensor_offsets_send(chan, mag_offsets.x, mag_offsets.y, mag_offsets.z, compass.get_declination(), barometer.get_pressure(), barometer.get_temperature()*100, gyro_offsets.x, gyro_offsets.y, gyro_offsets.z, accel_offsets.x, accel_offsets.y, accel_offsets.z); } static void NOINLINE send_ahrs(mavlink_channel_t chan) { Vector3f omega_I = ahrs.get_gyro_drift(); mavlink_msg_ahrs_send( chan, omega_I.x, omega_I.y, omega_I.z, 0, 0, ahrs.get_error_rp(), ahrs.get_error_yaw()); } static void NOINLINE send_hwstatus(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_hwstatus_send( chan, 0, hal.i2c->lockup_count()); } static void NOINLINE send_statustext(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_statustext_t *s = (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0?&gcs0.pending_status:&gcs3.pending_status); mavlink_msg_statustext_send( chan, s->severity, s->text); } static void NOINLINE send_nav_controller_output(mavlink_channel_t chan) { mavlink_msg_nav_controller_output_send( chan, 0, nav_status.pitch, nav_status.bearing, nav_status.bearing, nav_status.distance, 0, 0, 0); } // try to send a message, return false if it won't fit in the serial tx buffer static bool mavlink_try_send_message(mavlink_channel_t chan, enum ap_message id, uint16_t packet_drops) { int16_t payload_space = comm_get_txspace(chan) - MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES; switch (id) { case MSG_HEARTBEAT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(HEARTBEAT); send_heartbeat(chan); return true; case MSG_ATTITUDE: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(ATTITUDE); send_attitude(chan); break; case MSG_LOCATION: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(GLOBAL_POSITION_INT); send_location(chan); break; case MSG_NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT); send_nav_controller_output(chan); break; case MSG_GPS_RAW: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(GPS_RAW_INT); send_gps_raw(chan); break; case MSG_RADIO_OUT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW); send_radio_out(chan); break; case MSG_RAW_IMU1: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(RAW_IMU); send_raw_imu1(chan); break; case MSG_RAW_IMU2: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SCALED_PRESSURE); send_raw_imu2(chan); break; case MSG_RAW_IMU3: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(SENSOR_OFFSETS); send_raw_imu3(chan); break; case MSG_NEXT_PARAM: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(PARAM_VALUE); if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0) { gcs0.queued_param_send(); } else if (gcs3.initialised) { gcs3.queued_param_send(); } break; case MSG_STATUSTEXT: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(STATUSTEXT); send_statustext(chan); break; case MSG_AHRS: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(AHRS); send_ahrs(chan); break; case MSG_HWSTATUS: CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(HWSTATUS); send_hwstatus(chan); break; case MSG_SERVO_OUT: case MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1: case MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS2: case MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED: break; // just here to prevent a warning } return true; } #define MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED static struct mavlink_queue { enum ap_message deferred_messages[MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES]; uint8_t next_deferred_message; uint8_t num_deferred_messages; } mavlink_queue[2]; // send a message using mavlink static void mavlink_send_message(mavlink_channel_t chan, enum ap_message id, uint16_t packet_drops) { uint8_t i, nextid; struct mavlink_queue *q = &mavlink_queue[(uint8_t)chan]; // see if we can send the deferred messages, if any while (q->num_deferred_messages != 0) { if (!mavlink_try_send_message(chan, q->deferred_messages[q->next_deferred_message], packet_drops)) { break; } q->next_deferred_message++; if (q->next_deferred_message == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { q->next_deferred_message = 0; } q->num_deferred_messages--; } if (id == MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED) { return; } // this message id might already be deferred for (i=0, nextid = q->next_deferred_message; i < q->num_deferred_messages; i++) { if (q->deferred_messages[nextid] == id) { // its already deferred, discard return; } nextid++; if (nextid == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { nextid = 0; } } if (q->num_deferred_messages != 0 || !mavlink_try_send_message(chan, id, packet_drops)) { // can't send it now, so defer it if (q->num_deferred_messages == MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { // the defer buffer is full, discard return; } nextid = q->next_deferred_message + q->num_deferred_messages; if (nextid >= MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES) { nextid -= MAX_DEFERRED_MESSAGES; } q->deferred_messages[nextid] = id; q->num_deferred_messages++; } } void mavlink_send_text(mavlink_channel_t chan, gcs_severity severity, const char *str) { if (severity == SEVERITY_LOW) { // send via the deferred queuing system mavlink_statustext_t *s = (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0?&gcs0.pending_status:&gcs3.pending_status); s->severity = (uint8_t)severity; strncpy((char *)s->text, str, sizeof(s->text)); mavlink_send_message(chan, MSG_STATUSTEXT, 0); } else { // send immediately mavlink_msg_statustext_send(chan, severity, str); } } /* default stream rates to 1Hz */ const AP_Param::GroupInfo GCS_MAVLINK::var_info[] PROGMEM = { // @Param: RAW_SENS // @DisplayName: Raw sensor stream rate // @Description: Raw sensor stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("RAW_SENS", 0, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[0], 1), // @Param: EXT_STAT // @DisplayName: Extended status stream rate to ground station // @Description: Extended status stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("EXT_STAT", 1, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[1], 1), // @Param: RC_CHAN // @DisplayName: RC Channel stream rate to ground station // @Description: RC Channel stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("RC_CHAN", 2, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[2], 1), // @Param: RAW_CTRL // @DisplayName: Raw Control stream rate to ground station // @Description: Raw Control stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("RAW_CTRL", 3, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[3], 1), // @Param: POSITION // @DisplayName: Position stream rate to ground station // @Description: Position stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("POSITION", 4, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[4], 1), // @Param: EXTRA1 // @DisplayName: Extra data type 1 stream rate to ground station // @Description: Extra data type 1 stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("EXTRA1", 5, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[5], 1), // @Param: EXTRA2 // @DisplayName: Extra data type 2 stream rate to ground station // @Description: Extra data type 2 stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("EXTRA2", 6, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[6], 1), // @Param: EXTRA3 // @DisplayName: Extra data type 3 stream rate to ground station // @Description: Extra data type 3 stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("EXTRA3", 7, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[7], 1), // @Param: PARAMS // @DisplayName: Parameter stream rate to ground station // @Description: Parameter stream rate to ground station // @Units: Hz // @Range: 0 10 // @Increment: 1 // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("PARAMS", 8, GCS_MAVLINK, streamRates[8], 10), AP_GROUPEND }; GCS_MAVLINK::GCS_MAVLINK() : packet_drops(0) { AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); } void GCS_MAVLINK::init(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port) { GCS_Class::init(port); if (port == (AP_HAL::BetterStream*)hal.uartA) { mavlink_comm_0_port = port; chan = MAVLINK_COMM_0; }else{ mavlink_comm_1_port = port; chan = MAVLINK_COMM_1; } _queued_parameter = NULL; } void GCS_MAVLINK::update(void) { // receive new packets mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_status_t status; status.packet_rx_drop_count = 0; // process received bytes uint16_t nbytes = comm_get_available(chan); for (uint16_t i=0; i= NUM_STREAMS) { return false; } float rate = (uint8_t)streamRates[stream_num].get(); // send at a much lower rate during parameter sends if (_queued_parameter != NULL) { rate *= 0.25; } if (rate <= 0) { return false; } if (stream_ticks[stream_num] == 0) { // we're triggering now, setup the next trigger point if (rate > 50) { rate = 50; } stream_ticks[stream_num] = (50 / rate) + stream_slowdown; return true; } // count down at 50Hz stream_ticks[stream_num]--; return false; } void GCS_MAVLINK::data_stream_send(void) { if (_queued_parameter != NULL) { if (streamRates[STREAM_PARAMS].get() <= 0) { streamRates[STREAM_PARAMS].set(10); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_PARAMS)) { send_message(MSG_NEXT_PARAM); } } if (in_mavlink_delay) { // don't send any other stream types while in the delay callback return; } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_RAW_SENSORS)) { send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU1); send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU2); send_message(MSG_RAW_IMU3); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_EXTENDED_STATUS)) { send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1); send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS2); send_message(MSG_NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT); send_message(MSG_GPS_RAW); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_POSITION)) { send_message(MSG_LOCATION); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_RAW_CONTROLLER)) { send_message(MSG_SERVO_OUT); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_RC_CHANNELS)) { send_message(MSG_RADIO_OUT); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_EXTRA1)) { send_message(MSG_ATTITUDE); } if (stream_trigger(STREAM_EXTRA3)) { send_message(MSG_AHRS); send_message(MSG_HWSTATUS); } } void GCS_MAVLINK::send_message(enum ap_message id) { mavlink_send_message(chan,id, packet_drops); } void GCS_MAVLINK::send_text_P(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str) { mavlink_statustext_t m; uint8_t i; for (i=0; imsgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_REQUEST_DATA_STREAM: { // decode mavlink_request_data_stream_t packet; mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; int16_t freq = 0; // packet frequency if (packet.start_stop == 0) freq = 0; // stop sending else if (packet.start_stop == 1) freq = packet.req_message_rate; // start sending else break; switch (packet.req_stream_id) { case MAV_DATA_STREAM_ALL: // note that we don't set STREAM_PARAMS - that is internal only for (uint8_t i=0; icopy_name_token(token, param_name, AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE, true); param_name[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE] = 0; } else { strncpy(param_name, packet.param_id, AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE); param_name[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE] = 0; vp = AP_Param::find(param_name, &p_type); if (vp == NULL) { gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Unknown parameter %.16s"), packet.param_id); break; } } float value = vp->cast_to_float(p_type); mavlink_msg_param_value_send( chan, param_name, value, mav_var_type(p_type), _count_parameters(), packet.param_index); break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET: { AP_Param *vp; enum ap_var_type var_type; // decode mavlink_param_set_t packet; mavlink_msg_param_set_decode(msg, &packet); if (mavlink_check_target(packet.target_system, packet.target_component)) break; // set parameter char key[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE+1]; strncpy(key, (char *)packet.param_id, AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE); key[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE] = 0; // find the requested parameter vp = AP_Param::find(key, &var_type); if ((NULL != vp) && // exists !isnan(packet.param_value) && // not nan !isinf(packet.param_value)) { // not inf // add a small amount before casting parameter values // from float to integer to avoid truncating to the // next lower integer value. float rounding_addition = 0.01; // handle variables with standard type IDs if (var_type == AP_PARAM_FLOAT) { ((AP_Float *)vp)->set_and_save(packet.param_value); } else if (var_type == AP_PARAM_INT32) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; float v = packet.param_value+rounding_addition; v = constrain_float(v, -2147483648.0, 2147483647.0); ((AP_Int32 *)vp)->set_and_save(v); } else if (var_type == AP_PARAM_INT16) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; float v = packet.param_value+rounding_addition; v = constrain_float(v, -32768, 32767); ((AP_Int16 *)vp)->set_and_save(v); } else if (var_type == AP_PARAM_INT8) { if (packet.param_value < 0) rounding_addition = -rounding_addition; float v = packet.param_value+rounding_addition; v = constrain_float(v, -128, 127); ((AP_Int8 *)vp)->set_and_save(v); } else { // we don't support mavlink set on this parameter break; } // Report back the new value if we accepted the change // we send the value we actually set, which could be // different from the value sent, in case someone sent // a fractional value to an integer type mavlink_msg_param_value_send( chan, key, vp->cast_to_float(var_type), mav_var_type(var_type), _count_parameters(), -1); // XXX we don't actually know what its index is... #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED DataFlash.Log_Write_Parameter(key, vp->cast_to_float(var_type)); #endif } break; } // end case case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT: { if (msg->sysid != g.sysid_my_gcs) break; break; } case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GLOBAL_POSITION_INT: { // decode mavlink_global_position_int_t packet; mavlink_msg_global_position_int_decode(msg, &packet); tracking_update_position(packet); break; } default: break; } // end switch } // end handle mavlink uint16_t GCS_MAVLINK::_count_parameters() { // if we haven't cached the parameter count yet... if (0 == _parameter_count) { AP_Param *vp; AP_Param::ParamToken token; vp = AP_Param::first(&token, NULL); do { _parameter_count++; } while (NULL != (vp = AP_Param::next_scalar(&token, NULL))); } return _parameter_count; } /** * @brief Send the next pending parameter, called from deferred message * handling code */ void GCS_MAVLINK::queued_param_send() { if (_queued_parameter == NULL) { return; } uint16_t bytes_allowed; uint8_t count; uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis(); // use at most 30% of bandwidth on parameters. The constant 26 is // 1/(1000 * 1/8 * 0.001 * 0.3) bytes_allowed = g.serial3_baud * (tnow - _queued_parameter_send_time_ms) * 26; if (bytes_allowed > comm_get_txspace(chan)) { bytes_allowed = comm_get_txspace(chan); } count = bytes_allowed / (MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_VALUE_LEN + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES); while (_queued_parameter != NULL && count--) { AP_Param *vp; float value; // copy the current parameter and prepare to move to the next vp = _queued_parameter; // if the parameter can be cast to float, report it here and break out of the loop value = vp->cast_to_float(_queued_parameter_type); char param_name[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE]; vp->copy_name_token(_queued_parameter_token, param_name, sizeof(param_name), true); mavlink_msg_param_value_send( chan, param_name, value, mav_var_type(_queued_parameter_type), _queued_parameter_count, _queued_parameter_index); _queued_parameter = AP_Param::next_scalar(&_queued_parameter_token, &_queued_parameter_type); _queued_parameter_index++; } _queued_parameter_send_time_ms = tnow; } /* * a delay() callback that processes MAVLink packets. We set this as the * callback in long running library initialisation routines to allow * MAVLink to process packets while waiting for the initialisation to * complete */ static void mavlink_delay_cb() { static uint32_t last_1hz, last_50hz, last_5s; if (!gcs0.initialised) return; in_mavlink_delay = true; uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis(); if (tnow - last_1hz > 1000) { last_1hz = tnow; gcs_send_message(MSG_HEARTBEAT); gcs_send_message(MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1); } if (tnow - last_50hz > 20) { last_50hz = tnow; gcs_update(); gcs_data_stream_send(); notify.update(); } if (tnow - last_5s > 5000) { last_5s = tnow; gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW, PSTR("Initialising APM...")); } in_mavlink_delay = false; } /* * send a message on both GCS links */ static void gcs_send_message(enum ap_message id) { gcs0.send_message(id); if (gcs3.initialised) { gcs3.send_message(id); } } /* * send data streams in the given rate range on both links */ static void gcs_data_stream_send(void) { gcs0.data_stream_send(); if (gcs3.initialised) { gcs3.data_stream_send(); } } /* * look for incoming commands on the GCS links */ static void gcs_update(void) { gcs0.update(); if (gcs3.initialised) { gcs3.update(); } } static void gcs_send_text_P(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str) { gcs0.send_text_P(severity, str); if (gcs3.initialised) { gcs3.send_text_P(severity, str); } #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED DataFlash.Log_Write_Message_P(str); #endif } /* * send a low priority formatted message to the GCS * only one fits in the queue, so if you send more than one before the * last one gets into the serial buffer then the old one will be lost */ void gcs_send_text_fmt(const prog_char_t *fmt, ...) { va_list arg_list; gcs0.pending_status.severity = (uint8_t)SEVERITY_LOW; va_start(arg_list, fmt); hal.util->vsnprintf_P((char *)gcs0.pending_status.text, sizeof(gcs0.pending_status.text), fmt, arg_list); va_end(arg_list); #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED DataFlash.Log_Write_Message(gcs0.pending_status.text); #endif gcs3.pending_status = gcs0.pending_status; mavlink_send_message(MAVLINK_COMM_0, MSG_STATUSTEXT, 0); if (gcs3.initialised) { mavlink_send_message(MAVLINK_COMM_1, MSG_STATUSTEXT, 0); } }