# encoding: utf-8 """ Waf tool for ChibiOS build """ from waflib import Errors, Logs, Task, Utils, Context from waflib.TaskGen import after_method, before_method, feature import os import shutil import sys import re import pickle import struct import base64 _dynamic_env_data = {} def _load_dynamic_env_data(bld): bldnode = bld.bldnode.make_node('modules/ChibiOS') tmp_str = bldnode.find_node('include_dirs').read() tmp_str = tmp_str.replace(';\n','') tmp_str = tmp_str.replace('-I','') #remove existing -I flags # split, coping with separator idirs = re.split('; ', tmp_str) # create unique list, coping with relative paths idirs2 = [] for d in idirs: if d.startswith('../'): # relative paths from the make build are relative to BUILDROOT d = os.path.join(bld.env.BUILDROOT, d) d = os.path.normpath(d) if not d in idirs2: idirs2.append(d) _dynamic_env_data['include_dirs'] = idirs2 @feature('ch_ap_library', 'ch_ap_program') @before_method('process_source') def ch_dynamic_env(self): # The generated files from configuration possibly don't exist if it's just # a list command (TODO: figure out a better way to address that). if self.bld.cmd == 'list': return if not _dynamic_env_data: _load_dynamic_env_data(self.bld) self.use += ' ch' self.env.append_value('INCLUDES', _dynamic_env_data['include_dirs']) class upload_fw(Task.Task): color='BLUE' always_run = True def run(self): import platform upload_tools = self.env.get_flat('UPLOAD_TOOLS') upload_port = self.generator.bld.options.upload_port src = self.inputs[0] # Refer Tools/scripts/macos_remote_upload.sh for details if 'AP_OVERRIDE_UPLOAD_CMD' in os.environ: cmd = "{} '{}'".format(os.environ['AP_OVERRIDE_UPLOAD_CMD'], src.abspath()) elif "microsoft-standard-WSL2" in platform.release(): if not self.wsl2_prereq_checks(): return print("If this takes takes too long here, try power-cycling your hardware\n") cmd = "{} '{}/uploader.py' '{}'".format('python.exe', upload_tools, src.abspath()) else: cmd = "{} '{}/uploader.py' '{}'".format(self.env.get_flat('PYTHON'), upload_tools, src.abspath()) if upload_port is not None: cmd += " '--port' '%s'" % upload_port return self.exec_command(cmd) def wsl2_prereq_checks(self): # As of July 2022 WSL2 does not support native USB support. The workaround from Microsoft # using 'usbipd' does not work due to the following workflow: # # 1) connect USB device to Windows computer running WSL2 # 2) device boots into app # 3) use 'usbipd' from Windows Cmd/PowerShell to determine busid, this is very hard to automate on Windows # 4) use 'usbipd' from Windows Cmd/PowerShell to attach, this is very hard to automate on Windows # -- device is now viewable via 'lsusb' but you need sudo to read from it. # either run 'chmod666 /dev/ttyACM*' or use udev to automate chmod on device connect # 5) uploader.py detects device, sends reboot command which disconnects the USB port and reboots into # bootloader (different USB device) # 6) manually repeat steps 3 & 4 # 7) doing steps 3 and 4 will most likely take several seconds and in many cases the bootloader has # moved on into the app # # Solution: simply call "python.exe" instead of 'python' which magically calls it from the windows # system using the same absolute path back into the WSL2's user's directory # Requirements: Windows must have Python3.9.x (NTO 3.10.x) installed and a few packages. import subprocess try: where_python = subprocess.check_output('where.exe python.exe', shell=True, text=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: #if where.exe can't find the file it returns a non-zero result which throws this exception where_python = "" if not where_python or not "\Python\Python" in where_python or "python.exe" not in where_python: print(self.get_full_wsl2_error_msg("Windows python.exe not found")) return False python_version = subprocess.check_output('python.exe --version', shell=True, text=True) if "3.10." in python_version: print(self.get_full_wsl2_error_msg("Your Windows %s version is not compatible" % python_version.strip())) return False return True def get_full_wsl2_error_msg(self, error_msg): return (""" **************************************** **************************************** WSL2 firmware uploads use the host's Windows Python.exe so it has access to the COM ports. %s Please download Windows Installer 3.9.x (not 3.10) from https://www.python.org/downloads/ and make sure to add it to your path during the installation. Once installed, run this command in Powershell or Command Prompt to install some packages: pip.exe install empy pyserial **************************************** **************************************** """ % error_msg) def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw): kw['stdout'] = sys.stdout return super(upload_fw, self).exec_command(cmd, **kw) def keyword(self): return "Uploading" class set_default_parameters(Task.Task): color='CYAN' always_run = True def keyword(self): return "apj_tool" def run(self): rel_default_parameters = self.env.get_flat('DEFAULT_PARAMETERS').replace("'", "") abs_default_parameters = os.path.join(self.env.SRCROOT, rel_default_parameters) apj_tool = self.env.APJ_TOOL sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(apj_tool)) from apj_tool import embedded_defaults defaults = embedded_defaults(self.inputs[0].abspath()) if defaults.find(): defaults.set_file(abs_default_parameters) defaults.save() class generate_bin(Task.Task): color='CYAN' # run_str="${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${SRC} ${TGT}" always_run = True EXTF_MEMORY_START = 0x90000000 EXTF_MEMORY_END = 0x90FFFFFF INTF_MEMORY_START = 0x08000000 INTF_MEMORY_END = 0x08FFFFFF def keyword(self): return "Generating" def run(self): if self.env.HAS_EXTERNAL_FLASH_SECTIONS: ret = self.split_sections() if (ret < 0): return ret return ret else: cmd = [self.env.get_flat('OBJCOPY'), '-O', 'binary', self.inputs[0].relpath(), self.outputs[0].relpath()] self.exec_command(cmd) '''list sections and split into two binaries based on section's location in internal, external or in ram''' def split_sections(self): # get a list of sections cmd = "'{}' -A -x {}".format(self.env.get_flat('SIZE'), self.inputs[0].relpath()) out = self.generator.bld.cmd_and_log(cmd, quiet=Context.BOTH, cwd=self.env.get_flat('BUILDROOT')) extf_sections = [] intf_sections = [] is_text_in_extf = False found_text_section = False ramsections = [] for line in out.splitlines(): section_line = line.split() if (len(section_line) < 3): continue try: if int(section_line[2], 0) == 0: continue else: addr = int(section_line[2], 0) except ValueError: continue if (addr >= self.EXTF_MEMORY_START) and (addr <= self.EXTF_MEMORY_END): extf_sections.append("--only-section=%s" % section_line[0]) if section_line[0] == '.text': is_text_in_extf = True found_text_section = True elif (addr >= self.INTF_MEMORY_START) and (addr <= self.INTF_MEMORY_END): intf_sections.append("--only-section=%s" % section_line[0]) if section_line[0] == '.text': is_text_in_extf = False found_text_section = True else: # most likely RAM data, we place it in the same bin as text ramsections.append(section_line[0]) if found_text_section: for section in ramsections: if is_text_in_extf: extf_sections.append("--only-section=%s" % section) else: intf_sections.append("--only-section=%s" % section) else: Logs.error("Couldn't find .text section") # create intf binary if len(intf_sections): cmd = "'{}' {} -O binary {} {}".format(self.env.get_flat('OBJCOPY'), ' '.join(intf_sections), self.inputs[0].relpath(), self.outputs[0].relpath()) else: cmd = "cp /dev/null {}".format(self.outputs[0].relpath()) ret = self.exec_command(cmd) if (ret < 0): return ret # create extf binary cmd = "'{}' {} -O binary {} {}".format(self.env.get_flat('OBJCOPY'), ' '.join(extf_sections), self.inputs[0].relpath(), self.outputs[1].relpath()) return self.exec_command(cmd) def __str__(self): return self.outputs[0].path_from(self.generator.bld.bldnode) def to_unsigned(i): '''convert a possibly signed integer to unsigned''' if i < 0: i += 2**32 return i def sign_firmware(image, private_keyfile): '''sign firmware with private key''' try: import monocypher except ImportError: Logs.error("Please install monocypher with: python3 -m pip install pymonocypher") return None try: key = open(private_keyfile, 'r').read() except Exception as ex: Logs.error("Failed to open %s" % private_keyfile) return None keytype = "PRIVATE_KEYV1:" if not key.startswith(keytype): Logs.error("Bad private key file %s" % private_keyfile) return None key = base64.b64decode(key[len(keytype):]) sig = monocypher.signature_sign(key, image) sig_len = len(sig) sig_version = 30437 return struct.pack("<IQ64s", sig_len+8, sig_version, sig) class set_app_descriptor(Task.Task): '''setup app descriptor in bin file''' color='BLUE' always_run = True def keyword(self): return "app_descriptor" def run(self): if self.generator.bld.env.AP_SIGNED_FIRMWARE: descriptor = b'\x41\xa3\xe5\xf2\x65\x69\x92\x07' else: descriptor = b'\x40\xa2\xe4\xf1\x64\x68\x91\x06' img = open(self.inputs[0].abspath(), 'rb').read() offset = img.find(descriptor) if offset == -1: Logs.info("No APP_DESCRIPTOR found") return offset += 8 # next 8 bytes is 64 bit CRC. We set first 4 bytes to # CRC32 of image before descriptor and 2nd 4 bytes # to CRC32 of image after descriptor. This is very efficient # for bootloader to calculate # after CRC comes image length and 32 bit git hash upload_tools = self.env.get_flat('UPLOAD_TOOLS') sys.path.append(upload_tools) from uploader import crc32 if self.generator.bld.env.AP_SIGNED_FIRMWARE: desc_len = 92 else: desc_len = 16 img1 = bytearray(img[:offset]) img2 = bytearray(img[offset+desc_len:]) crc1 = to_unsigned(crc32(img1)) crc2 = to_unsigned(crc32(img2)) githash = to_unsigned(int('0x' + os.environ.get('GIT_VERSION', self.generator.bld.git_head_hash(short=True)),16)) if self.generator.bld.env.AP_SIGNED_FIRMWARE: sig = bytearray([0 for i in range(76)]) if self.generator.bld.env.PRIVATE_KEY: sig_signed = sign_firmware(img1+img2, self.generator.bld.env.PRIVATE_KEY) if sig_signed: Logs.info("Signed firmware") sig = sig_signed else: self.generator.bld.fatal("Signing failed") desc = struct.pack('<IIII76s', crc1, crc2, len(img), githash, sig) else: desc = struct.pack('<IIII', crc1, crc2, len(img), githash) img = img[:offset] + desc + img[offset+desc_len:] Logs.info("Applying APP_DESCRIPTOR %08x%08x" % (crc1, crc2)) open(self.inputs[0].abspath(), 'wb').write(img) class generate_apj(Task.Task): '''generate an apj firmware file''' color='CYAN' always_run = True def keyword(self): return "apj_gen" def run(self): import json, time, base64, zlib intf_img = open(self.inputs[0].abspath(),'rb').read() if self.env.HAS_EXTERNAL_FLASH_SECTIONS: extf_img = open(self.inputs[1].abspath(),'rb').read() else: extf_img = b"" d = { "board_id": int(self.env.APJ_BOARD_ID), "magic": "APJFWv1", "description": "Firmware for a %s board" % self.env.APJ_BOARD_TYPE, "image": base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(intf_img,9)).decode('utf-8'), "extf_image": base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(extf_img,9)).decode('utf-8'), "summary": self.env.BOARD, "version": "0.1", "image_size": len(intf_img), "extf_image_size": len(extf_img), "flash_total": int(self.env.FLASH_TOTAL), "image_maxsize": int(self.env.FLASH_TOTAL), "flash_free": int(self.env.FLASH_TOTAL) - len(intf_img), "extflash_total": int(self.env.EXT_FLASH_SIZE_MB * 1024 * 1024), "extflash_free": int(self.env.EXT_FLASH_SIZE_MB * 1024 * 1024) - len(extf_img), "git_identity": self.generator.bld.git_head_hash(short=True), "board_revision": 0, "USBID": self.env.USBID } if self.env.MANUFACTURER: d["manufacturer"] = self.env.MANUFACTURER if self.env.BRAND_NAME: d["brand_name"] = self.env.BRAND_NAME if self.env.build_dates: # we omit build_time when we don't have build_dates so that apj # file is idential for same git hash and compiler d["build_time"] = int(time.time()) apj_file = self.outputs[0].abspath() f = open(apj_file, "w") f.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4)) f.close() class build_abin(Task.Task): '''build an abin file for skyviper firmware upload via web UI''' color='CYAN' run_str='${TOOLS_SCRIPTS}/make_abin.sh ${SRC}.bin ${SRC}.abin' always_run = True def keyword(self): return "Generating" def __str__(self): return self.outputs[0].path_from(self.generator.bld.bldnode) class build_normalized_bins(Task.Task): '''Move external flash binaries to regular location if regular bin is zero length''' color='CYAN' always_run = True def run(self): if self.env.HAS_EXTERNAL_FLASH_SECTIONS and os.path.getsize(self.inputs[0].abspath()) == 0: os.remove(self.inputs[0].abspath()) shutil.move(self.inputs[1].abspath(), self.inputs[0].abspath()) def keyword(self): return "bin cleanup" class build_intel_hex(Task.Task): '''build an intel hex file for upload with DFU''' color='CYAN' run_str='${TOOLS_SCRIPTS}/make_intel_hex.py ${SRC} ${FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB}' always_run = True def keyword(self): return "Generating" def __str__(self): return self.outputs[0].path_from(self.generator.bld.bldnode) @feature('ch_ap_program') @after_method('process_source') def chibios_firmware(self): self.link_task.always_run = True link_output = self.link_task.outputs[0] hex_task = None if self.bld.env.HAS_EXTERNAL_FLASH_SECTIONS: bin_target = [self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('.bin').name), self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('_extf.bin').name)] else: bin_target = [self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('.bin').name)] apj_target = self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('.apj').name) generate_bin_task = self.create_task('generate_bin', src=link_output, tgt=bin_target) generate_bin_task.set_run_after(self.link_task) generate_apj_task = self.create_task('generate_apj', src=bin_target, tgt=apj_target) generate_apj_task.set_run_after(generate_bin_task) if self.env.BUILD_ABIN: abin_target = self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('.abin').name) abin_task = self.create_task('build_abin', src=link_output, tgt=abin_target) abin_task.set_run_after(generate_apj_task) cleanup_task = self.create_task('build_normalized_bins', src=bin_target) cleanup_task.set_run_after(generate_apj_task) bootloader_bin = self.bld.srcnode.make_node("Tools/bootloaders/%s_bl.bin" % self.env.BOARD) if self.bld.env.HAVE_INTEL_HEX: if os.path.exists(bootloader_bin.abspath()): hex_target = self.bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('bin/' + link_output.change_ext('.hex').name) hex_task = self.create_task('build_intel_hex', src=[bin_target[0], bootloader_bin], tgt=hex_target) hex_task.set_run_after(cleanup_task) else: print("Not embedding bootloader; %s does not exist" % bootloader_bin) if self.env.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS: default_params_task = self.create_task('set_default_parameters', src=link_output) default_params_task.set_run_after(self.link_task) generate_bin_task.set_run_after(default_params_task) # we need to setup the app descriptor so the bootloader can validate the firmware if not self.bld.env.BOOTLOADER: app_descriptor_task = self.create_task('set_app_descriptor', src=bin_target) app_descriptor_task.set_run_after(generate_bin_task) generate_apj_task.set_run_after(app_descriptor_task) if hex_task is not None: hex_task.set_run_after(app_descriptor_task) else: generate_apj_task.set_run_after(generate_bin_task) if hex_task is not None: hex_task.set_run_after(generate_bin_task) if self.bld.options.upload: _upload_task = self.create_task('upload_fw', src=apj_target) _upload_task.set_run_after(generate_apj_task) def setup_canmgr_build(cfg): '''enable CANManager build. By doing this here we can auto-enable CAN in the build based on the presence of CAN pins in hwdef.dat except for AP_Periph builds''' env = cfg.env env.AP_LIBRARIES += [ 'AP_UAVCAN', 'modules/uavcan/libuavcan/src/**/*.cpp', ] env.CFLAGS += ['-DHAL_CAN_IFACES=2'] env.DEFINES += [ 'UAVCAN_CPP_VERSION=UAVCAN_CPP03', 'UAVCAN_NO_ASSERTIONS=1', 'UAVCAN_NULLPTR=nullptr' ] if cfg.env.HAL_CANFD_SUPPORTED: env.DEFINES += ['UAVCAN_SUPPORT_CANFD=1'] else: env.DEFINES += ['UAVCAN_SUPPORT_CANFD=0'] env.INCLUDES += [ cfg.srcnode.find_dir('modules/uavcan/libuavcan/include').abspath(), ] cfg.get_board().with_can = True def load_env_vars(env): '''optionally load extra environment variables from env.py in the build directory''' print("Checking for env.py") env_py = os.path.join(env.BUILDROOT, 'env.py') if not os.path.exists(env_py): print("No env.py found") return e = pickle.load(open(env_py, 'rb')) for k in e.keys(): v = e[k] if k == 'ROMFS_FILES': env.ROMFS_FILES += v continue if k in env: if isinstance(env[k], dict): a = v.split('=') env[k][a[0]] = '='.join(a[1:]) print("env updated %s=%s" % (k, v)) elif isinstance(env[k], list): env[k].append(v) print("env appended %s=%s" % (k, v)) else: env[k] = v print("env added %s=%s" % (k, v)) else: env[k] = v print("env set %s=%s" % (k, v)) if env.ENABLE_ASSERTS: env.CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS += ' ENABLE_ASSERTS=yes' if env.ENABLE_MALLOC_GUARD: env.CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS += ' ENABLE_MALLOC_GUARD=yes' if env.ENABLE_STATS: env.CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS += ' ENABLE_STATS=yes' if env.ENABLE_DFU_BOOT and env.BOOTLOADER: env.CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS += ' USE_ASXOPT=-DCRT0_ENTRY_HOOK=TRUE' def setup_optimization(env): '''setup optimization flags for build''' if env.DEBUG: OPTIMIZE = "-Og" elif env.OPTIMIZE: OPTIMIZE = env.OPTIMIZE else: OPTIMIZE = "-Os" env.CFLAGS += [ OPTIMIZE ] env.CXXFLAGS += [ OPTIMIZE ] env.CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS += ' USE_COPT=%s' % OPTIMIZE def configure(cfg): cfg.find_program('make', var='MAKE') #cfg.objcopy = cfg.find_program('%s-%s'%(cfg.env.TOOLCHAIN,'objcopy'), var='OBJCOPY', mandatory=True) cfg.find_program('arm-none-eabi-objcopy', var='OBJCOPY') env = cfg.env bldnode = cfg.bldnode.make_node(cfg.variant) def srcpath(path): return cfg.srcnode.make_node(path).abspath() def bldpath(path): return bldnode.make_node(path).abspath() env.AP_PROGRAM_FEATURES += ['ch_ap_program'] kw = env.AP_LIBRARIES_OBJECTS_KW kw['features'] = Utils.to_list(kw.get('features', [])) + ['ch_ap_library'] env.CH_ROOT = srcpath('modules/ChibiOS') env.CC_ROOT = srcpath('modules/CrashDebug/CrashCatcher') env.AP_HAL_ROOT = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS') env.BUILDDIR = bldpath('modules/ChibiOS') env.BUILDROOT = bldpath('') env.SRCROOT = srcpath('') env.PT_DIR = srcpath('Tools/ardupilotwaf/chibios/image') env.MKFW_TOOLS = srcpath('Tools/ardupilotwaf') env.UPLOAD_TOOLS = srcpath('Tools/scripts') env.CHIBIOS_SCRIPTS = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts') env.TOOLS_SCRIPTS = srcpath('Tools/scripts') env.APJ_TOOL = srcpath('Tools/scripts/apj_tool.py') env.SERIAL_PORT = srcpath('/dev/serial/by-id/*_STLink*') # relative paths to pass to make, relative to directory that make is run from env.CH_ROOT_REL = os.path.relpath(env.CH_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT) env.CC_ROOT_REL = os.path.relpath(env.CC_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT) env.AP_HAL_REL = os.path.relpath(env.AP_HAL_ROOT, env.BUILDROOT) env.BUILDDIR_REL = os.path.relpath(env.BUILDDIR, env.BUILDROOT) mk_custom = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/%s/chibios_board.mk' % env.BOARD) mk_common = srcpath('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/chibios_board.mk') # see if there is a board specific make file if os.path.exists(mk_custom): env.BOARD_MK = mk_custom else: env.BOARD_MK = mk_common if cfg.options.default_parameters: cfg.msg('Default parameters', cfg.options.default_parameters, color='YELLOW') env.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = cfg.options.default_parameters try: ret = generate_hwdef_h(env) except Exception: cfg.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat") if ret != 0: cfg.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat ret=%d" % ret) load_env_vars(cfg.env) if env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES and not env.AP_PERIPH: setup_canmgr_build(cfg) setup_optimization(cfg.env) def generate_hwdef_h(env): '''run chibios_hwdef.py''' import subprocess if env.BOOTLOADER: if len(env.HWDEF) == 0: env.HWDEF = os.path.join(env.SRCROOT, 'libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/%s/hwdef-bl.dat' % env.BOARD) else: # update to using hwdef-bl.dat env.HWDEF = env.HWDEF.replace('hwdef.dat', 'hwdef-bl.dat') env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION="--bootloader" else: if len(env.HWDEF) == 0: env.HWDEF = os.path.join(env.SRCROOT, 'libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/%s/hwdef.dat' % env.BOARD) env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION="" if env.AP_SIGNED_FIRMWARE: print(env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION) env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION += " --signed-fw" print(env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION) hwdef_script = os.path.join(env.SRCROOT, 'libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/scripts/chibios_hwdef.py') hwdef_out = env.BUILDROOT if not os.path.exists(hwdef_out): os.mkdir(hwdef_out) python = sys.executable cmd = "{0} '{1}' -D '{2}' --params '{3}' '{4}'".format(python, hwdef_script, hwdef_out, env.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS, env.HWDEF) if env.HWDEF_EXTRA: cmd += " '{0}'".format(env.HWDEF_EXTRA) if env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION: cmd += " " + env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) def pre_build(bld): '''pre-build hook to change dynamic sources''' load_env_vars(bld.env) if bld.env.HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES: bld.get_board().with_can = True hwdef_h = os.path.join(bld.env.BUILDROOT, 'hwdef.h') if not os.path.exists(hwdef_h): print("Generating hwdef.h") try: ret = generate_hwdef_h(bld.env) except Exception: bld.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat") if ret != 0: bld.fatal("Failed to process hwdef.dat ret=%d" % ret) setup_optimization(bld.env) def build(bld): hwdef_rule="%s '%s/hwdef/scripts/chibios_hwdef.py' -D '%s' --params '%s' '%s'" % ( bld.env.get_flat('PYTHON'), bld.env.AP_HAL_ROOT, bld.env.BUILDROOT, bld.env.default_parameters, bld.env.HWDEF) if bld.env.HWDEF_EXTRA: hwdef_rule += " " + bld.env.HWDEF_EXTRA if bld.env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION: hwdef_rule += " " + bld.env.BOOTLOADER_OPTION bld( # build hwdef.h from hwdef.dat. This is needed after a waf clean source=bld.path.ant_glob(bld.env.HWDEF), rule=hwdef_rule, group='dynamic_sources', target=[bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('hwdef.h'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('ldscript.ld'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('hw.dat')] ) bld( # create the file modules/ChibiOS/include_dirs rule="touch Makefile && BUILDDIR=${BUILDDIR_REL} CRASHCATCHER=${CC_ROOT_REL} CHIBIOS=${CH_ROOT_REL} AP_HAL=${AP_HAL_REL} ${CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS} ${CHIBIOS_BOARD_NAME} ${MAKE} pass -f '${BOARD_MK}'", group='dynamic_sources', target=bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/include_dirs') ) common_src = [bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('hwdef.h'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('hw.dat'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/include_dirs')] common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/*.[ch]') common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/*.mk') common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/os/hal/**/*.[ch]') common_src += bld.path.ant_glob('modules/ChibiOS/os/hal/**/*.mk') if bld.env.ROMFS_FILES: common_src += [bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('ap_romfs_embedded.h')] if bld.env.ENABLE_CRASHDUMP: ch_task = bld( # build libch.a from ChibiOS sources and hwdef.h rule="BUILDDIR='${BUILDDIR_REL}' CRASHCATCHER='${CC_ROOT_REL}' CHIBIOS='${CH_ROOT_REL}' AP_HAL=${AP_HAL_REL} ${CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS} ${CHIBIOS_BOARD_NAME} ${HAL_MAX_STACK_FRAME_SIZE} '${MAKE}' -j%u lib -f '${BOARD_MK}'" % bld.options.jobs, group='dynamic_sources', source=common_src, target=[bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/libch.a'), bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/libcc.a')] ) else: ch_task = bld( # build libch.a from ChibiOS sources and hwdef.h rule="BUILDDIR='${BUILDDIR_REL}' CHIBIOS='${CH_ROOT_REL}' AP_HAL=${AP_HAL_REL} ${CHIBIOS_BUILD_FLAGS} ${CHIBIOS_BOARD_NAME} ${HAL_MAX_STACK_FRAME_SIZE} '${MAKE}' -j%u lib -f '${BOARD_MK}'" % bld.options.jobs, group='dynamic_sources', source=common_src, target=bld.bldnode.find_or_declare('modules/ChibiOS/libch.a') ) ch_task.name = "ChibiOS_lib" DSP_LIBS = { 'cortex-m4' : 'libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a', 'cortex-m7' : 'libarm_cortexM7lfdp_math.a', } if bld.env.CORTEX in DSP_LIBS: libname = DSP_LIBS[bld.env.CORTEX] # we need to copy the library on cygwin as it doesn't handle linking outside build tree shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(bld.env.SRCROOT,'libraries/AP_GyroFFT/CMSIS_5/lib',libname), os.path.join(bld.env.BUILDROOT,'modules/ChibiOS/libDSP.a')) bld.env.LIB += ['DSP'] bld.env.LIB += ['ch'] bld.env.LIBPATH += ['modules/ChibiOS/'] if bld.env.ENABLE_CRASHDUMP: bld.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-Wl,-whole-archive', 'modules/ChibiOS/libcc.a', '-Wl,-no-whole-archive'] # list of functions that will be wrapped to move them out of libc into our # own code note that we also include functions that we deliberately don't # implement anywhere (the FILE* functions). This allows us to get link # errors if we accidentially try to use one of those functions either # directly or via another libc call wraplist = ['sscanf', 'fprintf', 'snprintf', 'vsnprintf','vasprintf','asprintf','vprintf','scanf', 'fiprintf','printf', 'fopen', 'fflush', 'fwrite', 'fread', 'fputs', 'fgets', 'clearerr', 'fseek', 'ferror', 'fclose', 'tmpfile', 'getc', 'ungetc', 'feof', 'ftell', 'freopen', 'remove', 'vfprintf', 'fscanf' ] for w in wraplist: bld.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-Wl,--wrap,%s' % w]