/* AP_IMU.cpp - IMU Sensor Library for Ardupilot Mega Code by Doug Weibel, Jordi Muñoz and Jose Julio. DIYDrones.com This library works with the ArduPilot Mega and "Oilpan" This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Methods: quick_init() : For air restart init() : Calibration gyro_init() : For ground start using saved accel offsets get_gyro() : Returns gyro vector. Elements in radians/second get_accel() : Returns acceleration vector. Elements in meters/seconds squared */ #include #define A_LED_PIN 37 //37 = A, 35 = C #define C_LED_PIN 35 // ADC : Voltage reference 3.3v / 12bits(4096 steps) => 0.8mV/ADC step // ADXL335 Sensitivity(from datasheet) => 330mV/g, 0.8mV/ADC step => 330/0.8 = 412 // Tested value : 418 #define GRAVITY 418 //this equivalent to 1G in the raw data coming from the accelerometer #define accel_scale(x) (x*9.80665/GRAVITY)//Scaling the raw data of the accel to actual acceleration in meters per second squared #define ToRad(x) (x*0.01745329252) // *pi/180 #define ToDeg(x) (x*57.2957795131) // *180/pi // IDG500 Sensitivity (from datasheet) => 2.0mV/º/s, 0.8mV/ADC step => 0.8/3.33 = 0.4 // Tested values : 0.4026, ?, 0.4192 #define _gyro_gain_x 0.4 //X axis Gyro gain #define _gyro_gain_y 0.41 //Y axis Gyro gain #define _gyro_gain_z 0.41 //Z axis Gyro #define ADC_CONSTRAINT 900 // Sensor: GYROX, GYROY, GYROZ, ACCELX, ACCELY, ACCELZ const uint8_t AP_IMU::_sensors[6] = {1,2,0,4,5,6}; // For ArduPilot Mega Sensor Shield Hardware const int AP_IMU::_sensor_signs[] = { 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1}; // Temp compensation curve constants // These must be produced by measuring data and curve fitting // [X/Y/Z gyro][A/B/C or 0 order/1st order/2nd order constants] const float AP_IMU::_gyro_temp_curve[3][3] = { {1665,0,0}, {1665,0,0}, {1665,0,0} }; // To Do - make additional constructors to pass this in. void AP_IMU::init(void) { init_gyro(); init_accel(); } /**************************************************/ void AP_IMU::init_gyro(void) { float temp; int flashcount = 0; int tc_temp = _adc->Ch(_gyro_temp_ch); delay(500); Serial.println("Init Gyro"); for(int c = 0; c < 200; c++){ digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, HIGH); delay(20); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) _adc_in[i] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[i]); digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LOW); delay(20); } for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++){ for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++){ _adc_in[j] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[j]); // Subtract temp compensated typical gyro bias _adc_in[j] -= gyro_temp_comp(j, tc_temp); // filter _adc_offset[j] = _adc_offset[j] * 0.9 + _adc_in[j] * 0.1; //Serial.print(_adc_offset[j], 1); //Serial.print(", "); } //Serial.println(" "); delay(20); if(flashcount == 5) { Serial.print("*"); digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, HIGH); } if(flashcount >= 10) { flashcount = 0; digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, HIGH); } flashcount++; } Serial.println(" "); save_gyro_eeprom(); } void AP_IMU::init_accel(void) // 3, 4, 5 { float temp; int flashcount = 0; delay(500); Serial.println("Init Accel"); for (int j = 3; j <= 5; j++){ _adc_in[j] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[j]); _adc_in[j] -= 2025; _adc_offset[j] = _adc_in[j]; } for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++){ // We take some readings... delay(20); for (int j = 3; j <= 5; j++){ _adc_in[j] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[j]); _adc_in[j] -= 2025; _adc_offset[j] = _adc_offset[j] * 0.9 + _adc_in[j] * 0.1; //Serial.print(j); //Serial.print(": "); //Serial.print(_adc_in[j], 1); //Serial.print(" | "); //Serial.print(_adc_offset[j], 1); //Serial.print(", "); } //Serial.println(" "); if(flashcount == 5) { Serial.print("*"); digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, HIGH); } if(flashcount >= 10) { flashcount = 0; digitalWrite(C_LED_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(A_LED_PIN, HIGH); } flashcount++; } Serial.println(" "); _adc_offset[5] += GRAVITY * _sensor_signs[5]; save_accel_eeprom(); } void AP_IMU::zero_accel(void) // 3, 4, 5 { _adc_offset[3] = 0; _adc_offset[4] = 0; _adc_offset[5] = 0; save_accel_eeprom(); } /**************************************************/ // Returns the temperature compensated raw gyro value //--------------------------------------------------- float AP_IMU::gyro_temp_comp(int i, int temp) const { // We use a 2nd order curve of the form Gtc = A + B * Graw + C * (Graw)**2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ return _gyro_temp_curve[i][0] + _gyro_temp_curve[i][1] * temp + _gyro_temp_curve[i][2] * temp * temp; } /**************************************************/ Vector3f AP_IMU::get_gyro(void) { int tc_temp = _adc->Ch(_gyro_temp_ch); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { _adc_in[i] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[i]); _adc_in[i] -= gyro_temp_comp(i,tc_temp); // Subtract temp compensated typical gyro bias if (_sensor_signs[i] < 0) _adc_in[i] = (_adc_offset[i] - _adc_in[i]); else _adc_in[i] = (_adc_in[i] - _adc_offset[i]); if (fabs(_adc_in[i]) > ADC_CONSTRAINT) { adc_constraints++; // We keep track of the number of times _adc_in[i] = constrain(_adc_in[i], -ADC_CONSTRAINT, ADC_CONSTRAINT); // Throw out nonsensical values } } _gyro_vector.x = ToRad(_gyro_gain_x) * _adc_in[0]; _gyro_vector.y = ToRad(_gyro_gain_y) * _adc_in[1]; _gyro_vector.z = ToRad(_gyro_gain_z) * _adc_in[2]; return _gyro_vector; } /**************************************************/ Vector3f AP_IMU::get_accel(void) { for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++) { _adc_in[i] = _adc->Ch(_sensors[i]); _adc_in[i] -= 2025; // Subtract typical accel bias if (_sensor_signs[i] < 0) _adc_in[i] = _adc_offset[i] - _adc_in[i]; else _adc_in[i] = _adc_in[i] - _adc_offset[i]; if (fabs(_adc_in[i]) > ADC_CONSTRAINT) { adc_constraints++; // We keep track of the number of times _adc_in[i] = constrain(_adc_in[i], -ADC_CONSTRAINT, ADC_CONSTRAINT); // Throw out nonsensical values } } _accel_vector.x = accel_scale(_adc_in[3]); _accel_vector.y = accel_scale(_adc_in[4]); _accel_vector.z = accel_scale(_adc_in[5]); return _accel_vector; } /********************************************************************************/ void AP_IMU::load_gyro_eeprom(void) { _adc_offset[0] = read_EE_float(_address ); _adc_offset[1] = read_EE_float(_address + 4); _adc_offset[2] = read_EE_float(_address + 8); } void AP_IMU::save_gyro_eeprom(void) { write_EE_float(_adc_offset[0], _address); write_EE_float(_adc_offset[1], _address + 4); write_EE_float(_adc_offset[2], _address + 8); } /********************************************************************************/ void AP_IMU::load_accel_eeprom(void) { _adc_offset[3] = read_EE_float(_address + 12); _adc_offset[4] = read_EE_float(_address + 16); _adc_offset[5] = read_EE_float(_address + 20); } void AP_IMU::save_accel_eeprom(void) { write_EE_float(_adc_offset[3], _address + 12); write_EE_float(_adc_offset[4], _address + 16); write_EE_float(_adc_offset[5], _address + 20); } void AP_IMU::print_accel_offsets(void) { Serial.print("Accel offsets: "); Serial.print(_adc_offset[3], 2); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(_adc_offset[4], 2); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(_adc_offset[5], 2); } void AP_IMU::print_gyro_offsets(void) { Serial.print("Gyro offsets: "); Serial.print(_adc_offset[0], 2); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(_adc_offset[1], 2); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(_adc_offset[2], 2); } /********************************************************************************/ float AP_IMU::read_EE_float(int address) { union { byte bytes[4]; float value; } _floatOut; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) _floatOut.bytes[i] = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *) (address + i)); return _floatOut.value; } void AP_IMU::write_EE_float(float value, int address) { union { byte bytes[4]; float value; } _floatIn; _floatIn.value = value; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *) (address + i), _floatIn.bytes[i]); }