# hw definition file for processing by chibios_pins.py # for GEPRFF745-BT-HD bootloader # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32F7xx STM32F745xx # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID AP_HW_GEPRCF745BTHD # crystal frequency, setup to use external oscillator OSCILLATOR_HZ 8000000 define STM32_LSECLK 32768U define STM32_LSEDRV (3U << 3U) FLASH_SIZE_KB 1024 # bootloader starts at zero offset FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB 0 # the location where the bootloader will put the firmware FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB 96 # order of UARTs (and USB) SERIAL_ORDER OTG1 # PA10 IO-debug-console PA11 OTG_FS_DM OTG1 PA12 OTG_FS_DP OTG1 PA13 JTMS-SWDIO SWD PA14 JTCK-SWCLK SWD PD2 BUZZER OUTPUT LOW PULLDOWN PC13 LED_BOOTLOADER OUTPUT LOW define HAL_LED_ON 0 # Motors for esc init PB0 PWMOUT1 OUTPUT LOW PB1 PWMOUT2 OUTPUT LOW PB5 PWMOUT3 OUTPUT LOW PB4 PWMOUT4 OUTPUT LOW PD12 PWMOUT5 OUTPUT LOW PD13 PWMOUT6 OUTPUT LOW PC8 PWMOUT7 OUTPUT LOW PC9 PWMOUT8 OUTPUT LOW # Add CS pins to ensure they are high in bootloader PA15 SDCARD_CS CS PE4 MAX7456_CS CS PA4 MPU6000_CS CS PB12 ICM42605_CS CS