/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "AP_Baro_BMP581.h" #if AP_BARO_BMP581_ENABLED #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal; #define BMP581_ID 0x50 #define BMP581_REG_CHIP_ID 0x01 #define BMP581_REG_REV_ID 0x02 #define BMP581_REG_CHIP_STATUS 0x11 #define BMP581_REG_DRIVE_CONFIG 0x13 #define BMP581_REG_INT_CONFIG 0x14 #define BMP581_REG_INT_SOURCE 0x15 #define BMP581_REG_FIFO_CONFIG 0x16 #define BMP581_REG_FIFO_COUNT 0x17 #define BMP581_REG_FIFO_SEL 0x18 #define BMP581_REG_TEMP_DATA_XLSB 0x1D #define BMP581_REG_TEMP_DATA_LSB 0x1E #define BMP581_REG_TEMP_DATA_MSB 0x1F #define BMP581_REG_PRESS_DATA_XLSB 0x20 #define BMP581_REG_PRESS_DATA_LSB 0x21 #define BMP581_REG_PRESS_DATA_MSB 0x22 #define BMP581_REG_INT_STATUS 0x27 #define BMP581_REG_STATUS 0x28 #define BMP581_REG_FIFO_DATA 0x29 #define BMP581_REG_NVM_ADDR 0x2B #define BMP581_REG_NVM_DATA_LSB 0x2C #define BMP581_REG_NVM_DATA_MSB 0x2D #define BMP581_REG_DSP_CONFIG 0x30 #define BMP581_REG_DSP_IIR 0x31 #define BMP581_REG_OOR_THR_P_LSB 0x32 #define BMP581_REG_OOR_THR_P_MSB 0x33 #define BMP581_REG_OOR_RANGE 0x34 #define BMP581_REG_OOR_CONFIG 0x35 #define BMP581_REG_OSR_CONFIG 0x36 #define BMP581_REG_ODR_CONFIG 0x37 #define BMP581_REG_OSR_EFF 0x38 #define BMP581_REG_CMD 0x7E AP_Baro_BMP581::AP_Baro_BMP581(AP_Baro &baro, AP_HAL::OwnPtr dev) : AP_Baro_Backend(baro) , _dev(std::move(dev)) { } AP_Baro_Backend *AP_Baro_BMP581::probe(AP_Baro &baro, AP_HAL::OwnPtr dev) { if (!dev) { return nullptr; } AP_Baro_BMP581 *sensor = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Baro_BMP581(baro, std::move(dev)); if (!sensor || !sensor->init()) { delete sensor; return nullptr; } return sensor; } bool AP_Baro_BMP581::init() { if (!_dev) { return false; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(_dev->get_semaphore()); _dev->set_speed(AP_HAL::Device::SPEED_HIGH); uint8_t whoami; // setup to allow reads on SPI if (_dev->bus_type() == AP_HAL::Device::BUS_TYPE_SPI) { _dev->set_read_flag(0x80); if (!_dev->read_registers(BMP581_REG_CHIP_ID, &whoami, 1)) { return false; } } if (!_dev->read_registers(BMP581_REG_CHIP_ID, &whoami, 1)) { return false; } switch (whoami) { case BMP581_ID: _dev->set_device_type(DEVTYPE_BARO_BMP581); break; default: return false; } uint8_t status; if (!_dev->read_registers(BMP581_REG_STATUS, &status, 1)) { return false; } if ((status & 0b10) == 0 || (status & 0b100)) { return false; } uint8_t int_status; if (!_dev->read_registers(BMP581_REG_INT_STATUS, &int_status, 1)) { return false; } if ((int_status & 0x10) == 0) { return false; } _dev->setup_checked_registers(4); // Standby mode _dev->write_register(BMP581_REG_ODR_CONFIG, 0, true); // Press EN | osr_p 64X | osr_t 4X _dev->write_register(BMP581_REG_OSR_CONFIG, 0b01110010, true); // ORD 50Hz | Normal Mode _dev->write_register(BMP581_REG_ODR_CONFIG, 0b0111101, true); instance = _frontend.register_sensor(); set_bus_id(instance, _dev->get_bus_id()); // request 50Hz update _dev->register_periodic_callback(20 * AP_USEC_PER_MSEC, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Baro_BMP581::timer, void)); return true; } // acumulate a new sensor reading void AP_Baro_BMP581::timer(void) { uint8_t buf[6]; if (!_dev->read_registers(BMP581_REG_TEMP_DATA_XLSB, buf, sizeof(buf))) { return; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); if (buf[0] != 0x7f || buf[1] != 0x7f || buf[2] != 0x7f) { // we have temperature data temperature = (float)((int32_t)(((uint32_t)buf[2] << 24) | ((uint32_t)buf[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 8)) >> 8) * (1.0f / 65536.0f); } if (buf[3] != 0x7f || buf[4] != 0x7f || buf[5] != 0x7f) { // we have pressure data pressure_sum += (float)(((uint32_t)buf[5] << 16) | ((uint32_t)buf[4] << 8) | (uint32_t)buf[3]) * (1.0f / 64.0f); pressure_count++; } _dev->check_next_register(); } // transfer data to the frontend void AP_Baro_BMP581::update(void) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(_sem); if (pressure_count == 0) { return; } _copy_to_frontend(instance, pressure_sum/pressure_count, temperature); pressure_sum = 0; pressure_count = 0; } #endif // AP_BARO_BMP581_ENABLED