#!/usr/bin/env python ''' create ardupilot terrain database files ''' from MAVProxy.modules.mavproxy_map import srtm import math, struct, os, sys import crc16, time, struct # avoid annoying crc16 DeprecationWarning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) # MAVLink sends 4x4 grids TERRAIN_GRID_MAVLINK_SIZE = 4 # a 2k grid_block on disk contains 8x7 of the mavlink grids. Each # grid block overlaps by one with its neighbour. This ensures that # the altitude at any point can be calculated from a single grid # block TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_X = 7 TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_Y = 8 # this is the spacing between 32x28 grid blocks, in grid_spacing units TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X = ((TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_X-1)*TERRAIN_GRID_MAVLINK_SIZE) TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y = ((TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_Y-1)*TERRAIN_GRID_MAVLINK_SIZE) # giving a total grid size of a disk grid_block of 32x28 TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_X = (TERRAIN_GRID_MAVLINK_SIZE*TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_X) TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y = (TERRAIN_GRID_MAVLINK_SIZE*TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_MUL_Y) # format of grid on disk TERRAIN_GRID_FORMAT_VERSION = 1 IO_BLOCK_SIZE = 2048 IO_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE = 1821 IO_BLOCK_TRAILER_SIZE = IO_BLOCK_SIZE - IO_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE GRID_SPACING = 100 def to_float32(f): '''emulate single precision float''' return struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('f',f))[0] LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR = to_float32(0.011131884502145034) LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR_INV = to_float32(89.83204953368922) def longitude_scale(lat): '''get longitude scale factor''' scale = to_float32(math.cos(to_float32(math.radians(lat)))) return max(scale, 0.01) def diff_longitude_E7(lon1, lon2): '''get longitude difference, handling wrap''' if lon1 * lon2 >= 0: # common case of same sign return lon1 - lon2 dlon = lon1 - lon2 if dlon > 1800000000: dlon -= 3600000000 elif dlon < -1800000000: dlon += 3600000000 return dlon def get_distance_NE_e7(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): '''get distance tuple between two positions in 1e7 format''' dlat = lat2 - lat1 dlng = diff_longitude_E7(lon2,lon1) * longitude_scale((lat1+lat2)*0.5*1.0e-7) return (dlat * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR, dlng * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR) def add_offset(lat_e7, lon_e7, ofs_north, ofs_east): '''add offset in meters to a position''' dlat = int(float(ofs_north) * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR_INV) dlng = int((float(ofs_east) * LOCATION_SCALING_FACTOR_INV) / longitude_scale((lat_e7+dlat*0.5)*1.0e-7)) return (int(lat_e7+dlat), int(lon_e7+dlng)) def east_blocks(lat_e7, lon_e7): '''work out how many blocks per stride on disk''' lat2_e7 = lat_e7 lon2_e7 = lon_e7 + 10*1000*1000 # shift another two blocks east to ensure room is available lat2_e7, lon2_e7 = add_offset(lat2_e7, lon2_e7, 0, 2*GRID_SPACING*TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y) offset = get_distance_NE_e7(lat_e7, lon_e7, lat2_e7, lon2_e7) return int(offset[1] / (GRID_SPACING*TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y)) def pos_from_file_offset(lat_degrees, lon_degrees, file_offset): '''return a lat/lon in 1e7 format given a file offset''' ref_lat = int(lat_degrees*10*1000*1000) ref_lon = int(lon_degrees*10*1000*1000) stride = east_blocks(ref_lat, ref_lon) blocks = file_offset // IO_BLOCK_SIZE grid_idx_x = blocks // stride grid_idx_y = blocks % stride idx_x = grid_idx_x * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X idx_y = grid_idx_y * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y offset = (idx_x * GRID_SPACING, idx_y * GRID_SPACING) (lat_e7, lon_e7) = add_offset(ref_lat, ref_lon, offset[0], offset[1]) offset = get_distance_NE_e7(ref_lat, ref_lon, lat_e7, lon_e7) grid_idx_x = int(idx_x / TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X) grid_idx_y = int(idx_y / TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y) (lat_e7, lon_e7) = add_offset(ref_lat, ref_lon, grid_idx_x * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X * float(GRID_SPACING), grid_idx_y * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y * float(GRID_SPACING)) return (lat_e7, lon_e7) class GridBlock(object): def __init__(self, lat_int, lon_int, lat, lon): ''' a grid block is a structure in a local file containing height information. Each grid block is 2048 bytes in size, to keep file IO to block oriented SD cards efficient ''' # crc of whole block, taken with crc=0 self.crc = 0 # format version number self.version = TERRAIN_GRID_FORMAT_VERSION # grid spacing in meters self.spacing = GRID_SPACING # heights in meters over a 32*28 grid self.height = [] for x in range(TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_X): self.height.append([0]*TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y) # bitmap of 4x4 grids filled in from GCS (56 bits are used) self.bitmap = (1<<56)-1 lat_e7 = int(lat * 1.0e7) lon_e7 = int(lon * 1.0e7) # grids start on integer degrees. This makes storing terrain data on # the SD card a bit easier. Note that this relies on the python floor # behaviour with integer division self.lat_degrees = lat_int self.lon_degrees = lon_int # create reference position for this rounded degree position ref_lat = self.lat_degrees*10*1000*1000 ref_lon = self.lon_degrees*10*1000*1000 # find offset from reference offset = get_distance_NE_e7(ref_lat, ref_lon, lat_e7, lon_e7) offset = (round(offset[0]), round(offset[1])) # get indices in terms of grid_spacing elements idx_x = int(offset[0] / GRID_SPACING) idx_y = int(offset[1] / GRID_SPACING) # find indexes into 32*28 grids for this degree reference. Note # the use of TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_{X,Y} which gives a one square # overlap between grids self.grid_idx_x = idx_x // TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X self.grid_idx_y = idx_y // TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y # calculate lat/lon of SW corner of 32*28 grid_block (ref_lat, ref_lon) = add_offset(ref_lat, ref_lon, self.grid_idx_x * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_X * float(GRID_SPACING), self.grid_idx_y * TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SPACING_Y * float(GRID_SPACING)) self.lat = ref_lat self.lon = ref_lon def fill(self, gx, gy, altitude): '''fill a square''' self.height[gx][gy] = int(altitude) def blocknum(self): '''find IO block number''' stride = east_blocks(self.lat_degrees*1e7, self.lon_degrees*1e7) return stride * self.grid_idx_x + self.grid_idx_y class TerrainError: '''represent errors from testing a degree file''' def __init__(self): self.missing = 0 self.incorrect = 0 self.errors = 0 def add(self, err): self.missing += err.missing self.incorrect += err.incorrect self.errors += err.errors def __str__(self): if self.missing == 0 and self.incorrect == 0 and self.errors == 0: return "OK" return "Errors: %u Missing: %u Incorrect: %u" % (self.errors, self.missing, self.incorrect) class DataFile(object): def __init__(self, lat, lon, readonly=False): if lat < 0: NS = 'S' else: NS = 'N' if lon < 0: EW = 'W' else: EW = 'E' name = "%s/%c%02u%c%03u.DAT" % (args.directory, NS, min(abs(int(lat)), 99), EW, min(abs(int(lon)), 999)) try: os.mkdir(args.directory) except Exception: pass self.fh = None if readonly: if os.path.exists(name): self.fh = open(name, 'rb') elif not os.path.exists(name): self.fh = open(name, 'w+b') else: self.fh = open(name, 'r+b') def seek_offset(self, block): '''seek to right offset''' # work out how many longitude blocks there are at this latitude file_offset = block.blocknum() * IO_BLOCK_SIZE self.fh.seek(file_offset) def pack(self, block): '''pack into a block''' buf = bytes() buf += struct.pack("2 or abs(lon - block.lon)>2 or spacing != GRID_SPACING or bitmap != (1<<56)-1): return False buf = buf[:16] + struct.pack("2 or abs(lon - block.lon)>2 or spacing != GRID_SPACING): print("bad header") err.errors += 1 return err buf = buf[:16] + struct.pack(" test_threshold: err.incorrect += 1 if args.verbose: lat_e7, lon_e7 = add_offset(lat, lon, gx*GRID_SPACING, gy*GRID_SPACING) print("incorrect at %f,%f got %dm should be %dm" % (lat_e7*1.0e-7, lon_e7*1.0e-7, heights[gy], block.height[gx][gy])) ofs += TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y*2 return err def pos_range(filename): '''return min/max of lat/lon in a file''' fh = open(filename, 'rb') lat_min = None lat_max = None lon_min = None lon_max = None while True: buf = fh.read(IO_BLOCK_SIZE) if len(buf) != IO_BLOCK_SIZE: break (bitmap, lat, lon, crc, version, spacing) = struct.unpack("= 1.0: break lat = lat_e7 * 1.0e-7 lon = lon_e7 * 1.0e-7 grid = GridBlock(lat_int, lon_int, lat, lon) if grid.blocknum() != blocknum: continue if not args.force and dfile.check_filled(grid): continue for gx in range(TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_X): for gy in range(TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y): lat_e7, lon_e7 = add_offset(lat*1.0e7, lon*1.0e7, gx*GRID_SPACING, gy*GRID_SPACING) lat2_int = int(math.floor(lat_e7*1.0e-7)) lon2_int = int(math.floor(lon_e7*1.0e-7)) tile_idx = (lat2_int, lon2_int) while not tile_idx in tiles: tile = downloader.getTile(lat2_int, lon2_int) waited = False if tile == 0: print("waiting on download of %d,%d" % (lat2_int, lon2_int)) time.sleep(0.3) waited = True continue if waited: print("downloaded %d,%d" % (lat2_int, lon2_int)) tiles[tile_idx] = tile if isinstance(tile, srtm.SRTMOceanTile): # shortcut ocean tile creation break altitude = tiles[tile_idx].getAltitudeFromLatLon(lat_e7*1.0e-7, lon_e7*1.0e-7) grid.fill(gx, gy, altitude) dfile.write(grid) def test_degree(lat, lon): '''test data file for one degree lat/lon. Return a TerrainError object''' lat_int = int(math.floor(lat)) lon_int = int(math.floor((lon))) tiles = {} dfile = DataFile(lat_int, lon_int, True) print("Testing %d %d" % (lat_int, lon_int)) blocknum = -1 errors = TerrainError() while True: blocknum += 1 (lat_e7, lon_e7) = pos_from_file_offset(lat_int, lon_int, blocknum * IO_BLOCK_SIZE) if lat_e7*1.0e-7 - lat_int >= 1.0: break lat = lat_e7 * 1.0e-7 lon = lon_e7 * 1.0e-7 grid = GridBlock(lat_int, lon_int, lat, lon) if grid.blocknum() != blocknum: continue for gx in range(TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_X): for gy in range(TERRAIN_GRID_BLOCK_SIZE_Y): lat_e7, lon_e7 = add_offset(lat*1.0e7, lon*1.0e7, gx*GRID_SPACING, gy*GRID_SPACING) lat2_int = int(math.floor(lat_e7*1.0e-7)) lon2_int = int(math.floor(lon_e7*1.0e-7)) tile_idx = (lat2_int, lon2_int) while not tile_idx in tiles: tile = downloader.getTile(lat2_int, lon2_int) waited = False if tile == 0: print("waiting on download of %d,%d" % (lat2_int, lon2_int)) time.sleep(0.3) waited = True continue if waited: print("downloaded %d,%d" % (lat2_int, lon2_int)) tiles[tile_idx] = tile altitude = tiles[tile_idx].getAltitudeFromLatLon(lat_e7*1.0e-7, lon_e7*1.0e-7) grid.fill(gx, gy, altitude) err = dfile.compare(grid, args.test_threshold) errors.add(err) return errors def test_directory(): '''test all terrain tiles in a directory''' err = TerrainError() files = sorted(os.listdir(args.directory)) for f in files: if not f.endswith(".DAT"): continue if not (f.startswith("N") or f.startswith("S")): continue f = f[:-4] lat = int(f[1:3]) lon = int(f[4:]) if f[0] == 'S': lat = -lat if f[3] == 'W': lon = -lon e = test_degree(lat, lon) print(e) err.add(e) return err from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description='terrain data creator') parser.add_argument("--lat", type=float, default=None) parser.add_argument("--lon", type=float, default=None) parser.add_argument("--force", action='store_true', help="overwrite existing full blocks") parser.add_argument("--radius", type=int, default=100, help="radius in km") parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("--spacing", type=int, default=100, help="grid spacing in meters") parser.add_argument("--pos-range", default=None, help="show position range for a file") parser.add_argument("--test", action='store_true', help="test altitudes instead of writing them") parser.add_argument("--test-threshold", default=2.0, type=float, help="test altitude threshold") parser.add_argument("--directory", default="terrain", help="directory to use") args = parser.parse_args() if args.pos_range is not None: print(pos_range(args.pos_range)) sys.exit(0) downloader = srtm.SRTMDownloader(debug=args.debug) downloader.loadFileList() GRID_SPACING = args.spacing done = set() if args.test: err = test_directory() if err.errors: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if args.lat is None or args.lon is None: print("You must supply latitude and longitude") sys.exit(1) for dx in range(-args.radius, args.radius): for dy in range(-args.radius, args.radius): (lat2,lon2) = add_offset(args.lat*1e7, args.lon*1e7, dx*1000.0, dy*1000.0) if abs(lat2) > 90e7 or abs(lon2) > 180e7: continue lat_int = int(math.floor(lat2 * 1.0e-7)) lon_int = int(math.floor(lon2 * 1.0e-7)) tag = (lat_int, lon_int) if tag in done: continue done.add(tag) create_degree(lat_int, lon_int)