// // Unit tests for the AP_Math rotations code // #include #include #include void setup(); void loop(); const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); #define MAT_ALG_ACCURACY 1e-4f typedef float ftype; static uint16_t get_random(void) { static uint32_t m_z = 1234; static uint32_t m_w = 76542; m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >> 16); m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >> 16); return ((m_z << 16) + m_w) & 0xF; } static void show_matrix(ftype *A, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) printf("%.10f ", A[i * n + j]); printf("\n"); } } static bool compare_mat(const ftype *A, const ftype *B, const uint8_t n) { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { for(uint8_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { if(fabsf(A[i*n + j] - B[i*n + j]) > MAT_ALG_ACCURACY) { return false; } } } return true; } static void test_matrix_inverse(void) { //fast inverses ftype test_mat[25],ident_mat[25]; ftype out_mat[25], out_mat2[25], mat[25]; for(uint8_t i = 0;i<25;i++) { test_mat[i] = powf(-1,i)*get_random()/0.7f; } //Test for 3x3 matrix mat_identity(ident_mat, 3); if (mat_inverse(test_mat,mat,3) && mat_inverse(mat, out_mat2, 3)) { mat_mul(test_mat, mat, out_mat, 3); } else { hal.console->printf("3x3 Matrix is Singular!\n"); return; } printf("\n\n3x3 Test Matrix:\n"); show_matrix(test_mat,3); printf("\nInverse of Inverse of matrix\n"); show_matrix(mat,3); printf("\nInv(A) * A\n"); show_matrix(out_mat,3); printf("\n"); // compare matrix if (!compare_mat(test_mat, out_mat2, 3)) { printf("Test Failed!!\n"); return; } if (!compare_mat(ident_mat, out_mat, 3)) { printf("Identity output Test Failed!!\n"); return; } //Test for 4x4 matrix mat_identity(ident_mat, 4); if (mat_inverse(test_mat, mat, 4) && mat_inverse(mat, out_mat2, 4)){ mat_mul(test_mat, mat, out_mat, 4); } else { hal.console->printf("4x4 Matrix is Singular!\n"); return; } printf("\n\n4x4 Test Matrix:\n"); show_matrix(test_mat,4); printf("\nInverse of Inverse of matrix\n"); show_matrix(mat,4); printf("\nInv(A) * A\n"); show_matrix(out_mat,4); printf("\n"); if (!compare_mat(test_mat, out_mat2, 4)) { printf("Test Failed!!\n"); return; } if (!compare_mat(ident_mat,out_mat,4)) { printf("Identity output Test Failed!!\n"); return; } //Test for 5x5 matrix mat_identity(ident_mat, 5); if (mat_inverse(test_mat,mat,5) && mat_inverse(mat, out_mat2, 5)) { mat_mul(test_mat, mat, out_mat, 5); } else { hal.console->printf("5x5 Matrix is Singular!\n"); return; } printf("\n\n5x5 Test Matrix:\n"); show_matrix(test_mat,5); printf("\nInverse of Inverse of matrix\n"); show_matrix(mat,5); printf("\nInv(A) * A\n"); show_matrix(out_mat,5); printf("\n"); if (!compare_mat(test_mat, out_mat2, 5)) { printf("Test Failed!!\n"); return; } if (!compare_mat(ident_mat, out_mat, 5)) { printf("Identity output Test Failed!!\n"); return; } hal.console->printf("All tests succeeded!!\n"); } void setup(void) { hal.console->printf("Matrix Algebra test\n\n"); test_matrix_inverse(); hal.console->printf("Matrix Algebra tests done\n\n"); } void loop(void) {} AP_HAL_MAIN();