/* AP_Logger logging - file oriented variant This uses posix file IO to create log files called logs/NN.bin in the given directory SD Card Rates on PixHawk: - deletion rate seems to be ~50 files/second. - stat seems to be ~150/second - readdir loop of 511 entry directory ~62,000 microseconds */ #include "AP_Logger_config.h" #if HAL_LOGGING_FILESYSTEM_ENABLED #include #include #if AP_FILESYSTEM_LITTLEFS_ENABLED #include #endif #include "AP_Logger.h" #include "AP_Logger_File.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #define LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE 1024UL #define MB_to_B 1000000 #define B_to_MB 0.000001 // time between tries to open log #define LOGGER_FILE_REOPEN_MS 5000 /* constructor */ AP_Logger_File::AP_Logger_File(AP_Logger &front, LoggerMessageWriter_DFLogStart *writer) : AP_Logger_Backend(front, writer), _log_directory(HAL_BOARD_LOG_DIRECTORY) { df_stats_clear(); } void AP_Logger_File::ensure_log_directory_exists() { int ret; struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); ret = AP::FS().stat(_log_directory, &st); if (ret == -1) { ret = AP::FS().mkdir(_log_directory); } if (ret == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Failed to create log directory %s : %s", _log_directory, strerror(errno)); } } void AP_Logger_File::Init() { // determine and limit file backend buffersize uint32_t bufsize = _front._params.file_bufsize; bufsize *= 1024; const uint32_t desired_bufsize = bufsize; // If we can't allocate the full size, try to reduce it until we can allocate it while (!_writebuf.set_size(bufsize) && bufsize >= _writebuf_chunk) { bufsize *= 0.9; } if (bufsize >= _writebuf_chunk && bufsize != desired_bufsize) { DEV_PRINTF("AP_Logger: reduced buffer %u/%u\n", (unsigned)bufsize, (unsigned)desired_bufsize); } if (!_writebuf.get_size()) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of memory for logging\n"); return; } DEV_PRINTF("AP_Logger_File: buffer size=%u\n", (unsigned)bufsize); _initialised = true; const char* custom_dir = hal.util->get_custom_log_directory(); if (custom_dir != nullptr){ _log_directory = custom_dir; } uint16_t last_log_num = find_last_log(); if (last_log_is_marked_discard) { // delete the last log leftover from LOG_DISARMED=3 char *filename = _log_file_name(last_log_num); if (filename != nullptr) { AP::FS().unlink(filename); free(filename); } } Prep_MinSpace(); } bool AP_Logger_File::file_exists(const char *filename) const { struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(filename, &st) == -1) { // hopefully errno==ENOENT. If some error occurs it is // probably better to assume this file exists. return false; } return true; } bool AP_Logger_File::log_exists(const uint16_t lognum) const { char *filename = _log_file_name(lognum); if (filename == nullptr) { return false; // ?! } bool ret = file_exists(filename); free(filename); return ret; } void AP_Logger_File::periodic_1Hz() { AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_1Hz(); if (_initialised && _write_fd == -1 && _read_fd == -1 && erase.log_num == 0 && erase.was_logging) { // restart logging after an erase if needed erase.was_logging = false; // setup to open the log in the backend thread start_new_log_pending = true; } if (_initialised && !start_new_log_pending && _write_fd == -1 && _read_fd == -1 && logging_enabled() && !recent_open_error()) { // setup to open the log in the backend thread start_new_log_pending = true; } if (!io_thread_alive()) { if (io_thread_warning_decimation_counter == 0 && _initialised) { // we don't print this error unless we did initialise. When _initialised is set to true // we register the IO timer callback GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "AP_Logger: stuck thread (%s)", last_io_operation); } if (io_thread_warning_decimation_counter++ > 30) { io_thread_warning_decimation_counter = 0; } } if (rate_limiter == nullptr && (_front._params.file_ratemax > 0 || _front._params.disarm_ratemax > 0 || _front._log_pause)) { // setup rate limiting if log rate max > 0Hz or log pause of streaming entries is requested rate_limiter = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Logger_RateLimiter(_front, _front._params.file_ratemax, _front._params.disarm_ratemax); } } void AP_Logger_File::periodic_fullrate() { AP_Logger_Backend::push_log_blocks(); } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::bufferspace_available() { const uint32_t space = _writebuf.space(); const uint32_t crit = critical_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size()); return (space > crit) ? space - crit : 0; } bool AP_Logger_File::recent_open_error(void) const { if (_open_error_ms == 0) { return false; } return AP_HAL::millis() - _open_error_ms < LOGGER_FILE_REOPEN_MS; } // return true for CardInserted() if we successfully initialized bool AP_Logger_File::CardInserted(void) const { return _initialised && !recent_open_error(); } // returns the amount of disk space available in _log_directory (in bytes) // returns -1 on error int64_t AP_Logger_File::disk_space_avail() { return AP::FS().disk_free(_log_directory); } // returns the total amount of disk space (in use + available) in // _log_directory (in bytes). // returns -1 on error int64_t AP_Logger_File::disk_space() { return AP::FS().disk_space(_log_directory); } /* convert a dirent to a log number */ bool AP_Logger_File::dirent_to_log_num(const dirent *de, uint16_t &log_num) const { uint8_t length = strlen(de->d_name); if (length < 5) { return false; } if (strncmp(&de->d_name[length-4], ".BIN", 4) != 0) { // doesn't end in .BIN return false; } uint16_t thisnum = strtoul(de->d_name, nullptr, 10); if (thisnum > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { return false; } log_num = thisnum; return true; } // find_oldest_log - find oldest log in _log_directory // returns 0 if no log was found uint16_t AP_Logger_File::find_oldest_log() { if (_cached_oldest_log != 0) { return _cached_oldest_log; } uint16_t last_log_num = find_last_log(); if (last_log_num == 0) { return 0; } uint16_t current_oldest_log = 0; // 0 is invalid // We could count up to find_last_log(), but if people start // relying on the min_avail_space_percent feature we could end up // doing a *lot* of asprintf()s and stat()s EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); auto *d = AP::FS().opendir(_log_directory); if (d == nullptr) { // SD card may have died? On linux someone may have rm-rf-d return 0; } // we only remove files which look like xxx.BIN EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); for (struct dirent *de=AP::FS().readdir(d); de; de=AP::FS().readdir(d)) { EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); uint16_t thisnum; if (!dirent_to_log_num(de, thisnum)) { // not a log filename continue; } if (current_oldest_log == 0) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } else { if (current_oldest_log <= last_log_num) { if (thisnum > last_log_num) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } else if (thisnum < current_oldest_log) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } } else { // current_oldest_log > last_log_num if (thisnum > last_log_num) { if (thisnum < current_oldest_log) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } } } } } AP::FS().closedir(d); _cached_oldest_log = current_oldest_log; return current_oldest_log; } void AP_Logger_File::Prep_MinSpace() { if (hal.util->was_watchdog_reset()) { // don't clear space if watchdog reset, it takes too long return; } if (!CardInserted()) { return; } const uint16_t first_log_to_remove = find_oldest_log(); if (first_log_to_remove == 0) { // no files to remove return; } const int64_t target_free = (int64_t)_front._params.min_MB_free * MB_to_B; uint16_t log_to_remove = first_log_to_remove; uint16_t count = 0; do { int64_t avail = disk_space_avail(); if (avail == -1) { break; } if (avail >= target_free) { break; } if (count++ > _front.get_max_num_logs() + 10) { // *way* too many deletions going on here. Possible internal error. INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_too_many_deletions); break; } char *filename_to_remove = _log_file_name(log_to_remove); if (filename_to_remove == nullptr) { INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_bad_getfilename); break; } if (file_exists(filename_to_remove)) { DEV_PRINTF("Removing (%s) for minimum-space requirements (%.0fMB < %.0fMB)\n", filename_to_remove, (double)avail*B_to_MB, (double)target_free*B_to_MB); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(2000); if (AP::FS().unlink(filename_to_remove) == -1) { _cached_oldest_log = 0; DEV_PRINTF("Failed to remove %s: %s\n", filename_to_remove, strerror(errno)); free(filename_to_remove); if (errno == ENOENT) { // corruption - should always have a continuous // sequence of files... however, there may be still // files out there, so keep going. } else { break; } } else { free(filename_to_remove); } } log_to_remove++; if (log_to_remove > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { log_to_remove = 1; } } while (log_to_remove != first_log_to_remove); } /* construct a log file name given a log number. The number in the log filename will be zero-padded. Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_log_file_name(const uint16_t log_num) const { char *buf = nullptr; if (asprintf(&buf, "%s/%08u.BIN", _log_directory, (unsigned)log_num) == -1) { return nullptr; } return buf; } /* return path name of the lastlog.txt marker file Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_lastlog_file_name(void) const { char *buf = nullptr; if (asprintf(&buf, "%s/LASTLOG.TXT", _log_directory) == -1) { return nullptr; } return buf; } // remove all log files void AP_Logger_File::EraseAll() { if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) { // do not want to do any filesystem operations while we are e.g. flying return; } if (!_initialised) { return; } erase.was_logging = (_write_fd != -1); stop_logging(); erase.log_num = 1; } bool AP_Logger_File::WritesOK() const { if (_write_fd == -1) { return false; } if (recent_open_error()) { return false; } return true; } bool AP_Logger_File::StartNewLogOK() const { if (recent_open_error()) { return false; } #if !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) && !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_UNKNOWN) if (hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) { return false; } #endif return AP_Logger_Backend::StartNewLogOK(); } /* Write a block of data at current offset */ bool AP_Logger_File::_WritePrioritisedBlock(const void *pBuffer, uint16_t size, bool is_critical) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(semaphore); #if APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) if (AP::FS().write(_write_fd, pBuffer, size) != size) { AP_HAL::panic("Short write"); } return true; #endif uint32_t space = _writebuf.space(); if (_writing_startup_messages && _startup_messagewriter->fmt_done()) { // the state machine has called us, and it has finished // writing format messages out. It can always get back to us // with more messages later, so let's leave room for other // things: const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); const bool must_dribble = (now - last_messagewrite_message_sent) > 100; if (!must_dribble && space < non_messagewriter_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size())) { // this message isn't dropped, it will be sent again... return false; } last_messagewrite_message_sent = now; } else { // we reserve some amount of space for critical messages: if (!is_critical && space < critical_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size())) { _dropped++; return false; } } // if no room for entire message - drop it: if (space < size) { _dropped++; return false; } _writebuf.write((uint8_t*)pBuffer, size); df_stats_gather(size, _writebuf.space()); return true; } /* find the highest log number */ uint16_t AP_Logger_File::find_last_log() { unsigned ret = 0; char *fname = _lastlog_file_name(); if (fname == nullptr) { return ret; } EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); FileData *fd = AP::FS().load_file(fname); free(fname); last_log_is_marked_discard = false; if (fd != nullptr) { char *endptr = nullptr; ret = strtol((const char *)fd->data, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != nullptr) { last_log_is_marked_discard = *endptr == 'D'; } delete fd; } return ret; } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::_get_log_size(const uint16_t log_num) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return 0; } if (_write_fd != -1 && write_fd_semaphore.take_nonblocking()) { if (_write_filename != nullptr && strcmp(_write_filename, fname) == 0) { // it is the file we are currently writing free(fname); write_fd_semaphore.give(); return _write_offset; } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(fname, &st) != 0) { free(fname); return 0; } free(fname); return st.st_size; } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::_get_log_time(const uint16_t log_num) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return 0; } if (_write_fd != -1 && write_fd_semaphore.take_nonblocking()) { if (_write_filename != nullptr && strcmp(_write_filename, fname) == 0) { // it is the file we are currently writing free(fname); write_fd_semaphore.give(); #if AP_RTC_ENABLED uint64_t utc_usec; if (!AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec)) { return 0; } return utc_usec / 1000000U; #else return 0; #endif } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(fname, &st) != 0) { free(fname); return 0; } free(fname); return st.st_mtime; } /* find the number of pages in a log */ void AP_Logger_File::get_log_boundaries(const uint16_t list_entry, uint32_t & start_page, uint32_t & end_page) { const uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs start_page = 0; end_page = 0; return; } start_page = 0; end_page = _get_log_size(log_num) / LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE; } /* retrieve data from a log file */ int16_t AP_Logger_File::get_log_data(const uint16_t list_entry, const uint16_t page, const uint32_t offset, const uint16_t len, uint8_t *data) { if (!_initialised || recent_open_error()) { return -1; } const uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs return -1; } if (_read_fd != -1 && log_num != _read_fd_log_num) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; } if (_read_fd == -1) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return -1; } stop_logging(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); _read_fd = AP::FS().open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (_read_fd == -1) { _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); int saved_errno = errno; ::printf("Log read open fail for %s - %s\n", fname, strerror(saved_errno)); DEV_PRINTF("Log read open fail for %s - %s\n", fname, strerror(saved_errno)); free(fname); return -1; } free(fname); _read_offset = 0; _read_fd_log_num = log_num; } uint32_t ofs = page * (uint32_t)LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE + offset; if (ofs != _read_offset) { if (AP::FS().lseek(_read_fd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; return -1; } _read_offset = ofs; } int16_t ret = (int16_t)AP::FS().read(_read_fd, data, len); if (ret > 0) { _read_offset += ret; } return ret; } void AP_Logger_File::end_log_transfer() { if (_read_fd != -1) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; } } /* find size and date of a log */ void AP_Logger_File::get_log_info(const uint16_t list_entry, uint32_t &size, uint32_t &time_utc) { uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs size = 0; time_utc = 0; return; } size = _get_log_size(log_num); time_utc = _get_log_time(log_num); } /* get the number of logs - note that the log numbers must be consecutive */ uint16_t AP_Logger_File::get_num_logs() { auto *d = AP::FS().opendir(_log_directory); if (d == nullptr) { return 0; } uint16_t high = find_last_log(); uint16_t ret = high; uint16_t smallest_above_last = 0; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(2000); for (struct dirent *de=AP::FS().readdir(d); de; de=AP::FS().readdir(d)) { EXPECT_DELAY_MS(100); uint16_t thisnum; if (!dirent_to_log_num(de, thisnum)) { // not a log filename continue; } if (thisnum > high && (smallest_above_last == 0 || thisnum < smallest_above_last)) { smallest_above_last = thisnum; } } AP::FS().closedir(d); if (smallest_above_last != 0) { // we have wrapped, add in the logs with high numbers ret += (_front.get_max_num_logs() - smallest_above_last) + 1; } return ret; } /* stop logging */ void AP_Logger_File::stop_logging(void) { // best-case effort to avoid annoying the IO thread const bool have_sem = write_fd_semaphore.take(hal.util->get_soft_armed()?1:20); if (_write_fd != -1) { int fd = _write_fd; _write_fd = -1; AP::FS().close(fd); } if (have_sem) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); } } /* does start_new_log in the logger thread */ void AP_Logger_File::PrepForArming_start_logging() { if (logging_started()) { return; } uint32_t start_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); const uint32_t open_limit_ms = 1000; /* log open happens in the io_timer thread. We allow for a maximum of 1s to complete the open */ start_new_log_pending = true; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(1000); while (AP_HAL::millis() - start_ms < open_limit_ms) { if (logging_started()) { break; } #if !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) && AP_AHRS_ENABLED // keep the EKF ticking over AP::ahrs().update(); #endif hal.scheduler->delay(1); } } /* start writing to a new log file */ void AP_Logger_File::start_new_log(void) { if (recent_open_error()) { // we have previously failed to open a file - don't try again // to prevent us trying to open files while in flight return; } if (erase.log_num != 0) { // don't start a new log while erasing, but record that we // want to start logging when erase finished erase.was_logging = true; return; } const bool open_error_ms_was_zero = (_open_error_ms == 0); // set _open_error here to avoid infinite recursion. Simply // writing a prioritised block may try to open a log - which means // if anything in the start_new_log path does a GCS_SEND_TEXT() // (for example), you will end up recursing if we don't take // precautions. We will reset _open_error if we actually manage // to open the log... _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); stop_logging(); start_new_log_reset_variables(); if (_read_fd != -1) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; } if (disk_space_avail() < _free_space_min_avail && disk_space() > 0) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of space for logging\n"); return; } uint16_t log_num = find_last_log(); // re-use empty logs if possible if (_get_log_size(log_num) > 0 || log_num == 0) { log_num++; } if (log_num > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { log_num = 1; } if (!write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { return; } if (_write_filename) { free(_write_filename); _write_filename = nullptr; } _write_filename = _log_file_name(log_num); if (_write_filename == nullptr) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); return; } #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS // remember if we had utc time when we opened the file #if AP_RTC_ENABLED uint64_t utc_usec; _need_rtc_update = !AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec); #endif #endif // create the log directory if need be ensure_log_directory_exists(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); _write_fd = AP::FS().open(_write_filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); _cached_oldest_log = 0; if (_write_fd == -1) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); int saved_errno = errno; if (open_error_ms_was_zero) { ::printf("Log open fail for %s - %s\n", _write_filename, strerror(saved_errno)); DEV_PRINTF("Log open fail for %s - %s\n", _write_filename, strerror(saved_errno)); } return; } _last_write_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); _open_error_ms = 0; _write_offset = 0; _writebuf.clear(); write_fd_semaphore.give(); // now update lastlog.txt with the new log number last_log_is_marked_discard = _front._params.log_disarmed == AP_Logger::LogDisarmed::LOG_WHILE_DISARMED_DISCARD; if (!write_lastlog_file(log_num)) { _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); } } /* write LASTLOG.TXT, possibly with a discard marker */ bool AP_Logger_File::write_lastlog_file(uint16_t log_num) { // now update lastlog.txt with the new log number char *fname = _lastlog_file_name(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); int fd = AP::FS().open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT); free(fname); if (fd == -1) { return false; } char buf[30]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u%s\r\n", (unsigned)log_num, last_log_is_marked_discard?"D":""); const ssize_t to_write = strlen(buf); const ssize_t written = AP::FS().write(fd, buf, to_write); AP::FS().close(fd); return written == to_write; } #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL || CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_LINUX void AP_Logger_File::flush(void) #if APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) || APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_UNKNOWN) { uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis(); while (_write_fd != -1 && _initialised && !recent_open_error() && _writebuf.available()) { // convince the IO timer that it really is OK to write out // less than _writebuf_chunk bytes: if (tnow > 2001) { // avoid resetting _last_write_time to 0 _last_write_time = tnow - 2001; } io_timer(); } if (write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { if (_write_fd != -1) { ::fsync(_write_fd); } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } else { INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_flushing_without_sem); } } #else { // flush is for replay and examples only } #endif // APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) || APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_UNKNOWN) #endif void AP_Logger_File::io_timer(void) { uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis(); _io_timer_heartbeat = tnow; if (start_new_log_pending) { start_new_log(); start_new_log_pending = false; } if (erase.log_num != 0) { // continue erase erase_next(); return; } if (_write_fd == -1 || !_initialised || recent_open_error()) { return; } if (last_log_is_marked_discard && hal.util->get_soft_armed()) { // time to make the log permanent const auto log_num = find_last_log(); last_log_is_marked_discard = false; write_lastlog_file(log_num); } uint32_t nbytes = _writebuf.available(); if (nbytes == 0) { return; } if (nbytes < _writebuf_chunk && tnow - _last_write_time < 2000UL) { // write in _writebuf_chunk-sized chunks, but always write at // least once per 2 seconds if data is available return; } #if !AP_FILESYSTEM_LITTLEFS_ENABLED // too expensive on littlefs, rely on ENOSPC below if (tnow - _free_space_last_check_time > _free_space_check_interval) { _free_space_last_check_time = tnow; last_io_operation = "disk_space_avail"; if (disk_space_avail() < _free_space_min_avail && disk_space() > 0) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of space for logging\n"); stop_logging(); _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); // prevent logging starting again for 5s last_io_operation = ""; return; } last_io_operation = ""; } #endif _last_write_time = tnow; if (nbytes > _writebuf_chunk) { // be kind to the filesystem layer nbytes = _writebuf_chunk; } uint32_t size; const uint8_t *head = _writebuf.readptr(size); nbytes = MIN(nbytes, size); #if !AP_FILESYSTEM_LITTLEFS_ENABLED // try to align writes on a 512 byte boundary to avoid filesystem reads if ((nbytes + _write_offset) % 512 != 0) { uint32_t ofs = (nbytes + _write_offset) % 512; if (ofs < nbytes) { nbytes -= ofs; } } #endif last_io_operation = "write"; if (!write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { return; } if (_write_fd == -1) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); return; } uint32_t bytes_until_fsync = AP::FS().bytes_until_fsync(_write_fd); if (bytes_until_fsync > 0 && nbytes > bytes_until_fsync) { nbytes = bytes_until_fsync; // write exactly enough to sync } ssize_t nwritten = AP::FS().write(_write_fd, head, nbytes); last_io_operation = ""; if (nwritten <= 0) { if (errno == ENOSPC) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of space for logging\n"); stop_logging(); _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); // prevent logging starting again for 5s last_io_operation = ""; } else if ((tnow - _last_write_ms)/1000U > unsigned(_front._params.file_timeout)) { // if we can't write for LOG_FILE_TIMEOUT seconds we give up and close // the file. This allows us to cope with temporary write // failures caused by directory listing last_io_operation = "close"; AP::FS().close(_write_fd); last_io_operation = ""; _write_fd = -1; printf("Failed to write to File: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } _last_write_failed = true; } else { _last_write_failed = false; _last_write_ms = tnow; _write_offset += nwritten; _writebuf.advance(nwritten); // we know nwritten > 0 so we won't sync if bytes_until_fsync == 0 if ((uint32_t)nwritten == bytes_until_fsync) { last_io_operation = "fsync"; AP::FS().fsync(_write_fd); last_io_operation = ""; } #if AP_RTC_ENABLED && CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS // ChibiOS does not update mtime on writes, so if we opened // without knowing the time we should update it later if (_need_rtc_update) { uint64_t utc_usec; if (AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec)) { AP::FS().set_mtime(_write_filename, utc_usec/(1000U*1000U)); _need_rtc_update = false; } } #endif } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } bool AP_Logger_File::io_thread_alive() const { if (!hal.scheduler->is_system_initialized()) { // the system has long pauses during initialisation, assume still OK return true; } // if the io thread hasn't had a heartbeat in a while then it is #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_ESP32 uint32_t timeout_ms = 10000; #else uint32_t timeout_ms = 5000; #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL && !defined(HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH) // the IO thread is working with hardware - writing to a physical // disk. Unfortunately these hardware devices do not obey our // SITL speedup options, so we allow for it here. SITL::SIM *sitl = AP::sitl(); if (sitl != nullptr) { timeout_ms *= sitl->speedup; } #endif return (AP_HAL::millis() - _io_timer_heartbeat) < timeout_ms; } bool AP_Logger_File::logging_failed() const { if (!_initialised) { return true; } if (recent_open_error()) { return true; } if (!io_thread_alive()) { // No heartbeat in a second. IO thread is dead?! Very Not // Good. return true; } if (_last_write_failed) { return true; } return false; } /* erase another file in async erase operation */ void AP_Logger_File::erase_next(void) { char *fname = _log_file_name(erase.log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { erase.log_num = 0; return; } AP::FS().unlink(fname); free(fname); erase.log_num++; if (erase.log_num <= _front.get_max_num_logs()) { return; } fname = _lastlog_file_name(); if (fname != nullptr) { AP::FS().unlink(fname); free(fname); } _cached_oldest_log = 0; erase.log_num = 0; } #endif // HAL_LOGGING_FILESYSTEM_ENABLED